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The title of the design is Teaching Building Of t Heshan middle school in Cangxi County of Guangyuan. It includes architecture design and structure design.

This is a frame structure. It has 5 floors, and the total height is18.9 m, the total construction area is about 4000 m2.

In architecture design aspect, it has designed the plan view, elevation and sectional drawing of this teaching building. This building is an synthetical teaching building, so when to design the plan view, the function of the room is first considered. In addition , it is considered the structural design scheme and how to choose the foundation pattern .In this pait, architecture design and structure design is connected.

In structure design aspect, it contains the calculation of the gravity load ,and the endogen calculation when wind or seismic shock force places. it also contains the endogen calculation when dead load places. After the endogen calculation is finished, and designs the section of the beam and column according to the most disadvantageous combination . It also designs the slab, stairway and foundation.

Key words : Lateral framework;Structural design; Vertical load;Combination of internal force


前言 (1)

第1章绪论 (2)

1.1 建筑设计说明 (2)

1.1.1 设计依据 (2)

1.1.2 设计原则 (2)

1.1.3 建筑体型的设计 (3)

1.1.4 平面的设计 (4)

1.1.5 立面的设计 (5)

1.2 总平面设计 (5)

1.3 建筑平面设计 (6)

1.4 建筑立面设计 (6)

1.4.1 层高的确定 (6)

1.4.2 室内、外高差 (7)

1.5 屋面排水的设计 (7)

1.6 结语 (7)

第2章结构设计 (8)

2.1 结构选型与计算简图 (9)

2.1.1 设计概况 (9)

2.1.2 尺寸估算 (9)

2.1.3 选用材料 (10)

2.1.2 确定计算简图 (10)

2.2 荷载计算 (12)

2.2.1 屋面横梁竖向线荷载 (12)

2.2.2 楼面横梁竖向线荷载 (13)

2.2.3 屋面框架节点集中荷载 (13)

2.2.4 楼面框架节点集中荷载 (14)

2.2.5 风荷载 (15)

2.2.2 地震作用 (17)

2.3 框架内力计算 (22)

2.3.1 恒载作用下的框架内力 (22)

2.3.2 活载作用下的框架内力 (29)

2.3.3 风荷载作用下框架内力 (34)

2.3.4 地震作用下框架内力 (38)

2.4 框架内力组合 (41)

2.4.1 梁弯矩调幅 (42)

2.4.2 梁内力组合 (43)

2.4.3 柱内力组合 (49)

2.5 框架梁柱截面设计 (55)

2.5.1 梁截面设计 (55)

2.5.2 柱截面设计 (60)

2.6 楼梯结构设计 (67)

2.6.1 梯段板计算 (67)

2.6.2 休息平台板计算 (68)

2.6.3 梯段梁TL1计算 (69)

2.7 现浇楼面板设计 (71)

2.7.1 支座中点最大弯矩 (71)

2.7.2 A区格计算 (72)

2.7.3 B区格计算 (73)

2.7.4 确定配筋 (74)

2.8 基础设计 (76)

2.8.1 初步确定基础尺寸 (76)

2.8.2 基础受冲切承载力验算 (77)

2.8.3 配筋计算 (78)

结束语 (80)

参考文献 (81)

致谢 (82)

附录 (83)
