高考英语题型组合练 (4)

高考英语题型组合练 (4)
高考英语题型组合练 (4)





From Antigua to Zanzibar,these spots promise an incredible trip for 2019.


“Antigua is worth every penny,but that doesn’t mean you’ll have to empty your wallet,” says Hudson.There are plenty of budget-conscious activities.It won’t cost you a coin to visit Santo Domingo del Cerro,an outdoor sculpture park.Wanting something sweet? Head to ChocoMuseo.Admission is free and so are the samples!


Odessa is having a bit of a tourism boom nationwide—not that we’re surprised,given its sandy beaches and pastel-colored buildings—but it’s still fairly under the order for international audiences.You can also count on this port city for affordable fun.Tickets to the Odessa Opera House start at a mere $2!


“Travelers on budget will find Colombia’s vast capital far more of a bargain and every bit as fascinating,” says Hudson.“It’s free to visit Museo de Oro and on Sundays many of the big roads are closed to accommodate food carts,street entertainers,and pedestrians.”


Zanzibar attracts vacationers with its white sand beaches,greenish-blue tides,colorful coral reefs,and oceanfront seaside.Of course,wandering in historic Stone Town is pretty appealing too.Either way,you needn’t spend a penny in this amazing place.It’s also worth noting that Jozani Forest is the only place in the world you can see endangered red colobus monkeys.

语篇解读本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了2019年从安提瓜到桑给巴尔值得旅行的景点。1.Which of the following requires admission fee?


B.Stone Town.

C.Museo de Oro.

D.Odessa Opera House.

答案 D

解析细节理解题。根据文章Odessa,Ukraine中最后一句“Tickets to the Odessa Opera House

start at a mere $2!”可知,到敖德萨歌剧院需要入场费。故选D。

2.What is special to Zanzibar?

A.White sand beaches.

B.Colorful coral reefs.

C.Red colobus monkeys.

D.Historic Stone Town.

答案 C

解析细节理解题。根据文章Zanzibar中最后一句“It’s also worth noting that Jozani Forest is the only place in the world you can see endangered red colobus monkeys.”可知,Jozani森林是世界上唯一可以看到濒危红疣猴的地方。故选C。

3.What do the four destinations have in common?

A.They are coastal cities.

B.They are inexpensive to visit.

C.They welcome street entertainers.

D.They will make your wallet empty.

答案 B

解析推理判断题。根据Antigua,Guatemala中第三句中的“It won’t cost you a coin to”“Admission is free”;Odessa,Ukraine中的“Tickets to the Odessa Opera House start at a mere $2! ”;Bogotá,Colombia中最后一句中的“It’s free to visit...”和Zanzibar中第三句“Either way,you needn’t spend a penny in this amazing place.”可推断出,到这些地方参观都不贵。故选B。



When Lina was awoken by the sound of thunder,she was alone on the island.The air was cool and bullfrogs croaked.It was that brief moment when the summer sun had set but the stars hadn’t yet appeared.Lina rubbed her eyes and looked around.

“Hello?” she called.“Celia? Marie?”

There was no response.

The moon was rising now,shedding light on the island.They had always called it “Forgotten Island” because no one but they seemed to remember its existence.It wasn’t on any of the maps they could find,and even the forest rangers didn’t know about it.Lina loved that the island,hidden in a heavily-wooded side stream of the river,was a secret between the three friends—her,Celia,and Marie.

But now Lina was here alone,and it was night.Worse still,it was her own fault.

“Come on,Lina,let Marie row the boat.” Celia had said.Marie was two years older than Lina,but she was a hopeless rower.That’s why Lina refused and rowed the boat to the island.The argument that followed the refusal took the usual form.Celia took Marie’s side,as she always did.Lina had exploded and yelled at them to just leave.So they got back in the boat and left.

A bolt of lightning crossed the darkened sky,accompanied by a deafening thunder clap.The storm was here.As the first cold raindrop slid down her neck,Lina’s mind returned to her current problem.She was stuck here by herself.She just hoped she didn’t become as forgotten as the island.The thought of it sent a chill(寒意)down her back.

Suddenly,Lina spotted something in the water.It was a boat,and inside it were Marie,Celia,and Marie’s dad,who was steering through the fast flowing waters.As the boat approached,they saw Lina waving and the worried expressions on their faces turned to relief.

In her excitement Lina jumped into the river.Only once she was in the icy water did she remember how fast the water was moving.Luckily a strong arm reached into the water and pulled her out.She smiled weakly at Marie’s dad and,without a word,hugged Celia and Marie.They didn’t seem to mind becoming wet.

4.What can be inferred about the island?

A.It is very near the ocean.

B.It is a popular place for boating.

C.It is surrounded by thick forest.

D.It has never been reached by others.

答案 C

解析推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“Lina loved that the island,hidden in a heavily-wooded side stream of the river,was a secret between the three friends—her,Celia,and Marie.”可知小岛隐藏在一条树木繁茂的河边,故可推知小岛是被浓密的森林包围着。故选C。5.Why did Lina get angry?

A.Marie did not help row the boat.

B.Lina was left alone on the island.

C.Marie didn’t know how to row the boat.

D.Celia supported Marie in the disagreement.

答案 D

解析细节理解题。根据第六段倒数第三句“Celia took Marie’s side,as she always did.”可


6.What caused Lina to feel a chill?

A.Her shame about the unnecessary argument.

B.The first raindrop of the approaching storm.

C.The idea that no one would come to save her.

D.The drop in temperature as the sun went down.

答案 C


7.Who pulled Lina out of the water?

A.Marie’s father. B.Lina herself.

C.Marie. D.Celia.

答案 A

解析细节理解题。根据最后一段倒数第二、三句“Luckily a strong arm reached into the water and pulled her out.She smiled weakly at Marie’s dad...”可知一只强壮的手臂伸进水里把她拉了出来,这正是Marie的父亲,故选A。


While elephants born without tusks(长牙)are not unheard of,they normally form just 2 to 6 percent of the population.However,that is not the case at Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park,where an astonishing 33 percent of female elephants born after the country’s civil war ended in 1992 are tuskless.While that may appear to be just a coincidence,Joyce Poole,an elephant behavior expert,has another theory.The researcher thinks we may be witnessing unnatural evolution of the species due to the constant hunting of elephants for valuable ivory.

Poole says before the country’s 15-year-long civil war,the 100,000-acre park was home to over 4,000 elephants.However,by the time the conflict ended in 1992,about 90 percent of them had been killed for ivory to help finance weapons(武器) and meat to feed the soldiers.Of the less than 200 survivors,over 50 percent of adult females had no tusks.Therefore,it is not surprising that the park’s tuskless elephant population has grown greatly.

This is not the first time researchers have observed a great change in the population of elephants.At Zambia’s South Luangwa National Park and Lupande Game Management Area,areas which were heavily hunted in the 1970s and 1980s,35% of elephants 25 years or older and 13% of those younger than 25 are now without tusks.A 2008 study published in the African Journal of Ecology found that the number of tuskless females at the Ruaha National Park in Tanzania went from 10.5 percent in 1969 to almost 40 percent in 1989,largely due to illegal hunting for ivory.

The recent ban on ivory in both the US and China should help get rid of,or at least reduce,

elephant hunting.However,scientists are not sure how long it will take for elephants with a higher rate of tuskless females,to change the trend.

8.What is the probable cause of the phenomenon mentioned in Paragraph 1?

A.Illegal hunting.

B.Constant farming.

C.A pure coincidence.

D.Natural evolution.

答案 A


9.Why did people kill so many elephants during the civil war in Mozambique?

A.To get funds by selling ivory.

B.To develop new weapons.

C.To provide food for local people.

D.To make ivory products.

答案 A


10.Which of the following had the earliest record on tuskless elephants?

A.Gorongosa National Park.

B.South Luangwa National Park.

C.The Ruaha National Park.

D.Lupande Game Management Area.

答案 C


11.What does the underlined phrase “the trend” in the last paragraph refer to? A.Elephants facing greater danger.

B.Elephants growing more slowly.

C.Fewer female elephants staying alive.

D.More female elephants being tuskless.

答案 D

解析词义猜测题。由画线词所在的句子“However,scientists are not sure how long it will take for elephants with a higher rate of tuskless females,to change the trend.”可知,the trend指的是更多的母象没有象牙,故选D。


When it comes to focusing at work,there is no lack of things to take responsibility for our wandering minds.Refreshing Twitter,scanning the news,talking with colleagues about small beer.But there’s one possible cause of frequent distraction(分心).Our work isn’t complex enough,and there isn’t enough of it.

This idea isn’t popular,especially with those who feel they’re already working busily.Actually complex tasks demand more of our working memory and attention,with little mental distraction.We get bored when our skills go beyond the demands of our work.And we feel anxious when the demands of a task go beyond our skills.Understanding your skill level,and matching this with a worthy task will make you more likely to be fully devoted to your work.Besides questioning the complexity of tasks,it’s worth reflecting on whether you have enough work to do in general.If not,you’re inviting distraction.

Think back to your last deadline.That timeline offers you no distractions like using social media.Our workload tends to expand to fit the time available for the completion of work.Small tasks that should take two hours will take an entire workday if we have that time available.Distractions are to blame for this time trap.

A few years ago,after I finished a report on a tight deadline,I continued to be just as busy.I entered my social media accounts when I should have been working.I checked new emails constantly.I felt guilty when I wasn’t busy,and I alleviated this guilt by filling my time with busy work.

Later I realized busy work couldn’t really bring the relief,for the guilt came from the fact that I was working without intention.When we have more to do,choosing what we do ahead of time becomes necessary.Therefore,if you have distraction,consider that you might need to work harder on projects that will fill your days and enrich your life.

12.What do people usually blame for being distracted?

A.The absence of work complexity.

B.Their colleagues’ lack of teamwork.

C.Social media or chats with colleagues.

D.The tiredness after hours of hard work.

答案 C

解析细节理解题。第一段引出作者的观点,说人们工作时会分心,这是因为工作不够复杂,或者工作量不够,但是我们却总是把责任归咎于更新推特、浏览新闻和与同事闲聊等,总结信息可得出,人们通常会将他们的分心归咎于C项“社交媒体或是和同事的闲聊”。13.When will we feel anxious at work?

A.When we don’t have enough tasks to do.

B.When our ability can’t meet job requirements.

C.When we are busy with work for a long while.

D.When we spend too much time on social media.

答案 B

解析细节理解题。根据第二段第四句“And we feel anxious when the demands of a task go beyond our skills.”可知,当我们的工作要求超过了我们的能力时,我们就会感到焦虑,因此选B。

14.Which of the following can best explain the underlined word “alleviated” in Paragraph 4? A.Forgot. B.Researched.

C.Deepened. D.Eased.

答案 D

解析词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的“by filling my time with busy work”和第五段第一句“Later I realized busy work couldn’t really bring the relief...”可知,该词与bring the relief相对应,意为“减轻,缓解”,因此选D。

15.What’s the author’s suggestion on dealing with distraction?

A.Work hard with the intention to fill our life.

B.Balance between our work and social activities.

C.Expand our workload to fit the time available.

D.Remove the sense of guilt about mind’s wandering away.

答案 A

解析推理判断题。根据最后一段中“guilt came...working without intention”“consider that you might need to work harder on projects that will fill your days and enrich your life”可知,作者认为内疚来自工作无计划,如果我们工作时分心,就要考虑在一些能丰富我们生活的事上多做努力。由此推知,作者建议有计划地在能丰富我们生活的事情上努力,因此选A。


2020年上海高考英语六选四专题练习 (名师总结解题技巧,值得下载练习) 一、六选四考察要求概述 选句填空"(俗称"六选四")是2017年上海高考英语试卷中启用的题型。根据题目要求,学生需从所给的六个选项中选取四个填入文中的空格处,使文章从内容、语言、结构上都符合逻辑。考生在备考这一部分时,需意识到以下几点: 1.虽然每一小题都要求选择正确的句子填入文中,但在文中不同的地方挖空,考査的能力要求也 会有所不同。如果空格处需填入主题句,考査的是对文本或段落的概括能力,如果空格处需填入能使上下文叙述连贯的细节,考査的则是对文章基本内容的理解能力。因此,针对不同的空格,考生需要调整自己的思维方式,选择合适的策略; 2.虽然本部分属于阅读理解这一大题,同样也考查考生的阅读理解能力,但是要注意这一题型与 阅读选择题的差异。选择题通过题干告诉考生考点在哪里,考査目标是什么,考生就可以据此选择合适的策略来答题,而"选句填空"则要求考生在理解文章内容和行文逻辑的基础上,自行判断空格处需填入句子的功能,再进一步选择合适的策略来答题。基于以上分析,建议考生在完成"选句填空"这一部分时,可以采用以下步骤:1.通读全文,对文章内容有整体理解,包括文章的主题、写作的目的、毎一段的大意等; 2.阅读空格所在段落,尤其是空格前后句,判断空格处需填入句子的功能,并根据据后句的内容基本确定需填入句子的内容;3.阅读所给的六个句子,从中选择符合文章内容及行文逻辑的句子;4.通读填入句子后的文章,再次确认文章内容、语言、结构上是否符合逻辑。 二、六选四做题技巧指导 1.利用句子中心实词解题

句子中心实词是指在一个句子表达中需要占据句子主干或者中心意思的一类实词。和代词一样,当一个句子中出现了表达某一特点概念的中心实词时,该句上下文就应该围绕这样的中心来展开,也就是说正确选项中不能呈现上下文没有交代的一个中心实词,因此我们可以利用这一现象来帮助我们找到正常选项或者排除错误选项。 例1:_______ Ask yourself what problem the audience wants to solve, and talk about that problem first. “Then and only then, talk about what you are good at as the solution to that problem,” says Morgan. “Audiences start off by asking why. Why am I here? Why should I care? If you answer those questions early, then they’ll ask how. Your job is to answer the why question first and then address the how.” 答案:A 解析:空格所在位置揭示这是段落的中心词audience,总结后文可见应该考虑读者需求。而且接下来的几句话都是围绕这个中心词来的。 例2:It is possible they are, but they are not the most civilized. Animals fight, so do savages; so to be good at fighting is to be good in the way an animal or a savage is good, but it is not to be civilized. ____68_______. People fight to settle quarrels. Fighting means killing, and civilized peoples ought to be able to find some ways of settling their disputes other than by seeing which side can kill off greater number of the other side, and then saying that the side which has killed most has won. 答案:A 解析:这里容易受到干扰是C因为原文后面说人们打斗去解决争吵。但是这一段中心词是civilized。根


题型组合练(九) Ⅰ.七选五 (2018·山西孝义一模) It can be truly terrifying to fall through ice on a frozen lake. 1 In fact,there is more time to help you survive than you think. As you first hit the freezing water,you will almost breathe quickly at once.Remember to get control of your breathing and not to move around. 2 This means that it takes about one minute to gain control of your breathing,ten minutes to move before you get too cold.The final one is to remind you that it will take one hour before you become unconscious. Take that first minute and fully focus on your breathing.Slow it down,and then look around to see if you can locate the thickest area of ice.When you locate the ice,stretch your arms over the surface,and then begin to flutter-kick(上下打水) until your body becomes horizontal with the surface. 3 It is possible that you can live for several hours after passing out.This,however,does require some planning.You only have about 10 minutes before your muscles and nerves become too cold to work.Besides,what if you feel too weak to go on and you cannot get out? 4 The point is to encourage your coat to freeze to the ice,so that if you lose consciousness,you will keep your head out of ice. 5 A.It can help to remember the “1-10-1 principle”. B.However,if you remain calm,it can save your life. C.Remove any clothing or heavy objects that are weighting you down. D.Thus you will remain visible for rescue,even if you pass out. E.Kick hard and use your arms and hands to climb out of the water. F.Remember that you should always stay off ice that’s only 3 inches. G.Place your arms over the surface of the ice and remain still. 语篇解读本文主要介绍了在结冰的湖面上掉进冰里如何自救。 1.答案 B 解+析由前句的terrifying和后句的help you survive可知此处为转折关系。故选B。 2.答案 A 解+析此空与后两句“This means that it takes about one minute to gain control of your breathing,ten minutes to move before you get too cold.The final one is to remind you that it will 1


40篇英语短文语法填空题 1. Fall in Love with English 1 (hide) behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager packed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk 2 there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this 3 h e was tired of his parents’ nagging about his English study and did not want to go through 4 any longer. He couldn’t get along well with English and 5 (dislike) joining in English classes because he thought his teacher ignored him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never added up 6 over 60. His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly 7 he was suffering from, but entirely 8 (agree) with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle 9 problem, she talked with him face to face and swapped a series of learning tips with him. The items she set down helped him find the highway to 10 (study) English well. The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words.Now, he has recovered from being upset and has fallen in love with English. 2. Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes V oyages of people from England play an important part in spreading 1 English language. At present, English is frequently spoken 2 an official or common language in many countries, such as America, Singapore, Malaysia and some African countries. All 3 (base) on British English, the English spoken in these countries can 4 (understand) well by native English speakers. But actually, these Englishes 5 (change)gradually in accents, spellings, expressions and the 6 (use) of vocabulary. Because of this fact, you can make use of the differences to tell 7 country the foreigners of your block are from. For example, if a boss fluently commands 8 driver, ―Come up straight to my apartment by elevator 9 take some gas for my trucks and cabs‖, instead of requesting, ―Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis‖, you can recognize his American identity, 10 the latter suggests that he is British. 3. A Hard Trip My sister was fond of traveling. Ever since graduating, she 1 (determine) to organize a trip to an old temple. Since transporting fare was expensive, she decided to use a bicycle to cycle there not 2 (care) about the disadvantages. 3 stubborn attitude was always her shortcoming. Once she made up her mind to do something, no one could persuade her to change her mind. Finally, we gave in 4 usual though we preferred to take a train. 5 we prepared everything, including the schedule, 6 (rely) weather forecast and the insurance, we began our trip. Our journey was along a river 7 (flow) from a high altitude. Our pace was slow because the river frequently had many sharp bends through deep valleys, 8 the water seemed to boil. Just as I recorded in my journal, it was really 9 hard


2013高考英语真题特色题型详解―阅读七选五(六选五) 一、(2013课标卷I) 第二节(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Business is the organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want. The word business also refers to an organization that provides these goods and services. Most businesses seek to make a profit(利润)— that is, they aim to achieve income that is more than the costs of operating the business. 71 Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers. 72 Business management is a term used to describe the techniques of planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business. 73 One is the establishment(制定) of broad basic policies with respect to production; sales; the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies; and accounting. 74 The third relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments. Direction is concerned primarily with supervision (监管)and guidance by the management in authority. 75 A. Control includes the use of records and reports to compare actual work with the set standards for work. B. In this connection there is the difference between top management and operative management. C. Examples of nonprofit business include such organizations as social service agencies and may hospitals. D. However, some businesses only seek to earn enough to cover their operating costs. E. The second aspect relates to the application of these policies by departments. F. In the theory of business management, organization has two main aspects. G. Planning in business management has three main aspects. 本文是一篇讨论商务和商务管理的说明文。虽然看似有很多专业术语,但是根据我们常说的“指路词”,以及对上下文的推理,其实要做出正确答案并不难,可谓是难度中等。 文章第一段描述了business的两个含义:一是提供顾客所要商品和服务的方法;二是提供这些商品和服务的组织。文展第二段则细述了商务管理是用来描述计划、指导以及控制公司运作技巧


2018--2019学年高三英语一模六选四汇编 One【虹口区】 Section C Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. Self-Care Strategies for College Students Most college students don’t put self-care at the top of their to do lists. When you’re caught up in the whirlwind(旋风) of classes, extra-curricular, wor k, friendships, and final exams, it’s easy to ignore a task that doesn’t come with a deadline (even if that task is simply “taking care of yourself”). Embrace the excitement and intensity of college life, but remember that maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional health is essential to your success and well-being. (67)_________ Instead, take time out to take care of yourself with some of these self-care strategies. Get Away for some Alone Time. If you live with roommates, privacy can be hard to come by, so make it your mission to find a peaceful place on campus to call your own. (68)_________. Take a Mindful Walk Around Campus.When you’re strolling to class, try this mindfulness exercise to center yourself and destress. (69)__________ Feel free to people-watch, but pay attention to sensory details too, like the smell of a nearby barbecue or the sensation of pavement under your shoes. Take note of at least five beautiful or intriguing things you notice along your route. You might find yourself feeling a little calmer by the time you reach your destination. Stage a Sleep Intervention.How much sleep do you really get each night? (70)__________ By doing that, you’ll begin the process of repaying your sleep debt and establishing healthy new sleep habits. Don’t buy into the myth that the less you’re sleeping, the harder you’re working. Your mind and body need consistent sleep to operate at optimum levels--you simply can’t do your best work without it. Download a New Podcast. Take a break from the books, grab your headphones, and listen to some immersive mysteries, compelling interviews, or laugh-out-loud comedy. There are thousands of podcasts covering almost every subject imaginable, so you’re sure to find something that interests you. 【答案】67 D, 68 E, 69 A, 70 C


新课标高考英语大二轮提分练题型组合练五 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A While most 4-year-olds are making mud pies or selling lemonade,Austin Perine of Birmingham,Alabama decided to go one step further.With his red cape(披肩) covering his shoulders,Austin Perine feeds the hungry and homeless population throughout the city in an effort to “show love” to those who need “food and smiles”.“Show love”,according to Austin,has become his superhero motto.His superhero name?President Austin,of course. Austin’s father,TJ Perine,told CNN that Austin has always been compassionate(有同情心的),as he acts like a “little dad” for his brother,Taylor.However,it wasn’t until Austin learned that people are experiencing homelessness that he decided to share what he has with the rest of his community.TJ noted that Austin’s first knowledge about homelessness came after watching a nature documentary about a baby panda on television. “Austin and I were watching an animal show and there was a mother panda that was leaving her baby,” TJ said.“Austin began to get concerned,and I told him that the baby panda would be homeless.” To better teach his son about homelessness,TJ took the young boy to the city shelter,at which point Austin asked,“Can we feed them?” In response,TJ took Austin to Burger King where he enthusiastically volunteered to pay for the chicken sandwiches using his weekly pocket money,thereby giving up new toys that week. Austin and his father have plans to expand their community outreach efforts so they can also fight homelessness at its roots.They have also started a GoFundMe as part of their Show Love Foundation. “We’ve gotten a lot of support from the country,and what we want to do is expand and do from more than just giving out sandwiches,” TJ told CNN,saying that,finally,he and Austin hope to build a service center that deals with the many causes and symptoms of homelessness.“Mental illness,drug abuse,addiction,and things like that,” he said.“Austin and I want to build a service center and get some specialists in there that can actually help these people get back into t he workforce.”


上海高考英语题型训练:选句填空 Section C Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. Self-Care Strategies for College Students Most college students don’t put self-care at the top of their to do lists. When you’re caught up in the whirlwind(旋风) of classes, extra-curricular, work, friendships, and final exams, it’s easy to ignore a task that doesn’t come with a deadline (even if that task is simply “taking care of yourself”). Embrace the excitement and intensity of college life, but remember that maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional health is essential to your success and well-being. (67)_________ Instead, take time out to take care of yourself with some of these self-care strategies. Get Away for some Alone Time. If you live with roommates, privacy can be hard to come by, so make it your mission to find a peaceful place on campus to call your own. (68)_________. Take a Mindful Walk Around Campus. When you’re strolling to class, try this mindfulness exercise to center yourself and destress. (69)__________ Feel free to people-watch, but pay attention to sensory details too, like the smell of a nearby barbecue or the sensation of pavement under your shoes. Take note of at least five beautiful or intriguing things you notice along your route. You might find yourself feeling a little calmer by the time you reach your destination. Stage a Sleep Intervention. How much sleep do you really get each night? (70)__________ By doing that, you’ll begin the process of repaying your sleep debt and establishing healthy new sleep habits. Don’t buy into the myth that the less you’re sleeping, the harder you’re working. Your mind and body need consistent sleep to operate at optimum levels--you simply can’t do your best work without it. Download a New Podcast. Take a break from the books, grab your headphones, and listen to some immersive mysteries, compelling interviews, or laugh-out-loud comedy. There are thousands of podcasts covering almost every subject imaginable, so you’re sure to find something that interests you. 67-70 D EAC

最新高考英语新题型语法填空的考查分析及应考策略 -

高考英语新题型语法填空的考查分析及应考策略陕西省英语试题从2016年开始使用全国II卷,新增了听力,语法填空和七选五阅读。其中语法填空是同学们认为比较难的一个题,但同时也是这三个新题型里最容易提分的一个题,所以本人就此题的考查特点及应考策略谈谈自己的看法。 语法填空的考查目的和要求: 语法填空考查考生的语言基本功和在具体的语境下准确运用语言的能力。要求考生挖掘语境信息,运用逻辑语义、语篇衔接等手段,辨析各题、各个选项在语义、语用价值上的差异。其创新的意义在于体现“突出语篇、强调应用、注重实际”的精神。体现了语言测试的交际性原则,体现了高中课程改革的教学理念,与课程标准所提出的英语课程性质相吻合。 语法填空的核心是语言基本功,所以要求关注基础。教师在教学中重视语法的使用情境,体现语法的语用要求和交际功能,把握好语法复习的度。考纲中规定的语法项目都要复习到位,既要保证语法知识复习的系统性、完整性,又要结合高考试题,做到重点突出、详略得当。学生在语法复习时一定要注意语法的基本使用规则,通过语境了解语法,学习语法,亦运用语法。语法复习最好以练固讲,精讲精练,让考生在练中归纳,在练中感悟和提高。切忌面面俱到,耗时耗力地讲解语法规则和条文而削弱实践和练习,忽视其交际功能和语用功能。 语法填空题型特点和要求: 要求: 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 一般十个题里有七个是给提示词的,主要考查实词,例如考查名词的单复数,代词的变化,动词的时态语态,形容词副词比较级最高级,以及各个词性之间的转化。三个是无提示词的,主要考查连词,包括并列连词和从属连词,介词的搭配和运用,冠词等,这就要求学生们对文章句意,整体内容和结构的把握。 语法填空新题型对英语教学的启示: 1. 转变传统的语法教学理念 改变“重识记,轻运用”的语法教学理念,适当减少较繁琐复杂的语法知识的讲解,指导学生在具体语境中学得和习得语法。


题型组合练(二) Ⅰ.七选五 (2019·河南八市重点高中联盟测评) Live Every Day like It Is a Holiday We feel great on holidays because we let go of everyday stresses and strains. 1 So whether or not you’re going away this summer,there’s plenty you can do to make sure you benefit from that holiday feeling. Sleep like a holidaymaker Sleep like a baby when you’re on your holidays but stay awake when you’re in your usual routine? 2 To reset your sleep pattern,avoid bringing problems to bed.That includes your phone,TV or laptop.Make sure the room is dark and cool.Aim for at least seven hours’ZZZs—just as you would on holidays. Get moving 3 Given that exercise is cheap,healthy and reduces stress,it makes absolute sense to build it into your day.A walk will release happy hormones,and ease anxiety and depression. 4 Part of the joy of going away is lingering over delicious food with families.Take up the holiday habit of sitting down as a family for at least one meal a day.Families who eat together experience less anxiety,less depression and less obesity,research has found. Be a tourist in your own city Part of the thrill of a holiday is the novelty of discovering a new place and doing new things. 5 At weekends,check out a new music venue,


高考新题型语法填空和短文改错名校模拟试题汇编 选自重庆八中高二期中考试 第一节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) A dog is a man’s best friend. To some he is a 1.________(faith) hunter and to others he is merely a decoration. To me, my dog Murphy is my greatest teacher, 2._________ love of life teaches me something new each day. She teaches me to appreciate 3.________(wake) up every morning and how to push my limits to see how far I can go. As a young dog, Murphy ate something that had gone bad. She 4.________(take) to an animal hospital. I woke up that morning and did not find her. All day I was 5._________(scare) and upset. I got through a day of work worrying and wondering. That night when I went to pick her up, she took one look at me and was shining with happiness. Her tail was going a mile a minute. It was at that minute6. _________ I knew everything would be OK. I knew we’d get it 7.________ together. This is when she taught me kindness. Now, every day without fail I come home to a dog who will hug and kiss me. Murphy does not always listen to me 8.________ we have a bone, a respect for each other that cannot be described. We’re best friends and equals but when the time comes she knows who 9.________ boss is. Roger Caras once said, “Dogs are not our whole life, but they make o ur lives whole.” Murphy has been a part of my life 10.________(make) it a whole. 第二节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Last Friday, the evening fell, but my parent didn’t come back home yet. Thought about the supper, I stopped doing my homework and deciding to make a meal for my family instead of just waiting. It was my first cooking. I surfed Internet with my cell phone to get the detailed informations on how to do homely dishes. With the step-by-step directions, I have managed to make my first dish. Then I tried to cook another. Until my parents came back home, they couldn’t believe his eyes to see the dishes made by me. While my mum was taken picture, my dad couldn’t wait to have a taste and gave me the thumbs up. I would like to prepare more meals to my family!
