新世纪大学英语视听说(第三版)3 Unit 3ppt课件

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3 Unit Life Is All About Change Lesson A The times of your life Lesson B In the future Vocabulary Link
An English Video Course 3 视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3
The stages of life
adult/ d. __________
e. ________
f. ____________
old age
senior citizen elderly
3 Unit Life Is All About Change Lesson A The times of your life Lesson B In the future Vocabulary Link
An English Video Course 3 视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3
Unit 3 Life Is All About Change
3 Unit Life Is All About Change Lesson A The times of your life Lesson B In the future
_________________ __P_e_o_p_le_ ___M__e__ ___________________ __P_e_o_p_le_ ___M_e___ 1_._s_a_y_y_o_u_r__fi_rs_t_w__o_rd_s_ _______ _______ 4_._t_a_k_e_a_t_ri_p__w_i_th__fr_ie_n_d_s _______ _______ 2_._v_o_t_e____________ _______ _______ 5_._g_e_t_y_o_u_r_f_ir_s_t_jo_b_____ _______ _______ 3_._g_e_t_g_r_a_y_h_a_i_r_____ _______ _______ 6_._b_u_y__a_h_o_u_s_e_/a_p_a_r_tm__e_nt _______ _______
An English Video Course 3 视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3
3 Unit Life Is All About Change Lesson A The times of your life Lesson B In the future Listening
ActiБайду номын сангаасity 1 The terrible twos
An English Video Course 3 视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3
The stages of life
B At what age do these events usually happen? Write the ages when most people first experience these events. Then write the ages when you first did them.
2. How many children does Ellie have? S__h_e_h_a_s_o_n_l_y_o_n_e__ch_i_l_d_—___B_r_an_d_o_n_.__
3. What does the phrase “the terrible twos” mean? T__w_o_-_y_e_a_r-_o_ld__c_h_il_d_re_n__a_re__le_s_s_w__e_ll_b_e_h_a_v_e_d_b_e_c_a_u_s_e_t_h_e_ir_p_e_r_s_o_n_a_li_ti_e_s_c_h_a_n_g_e_. _
An English Video Course 3 视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3
A Listen to Ellie and Lee’s conversation and answer the questions.
II ■
1. Who is Brandon? B__r_an_d_o_n__is__E_l_li_e_’s_s_o_n_._
1. childhood 2. grown-up 3. infant 4. middle-aged 5. teenager 6. young
infancy a.__________ adolescence adulthood
b. ______/ baby
child youth/ c. _________
Activity 1 The terrible twos
Language Notes Proper names Brandon Ellie Lee
New words He just turned two. 他刚过两岁。 Hey there! 你好! It will pass. 一切会过去的。 the terrible twos “讨厌的”两岁小鬼 well-behaved 表现好的,乖的
C Pair work. Compare your answers with a partner. Ask questions about your partner’s experiences.
3 Unit Life Is All About Change Lesson A The times of your life Lesson B In the future Listening
An English Video Course 3 视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3
Vocabulary Link
TIhnethsetangeeisghobf olirfheood
A Use the words below to complete the information on the timeline.
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8
Let’s Go Somewhere! Indoors and Outdoors Life Is All About Change Health Student Life Telecommunications Sports and Hobbies Men and Women