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5、考虑一下各个语句哪些包含预设“Mike smashed the television”。换句话说,哪些语句表述了说话人认 为该预设是真的但没有直接说出来。这些语句的共同 点是什么? (a)Did Mike smash the television? (b)When did Mike smash the television? (c)I was eating popcorn(爆米花) when Mike smashed the television. (d)Why did Mike smash the television? (e)I don’t understand why Mike smash the television. (f)I wonder if Mike smashed the television. (g)I wonder how Mike smashed the television.
第3讲 预设
Did you get a good look at my face when I took your purse?
1、如果可能的话,请判断以下每个句子是真是假 (注意:“真、假”不同于“是、否”)。有没有 这样一些句子:你如果不考虑英语单词的意思或牵 涉到的人物、地点、事件的知识,你就不可能对其 真假值作出判断? (a)Abraham Lincoln is the current president of the USA. (b)The Eiffel Tower is in Paris. (c)A car is an automobile. (d)Have a cookie. (e)Be careful of the crumbs (f)Where was Abraham Lincoln born? (g)How much did the car cost?
9、想象你是一位机警的律师。写下某些问题可能 是通过预设隐藏在下列事实的问题。例如针对 “The defendant drove his car into a shop window” 的问题“Did you brake before you drove your car into the shop window?”注意:只要被告按要求回答 问题,不论答案是“Yes”或“No”,他都等于接受 了预设的真实性,承认他曾开车撞坏了商店窗户。 (a)The defendant had a fight with his brotherin-law. (b)The defendant has three previous convictions. (c)The defendant belongs to a terrorist organization. (d)The defendant was speeding.
3、将以上四个句子全转换成否定句,看看后面的推理 是否依然正确。
4、以下每个语句都提到chocolate cake。考虑以下 在说话时哪一个语句包含预设“There was a chocolate cake”。这些语句有什么共同点? 1(a)Mike might find the chocolate cake in the kitchen. 1(b)Mike might find a chocolate cake in the kitchen. 2(a)Is Mike giving Annie that chocolate cake? 2(b)Is Mike giving Annie a chocolate cake? 3(a)Did Mike hide a chocolate cake? 3(b)Did Mike hide Annie’s chocolate cake?
10、假设你是一位聪明的广告人。以下是关于各种 商品的完全没有根据的表述。针对每个例子,请你 写下一句广告词,通过预设来涵包各表述的意思。 你可以用完整的句子,可以使用各种句子句子类型, 特别是祈使句和疑问句。 ZINKO cures insomnia(失眠症). Happy Havens Inn has beautiful. KISSGOOD eliminates bad breath. NO-ANT kills ants. Crook & Sons Ltd employ skilled workers. BLASTEX is not poisonous. SHINO nourishes wood. Dogs love YAPPY dog food. Dentists use GRIN toothpast.
2、下列句子是什么类型的句子?伴随其后的推 理正确吗? (a)Where has Faye looked for the keys? “Faye has looked for the keys.” (b)Did you buy this awful wine? “This wine is awful.” (c)Don’t sit on the Annie’s sofa. “Annie has a sofa.” (d)Stop being lazy. “You are being lazy.” (e)Lucy knows that George is a crook. “George is a crook.”
8、以下各个广告选粹里,什么样的说明是通过预 设说出来而不是直接说出来的?(名字已被改换, 以便无罪) (a)The secret to Blasee’s effectiveness is Calming Fluid. (b)Look out for the distinctive packs in your local Bippo stockists and choose the one that’s just right for nyou. (c)Watch all the puffiness and wrinkles disappear. (d)Increased protection against water spots. (e)Now you can get a really crisp professional finish. (f)It combines three potent skin perfecting discoveries in one gentle formula.
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6、写出下列每句话可能包含的预设,并说明 是什么触发了它。 (a)Steve regrets buying a dog. (b)Meridyth pretends she’s a rock star. (c)Ed should stop eating raw oysters.
7、在以下每个例子中,假设某位法官已经支持了 对该问题的疑议,则已经对此问题持反对意见的预 设是什么? (a)How did you know that the defendant had bought a knife? (b)How long have you been selling cocaine? (c)When was your bracelet cstolen? (d)Did you see the murdered woman before she left the office? (e)How fast was the car going when the ndriver ran the red light? (f)At what time did you telephone your lover? (g)Have you stopped being an active gang member? (h)Why did you leave the scene of the crime?