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☆Unit 1

I. Vocabulary

1. There was something __c___ about Julia’s quiet dignity.

A. impress

B. impression

C. impressive

D. impressed

2. Social services were strongly __D___ for not taking more action to protect children at risk.

A. critic

B. critical

C. criticism

D. criticized

3. I braced myself __B___ the results of my blood test.

A. to

B. for

C. in

D. with

4. Vitamin A helps build resistance __B___ infection.

A. to

B. for

C. in

D. with

5. Rob was __A___ enthusiasm.

A. brimmed with

B. brimmed to

C. brimming with

D. brimming to

6. I can’t __D___ what color to paint the house.

A. take out

B. look out

C. make out

D. figure out

7. During the most _C____ time in her career, she wrote five novels.

A. produce

B. production

C. productive

D. producing

8. The world’s __A___ resources must be used wisely.

A. definite

B. infinite

C. finite

D. definition

9. Without proper lessons, you could __B___ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.

A. keep up

B. pick up

C. draw up

D. catch up

10. He decided to speed up the research _A____at completing it ahead of schedule.

A. shot

B. shoot

C. short

D. shooting

11. We__D___ into my car and set off.

A. was cramming

B. cramming

C. was crammed

D. crammed

12. I made a phone call to __B___ his address.

A. check in

B. check out

C. check up

D. check on

13. The government __B___ heavy tax on the city dwellers.

A. exposes

B. imposes

C. opposes

D. composes

14. The boy did not like to mop the floor, but he made the _B____ of it.

A. use

B. best

C. worst

D. good

15. On the whole, _C____ students are more likely to succeed in their studies than are those with little _____.

A. ambition ambitious

B. ambition ambition

C. ambitious ambition

D. ambitious ambitious

II. Cloze

Putting your dreams1the back burner until the circumstances are right means that they’ll be2never be realized. Our only regrets in life are the things that we don’t do. We 3 it to ourselves to go out and do them now 4it’s too late. Tomo rrow?

It’s all a lie; there isn’t a tomorrow. There is only a 5 note that we are often not in a position to cash. It doesn’t even exist. When you wake up in the morning it’ll be6 again and all the same rules will 7. Tomorrow is just another 8of now, an empty field that will remain so 9 we start planting some seeds. Your time, which is ticking 10 as we speak (at about 60 seconds a minute 11 ; a bit faster if you don’t invest it wisely), will be gone and you’ll have12 to show for it but 13 and a rear-view mirror full of “could haves”, “should haves” and “would haves”. So what I’m thinking is if we14 and our allotted time is 15, why the hell aren’t we doing all the things we want to do now?

C1. A. in B. off C. on D. under

2. A. apparently B. likely C. definitely D. probably

3. A. owe B. access C. ascribe D. stick

4. A. when B. before C. after D. until

5. A. promising B. promised C. promissory D. promises

6. A. tomorrow B. yesterday C. today D. daylight

7. A. apply B. devote C. concern D. affect

8. A. paraphrase B. adaptation C. description D. version

9. A. if B. lest C. but D. unless

10. A. off B. away C. over D. by

11. A. consequently B. subsequently C. accordingly D. chronologically

12. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything

13. A. disappointment B. apology C. regret D. soreness

14. A. died B. die C. have died D. are dying

15. A. fixed B. finite C. unfixed D. infinite

☆Unit 2

I. Vocabulary

1. Amy was very__B___ about her intention to travel around
