
I get drunk easily.我很容易喝醉。

Don’t overeat 别吃太多

Cake is fattening 蛋糕使人发胖

Would you like some coffee 想要喝咖啡吗?

Not now ,thank you!现在不喝,谢谢!

Could you hand/ pass me the salt,Pls?给我盐,谢谢

Could I have the salt,pls?

miso shiru味增汤

how do you eat sushi?

You dip it in soy sauce.蘸酱油

What kind of fish is this?这是什么鱼

It’s tuna金枪鱼

It’s spicy

It’s hot 真辣too salty咸sweet 甜too greasy/Oily 油腻It’s crispy 酥脆

It’s slimy 真黏,粘滑的

The coffee is not hot enough 不够热

The coffee is lukewarm

The bread is soggy 没有烤透的,潮扭扭。

These potato chips are stale /soft不新鲜的,走味的。

Coffee is bitter 苦

Meat is tough肉老,tender肉嫩

This has a strong/weak flavor 味道浓/淡

My mouth is burning/on fire 嘴巴麻木了(吃到芥末、辣椒等)

Would you like some?你也来点?


No,I’m fine.

Sorry,I dropped my fork.对不起,我叉子掉了。

Would you like another drink?再来一杯?

No,I think I’ve had enough.够了。

How do you like your coffee? 其实询问是否加糖或牛奶

Black will be fine.

Just sugger,please.

Just cream,please.

Dinner is ready ,pls come to the table.

Which do you prefer ,wine or bear?

Wouldn’t you care for something a little stronger?不介意烈酒吧

Ah,here comes the egg rolls.上春卷了。

It tastes best when taken piping hot.趁热吃好吃。滚烫的,新鲜的

May I help you get some pieces of sweet and sour fish?我给你夹点糖醋鱼吧?(中国式做客才用)

Since you don’t help yourself ,I’ll help you with some fish balls.既然你不自己下筷,我只好帮你夹点鱼丸。(中国式做客才用)

No more, thank you ,I’m really full. 我再也吃不下了。

I couldn’t eat another bite.

I’ve had enough.

I’m afraid I’ve had more than enough.

May I fill your glass again?帮你倒满可以吗?

Try some of the cold fish.冷菜

Another course is coming up.另一道菜上来了。

Ordering Food

Waiter:Can I take your order now, madam?

May:Yes. What would you recommend?

Waiter:I am happy to recommend the fish. It tastes delicious and it’s today’s special. Our chef is from the coast and loves seafood. Tod ay’s special is actually his favorite dish. So I’m sure it is absolutely fabulous。

May:It does sound wonderful. Maybe I’ll try it。

Waiter:Is there anything else? Maybe I could interest you in one of our fine appetizers, such as the escargot.

May:Not today, thanks. But I’d like to know if you have any vegetarian dishes.

Waiter:Yes. Here’s the menu. And what do you think you’d like to order?

May:Maybe I don’t want the fish. I think I’ll have the green bean dish instead.

Waiter:What kind of soup would you like?

May:I’d like the egg drop soup。蛋花汤

Waiter:OK. Is that all?


Waiter:Would you like anything to drink while you wait?

May:Just an ice water. Thanks!


中国餐桌礼仪英语10句简单 中文:吃饭时要保持端庄,不宜大声喧哗。 英文:Maintain a dignified manner while dining; avoid loud and disruptive behavior. 中文:用餐时应注意讲卫生,勿将手肘放在桌面上。 英文:Practice good hygiene at the dining table; refrain from placing elbows on the table. 中文:在吃饭时,不要挑食,应尽量将盘子吃干净。 英文:Avoid being picky when eating; try to finish all the food on your plate. 中文:在用餐前后要洗净双手,保持餐具的清洁卫生。 英文:Wash your hands before and after meals, and keep the tableware clean and sanitary. 中文:在餐桌上要有礼貌,尊重长辈和其他就餐者。 英文:Display manners at the dining table; show respect to elders and fellow diners. 中文:不要在餐桌上过多地使用手机,以免影响用餐氛围。 英文:Avoid excessive use of mobile phones at the dining table to maintain a pleasant atmosphere. 中文:吃饭时不要插话,尽量保持安静,听取他人的意见。 英文:Avoid interrupting during meals; try to stay quiet and listen to others' opinions. 中文:不要在用餐时过多地讨论敏感话题,以免引起争端。 英文:Avoid discussing sensitive topics excessively during meals to prevent disputes. 中文:分享食物时要文明有序,不要争抢食物。 英文:Share food in a civilized and orderly manner, avoiding a scramble for dishes. 中文:餐桌上的对话应保持轻松愉快,不宜谈论过于沉重或严肃的话题。 英文:Keep the conversation at the dining table light and enjoyable, avoiding overly serious or heavy topics.


餐厅常用英语 1、早上好(午安、晚安) Good morning.(afternoon evening) 2、您好! How are you? How do you do? Welcome to golden city restaurant. 3、再见,欢迎下次再来! Good-bye! Come again next time, you are Welcome. 4、慢走,感谢您的光临。 Mind your step and thank you for coming. 5、请稍等。 Please wait a moment. Just a moment.Just a minute. 6、请原谅。 Excuse me.

7、对不起,让您久等了。 Sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 8、请问您有几位? For how many? 9、请跟我来,请这边走。 Come with me, please. follow me, please. 10、请问您贵姓? May I have your fist name? 11、请问您喝什么茶? What kinds of tea would you like to drink? 12 、请稍候,我们马上给您安排。 Just a moment, please. we will arrange, it for you right away. 13、请问您有预订吗? Do you have a reservation? 14、您看坐在这里可以吗?

Would you mind sitting here? 15、祝您旅途愉快! Have a pleasant journey! 16、对不起,那边的桌子已给预订了。 I’m sorry that table is already reserved. 17、不用谢,很乐意为您服务。 Not at all, I’m glad to serve you. 18、这是菜单,请问现在可以点菜了吗? Here is menu, Are you ready to order mow? 19、您想吃中餐还是西餐。 Would you like to have Chinese food or European food? 20、今天的特别介绍是粉蒸甲鱼和蒜茸开边大虾。 The recommendation of the day is. 21、我们有葡萄酒、白酒、啤酒和各式软饮料。


餐桌上的英语口语 ●点菜 请给我菜单。 Could I have a menu, please? May I see your menu, please? I'd like to see a menu, please. 有日语的菜单吗? Do you have a menu in Japanese? May I see a menu in Japanese? Do you have a Japanese menu? 请给我看一下酒单。 May I see the wine list, please? 你们都有些什么葡萄酒? What kind of wine do you have? What kind of wine do you have available? 点菜吗?/您来点点儿什么? May I take your order? May I take your order? (您来点儿什么?) Well, let's see... (唔,让我想想……) What would you like? What will you have? Are you ready to order yet? (可以点菜了吗?) 有什么菜可以推荐的吗? What do you recommend? What do you recommend? (有什么菜可以推荐的吗?) The seafood is good here. (我们店的海鲜很可口。) What do you think I should order? What is your suggestion? What do you think is the best? What do you suggest I order? 我想要和那个一样的。 Can I have the same as that? Can I have the same as that? (我想要和那个一样的。) Sure, no problem. (好的,没问题。) 我要这个和这个。 I'll take this and this. *可以边指菜单,边轻松地点菜。 您这儿有什么地方风味吗? Do you have any local specialties? *local “这一地区的”,specialty “特色,特产”。我们可以分别付款吗? Could we have separate checks? *separate


邀请老外去吃饭,一般有以下常用句式: I wonder if you have time this evening? 我想知道您今晚是否有空? Would you be interested in dinner with me? 今晚能请您吃个饭吗? Which kind of restaurant do you prefer, Chinese or Western? 您喜欢去中餐厅还是西餐厅呢? I'll pick you up at 7:00 pm, if it's ok with you. 如果合适的话,我晚上7点去接您。 我们来谈谈一些在餐厅内会用到的句子,以及一些跟吃饭有关的单字片语,相信从此以后到美国餐厅用餐不再是件难事。 1. Do you like to go out eating? 想不想出去吃呢? 有次我问老美出去吃东西怎么说,他回答说一般出去吃饭,他们只说go to eat , go out eating 或是eat out 而不会说go to dinner, go for lunch,也就是不需特地说中餐或是晚餐。所以后来老美问我刚去哪了,我应该要说的I just went out eating, 而不会说I just went to dinner. 如果要强调是去吃午餐或晚餐的话,一般就直接说lunch 或是dinner.例如人家问你,"Where did you go?" 你就可答说"Lunch." 2. There is a Deli over there, do you like it? 那里有一家Deli(餐厅),你喜不喜欢呢?美国的餐厅可分很多种,Restaurant 是一般的通称,另外常用到的有Deli: 供应三明治,沙拉这种现成的,不需再经过烹调的餐厅,例如SUBW AY 就可以算是Deli. 另外还有Grill 也随处可见,翻译成烤肉餐厅,多半是提供牛排,汉堡热食类的食物。 Deli (熟食店)这个字是delicatessen 的简写,可是现今在美国一般只会听到deli 而很少听到delicatessen(/?del?k??tesn/熟食店)了! 3. What do you like to drink? 想要喝什么? 美国餐厅的习惯,吃饭时都会点一大杯饮料,所以侍者一定会先问你What do you like to drink? 也有人会这么说,Can I get you something to drink? 一般餐厅都会提供的有coke, diet coke(健怡可乐,热量低的可乐,也可以说成无糖可乐), sprite(雪碧), iced tea(冰茶)以及lemonade(汽水或柠檬水)等。如果什么都不要,就说just water. 值得注意的是,在一般的速食店提到drink 都是指soft drink(软饮料,不含酒精的饮料)而言。但是一般人说到have a drink 时,他们多半指的是alcoholic, 也就是含酒精的饮料。所以如果有人问你,"Come on, have a drink with us." 他绝不是要你跟他们一起喝可乐的意思,而是要你跟他们一起喝酒啦!


餐桌实用英语 1、主食、小吃类部分 (1)X.O.炒萝卜糕 Turnip Cake with XO Sauce (2)八宝饭 Eight Treasure Rice (3)白粥 Plain Rice Porridge (4)XO酱海鲜蛋炒饭 Stir-fried Rice with Assorted Seafood in XO Sauce (5)鲍鱼丝金菇焖伊面 Stir-fried Noodles with Mushrooms and Shredded Abalone (6)鲍汁海鲜烩饭 Boiled Seafood and Rice with Abalone Sauce (7)鲍汁海鲜面 Seafood Noodles with Abalone Sauce (8)北京炒肝 Stir-fried Liver Beijing Styl (9)北京鸡汤馄饨 Wonton in Chicken Soup (10)北京炸酱面 Noodles with Bean Paste (11)碧绿鲜虾肠粉 Fresh Shrimps in Rice Flour Noodles with Vegetables (12)冰糖银耳炖雪梨 Stewed Sweet Pear with White Fungus (13)菜脯叉烧肠粉 Steamed Rice Rolls with Preserved Vegetables (14)菜盒子 Stir-fried Crispy Cake Stuffed with Vegetable (15)菜肉大馄饨 Pork and Vegetable Wonton (16)菜肉饺子Dumplings Stuffed with Minced Pork and Vegetable (17)参吧素菜卷 Sweet Dumplings Stuffed with Cream and Mixed Fruits (18)草菇牛肉肠粉 Steamed Rice Noodle Rolls with Mushrooms and Minced Beef (19)叉烧包 Barbecued Pork Bun (20)叉烧焗餐包 Barbecued Pork Dumpling (21)叉烧酥 Cake with Barbecued Pork (22)炒河粉 Sauteed Rice Noodles (23)炒面 Sauteed Noodles with Vegetables (24)陈皮红豆沙 Minced Red Bean Paste with Orange Peel (25)豉油蒸肠粉 Steamed Rice Rolls with Black Bean Sauce (26)豉汁蒸凤爪 Steamed Chicken Feet with Black Bean Sauce (27)豉汁蒸排骨 Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Bean Sauce (28)春菇烧麦 Steamed Dumplings Stuffed with Mushroom (30)葱油拌面 Mixed Noodles with Spring Scallion, Oil and Soy Sauce (31)葱油饼 Fried Chive Cake (32)葱油煎饼 Pancake with Scallions (33)脆皮春卷


餐桌用具TABLEWARE 筷子Chopsticks 竹筷子Bamboo Chopsticks 木筷子Wood Chopsticks 塑料筷子Plastic Chopsticks 象牙筷子Ivory Chopsticks 银筷子Sliver Chopsticks 牙签Toothpick 牙签盅Toothpick Set 筷子架Chopsticks Rest (西餐)刀架Knife Rest 餐巾Napkin 餐巾纸Napkin Paper 台布Table Cloth 圆台布Round Table-Cloth 方台布Square Table-Cloth 长方台布Rectangular Table-Cloth 餐巾圈Napkin Ring 茶布Tea Napkin 台心布Table Centre 小毛巾Hand Towel 毛巾托Hand Towers Stand 洗手盅Finger Bowl 烟灰缸Ashtray 托盘Serving Tray 花瓶V ase 烛架Candle Stick 五味瓶Cruet Stand 芥末盅Mustard Pot 芥酱具Condiment Set 酸果盅Pickle Jar 蜜糖盅Honey Jar 糖盅Sugar Bowl 果酱盅Jam Pot 奶油盅Butter Dish 之士盅Cheese Dish 盐盅Salt Celler 盐瓶Salt Shaker 胡椒粉瓶Pepper Shaker 醋瓶Vinegar Bottle 酱油瓶Soy Sauce Bottle 暖水瓶Thermos

柠檬夹Lemon Squeezer 核桃夹Nut-Cracker 方糖夹Sugar Tong 糕点夹Pastry Tong 小冰块夹Ice Tong 蛋糕铲Pastry Serves 面包篮Bread Basket 小冰块桶Ice Pail 香槟桶Champagne Cooler 饭盒Lunch-Box 煤气炉Gas Stpve 餐钟Dinner Bell 服务餐车Serving-Cart; Serving Trolley


I get drunk easily.我很容易喝醉。 Don’t overeat 别吃太多 Cake is fattening 蛋糕使人发胖 Would you like some coffee 想要喝咖啡吗? Not now ,thank you!现在不喝,谢谢! Could you hand/ pass me the salt,Pls?给我盐,谢谢 Could I have the salt,pls? miso shiru味增汤 how do you eat sushi? You dip it in soy sauce.蘸酱油 What kind of fish is this?这是什么鱼 It’s tuna金枪鱼 It’s spicy It’s hot 真辣too salty咸sweet 甜too greasy/Oily 油腻It’s crispy 酥脆 It’s slimy 真黏,粘滑的 The coffee is not hot enough 不够热 The coffee is lukewarm The bread is soggy 没有烤透的,潮扭扭。 These potato chips are stale /soft不新鲜的,走味的。 Coffee is bitter 苦 Meat is tough肉老,tender肉嫩 This has a strong/weak flavor 味道浓/淡 My mouth is burning/on fire 嘴巴麻木了(吃到芥末、辣椒等) Would you like some?你也来点? Yes,please. No,I’m fine. Sorry,I dropped my fork.对不起,我叉子掉了。 Would you like another drink?再来一杯? No,I think I’ve had enough.够了。


酒水 你喜欢喝什么酒?What would you like to drink, May i fill your glass again? 要再给你加点酒吗 Drink more. 多喝点。 Here's to our friendship and to your health, Cheers! 为我们的友谊和您的健康,干杯! To the success of your长春trip! 为你长春之行成功干杯! 上菜 Help yourself. 自己来!请自便! Have some more. Have more. Have a little more. Eat more. 多吃点。 ? Would you like a little bit more? 你想再来点吗? Ah, here come the egg rolls. Ah,上春卷儿了。 Try some of the cold dishes. 吃点凉菜吧。 Another course is coming up. 另一道菜上来了。 Just help yourself to whatever you'd like. 请随便挑你喜欢的吃。Since you don't help yourself, i'll help you with some fish balls.既然你自己不下筷,我只好来帮你搛点鱼丸。 It tastes best when taken piping hot. 趁热吃好吃。 Have some more, please. 请再来点儿。 May i help you get some pieces of sweet and sour fish? 我给你夹点糖醋鱼吧。 接待宾客常用基本英语对话句型 1. 四种基本句型


基本的餐桌礼仪英文 学会最基本的餐桌礼仪英文的,走出去国外你就不用怕了。下面是为大家预备的基本的餐桌礼仪英文,期望可以关心大家! 基本的餐桌礼仪英文 1.让客人和长辈先吃每一道菜 let the elder people and the customer eat first 2.不要用筷子敲碗 dont use the chopsticks hit the bowl 3.不要将手伸到饭桌对面夹菜 dont reach to get the food on the opposite side 4.等大家到齐了,才开头吃 dont eat until everyone is there 5.为主人的长寿、健康、成功干杯 wish for the people who host the dinner 中国饮食在世界上是很出名的。 I believe the Chinese food is famous around the world. 假如你来到中国,中国伴侣请你吃饭,你就需要了解一下有关宴会中的座次问题。And if you are in China and you are asked by your Chinese friend to a dinner, you may want to know how to pick up your seat at the table and

what is the proper way to sit at the table. 这个位子一般是主位,是主人的。Well, normally this seat is the seat for the host or the hostess. 这个位子面朝着门。(面朝着门的一般是主位。)The seat is facing the door of this room. 也可以依据餐巾的样式来辨别座位。One may also distinguish the seats at the table from the style in which the napkins are folded. 无论餐巾折成什么样式,最高的餐巾对应的座位,肯定是主位。Regardless of how the napkins are arranged.,the tallest arrangement will always correspond to the master seat. 一张坐四五个人的小桌子,与主人的座位相对应的背对着门的那个位置则是被邀请的主客坐的位置。At the small table, a table for four of five, the seat right across of the host seat, the seat over there, the back of which is facing the door is the seat for the main guest. 当然假如桌子大一点的时候,比如说可以坐十到十二个人的桌子,由于主人和客人说话不太便利,跨越桌子就像跨越一片大海一样,所以他们可以挨着坐,这种状况下是可以挨着坐的,这样坐主人和客人说话更便利一些。But usually of course, when its a bigger table, a table for ten or


餐桌的英语单词 一、引言 餐桌,作为家庭或餐厅中不可或缺的家具,承载着社交、饮食文化的多种功能。在全球化的今天,了解餐桌的英语单词对于跨文化交流和国际视野尤为重要。本文将深入探讨餐桌的英语表达,以期帮助读者更全面地理解这一词汇的多元内涵。 二、餐桌的英语单词解析 在英语中,“table”一词通常用来表示“餐桌”。这个词源自法语单词“table”,最终可追溯至拉丁语“tabula”。在各种语境和应用中,“table”都具有丰富的内涵。 三、餐桌的种类与表达 1.圆餐桌(Round Table):指形状呈圆形或近似圆形的餐桌。在英语中,这种餐桌通常被称为“round table”。 2.长餐桌(Rectangular Table):指长方形或矩形的餐桌。在英语中,这种餐桌被称为“rectangle table”或简称为“rectangular table”。 3.折叠餐桌(Folding Table):指可以折叠收起的餐桌。在英语中,这种餐桌被称为“folding table”。 4.玻璃餐桌(Glass Table):指桌面由玻璃制成的餐桌。在英语中,这种餐桌被称为“glass table”。 5.木制餐桌(Wooden Table):指桌面由木材制成的餐桌。在英语中,这种餐桌被称为“wooden table”。 6.金属餐桌(Metal Table):指桌面由金属制成的餐桌。在英语中,这种餐桌被称为“metal table”。

7.塑料餐桌(Plastic Table):指桌面由塑料制成的餐桌。在英语中,这种餐桌被称为“plastic table”。 8.电动餐桌(Motorized Table):指桌面可以电动升降或旋转的餐桌。在英语中,这种餐桌被称为“motorized table”。 9.高脚餐桌(Tall-Legged Table):指高度较高的餐桌,通常用于需要站立就餐的环境。在英语中,这种餐桌被称为“tall-legged table”。 10.矮脚餐桌(Low-Legged Table):指高度较低的餐桌,通常用于常规的就餐环境。在英语中,这种餐桌被称为“low-legged table”。 四、餐桌的功能与表达 1.茶几(Coffee Table):指主要用于放置茶具或咖啡具的轻便小桌。在英语中,这种桌子被称为“coffee table”。 2.书桌(Study Table):指主要用于工作或学习的桌子,通常配备书架或其他储物设施。在英语中,这种桌子被称为“study table”或“work table”。 3.厨房餐桌(Kitchen Table):指主要用于家庭聚餐或用餐的桌子,通常放置在厨房内。在英语中,这种桌子被称为“kitchen table”。 4.野餐餐桌(Picnic Table):指专为户外野餐设计的桌子,通常具有折叠结构,便于携带和存储。在英语中,这种桌子被称为“picnic table”。 5.游戏桌(Game Table):指专为各种桌面游戏或棋类游戏设计的桌子。在英语中,这种桌子被称为“game table”。 6.会议桌(Conference Table):指专为商务会议或正式场合设计的桌子,通常配备多种视听设备。在英语中,这种桌子被称为“conference table”。 7.办公桌(Desk):指用于工作或学习的一般桌子,可以是独立式也可以是办公桌组合的一部分。在英语中,这种桌子被称为“desk”。


餐桌礼仪英语短语 看外国的餐桌礼仪用英文表达的话是如何的呢?你们觉得可以适应吗?下面是店铺给大家整理的餐桌礼仪英语短语表达,供大家参阅! 餐桌礼仪英语(短语篇) 1) As soon as the hostess picks up her napkin(餐巾), pick yours up and lay it on your lap. Sometimes a roll of bread is wrapped in it; if so, toke it our and put it on your side plate. 2) The Soup Course Dinner usually begins with soup. The largest spoon at your place is the soup spoon. It will be beside your plate at the right-hand side. 3) The Fish Course If there is a fish course, it will probably follow the soup. There may be a special fork for the fish, or it may be similar to the meat fork. Often it is smaller. 4) The Meat Course The main Course is usually served by the host himself, especially if it is a fowl(鸡禽) or a roast which need to be carved. He will often ask each guest what piece he prefers, and it is quite proper to state your preference as to lean or fat, dark(红肉) or light(白肉). 5) Using Knife and Fork If you have English and American friends you will notice a few differences in their customs of eating. For the main or meat curse, the English keep the fork in the left hand, point curved downward, and bring the food to the mouth either by sticking the points onto it or in the case of soft vegetables, by placing it firmly on the fork in this position with the knife. Americans carve the meat in the same position, then lay down the knife and taking


英文餐桌常见用语 餐具 coffee pot 咖啡壶 coffee cup 咖啡杯 paper towel 纸巾 napkin 餐巾 table cloth 桌布 tea -pot 茶壶 tea set 茶具 tea tray 茶盘 caddy 茶罐 dish 碟 plate 盘 saucer 小碟子 rice bowl 饭碗 chopsticks 筷子 soup spoon 汤匙 knife 餐刀 cup 杯子 glass 玻璃杯 mug 马克杯 picnic lunch 便当 fruit plate 水果盘toothpick 牙签 西餐 menu 菜单 French cuisine 法国菜today's special 今日特餐chef's special 主厨特餐buffet 自助餐 fast food 快餐 specialty 招牌菜continental cuisine 欧式西餐aperitif 饭前酒

dim sum 点心 French fires 炸薯条 baked potato 烘马铃薯mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥omelette 简蛋卷 pudding 布丁 pastries 甜点 pickled vegetables 泡菜kimchi 韩国泡菜crab meat 蟹肉 prawn 明虾 conch 海螺 escargots 田螺braised beef 炖牛肉bacon 熏肉 poached egg 荷包蛋 sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋 over 煎两面荷包蛋 fried egg 煎蛋 over easy 煎半熟蛋 over hard 煎全熟蛋 scramble eggs 炒蛋 boiled egg 煮蛋 stone fire pot 石头火锅 sashi 日本竹筷 sake 日本米酒 miso shiru 味噌汤 roast meat 铁板烤肉 sashimi 生鱼片 butter 奶油 冷饮: beverages 饮料 soya-bean milk 豆浆 syrup of plum 酸梅汤 tomato juice 番茄汁


餐桌礼仪英语短语 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《餐桌礼仪英语短语》的内容,具体内容:看外国的餐桌礼仪用英文表达的话是如何的呢?你们觉得可以适应吗?下面是我给大家整理的表达,供大家参阅!餐桌礼仪英语(短语篇)1) As soon as the hoste... 看外国的餐桌礼仪用英文表达的话是如何的呢?你们觉得可以适应吗? 下面是我给大家整理的表达,供大家参阅! 餐桌礼仪英语(短语篇) 1) As soon as the hostess picks up her napkin(餐巾), pick yours up and lay it on your lap. Sometimes a roll of bread is wrapped in it; if so, toke it our and put it on your side plate. 2) The Soup Course Dinner usually begins with soup. The largest spoon at your place is the soup spoon. It will be beside your plate at the right-hand side. 3) The Fish Course If there is a fish course, it will probably follow the soup. There may be a special fork for the fish, or it may be similar to the meat fork. Often it is smaller. 4) The Meat Course The main Course is usually served by the host himself, especially


烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns 割包Steamed sandwich 饭团Rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆Soybean milk 饭类: 稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 油饭Glutinous oil rice 糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥Sweet potato congee 面类: 馄饨面Wonton & noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鴨肉面Duck with noodles 鱔魚面 Eel noodles 乌龙面Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles 板条Flat noodles 米粉Rice noodles 炒米粉Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle 汤类: 鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 貢丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤Clams soup 牡蛎汤Oyster soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 猪肠汤Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤Pork thick soup 鱿鱼汤 Squid soup 花枝羹Squid thick soup 甜点: 爱玉Vegetarian gelatin 糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃Longevity Peaches 芝麻球Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花Hemp flowers 双胞胎Horse hooves 冰类: 绵绵冰Mein mein ice 麦角冰Oatmeal ice 地瓜冰Sweet potato ice 紅豆牛奶冰Red bean with milk ice 八宝冰Eight treasures ice 豆花Tofu pudding 果汁: 甘蔗汁Sugar cane juice 酸梅汁Plum juice 杨桃汁Star fruit juice 青草茶Herb juice 点心: 牡蛎煎Oyster omelet 臭豆腐Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 油豆腐Oily bean curd 麻辣豆腐Spicy hot bean curd 虾片Prawn cracker 虾球Shrimp balls 春卷Spring rolls 蛋卷Chicken rolls 碗糕Salty rice pudding 豆干Dried tofu 筒仔米糕Rice tube pudding 红豆糕R ed bean cake 绿豆糕Bean paste cake 糯米糕Glutinous rice cakes 萝卜糕Fried white radish patty 芋头糕Taro cake 肉圆Taiwanese Meatballs 水晶饺Pyramid dumplings 肉丸Rice-meat dumplings 其他: 当归鸭Angelica duck 槟榔Betel nut 火锅Hot pot


餐桌上的英语口语每逢佳节聚会,英美人常欢聚一堂,频频举杯,开怀畅饮,“干 杯!”、“为……干杯!”之声不绝于耳。那么餐桌上的英语对话有哪些呢 一、用(Here's)to 表示: 's to your health / success. 为你的健康/ 成功干杯! 's to our friendship! 为我们的友谊干杯! 's to Tom for his new job! 为汤姆的新工作干杯! 二、用health, luck等表示:Good health! Good luck! All the best!例如: health, John—May you have a successful time in Manchester!为了你的健康,约翰,也祝你在曼彻斯特前程似锦! raised her glass,“Good luck to you!” she said. 海伦举起酒杯,说道:“祝你好运!” 三、主人或主持人邀客人喝酒时,通常用Cheers! Do the honors!例如: raised his glass,“May you success! Cheers!” 他举起酒杯说:“祝你成功,干杯!” , you do the honors and propose the toast. 帕特,你敬酒吧。 四、在比较随便的场合,通常用Here's how!还有Happy landing!(美俚,原为空军用语)等。例如:

Oh,come, come,'s how!噢,来呀,来呀,大卫,干杯! 五、在比较正式的场合,英美人有时也用一些外来语。例如: Prosit!(来源于拉丁语,意为May it do good! To your health/ good luck! etc. ) 六、在陈述句中,英美语通常用toast,round, drink to,drink a toast for / to, propose a toast for 等词表示。例如:,I'll give you a toast——to our president! 朋友们,我给大家敬酒,为我们总统干杯! now propose a toast to the friendship between our two people——to our friendship. 现在,我提议为我们两国人民的友谊干杯! 在家待客 在家招待客人 You would no doubt be interested in Chinese cooking。 你一定喜欢中国菜。 Dinner is ready. Please come to the table。 饭菜好了,请入席。 What would you like to drink 你要喝什么 Mr. Taylor, which do you prefer, beer or wine Mr. Taylor,你要啤酒还是葡萄酒。 Wouldn't you care for something a little stronger
