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Unit 1 What’s the matter


1. 感冒have/catch/get a cold= have the flu

2. 胃痛have a stomachache

3. 发烧have a fever

4. 头痛have a headache

5. 躺下(休息)lie down (and rest)

6. 量体温take one’s temperature

7. 下车get off 上车get on

8. 使…惊奇的是to one’s surprise

9. 立刻,马上right away= at once 10. 陷入,参与get into

11. 冒险take risks(take a risk) 12. 习惯于做某事be/ get used to doing sth.

13. 用完,耗尽run out of= use up 14. 切除cut off

15. 作出决定make decisions(make a decision) 16. 离开,从…出来get out of 17. 掌控,掌管be in control of 18. 放弃give up

19. 休息take/ have brakes(take/ have a brake) =take/have rests(take/have a rest)

20. 拍片get/ take an X-ray 21. 幸亏,由于thanks to

22. 及时in time 23. 摔倒,跌倒fall down

24. 登山mountain climbing(n.词组) climb the mountain(v.词组)


1. head (n)头----(n)headache头疼

2. stomach (n)胃,肚子----(n)stomachache胃疼

3. tooth (n)牙齿----(n)toothache牙疼

4. she她---(反身代词)herself她自己

5. we 我们----(反身代词)ourselves

6. climb (v)爬----(n)climber登山者

7. knife (n)小刀-----(pl.)knives 8. foot (n)脚,足----(pl)feet

9. decide (v)决定----(n)decision决定10. mean (v)意思是,打算----(n)meaning 11. die (v)死----(n)death 死亡12. important (adj)重要的----(n)importance重要性


1. What’s the matter with… = What’s the trouble/ problem with … = What’s wrong with …怎么啦

2. run out of = use up 用完,用尽

3. have problems doing sth = have trouble doing sth 做某事有困难

4. be used to doing sth = get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事

5. give up doing sth 放弃做某事

6. mind doing sth 介意做某事

7. without doing sth 没有做某事8. hurt oneself 伤着自己

9. cut oneself 划(割)伤自己10. think about/ of oneself 为自己考虑(着想)11. by oneself 单独、独自tea with honey 放蜂蜜的热茶

13. agree to do sth. 同意做某事14. be ready to do sth 准备做某事

15. see / hear sb doing sth 看到(听到)某人正在做某事(表示动作正在进行)

see/ hear sb do sth 看到(听到)某人做某事(表示动作全过程)

On my way to school, I saw a child crying in the street.

Unit 2 I will help to clean up the city parks.


1. 打扫、清除clean up= clean out

2. 使变得更高兴cheer up= make sb. happier

3. 分发give out=hand out

4. 想出、提出come up with=think up/ of

5. 推迟put of (doing sth.)

6. 打电话给call up= ring up

7. 照顾、关爱care for= look after= take care of 8. 曾经,过去常常used to do sth.

9. 修理fix up=repair=mend 10. 参加…选拔try out

11. 赠送、捐赠give away 12.(外貌、行为)像take after

13. 建立、设立set up 14. 残疾人disabled people

15. 无家可归的人homeless people 16. 影响、有作用make a difference to sb. sth.

17. 食品库food bank 18. 清洁日Clean-Up Day

19. 养老院the old people’s home 20. 兽医animal doctor

21. 理想的工作dream job(可数) 22. 满足感feeling of satisfaction

23. 与……相似be similar to 24. 改变某人的生活change one’s life


1. feel (v) ---- (n)feeling感觉,感触

2. satisfy (v)----(n)satisfaction满足,满意

3. own (v)----(n)owner物主,所有者

4. break(v)---(adj)broken破损的

5. able(adj) ---(adj)disabled丧失能力的

6. difficult (adj)--(n)difficulty困难,难题

7. train (v)-----(n)training训练,培训

8. excite (v) ----(adj)excited/exciting

9. kind (adj)----(n)kindness仁慈,善良10. understand (v) ----(过去式)understood


1. clean out = clean up打扫;清除

2. come up with = think up / of想出,提出

3. give out = hand out分发;散发

4. give away = give … to 赠送;捐赠

5. difficulty = trouble / problem困难,难题

6. clever = smart聪明的

7. fix up = repair / mend修理;修补8. cheer sb up = make sb happier

9. put off doing sth 推迟做某事10. learn to do sth 学会做某事

11. stop doing sth 停止做某事stop to do sth 停下来做某事

12. volunteer to do sth志愿做某事13. a good way to do sth 一个做某事的好方法14. be worried about doing sth 为做某事而担心

12. a friend of mine 我的一个朋友 a friend of my father’s 我父亲的一个朋友

13. be able to do sth 能做某事be unable to do sth 不能做某事

14. alone 与lonely的区别

alone (adj./adv.)=by oneself :“独自的(地),单独的(地)”.(be alone)
