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赖世雄学英文的经历 高中结束后,大学联考英文只有辉煌的“7分”,「赖家老大从此不见了!祖宗八代的脸都被你丢光了!」 英语天王,大学联考英文真的只有“7分”!高中三年,就在鬼混、不用功的情况下度过了,我也知道自己铁定考不上大学,但是,总是要试一下。结果不出所料,英文只考了一个个位数——「七分」,数学就更不用提了,即使我一向擅长的三民主义,也出了状况,只有三十多分,成绩出乎意料的差。当时根本就没有钱可以买相关英语考试用书。 我永远忘不了父亲接到成绩单时那副失望的神情;他默默地坐在藤椅上,一张脸整个沉了下来,突然间好像老了十几岁,过了好久,才粗暴地迸出一句话:「赖家老大从此不见了!祖宗八代的脸都被你丢光了!」 我不在乎爸爸说我什么,内心也不会感到一丝难过,这是我自己不用功,成天搞乐团,生活荒唐造成的后果,我是咎由自取,怪不得任何人。 但是,当我听到爸爸替我隐瞒分数,告诉前来的同乡杨伯伯,我离录取标准只差两分、输得冤枉时,我难过得几乎掉下泪来。我觉得愧对爸爸,愧对他对我的期望。这些年,我一而再、再而三在他脸上抹灰,让他难堪!「爸爸!我真对不起你!」 开窍=挣脱樊笼,终于自由了!经过这么多的挫折、打击,受了那么多的轻视、屈辱,我在学科上还是没有任何改善,就在报考政战学校的录取通知单寄来时,我第一个感觉就是喜悦:「哈!终于可以离开这个樊笼,从此海阔天空,任我遨游。」至于游向何方?有什么理想?有什么抱负?心智未开的我,一点也没有考虑到,一心想的就是:「我自由了!」「我终于自由了!」

自由=关在笼子里的断翅囚鸟?进入政战后,天天被关在学校,不得外出,就像一只空中翱翔的鸟,突然被关在笼子里。失去自由还不算,稍有不慎,学长就连打带骂,身心承受无比的压力。于是兴起逃跑的念头,但是,不知道逃到哪里? 左思右想,我决心向父亲求救,于是我写了一封信给爸爸,告诉他:﹁我错了!以前没有好好读书,辜负了你的期望,一切都是儿子的过错,现在我已后悔了,知道要上进,希望你能给我一个赎罪的机会,接儿子出去,儿子一定会好好用功… 信寄出去好几天,没有任何回音,不知道父亲收到没?就在我焦急等待中,长官跑来问我:「这里的环境很好,为什么想走?有什么问题可以随时向部队长官反映。」我暗叫一声不妙:彷佛听到其中一个学长说:「小子!有种,「想退训!」我吓得不敢开口,一颗心扑通、扑通猛跳着。果然不出所料,等训导员离开后,我就被学长叫出去好好地接受了一番磨练。 说来奇怪,就在我被学长叫出去操练后,烦燥、恐惧的心反而笃定下来:「反正也逃不出去,就在这里安身立命吧!」也就是在那一刻,我第一次想到我的前途,第一次想到,我必须要做些什么了!


Explain the following terms 一1) free morpheme/ A free morpheme is one that can be uttered发出,表达alone with meaning. It can exist on its own without a bound morpheme. In the traditional sense, a free morpheme is a word. 例如hand ,eat, get 2) bound form/never used as sentences. – ess in countess, lioness and duchess –ish in boyish, childish and greenish –s in hats, books and cups 3) function words/ function words are often short words, they do not have much lexical meaning and some of them have no lexical meaning of their own; They are often short words such as determiners限定词, conjunctions连词, prepositions介词, auxiliaries辅助物, and so forth. 如to, the , of , by 4) content words实词/ They are used to name objects, qualities, actions, processes or states, and have independent lexical meaning. They are the nouns, main verbs, adjectives形容词and adverbs副词of a language. 二1) syntheti c综合的language / inflectional grammatical markers, French, German and Russian. 2) analytic language/word order, prepositions or auxiliary verbs , English and Chinese 3) Indo-European family of languages/ Europe and parts of Southern Asia Eight groups 三1) morphemes /The morpheme is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language, not divisible可分的or analyzable into smaller forms. 2) allomorphs/variants变体of the same morphem如im-, ir-, il- : allomorphs of the morpheme in- 3) root / is the basic unchangeable part of a word, and it conveys the main lexical meaning of the word. work able, work er, work ed, and work ing 4) stem /A stem is of concern only when dealing with inflectional morphology. Inflectional (but not derivational) affixes are added to it. It is the part of word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed. 如undesirables, undesirable; desired, desire 5) base / A base is any form to which affixes of any kind can be added. Desirable, desire - base and root, not stem; undesirable, desirable-base, not root and stem 6) inflectional affixes/A inflectional affix serves to express such meanings as plurality复数, tense, and the comparative比较的or superlative 最高的degree. 如-s, -ed, -er, -est 7) derivational affixes / When they are added to another morpheme, they derive a new word. re+write, mini+car, super+market, modern+ize, work+er 8) compounding 复合法/Compounding is a word-formation process consisting of combining two or more bases to form a compound word 9) derivation 派生法/Derivation or affixation is generally defined as a word-formation process by which new words are created by adding a prefix or a suffix or both to the base 10) conversion 转化法/Conversion is a word-formation process in which a word of a certain word-class is shifted into a word of another word-class without the addition of an affix. 11) initialism/It is a type of shortening, using the first letters of words to form a proper name, a technical term, or a phrase. 12) acronym首字母缩略词/Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of the name of an organization or a scientific term, etc. Acronyms differ from initialisms in that they are pronounced as words rather than as sequences of letters. 13) blending拼缀/Blending is a process of word-formation in which a new word is formed by


唱歌学英语的6大好处 ①对语感的培养。经常的听和唱英文歌曲,可以很好的培养你的英语语感。在任 何的语言里,语感都是最重要的部分之一。 ②对发音的帮助。歌曲时而快时而慢的节奏对发音的要求比较高,而歌词连读、略读、重读等现象的经常出现,对英语学习者的发音会有很大帮助。 ③学唱英文歌曲对短期内高效的记忆单词是非常有效的。英语学习者通常是孤立地背单词,实际上,背单词不如背句子。因为,你背句子时候,单词就肯定顺便的被你一起记住了,对吧!还有,背诵句子,能让你更好的记住这些单词是如何用在句子里面的。很多人记了很多单词,但是不知道怎么造句子,有什么用?请问我们说话时是说句子多,还是一个一个单词说的多?当然我们说话时都是绝对以句子为主的。因此,背单词不如背句子!而英文歌曲中的句子都是非常值得记背诵的句子。因为,英文歌曲里面的句子都是最常用的句子,也是最地道的英语句子。你不但要学,还要优先学。 ④可以让英语学习者在短时期内学到地道、纯正的英语。由于中国人和外国人在思维上以及语言习惯上的差异,导致很多英语学习者学到

的,往往是中国式的英语。而流行音乐是英语学习者了解西方人的思维以及语言习惯的一种非常有效的方式。 ⑤学唱英文歌曲是非常有趣的,也是很好玩的,唱歌可学习到异域文化。背诵英语课本上的文章是很无聊的,对吧!如果你是像我这样,还录音录像的话,那就更好玩!学英语要玩着学,学唱英文歌曲是一个非常好的方法。能让你在快乐中学会英语。有些歌的产生有一定的时代背景,学唱这些歌曲,不但学习语言,还可以学到一定的历史文化知识和社会背景知识。 ⑥学会唱英文歌,可以帮助你指数级提升你的英语词汇量和地道英语句子量。还有最重要的就是:可以帮助你快速提升你的英语听力和口语水平


Lesson 1 Jack’s family Text: Jack is married to Alice. She is his wife and he is her husband. They have a daughter and a son. The son’s name is Henry and the daughter’s name is Lisa. They live next to Alice’s parents Harry and Margaret. Harry is Alice’s father and Margaret is her mother. Harry is Jack’s father-in-law and Margaret is his mother-in-law. Henry is Harry’s grandson and Lisa is Margaret’s granddaughter. Alice has a sister and a brother. Her sister’s name is Mary and her brother’s name is Frank. F rank has two children David and Sherry. Sherry is Alice’s niece and David is Alice’s nephew. Alice is their aunt and Jack is their uncle. Now listen to the text again and follow along Dialogue: Family members Woman: Do you have brothers and sisters? Man: No, I am the only child in my family. Woman: Oh, I have an elder sister. She is Mary. Her husband is a businessman. Man: Do they live with you and your parents? Woman: No, they live alone. Lesson 2 Two pronouns Text: Tommy is a pupil. He is always absent-minded in class. His father and mother always tell him to listen to the teacher in class carefully. Don’t be absent-minded again. His teacher tries to think of ways to change him:” Look at us when you are in class. Don’t be so absent-minded”. Tommy answers:”Ok, I will”. One day, Tommy is in English class. He is looking out of the window in smiling. His English teacher asks the class:” say two pronouns, please answer my question”. Tommy looks at his teacher in surprise and stands up:” Who? Me”. The teacher says:” Good, sit down please”. Dialogue: Absent-minded kids Man: My child is often absent-minded in class. Woman: It’s all right. Kids are like that. Man: But if he doesn’t listen to the teacher carefully, he won’t learn anything. Woman: Don’t worry. His teac her will tell him to be good. Man: I hope so. Lesson 3 Computer games Text: There are many kinds of computer games. Some of the games show violence. While others show women with almost no clothes on, some games let you point the gun at the people and shoot them. Many parents are worried that these kinds of games are bad for kids to play. There should be less violence in computer games. Some boys like to fight and they were used the computer to pretend to fight. Playing computer games helps kids to get involved with computers. Violence and sex are put in the games for boys. But what about girls, girls also need to be comfortable with computers. So they can use them when they grow up. The problem now is getting girls interested in computers while they are still young. Dialogue: Computer games Man: I hate the computer games. Woman: Why? They are fine. Man: Because they are too violent. Some of them are even disgusting. Woman: Indeed they are bad games. But many of them are good.


1 B a s i c C o n c e p t s 基本概念 1.1 the definition of a word ( alone in a sentence. A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.) 1.2 sound and meaning :symbolic connection is almost always arbitrary and conventional . A dog is called a dog not because the sound and the three letters that make up the word just automatically suggest the animal in question. 1.3 sound and form : 1.4 vocabulary 1.5 classification of words 词汇分类 basic word stock 基本词汇 nonbasic vocabulary 非基本词汇 by use frequency 按使用频率分: basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary 基本词汇和非基本词汇 by notion 按概念分: content words and functional words 实义词和功能词 by origin 按起源分: native words and borrowed words 本地词和外来词 all national character 全民性 stability 稳定性 productivity 多产性 polysemy 一词多义 collocability 搭配性 terminology 术语 jargon 行话 slang 俚语 argon 黑话 dialectal words 方言词 archaism 古语词 neologism 新词 neutral in style 文体上中性 frequent in use 使用频繁 native words 本地词 borrowed words 外来词 denizens 同化词 aliens 异形词 translation-loans 译借词 1. No enough letters: alphabet from Latin 2. Pronunciation changed more rapidly 3. Early scribes: change spelling for easier recognition 4. Borrowing: different rules of pronunciation and spelling obvious characteristics 明显的特点 (Functional words do not have notions of their own and their main function is to express the relation between notions, words, etc.)


第一章句子的形成 概说:1、任何一个句子一定由主语和动词组成 2、有时主语可以省略,而形成祈使句。这种祈使句句首为原形动词,之前省略了You should 第一节可作主语的词类 通常有:名词、代词、动名词或不定时短语、名词性从句、名词短语、表距离的地点副词短语 (一)动词不能直接做主语,一定要变成动名词或不定时短语 (二)动名词作主语:表已知的事实或曾经做过的经历例:Listening to music makes me happy (三)不定式作主语:表意愿、目的、或未完成的事例:To study abroad is my greatest desire (四)用it作形式主语(解决主语太长):动名词或不定时短语移至句尾,改为不定式。 例:It makes me happy to Listening to music (五)特殊句型:用it替代动名词短语时,不可使用不定式 It is no use+V-ing= It is useless +to do= It is of no use +to do -ing (一)句子不能作主语,一定要变成名词性从句(比如在前面加that) (二)名词性从句的种类 注:1、包括:宾语从句、主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句 2、三种:(1)that从句(2)whether从句(3)疑问词所引导的从句 1、that从句:在主语起首的句子前加that 2、whether从句:由一般疑问句变化而成,将主语和be动词/助动词/do、does、did还原(还原后需将do、does、did去掉,后面的动词依人称和时态变化) 例:Did he come? (问句)→whether he did come came(名词性从句) 3、疑问词所引导的从句:由疑问词(when、what、how、where、why)等引导的特殊疑问句变化而成。 (1)主语和be动词/助动词/do、does、did还原(还原后需将do、does、did去掉,后面的动词依人称和时态变化) 例:What did he write? (问句)→What he did write wrote.(名词性从句) (2)who、what、which(哪一个)为疑问代词,若在问句中作主语,变成名词性从句时,结构不变。 例:Which was bought?(问句)→Which was bought(名词性从句) (三)名词性从句的功能:同名词一样,主、宾、表 1、作主语:(1)例:That honesty is the best policy is a proverb(which)we should always keep in mind. 例:Where he lives is still in doubt. 例:Whether he can do it remains to be seen. (2)用形式主语it替代名词性从句:被替代的名词性从句置于句尾 例:It remains to be seen whether he can do it 2、作及物动词的宾语:例:I know(vt.) that he will go abroad in the near future(o.). 3、作介词(prep.)的宾语: (1)此时仅能用“whether从句”或“疑问词所引导的从句”作宾语,that从句不可作prep.的宾语。 例:I am sure of(prep.) that the team has won the game(o.).(×) (2)遇有介词,非要使用that 从句时: ①“prep.+the fact +that从句”例:I am sure of(prep.)the fact(o.) that the team has won the game(同位语). ②首先去掉that,然后that后的主语变成所有格,最后动词变成动名词


Lesson 1 Self Introduction The lesson is very good. Lesson one lesson two “My name is Robert. My friends call me Bob. I am twenty years old. I am Chinese. I come from Beijing. There are six people in my family. I have one younger sister and two old brothers. We are not rich, but we are a happy family.” Part one 第一部分reading 阅读My bicycle my home What’s your name, please? Open the door, please. My name is Peter. Call me, please. Call me when you have time. Give me a call when you have time. 8:18 I am ten years old. He is one year old. I am twenty years of age. I am twenty. How old are you? I am a Chinese. 名词中国人I am Chinese. 形容词中国人的 American 美国人(名词)He is an American. He is American. 美国人的(形容词) This is a book. I come from Guangdong. He comes from Sichuan. I am from Beijing. Where are you from? Where do you come from? I am from Beijing. I come from Beijing. 18:56 There is a book on the desk. 有……. There is a cat in the room. People 两个人以上才能用一个人用one person Two persons 两个人= two people Three people four people I have a book. He has a book. 主语有思想,有生命 25:09 Substitutions Lesson 2 Nice to Meet You “HI! My name is Mike. Hi! I’m Nancy. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from? I’m from Shanghai. And you? I’m from Chicago. ” 1:31 Hi! I am Mike. I’m Mike. HI! There. 嗨!你好。 I see a man there. Hello! I am John/Peter/Mary. Hello! I’m Peter. Hello! I’m Mary. How do you do! 你好!How do you do! 正式场合用 How are you? I’m fine. Thank you. 比较熟时用 He is nice. This man is nice. 6:16 (It is) Nice to meet you. (I’m) Pleased to meet you. (I’m) Glad to meet/see you. Pleased 感到高兴的 I am a student. He is a student, too. He can sing. I can (sing), too. 12:24 Where do you come from? And you? = and where are you from? And那么 I come from Chicago. Hi! My name is David. Hi! I’m Mary. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 16:44 KK. system 美式音标 What do your friends call you? My friends call me Jonny. How old are you? I am twenty-eight years old. I am twenty-eight years of age. Are you Chinese? Yes, I am Chinese. How many people are there in your family? There are six people in my family. How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have two brothers and one sister. Where are you from? I am from Beijing. There’s a man/boy/woman there. There are five Chinese there.

大学英语词汇学期末考试 重点复习资料整理 权威版 后附试题

2012词汇学复习资料 The development of the English Vocabulary 1.Indo-European Language Family The Indo-European Language Family is considered as one of the most important language families. It includes most languages of Europe, the Near East, and India. Those languages, which are believed to have originated from this language family and developed alone different lines, show various degrees of similarity to one another. They fall into eight principal groups, which can be grouped into an Eastern Set东部诸语族: Balto-Slavic波罗的-斯拉夫语, Indo-Iranian印度伊朗语族, Armenian 亚美尼亚语族and Albanian阿尔巴尼亚语族; a Western Set: 西部诸语族Celtic凯尔特语族, Italic 意大利语族, Hellenic希腊语族, Germanic日尔曼语族. All the languages in both sets shed some influence on English to a greater or lesser extent because each has lent words into the English vocabulary. Prussian普鲁士语 Lithuanian立陶宛语 Polish波兰语 Balto-Slavic波罗的-斯拉夫语Czech捷克斯洛伐克语 Bulgarian保加利亚语 Slovenian斯洛文尼亚语 Russian Albanian阿尔巴尼亚 Persian波斯语 Hindi北印度语 Indo-Iranian印度伊朗语系Bengali孟加拉语 Romany,吉卜赛语 Armenian亚美尼亚语 Portuguese Spanish Italic意大利语族Italian Roumanian罗马尼亚语 French Indo-European Language Family Irish Celtic凯尔特语Breton Scottish Norwegian挪威语 Icelandic,冰岛语 Danish丹麦语 Germanic Swedish瑞典语 日尔曼语言English Dutch Flemish German Hellenic,古希腊语- Greek


赖世雄中级美语教程 1. Rome Wasn't Built in a Day English is an international language. Therefore, it is necessary for us to learn it. It can be rewarding or just a waste of time. It's up to you. It depends on how you study it. Here are some tips about learning English. First, don't be afraid to make mistakes. You will learn from them. Second, you must not be shy. Be thick-skinned and speak up! Finally, you mush be patient. Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day." 罗马不是一天造成的 英语是国际语言。所以,我们必须学英文。学英文可以使我们获益,也可能是白白浪费时间。那就看你的了。那要看你如何去学习。以下是一些关于学习英语的诀窍。 首先,别怕出错。你可以从错误中学习。其次,千万不要害羞。脸皮厚一点大声说出来!最后,一定要有耐心。记住:“罗马不是一天造成的。” 2. How to Improve Your English Mack is talking to his friend Don. (M=Mack, D=Don) M: Hi, Don! How are you doing in your English class? D: Not so well, I'm afraid. M: What's the problem? D: I'm not improving. Tell me, how come your English is so good? M: Well, uh…I have an American girlfriend. D: Aha! That's it. Now I know what to do. (He runs off.) M: Hey, Come back! I was just kidding! 如何加强你的英文 梅克正在和他的朋友唐聊天。 梅克:嗨,唐!你英文课上得怎么样? 唐:恐怕不怎么理想。 梅克:出了什么问题? 唐:我一直没进步。告诉我, 为什么你的英文那么棒? 梅克:呃, 这个吗 我交了个美国女朋友。 唐:啊哈!就是这样。现在我知道该怎么做了!(他跑走了。) 梅克:嘿,回来啊!我只是在开玩笑! 3. The City of Song Listening to music is the favorite pastime of many people all over the world. This is especially true for people living in Vienna, the city of song. Being the home of Mozart, this city is the birthplace of classical music and the waltz. Music fills the air in Vienna. Going to public concerts is often free of charge. And don't forget, Vienna is also home to the world famous Vienna Boys' Choir. No wonder people say Austria is always alive with the sound of music. 音乐之都 听音乐是全世界许多人最喜爱的消遣。这对生活在音乐之都的维也纳人民来说更是贴切。 这个城市不但是莫札特的故乡,也是古典音乐和华尔兹舞曲的发源地。 音乐缭绕于整个维也纳。欣赏公开的演奏会通常都是免费的。别忘了,维也纳也是世界著名维也纳少年合唱团的所在地。难怪人们说奥地利永远充满着音乐的声音。
