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• Factory Planner provides a global integrated view
Factory Planner
Decisions & Data
Purchasing Order Entry MRP Shipping Floor Control
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FP’s suggestion
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Basic FP Data Objects
• BOM data • Demand order data • Part number data • Unassigned inventory data • Supplier part data • Resource data • Routing data
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What Is Rhythm Factory Planner (FP) ?
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What Is Rhythm Factory Planner (FP)
• Factory Planner uses the information from the existing transaction system (ERP) to provide intelligent decision support capability in Planning and Scheduling
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More FP Data Objects
• Wip data • Operation resource data • Resource calendar data • Vendor calendar data • Variable capacity bucket size data
• Factory Planner can quickly reveal the production constraint, which is almost impossible for traditional planning process
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Rhythm FP Architecture
• FP requires ACCURATE and SUFFICIENT data input (garbage in & garbage out)
• Open loop planning process in the first phase • Planners execute the production plan based on
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FP Data Objects Relationship
WIP data
Part Numbers
Demand Orders & Forecast Orders
machines • Use existing data (from Triton and SFCS) • Memory Resident • Multi-User capability
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Rhythm FP Architecture (cont.)
Production Planner
•Unassigned Inventory •P.O./ Vendor Info. •WIP
Other Information:
•Tools •...
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Production Plan:
•Capacity •Material
Rhythm FP Framework (cont.)
What-if Server
Rhythm FP Framework
(Input & Output)
Product Structure:
•Part number •BOM •Routings
Factory Model:
•Resources •Resource Calendar
Material Availability:
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• What Is Rhythm Factory Planner (FP) • Rhythm FP Architecture • Rhythm Factory Planner (FP) Planning
Concept • Rhythm FP features
Rhythm FP Client
Material Planner
Rhythm FP Client
Report Reader
Rhythm FP Client
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Rhythm FP Server
Production Server
Data Files
Rhythm FP Server
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FP Output Files
• Critical delivery data • Purchase order EDC recommendations • Manufacturing order data • Planned start times • Procurement data • Procurement by part data • etc.
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Rhythm FP Architecture
• Client-Server Architecture • Both server and client processes can run on
Windows NT machines • May run server and client on separate
What Can Rhythm FP Do?
• Factory Planner provides a systematic and constraint-based planning concept
• Factory Planner can help to minimize the current ad-hoc planning process