


1.person deixis (人称指示)

2.deixical items (指示词语)

3.exophoric reference (文外照应)

4.endophoric reference (文内照应)

5.cohesion (粘连)


1.Deixis:A technical term for one of the most basic things we do with

utterances. It means “pointing” via language. It is a form of r eferring that is tied to the speaker?s context, with the most basic distinction being “near speaker” versus “away form speaker”.

2.Person deixis: person deixis is concerned with the identification of the

interlocutors or participant-roles in a speech event.

3.Time deixis: time deixis is concerned with the encoding of temporal

points and spans relative to the time at which an utterance is produced in a speech event.

4.Space deixis: space deixis is concerned with the specification of

location in space relative to that of the participants at CT in a speech event.

5.Deictic projection:speakers seem to be able to project themselves into

other locations prior to actually being in those location.


1.The term …deixis? is derived from the Greek word meaning …to show”

or …to point out?.

2.Within deictic use, a further distinction can be drawn between gestural

and symbolic use.

3.Space deixis is concerned with the specification of location in space

relative to that of the participants at CT in a speech event.

4.Person deixis is concerned with the identification of the interlocutors

or participant-roles in a speech event.

5.Time deixis is concerned with the encoding of temporal points and

spans relative to the time at which an utterance is produced in a speech event.


1.Which of the following sentences belong to the endophoric reference?

A.“Shut up!” This is what he said to me.

B.This city is highly congested.

C.We can?t afford a holiday abroad this year.

D.You can come with me if you like.

2.Which of the following sentences belong to the exophoric reference?

A.“Shut up!” This is what he said to me.

B.This city is highly congested.

C. Peter studies Japanese. He wishes to go to Japan some day.

D. We were led into a big room. Here, it was said, the composer gave his first recital at the age of 7.

3. “Let?s go to the cinema.”belongs to which categories of deixis?

A. Time deixis

B. Person deixis

C.Space deixis

D. Social deixis

4. “ We learned a new lesson this morning” belongs to which categories of deixis?

A. Time deixis

B. Person deixis

C.Space deixis

D. All of the above

5. “Open the window behind you, please!” belongs to which categories of deixis?

A. Time deixis

B. Person deixis

C. Space deixis

D. None of the above


1.What are the main categories of deixis?

Person deixis, time deixis, space deixis, social deixis and discourse deixis,etc.

2. 什么是指示词语的指示中心?








指示词语的使用常伴随指示的手势。如:This one is genuine. This one is fake.

象征用法的指示词语只需知道言语事件的基本时间空间参数就可理解。如The city is beautiful. 只要知道这句话是在北京说的,那么不论说话的具体地点是天安门广场还是水立方,this city 指的都是北京。

4. What is space deixis? Illustrate with examples.

Space deixis is concerned with the specification of location in space relative to that of the participants at CT in a speech event.

E.g. Open the window behind you, please!

5. What is time deixis? Illustrate with examples.

Time deixis is concerned with the encoding of temporal points and spans relative to the time at which an utterance is produced in a speech event.

e.g. We learned a new lesson this morning.


1、什么是语用学 答:语用学,即语言实用学,是研究语言运用及其规律的科学。它研究在特定的情境中的特定话语,特别是研究在不同的语言交际环境下如何理解语言和语言运用。包括话语的交际过程、话语的交际原则、制约话语交际的各种因素、怎样准确而又得体地进行表达、怎样对话语进行准确的理解以及语体和风格等一系列内容。 2、语用学的三大要素 答:话语实体、语用主体、语言环境三大要素。核心要素、内部要素——话语实体(内容)——客体;外部要素——语用主体(人)和语言环境;话语的意义和内容是语用研究的核心。 3、言语行为(直接/间接)P12 答:(1)言语行为理论由英国哲学家奥斯汀提出来的。在他的《论言语行为》一书中,提出了三种言语行为。①言内行为:通过话语字面意义来达到某种思想的发话行为。②言外行为:除字面意义外,还伴随着说话人强烈的心理意向,如承诺、请求、指令、宣告、威胁等等。这些主观意图可由行事动词在话语表层显露。③言后行为:说话人欲通过话语取得某种效果 例如:周朴园:窗户谁叫打开的(曹禺《雷雨》) 从言内行为看——表示询问;从言外行为看——暗含“把窗户关上”的意思;从言后行为看——鲁侍萍听出了他的意思,“很自然地走到窗户前,关上窗户。” (2)美国语用学家塞尔对奥斯汀的理论做了新的发展。他区分了直接言语行为和间接言语行为。 P15 ①直接言语行为:有行事动词出现的、一目了然的行为。 ②间接言语行为则包含下面的多种情况:语言表层没有明确表示心理意向的行事动词的言语行为;通过一种言语行为来间接地执行另外一种言语行为;一段具体的话语可以表示多种不同的言语行为。换言之,某一个言语行为可以有多种不同含义。 4、话语P25 答:话语是语用的基本单位,能表达说话人想要表达的意思,具有完整的交际功能的语言片段。 5、语用原则(合作/礼貌)P16 答:目前讨论较多的语用原则为:合作原则和礼貌原则 (一)合作的原则——美国哲学家、语用学家格赖斯1967年提出,简称CP原则(cooperation principle)。 (1)质的原则。要求说话人的话是真实的,有根据的,不能自相矛盾或虚假。这是“说什么”的问题。 (2)量的原则。要求说话人提供给听者的信息量既足够又不超出。这是“说多少”的问题。(3)关系原则。要求所说的话要紧扣话题,同交际意图密切关联。这是说“为什么说”的问题。(4)方式原则。要求话语清楚明白,简洁,井井有条。这是“如何说”的问题。 (二)礼貌的原则——英国语言学家利奇1983年提出,简称PP原则(politeness principle)(1)得体的:减少有损于他人的观点,增大有益于他人的观点。 (2)宽容的:减少有益于自己的观点,增大有损于自己的观点。 (3)表扬的:减少对他人的贬降,增大对他人的赞誉。 (4)谦逊的:减少对自己的赞誉,增大对自己的贬降。 (5)同意的:减少与他人在观点上的不一致,增大与他人在观点上的共同点。 (6)同情的:减少对他人的反感,增大对他人的同情。 (三)其他小类原则 P18 主要还有荷恩级差原则;列文森三原则;斯波柏、威尔逊的关联原则。还有顺序的原则,同现的原则,角色关系的原则,选择的原则等。 6、语用预设(前提)


1. The study of language development over a period of time is generally termed as _____linguistics. D A. applied B. diachronic C. comparative D. synchronic 2. The sentence that has a NP and a VP can be shown in a __C__ formula "S→NP VP". A. hierarchical B. linear C. tree diagram D. vertical 3. Which of the following sounds is a voiceless bilabial stop? A A. [p] B.[m] C.[b] D.[t] 4. The words ―make‖ and ―bus‖ are called _____D____because they can occur unattached. A. derivational morphemes B .inflectional morphemes C. bound morphemes D. free morphemes 5. The pair of words ―lend‖ and ―borrow‖ are____B______. A. gradable antonymy B. relational (converse) antonymy C. synonyms D. co-hyponyms 6. The semantic components of the word ―man‖ can be expressed as ____C___. A.+animate,+human,+male,-adult; B.+animate,+human,-male,-adult; C.+animate,+human,+male,+adult D.—animate,+human,-male,-adult 7. What kind of function does the sentence ―How do you do?‖ have? B A. Directive B. Phatic C. Informative D. Evocative 8. Nouns, verbs and adjectives can be classified as_______A____. A. lexical words B. grammatical words C. function words D. form words 9. Which of the following best states the behaviorist view of child language acquisition?______A_. A. Language acquisition is a process of habit formation B. Language acquisition is the species-specific property of human beings C. Children are born with an innate ability to acquire language D. Humans are equipped with the neural prerequisites for language and language use 10. The branch of linguistics that studies meaning of language in context is called __C? A. morphology B. sociolinguistics C. pragmatics D. psycholinguistics 11、Chomsky defines "competence" as the ideal user's knowledge of the rules of his language.


I.Define the following terms: (15%) 5个 II.Indicate the following statement true or false, mark “T”for the true statements and “F” for the false. (10%) 10题 III.From A, B, C and D, choose the appropriate one to complete the following statements. (20%) 20题 IV.Fill in the blanks with the following word which completes the statements. (20%) 20题 V.Answer the following questions. (35%) 四题 1. Give the description of the following sound segments in English. (5%) Exampl e:[i] front mid-high unrounded short 2. Pick out ten minimal pairs from the following words. (10%) 3. Explain the ambiguity of the following sentences by providing two sentences that paraphrase the multiple meanings. (10%) 4. Answer the questions (10%) 复习题 1. Language is passed on from one generation to the next through , rather than by instinct. A. learning B. teaching C. learning and teaching D. acquisition 2.Which of the following two-term sets shows the feature of complementarity? . A. Lend/Borrow B. Single/Married C. Hot/Cold D. Old/Young 3. Which of the following sounds is a voiceless bilabial stop? . A. [p] B. [m] C. [b] D.[r] 4. Most of the violations of the maxims of the CP give rise to使发生,引起.


第一章:绪论 1.什么是语言学? 1.1定义 语言学常被定义为是对语言进行系统科学研究的学科。语言学研究的不是某一种特定的语言,而是人类所有的语言。为了揭示语言的本质,语言学家首先要对语言实际使用进行观察,并在此基础上形成有关语言使用的概括性假设,这些初步形成的假设要在语言使用中进行进一步的检验,最终形成一条语言理论。 1.2语言学的研究范畴: 语言学研究有不同的侧重。对语言体系作全面研究的语言学研究称为普通语言学。语音学主要是对语言声音媒介的研究,它不只是研究某一特定的语言的声音媒介,而是所有语言的声音媒介。音系学与语音学不同,它主要研究特定语言的语音体系,即音是如何结合在一起产生有意义的单位。形态学主要研究单词的内部语义结构,及这些叫做词素的语义最小单位是如何结合构成单词。句法学主要研究构成潜在句子的句法规则。语义学以研究语义为目的,传统语义学主要研究抽象的意义,独立于语境之外的意义,语用学也是研究语义,但是它把语义研究置于语言使用语境中加以研究。 语言不是一个孤立的现象,而是一种社会现象,各种社会因素都会对语言的使用产生影响。从社会的角度来研究语言的科学被称之为社会语言学。语言和社会之间的关系是社会语言学研究的主要内容。心理语言学主要从心理学的角度来研究语言。它要研究人们在使用语言时大脑的工作机理,如人是如何习得母语的,人的大脑是如何加工和记忆语言信息等问题。把语言学的研究成果应用到实践中的科学形成了应用语言学。狭义上,应用语言学指把语言理论和原则运用于语言教学的科学,在广义上,它指把语言理论与原则应用于解决实际问题的科学。除此之外还有人类语言学、神经语言学、数学语言学、计算语言学等。


社会语言学的研究对象 (一)定义和解释 社会语言学(sociolinguistics)是联系社会各种因素对语言进行的研究,探讨语言在社会环境中的变化、功能及其使用的一般规律。 概括来说对语言的研究大致有四个角度:部研究、外部研究、比较研究、应用研究。 社会语言学属于对语言的外部研究,但并不是纯粹的外部研究。 (二)研究对象的不同界定 1.布莱特(美国)1964 (1)说话人的身份; (2)听话人的身份; (3)言语事件的社会环境; (4)社会方言的分析; (5)言语行为的社会评价; (6)语言变异的程度; (7)社会语言学的实际应用。 2.礼德(英国) (1)语言宏观社会学、语言人口统计学; (2)双语、多语、多方言研究; (3)语言规、语言发展和规化; (4)语言混合; (5)社会方言; (6)社会语言学和教学; (7)言语的人种史、语言环境; (8)语域和言语能力; (9)语言变化的社会因素; (10)语言和社会化及其传播; (11)社会语言学的方法; (12)语言体系的功能理论; (13)语言相对性; (14)话语理论; (15)人种方法论的语言学。 3.祝畹瑾《社会语言学概论》(1992) 总的来说,社会语言学研究的对象主要包括五个方面: (1)一个国家或地区的语言状况如双语、多语或多方言状况,以及各类言语共同体使用语言的状况和特征; (2)各类语言变体的构造特点及其社会功能; (3)社会以及不同集团对各种语言或语言变体的评价和态度以及由此产生的社会效应;(4)由于社会、文化、经济、政治等原因以及语言接触所引起的语言变化的方式和规律;(5)交际情景与选择语码之间的关系以及语码选择与人际关系的相互作用。 4.戴庆厦《社会语言学概论》(2004) (1)社会因素(阶级、阶层、职业等)对语言结构的影响; (2)个人因素(年龄、性别、性格等)对语言的影响; (3)语言政策、双语等; (4)社会因素引起的语言关系,如语言接触、语言融合;


题型:填空题10,20%;选择题10,20%;判断4,20%(3句话解释原因);简答3,18%(四句话作答);论述1,22%(1/4页纸作答)。 导论 1、中国、印度和希腊-罗马在传统语言文学的研究上都取得了辉煌的成就,是语言学的三大发源地。 2、中国传统语言研究主要抓住汉字,分析它的形体,探求它的古代读音和意义,形成了统称“小学”的文字、音韵和训诂之学,也就是中国传统的语文学。 3、历史比较语言学标志着语言学不再是其他学科的附庸,已经发展成为一门独立的学科。 4、20世纪初,瑞士语言学家索绪尔在《普通语言学教程》中提出观点,语言学从此成为一门现代学科。 5、理论语言学,也称普通语言学,是关于语言的一般规律的理论研究。 第一章语言的功能 1、语言是一种社会现象,和人类社会有着紧密联系。 2、语言的社会功能中最基本的是信息传递功能。 3、如果一个病人大脑左半球发生损伤,他尽管说不出医院的名称、病房、床号,却能找得到。相反,如果大脑右半球受损,尽管能找到医院的名称、病房、床号,却找不到,能说出家的位置却找不到,这说明语言功能存在大脑左边。 4、儿童学习语言的过程是考察语言与思维关系的一条很好途径。 5、儿童语言的习得一定具有先天生理基础,也离不开外界的社会条件。 6、儿童语言能力的开发还有时间的限制,最迟到十二三岁,如果在此之前没有机会学习语言,那么之后其语言习得和心智发展的潜能就失去了。十二三岁是语言习得的关键时期,之一临界期的分工时间也是一致的。 第二章语言是符号系统 1、符号包含形式和意义两个方面。(能指形式,形指意义,符号构成的两个方面,语言学上通常用形式和意义来表述。形式也叫能指,是符号的外壳,是可以被人的感觉器官感知的,因而形式具有物质性。意义也叫所指,是符号形式所代表的内容,也就是现实现象事物。) 2、符号的形式和意义之间是没有本质上、自然属性上的必要联系,在这一点上符号和隐含某种信息的自然的征候不同。 3、语言符号的任意性和线条性,是20世纪初瑞士的语言学家家得·索绪尔作为语言符号的基本性质提出来的。 4、语言符号的语音形式和意义之间没有自然属性上的必然联系,只有社会约定的关系 5、符号和符号组合起来,结构中各个成分的关系称为组合关系,符号在结构中就具有某种相同的作用,它们自然地聚集成群,彼此的关系叫做聚合关系。 第三章语音和音系 1、语音具有自然属性、社会属性的双重属性,从自然属性出发,针对所有人类语言的语音研究,属于语音学的研究;从社会属性出发,针对语音在某一个具体语言的系统中其什么作用的研究,属于音系学的研究。 2、音系学的出发点在于语音在语言系统中的组织方式,属于语言学的核心部分。 3、以语音的自然属性和人类语言共性为研究对象的语音学,把语音最小的线性单位叫做音素。以语音的社会属性和语音在具体语言中的作用为研究对象的音系学,把语音最小的线性单位叫做音位。


本次考试共四种题型:填空题、名词解释、简答题、应用题 填空题:(举例如:)(每空1分,共10分) 1.语用学源于哲学家对语言的探索。“语用学”这一术语是由美国哲学家(莫里斯)于1938年首先提出的。 2. 1977年,(《语用学杂志》)在荷兰正式出版发行,“语用学成为语言学的一门独立新兴学科”最终得到认可。 名词解释:(每个4分,共20分) ?语用学:研究在不同语境中话语意义的恰当地表达和准确地理解,寻找并确立使话语意义得以恰当地表达和准确地理解的基本原则和准则。 ?语境:语境是人们运用自然语言进行言语交际的言语环境。语境是人们在语言交际中理解和运用语言所依赖的各种表现为言辞的上下文或不表现为言辞的主观因素。 ?指示词语:指示词语就是表示指示信息的词语。? ?隐性施为句:人们在言语交际中实际上更经常使用一些不那么明确、不那么特定的语言手段来实施某种行为。 ?优选结构:相邻对中所有可能跟始发语配对的应答语并不具有同等地位,有一组优选结构在起作用,即各种可能的应答语中至少有一类是“合意的”(即听话人的应答能满足说话人发话的期待),有一类是“不合意的”(即听话人的应答不是说话人所期待的)。 ?预示序列:说话人在以言行事之前用以探听虚实的一类话语。说话人使用这类话语的主要动机是考察有无向听话人实施某一言语行为的可能性,即说话人实施某一言语行为能否从听话人那里得到“期待的”反应。 ?会话含义:格赖斯将会话含义分为两类:一般性会话含义和特殊性会话含义。一般性会话含义:不需要特殊语境就能推导出来的含义。特殊性会话含义:需要依赖特殊语境才能推导出来的含义。? ?直接言语行为:字面意义和说话意图相吻合,也就是句子的结构和功能之间存在着直接的关系。 ?间接言语行为:人们是通过间接的表达方式实现说话的意图,也可以说句子的结构和功能之间存在着间接的关系


第一节语言的本质 一、语言的普遍特征(Design Features) 1.任意性 Arbitratriness:shu 和Tree都能表示“树”这一概念;同样的 声音,各国不同的表达方式 2.双层结构Duality:语言由声音结构和意义结构组成(the structure of sounds and meaning) 3.多产性productive: 语言可以理解并创造无限数量的新句子,是由双层 结构造成的结果(Understand and create unlimited number with sentences) 4.移位性 Displacemennt:可以表达许多不在场的东西,如过去的经历、将 来可能发生的事情,或者表达根本不存在的东西等 5.文化传播性 Cultural Transmission:语言需要后天在特定文化环境中 掌握 二、语言的功能(Functions of Language) 1.传达信息功能 Informative:最主要功能The main function 2.人际功能 Interpersonal:人类在社会中建立并维持各自地位的功能 establish and maintain their identity 3.行事功能 performative:现实应用——判刑、咒语、为船命名等Judge, naming,and curses 4.表情功能 Emotive Function:表达强烈情感的语言,如感叹词/句 exclamatory expressions 5.寒暄功能 Phatic Communion:应酬话phatic language,比如“吃了没?” “天儿真好啊!”等等 6.元语言功能 Metalingual Function:用语言来谈论、改变语言本身,如 book可以指现实中的书也可以用“book这个词来表达作为语言单位的 “书” 三、语言学的分支 1. 核心语言学 Core linguistic 1)语音学 Phonetics:关注语音的产生、传播和接受过程,着重考察人类语 言中的单音。Its main focus is on the articulation, transmission and reception of human sounds, especially isolated sounds 2)音位学Phonology:从功能的角度出发对出现在某种特定语言中的语音及其 组合、分布规律进行研究的语言学分支。The branch of linguistics which studies the sound patterns from function perspective. 3)形态学 Morphology:研究单词的内部构造the internal structure of words 4)句法学 Syntax:研究组词造句的规则the rules governing the combination of words into sentences.


1. Communication can take many forms, such as sign, speech, body language and facial expression. Do nobody language and facial expression share or lack the distinctive properties of human language 答:On the whole, body language and facial expression lack most of the distinctive properties of human language such as duality, displacement, creativity and so on. Body language exhibits arbitrariness a little bit. For instance, nod means OK/YES for us but in Arabian world it is equal to saying NO. Some facial expressions have non-arbitrariness because they are instinctive such as the cry and laugh of a newborn infant. 2. Do you think they are descriptive and prescriptive What’s your comment on them (1)Do not use man to mean humanity in general. Use person, people, human beings, men and women, humanity and humankind. (2)colored: This term is regarded as outdated in the UK and should be avoided as it is generally viewed as offensive to many black people. (3)civilized : This term can still carry racist overtones which derive from a colonialist perception of the world. It is often associated with social Darwinist thought and is full of implicit value judgments and ignorance of the history of the non-industrialized world. 答:They are undoubtedly descriptive, Guidelines are not rules that can determine whether a sentence is right or not. The guidelines advise you to avoid the use of particular words that are grammatically correct but offensive to some certain groups. Actually, they describe the way antisexist advocators speak and write. 3.(1)What organs are involved in speech production 答:Quite a few human organs are involved in the production of speech: the luns, the trachea, the throat, the nose, and the mouth. (2)Why did George Bernard Shaw say he could spell the word ‘fish’ as ‘ghoti’ 答:This is because gh is pronounced as [f] in ‘enough’, o as [I] in women, and ti as [?] in nation. (3)How is the description of consonants different from that of vowels 答:Consonants are produced by a closure in the vocal tract, or by a narrowing which is so marked that air cannot escape without producing audible friction. By contrast, a vowel is produced without such stricture so that air escapes in a relatively unimpeded way through the mouth or nose. The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in the obstruction of airstream. (4)To what extent is phonology related to phonetics and how do they differ 答:Both phonetics and phonology study human speech sounds but they differ in the levels of analysis. Phonetics studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived. Phonology is the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of languages. It aims to discover the principles that govern the way sounds are organized in languages, and to explain the variations that occur. (5)’Assimilation is often used synonymously with coarticulation’. Discuss. 答:Assimilation is a phonological term, often used synonymously with coarticulation,


英语语言学练习----语用学 一、Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. 1.The contextual view is often considered as the initial effort to study meaning in a pragmatic sense. ( ) 2.Pragmatics is related to and also different from semantics. ( ) 3.The notion of context is not important to the pragmatic study of language. ( ) 4.All utterances take the form of sentences. ( ) 5.Speech act theory was proposed by the British philosopher John Austin in the late 1950s. ( ) 6.Grice made a distinction between what he called “constatives” and “performatives”. () 7.A locutionary act is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon, and phonology. ( ) 8.In their study of language communication, linguists are only interested in how a speaker expresses his intention and pay no attention to how his intention is recognized by the hearer. ( ) 9.Directives are attempts by the speaker to get the hearer to do something. ( ) 10.The Cooperative principle was proposed by John Searle. ( ) 11.There are four maxims under the Cooperative principle. ( ) 12.The violations of the maxims make our language indirect. ( ) 13.All the utterances take the form of sentences. ( ) 14.Austin thought that stating was also a kind of act, and that we can perform with language. ( )


一、语用概述 一、语用与语用分析的意义 1.语用:是指人在一定语境中对语言的运用。 2.语用学:研究语言运用规律的科学。 3.语用分析的意义: 能进一步了解用现代汉语交流信息的一般规律,能深刻理解在有特定内容和特定语境的前提下,如何调动汉语的各种语言因素和非语言因素,使说话者能准确地传情达意、受话者能获取话语原意,以达到交际的目的。 二、语用分析的相关要素 (一)发话者:语言信息的发出者。 1.重点分析发话者的语用意图 在一般情况下,发话者(包括说者和作者)都是要通过说出某些话以实现一定的语言外的目的,即语用意图。 例如:想让别人关上门(语用意图) a.请你关上门。(请求) b.我命令你关上门!(命令) c.你若不关门我就不走了!(威胁) 2.分析发话者实现意图的语用策略 语用策略:是发话者用什么方式组织话语从而能最大限度地使受话者理解其语用意图并在受话者身上产生最理想的效果。 (1)从已知信息到未知信息的策略 (2)语境信息优于话语信息的策略 例如:一部小说中有这样一个情节:主人公到澳门狂赌,输得一干二净。有人不知情,想请他赞助慈善事业,知情者便说: 他刚从澳门回来,没钱了! (3)语面意义和言外之意的表达选择策略 (二)受话者:听话人或信息接受者。 对于受话者而言,最关键的就是推求发话者的语用意图。 例如: A:面条里要放辣油吗?B:我是地道的四川人。 (三)话语内容:发话者用语言符号表达的具体内容。 例如:1.这种药对高血压有好处。2.你好! (问候语) (四)语境:语言使用的环境,也就是言语行为发生的环境。 语境由以下两方面构成: 1.言内语境:即上下文语境 2.言外语境:即言语表达时的具体社会环境和自然环境,比如时代、社会、民族、交际个体等因素。 这两大语境,实际上只是一个潜在的语境。当我们理解某一话语时,往往只是其中一部分语境因素起主导作用。因此,我们应该认识到,言语交际中的表达和理解得以完成,除了语言符号链条起中心作用之外,语境中的非语言的因素也在起着重要的作用。 三、语境与发话者、受话人的关系 (一)语境是交际各方共享的 (二)语境是参与言语行为的重要因素 当分析某段话语的理解涉及哪些语境因素时,只要列出相关的语义命题就能清晰地把它们显示出来。


一、Antonymy(反义词):(书本P70) 1.Gradable antonyms(分程度反义词):a matter of degree. eg. Old—middle-aged—younghot-warm-cold https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf16240102.html,plementary antonyms(互补关系):a matter of degree between two extremes. eg. Alive—dead; male—female 3.relational opposites(关系反义词):pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the two items. eg. father-son; teacher-pupil; doctor-patient;buy-sell;above-below 二、Paul Grice(保罗·格莱斯)提出的两个概念(书本P86) 1.conventional implicature(规约含意,约定俗成的):is based on the conventional meaning of certain words in the language. eg. He is rich but he is not greedy. 2.particularized conversational implicature(特殊规约隐涵):is inferred by the hearer with reference to the context of communication. eg. A:Where is the steak? B:The dog looks very happy. 三、Charles Hockett(霍凯特)提出的人类语言的识别特征之一(书本P8) Arbitrariness(随意性):There is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. eg. Rumble, crash, cackle, bang 四、Free morpheme(可独立存在的):a morpheme which can be a word by itself. eg. boy(书本P33) 五、新构词(书本P99) 1.blending(拼缀,紧缩法):a blend is a word formed by combining parts of other words. eg. Smog --- smoke+fog; motel---- motor+hotel 2.acronyms(首字母缩写,词首字母缩略法):are words derived from the initials of several words eg.IT-----information technology; CPI---- consumer price index 六、Languageaptitude(语言能力倾向,语言学能):the natural ability for learning a second language.(书本P164) 七、Semantic Changes(语意变化):(书本P102) 1.semantic broadening(扩展,意思越来越广,语义扩大化) 2.semantic narrowing(意思变小) 3.semantic shift(转换) 八、indirect speech act(间接言语行动):which aimed to explain indirect language in the light of the speech act theory.(书本P84-85) 1.The primary speech act is the speaker’s goal of communication while the secondary


一. What is language? 1. Language can be generally defined as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Systematic---- rule-governed, elements in it are arranged according to certain rules; can’t be combined at will. e.g. *bkli, *I apple eat. Arbitrary---- no intrinsic connection between the word and the thing it denotes, e.g. “pen”by any other name is the thing we use to write with. Symbolic---- words are associated with objects, actions ideas by convention. “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”----Shakespeare Vocal---- the primary medium is sound for all languages; writing system came much later than spoken form. Human-specific---- different from the communication systems other forms of life possess, e.g. bird songs, bee dance, animal cries. The design/defining /distinctive features of human language: Arbitrariness (任意性) Productivity/Creativity(创造性) Duality (二元性、二层性) Displacement (移位性) Cultural transmission(文化传递性) 2.语言&言语 Langue--- the language system shared by a community of speakers Parole--- the concrete act of speaking in actual situations by an individual speaker. 3. Synchronic vs. diachronic Synchronic (linguistics)---languages are studied at a theoretic point in time: one describes a ‘state’of language, disregarding whatever changes might be taking place. Diachronic----languages are studied from point of view of their historical development –for example, the changes which have taken place between Old and Modern English could be described in phonological, grammatical and semantic terms. 二.语音学(选择题) 三.音位学Phonology 1.音位变体 Allophones ---- the phones that can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments. 同一音位在不同环境中表现出来的两个或多个语音上不同的音段. 例如,在英语里,音位/t/在tin里是送气的[th], 在stand里是不送气的[t],在eighth里是齿化的[t],在cotton里是鼻除阻的[tn],在bottle里是边除阻的[tl],在hit里则表现为声门化的[t]. 此外,随着说话人口音的不同,可能还会有其他的语音形式. 这样一套在说话人话语中的语音形式就是音位/t/的音位变体. 把两个音素划归成同一音位的两个音位变体必须满足语音相似性原则,而且它们不能处于对比分布. [p, ph] are two different phones 音子and are variants of the phoneme /p/. Such variants of a phoneme are called allophones of the same phoneme. In this case the allophones are said to be in complementary distribution 互补分布because they never occur in the same context: [p] occurs after [s] while [ph] occurs in other places. /p/ [p] / [s] _____
