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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 第二节:听句子,选择恰当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。

( )6. A. Sounds interesting. B. Thats too bad C. Yes, please ( )14. What happened to Greg last month?

A. He hurt his arm.

B. He hurt his leg

C. He hurt his left foot.

( )15. Where will they have dinner?

A, In a restaurant B. At a coffee shop. C. At home

第四节:听长对话,根据其内容选出能回答下列问题的最佳答案。对话读两遍。( )16. Where are the two speakers?

A. In a hotel

B. In a clothes store.

C. In a hospital.

( )17 is the woman's favorite color

A. Black

B. Red C Yellow

( )18. This dress will cost the woman .

A.340 yuan

B. 314 yuan

C. 344 yuan

( )19. The dress is made of .


B. wool

C. silk

( )20. What can we know about the woman

A. She doesn't like the dress at all

B. She thinks the dress is out of fashion

C. Size M is suitable for her


II. 语法与情景会话(每小题1分,共25分)。

( ) 1.Our teacher was very happy because ____failed the examination.

A. somebody

B. nobody

C. anybody

D. everybody. ( ) 2. There must be lots of people ____ in the river now.

A. to swim

B. are swimming

C. swimming

D. swim ( )3. —Exercise me. Could you tell me ____get to the nearest library? —Sorry, I am new here.

A. how can I

B. how could I

C. how to D .what I can ( ) 4.—Peter has changed a lot, hasn’t he?

—Yes. He used to ___the guitar, but now he is more___in playing soccer. A.plays; interested B.play; interested C.play; interesting D.playing; interesting

( ) 5.Great changes ____in our home town in the past five years.

A. have happened

B. have taken place

C. have been happened

D. have been taken place

( ) 6. Jim wants to get his hair ________. It's too long.

A. cut

B.. cutted

C. cuts

D. cutting ( ) 7.Since we began to use the Internet, our lives _____a lot.

A. change

B. had changed

C. will change

D. have changed

( )8. —Look at the boy with green hair. It's cool!

—But I don't think students ________ to color their hair.

A. should be not allowed

B. should be allowed

C. should allow

D. shouldn't be allowed

( ) 9.___of the teacher in our school ____women.

A. Two thirds,are B . Two third, is C. Two thirds, is D. two third, are

( )10. — ________ bookcase is this?—It must be ________.

A. Who's;Tom

B. Who's;Tom'

C. Whose;Tom's

D. Whose;Tom ( ) 11. You ____cross the street until the traffic lights are green.

A. must

B. need

C. mustn’t

D. needn’t ( ) 12. I don’t think it is a good way. Can you another one? A. come up B. come in C. come up with D. come out

( ) 13. A new park _____in our hometown next year.

A. will build

B. is built

C. will be built

D. will be build

( ) 14. Don’t worry. She can look after your pet______.

A. careful enough

B. enough careful

C. carefully enough

D. enough carefully ( ) 15. At last, Lucy made the baby ____, and the baby began to laugh .

A. stop crying

B. stopped crying

C. stop to crying

D. stopped to cry ( ) 16. You won’t catch the ear ly bus _____ you get up earlier.

A. if

B. though

C. unless

D. until

( ) 17. ______exciting the park is ! A. How B. What C. What an D What a

( ) 18. I don’t remember _____the book yesterday.

A. where I put

B. where did I put

C. where I will put

D. where will I put

( ) 19. –Could you please pass me the book ? ________ .

A. Yes , I could .

B. No , I couldn’t .

C. Sure , here you are .

D. No , that’s no problem .

( )20. The person under 16 years old should n′t _______to go to the Internet bar.

A. be allowed

B. be allowing

C. allow

D. allowed ( )21. —Jim failed his math test last week. What happened to him?

—It takes him too much time ____________ his friends online.

A. to chat with

B. playing with

C. talk with

D. got on with ( )22. ---What did you say just now, Mum? ---I asked you _____________.

A. if was there a bookstore around here

B. why you wanted to become an inventor

C. how long you will be on the volleyball team

D. why did you miss the early bus yesterday morning

( )23. ---Jim found ______ easy to remember all the English words. ---______ good news it is!

A. it; What

B. it; How

C. that; What

D. it; What a ( )24. I could speak ______ Japanese ______ Chinese, so I had to talk with him in
