














默认的变量名:VAR------ ;默认的变量类型:数值型。






第一种产品27 19

第二种产品20 33




缺失值分为用户缺失值(User Missing Value )和系统缺失值(System Missing

Value )。用户缺失值指在问卷调查中,将无回答的一些数据以及明显失真的数据当作缺失值

















SPSS中指定其变量名标签和变量值标签。(该份数据的具体含义见E xcel文件的后半部分)

【文件(F)】【打开(O)】【数据(A) 】文件类型选“Excel(*.xls, ?)”,文件名选“居



“A1:Q283 ”【确定】在“变量视图”窗口,调整A1 变量的宽度,输入变量名标签和变



8、现有股民投资状况调查的文本数据, 文件名为“股民投资数据.txt ”。其中各变量的含义

文件“股民投资数据.xls ”。请将该文本数据读入SPSS,并定义变量名标签和变量




值标签。其中各变量取值为9 的均为用户缺失值,请加以定义说



【文件(F)】【打开文本数据(D) 】【数据(A) 】文件类型选“Text(*.txt, ?)”,
























马克思主义 第七章练习题及答案

第七章练习题及答案 一、单项选择题 1.马克思主义经典作家揭示了未来社会发展的() A.具体细节 B.一般特征 C.具体阶段 D.特殊规律 2.马克思主义指出,在共产主义社会,劳动是() A.人们谋生的手段 B.人们生活的第一需要 C.休闲的手段 D.完全由个人自由选择的活动 3.自由王国是指() A.共产主义社会 B.社会主义社会 C.资本主义社会 D.原始社会 4.必然王国是指() A.共产主义社会以前的社会状态 B.原始社会 C.文明社会 D.社会主义社会 5.“各尽所能,按需分配”是() A.原始社会的分配方式 B.社会主义的分配方式 C.共产主义的分配方式 D.资本主义的分配方式 6.自由王国和必然王国是人类社会发展的() A.两种不同的状态 B.两种不同的道路 C.两种不同的理想 D.两种不同的选择 7.实现共产主义社会的根本条件和基础是() A.社会生产力的高度发展 B.社会生产关系的高度发展 C.人的思想觉悟的极大提高 D.自然环境的优化 8.马克思主义认为,自由是() A.人们选择的主动性 B.人们能够随心所欲 C.人们能够摆脱必然性 D.人们在对必然的认识基础上对客观的改造 9.共产主义理想之所以能够实现,是因为它() A.具有客观可能性 B.人类向往的美好境界 C.具有客观必然性 D.人类追求的目标 10.无产阶级解放斗争的最终目是()

A.夺取政权 B.消灭阶级 C.消灭剥削 D.实现共产主义 二、多项选择题 1.共产主义社会的基本特征是() A.物质财富极大丰富,消费资料按需分配 B.社会关系高度和谐,人们精神境界极大提高 C.每个人自由全面发展,人类从必然王国过渡到自由王国 D.劳动全部由机器人承担 2.必然王国和自由王国是两种不同的社会状态,这两种社会状态是() A.共产主义以前的社会 B.共产主义 C.社会主义 D.资本主义 3.下列属于共产主义涵义的有() A.共产主义是一种科学理论 B.共产主义一种现实运动 C.共产主义是一种社会制度 D.共产主义是一种社会理想 4.自由王国是指() A.人们不受任何制约的自由状态 B.人们完全认识了自然和社会的必然性 C.人们摆脱了盲目必然性的奴役而成为自己和社会关系的主人 D.共产主义的社会状态 5.19世纪三大空想社会主义者是指() A.欧文 B.圣西门 C.傅立叶 D.斯密 6.下列属于必然王国社会状态的有() A.原始社会 B.奴隶社会 C.资本主义社会 D.共产主义社会 7.共产主义理想之所以能够实现,是因为() A人类社会发展的规律为依据 B.以资本主义社会基本矛盾的发展为依据 C.可以用社会主义运动的实践来证明 D.要靠社会主义的不断完善和发展来实现 8.在共产主义社会() A.工农差别将消失 B.城乡差别将消失 C.脑力劳动和体力劳动的差别将消失 D.人与人之间的差别将消失 9.人的全面发展包括()

大学英语综合教程3Unit 8答案

答案3Unit-8大学英语综合教程Unit 8

Pre-Reading Task Part I Script for the recording: A Clone of Our Own it's go before long way to still be the next clones? The technology has a Will humans considered safe to try on humans. But even if it were safe, would it be right? Let's hear what Professor Hank Greely of Stanford University has to say on this topic . Interviewer: When will we clone a human? Greely: That's not a simple question. I think we have to ask ourselves: is there something about the technology that is so wrong or so evil that it shouldn't be used at all? Or should it be judged according to its intended uses? Interviewer: What are acceptable uses? Greely: We really need to distinguish between different types of cloning. If we use cloning to grow a new liver, I don't think many people will have problems with that

综合教程课后练习UNIT 7答案

Unit7 Learning about English Part II Reading Task Comprehension Content Question Pair Work 1.It has borrowed and is still borrowing massively from other languages. Today it has an estimated vocabulary of over one million words. 2.They don’t like borrowing foreign words. They try to ban words from English. 3.Old English or Anglo-Saxon English. 4.The Germanic tribes brought it to the British Isles in the 5th century. 5.They are usually short and direct. 6.They use words derived from Old English. 7.An English judge in India noticed that several words in Sanskrit closely resembled some words in Greek and Latin. A systematic study later revealed the Indo-European parent language. 8.Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, English, etc. 9.There were three languages competing for use in England. 10.Words from Greek and Roman classics came into the English language. 11.The great principles of freedom and rights of man were born in England, then the Americans carried them forward. 12.No. English is and has always been the tongue of the common people. There should not be any fence around it to protect its so-called purity. Text Organization Working On Your Own 1. Part One: Massive borrowing from other languages is a major feature of the English language. Part Two: the history of the English language from the Indo-European parent language to modern English. Part Three: Tolerance, love of freedom, and respect for the rights of others---these qualities in the English-speaking people explain the richness of their language. 2. Paras. 10-11: Germanic tribes came to settle in Britain and brought Anglo-Saxon words---Old English.


四年级上册语文第17课《长城》教学设计 茅阳第一小学四(3)班刘丽萍 教学目标: 1、有感情地朗读课文,通过朗读表达出长城的雄伟气势。 2、了解长城高大坚固、气势雄伟的特点,感受作者对古代劳动人民的赞叹之情。 课前准备 教师:搜集有关长城的知识资料,准备长城起始地图、长城的图片、课件。 学生:搜集关于长城的历史知识、故事传说或图片资料;自学生字、生词,读通课文。 教学课时:第2课时 (气氛渲染:播放“长城——谭晶”) 一、检查预习 1、用你喜欢的方式,展示自己所了解的长城是怎样的? 2、每年到长城游览的游客不计其数,大家请看图,老师也搜集了一些与长城有关的资料。(出示中外游客爬长城等图片资料) 3、出示国外领导人游览长城后,对长城的赞美之词: (1)、设计者太伟大了,长城不愧为世界奇迹!——以色列前总理拉宾 (2)、只有一个伟大的民族,才能造得出这样一座伟大的长城!——美国前总统尼克松

(3)、这是世界上最伟大的工程,在其它地方我从未见到过类似的杰作!——俄罗斯总统叶利钦 (4)、长城是世界上最伟大的奇迹之一,确实令人鼓舞。人们在上面爬坡都感到吃力,可以想象当年建造长城时需要什么样的智慧和力量。——美国前总统里根 4、听了这些赞美之词后,你是一种怎样的心情? 二、长城的直觉梳理 1、请大家就带着这样的心情、这样的感受,一起来学习第17课长城,请听课文范读。 2、课文给你留下了什么印象? 三、细读课文,理解感悟 1、长城之旅第一站——“远看长城” (1)、请看图片(长城远景图) (2)、指名读第一自然段,你想读出长城的什么? (3)、理解长龙的比喻。 (4)、出示长城的起始地图:简介长城的历史长城经过的九个省、市、自治区,感受长城的长。 (5)、齐读第一自然段,把长城的长、长城的蜿蜒盘旋的气势读出来。 2、长城之旅第二站——“近看长城” (1)、导语:古老的长城,守卫着中原大地,保护了民族的安危,在一万三千多里的长城中,最为壮观的是北京八达岭长城,这里山势陡峭,城墙坚固。我们随着作者走近长城,细细地观察一下吧。


第七章 刚体力学 7.1.1 设地球绕日作圆周运动.求地球自转和公转的角速度为多少rad/s?估算地球赤道上一点因地球自转具有的线速度和向心加速度.估算地心因公转而具有的线速度和向心加速度(自己搜集所需数据). [解 答] 7.1.2 汽车发动机的转速在12s 内由1200rev/min 增加到3000rev/min.(1)假设转动是匀加速转动,求角加速度.(2)在此时间内,发动机转了多少转? [解 答] (1)22(30001200)1/60 1.57(rad /s )t 12ωπβ?-?= ==V V (2) 2222 20 ( )(30001200)302639(rad) 2215.7 π ωω θβ --= ==? 所以 转数=2639 420() 2π=转 7.1.3 某发动机飞轮在时间间隔t 内的角位移为 球t 时刻的角速度和角加速度. [解 答] 7.1.4 半径为0.1m 的圆盘在铅直平面内转动,在圆盘平面内建立O-xy 坐标系,原点在轴上.x 和y 轴沿水平和铅直向上的方向.边缘上一点A 当t=0时恰好在x 轴上,该点的角坐标满足2 1.2t t (:rad,t :s).θθ=+求(1)t=0时,(2)自t=0开始转45o 时,(3)转过90o 时,A 点的速度和加速度在x 和y 轴上的投影. [解 答] (1) A ??t 0,1.2,R j 0.12j(m/s). 0,0.12(m/s) x y ωνωνν====∴==v (2)45θ=o 时,

由 2 A 1.2t t,t0.47(s) 4 2.14(rad/s) v R π θ ω ω =+== ∴= =? v v v 得 (3)当90 θ=o时,由 7.1.5 钢制炉门由两个各长1.5m的平行臂AB和CD支承,以角速度10rad/s ω=逆时针转动,求臂与铅直45o时门中心G的速度和加速度. [解答] 因炉门在铅直面内作平动,门中心G的速度、加速度与B或D点相同。所以: 7.1.6 收割机拔禾轮上面通常装4到6个压板.拔禾轮一边旋转,一边随收割机前进.压板转到下方才发挥作用,一方面把农作物压向切割器,另一方面把切割下来的作物铺放在收割台上,因此要求压板运动到下方时相对于作物的速度与收割机前进方向相反. 已知收割机前进速率为1.2m/s,拔禾轮直径1.5m,转速22rev/min,求压板运动到最低点挤压作物的速度. [解答] 取地面为基本参考系,收割机为运动参考系。 取收割机前进的方向为坐标系正方向 7.1.7 飞机沿水平方向飞行,螺旋桨尖端所在半径为150cm,发动机转速2000rev/min.(1)桨尖相对于飞机的线速率等于多少?(2)若飞机以250km/h的速率飞行,计算桨尖相对于地面速度的大小,并定性说明桨尖的轨迹. [解答] 取地球为基本参考系,飞机为运动参考系。 (1)研究桨头相对于运动参考系的运动: (2)研究桨头相对于基本参考系的运动: 由于桨头同时参与两个运动:匀速直线运动和匀速圆


一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分) 题目1 正 题干 –The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us to learn something new every day. –I have chosen the online program at OU. 选择一项: A. Because B. Now that C. That is the reason why 正确 答案:C 解析:本题考核“进一步说明”的交际用法。第一个说话者并未提问,所以不需要回答原因之类内容,第二个说话者是在表述自己的观点,That is the reason why是一个同位语从句的常用句式,往往用来进一步解释,在这里表示第二个说话者同意第一个人的观点,并进一步加以解释。所以答案是C。 正确答案是:That is the reason why 题目2 题干 –What are your great strengths? – 选择一项: A. I am very shy. B. My job offers me high income. C. I am very active in discussion. 正确 答案:C 解析:本题考核“谈论优势”的交际用法。问话者询问对方最大的优势是什么,答话者应该说出自己的优点,选项A表达的是性格,不是优点,选项B表述的是其工作的优势。所以答案是C。 正确答案是:I am very active in discussion. 题目3 题干 _________ the regular classes, you can also attend many different seminars and take part in many extracurricular activities. 选择一项: A. Except for B. Including C. Apart from 正确 答案:C 译文:除了常规课,你还可以参加很多不同的讨论和课外活动。 解析:表示“除了”这个意思的词汇很多,但是含义不同,except和except for表示“除……外”,含有不包括之意;besides和apart from表示“除了……,还有……”,实际上表示两者都包含。因此选C。


Unit 7 Making a Living Text A Life of a Salesman Part II Text A Vocabulary: 1) disabled 2) impatient 3) solitary 4) crushed 5) feel like 6) lashed 7) echoing 8) paused 9) betrayed 10) laundry 11) section 12) tilted 2. 1) cared for 2) hang on 3) was laid up with 4) are gaining on 5) kicked up 6) went off 7) drop ... off 8)straighten out 3. 1) … sometimes didn't register with her. 2)… in disorder, drawers pulled out, shoes and boots scattered. 3)… was transferred from Father's account to my account. 4)… a pledge to contribute 1000,000dollars to the Children in Needed charity campaign. 5)… the most profitable business in that province. 4. 1) gaining on; off balance; was laid up in; scar on 2) a cripple\ crippled ; surgery , limitations, in literature. 3) commission ; on the phone ; his territory ; never registers with II. Usage 1.I never did go over these books, although I probably should have. 2.I know this is a personal question. You don't have to answer me if you don't want to. 3.I think this topic should have attracted far more attention from philosophers than it has. 4."I think you're right." — "I'm sure I am." 5."He thought that the condition was hereditary in his case." —"Well, it might be." 6."Sugar?" ---- "No. Maybe next time." 7.The house is only a building. It is a place to live, nothing more. 8.DIANE: You didn't! Tell me you didn't! FA THER: Oh, yes. Anything for my children. III. Word Family 1.1) bored 2) boredom 3) bored 4) boringly 5) boring 2. 1) encouraged 2) encouragingly 3) encouraging 4) encouragement 3. 1) frozen 2) freeze 3) freezing 4) freezer 5) freeze Comprehensive Exercises I Cloze 1. Text-related 1) off … feet 2) signature 3) commission 4) on the phone 5) laid up 6) surgery 7) territory 8) disorder


第七章 课后练习答案 7.1 (1)已知:96.1%,951,25,40,52/05.0==-===z x n ασ。 样本均值的抽样标准差79.0405== = n x σ σ (2)边际误差55.140 5 96.12/=? ==n z E σ α 7.2 (1)已知:96.1%,951,120,49,152/05.0==-===z x n ασ。 样本均值的抽样标准差14.249 15== = n x σ σ (2)边际误差20.449 1596.12 /=? ==n z E σ α (3)由于总体标准差已知,所以总体均值μ的95%的置信区间为 20.412049 1596.11202 /±=? ±=±n z x σ α 即()2.124,8.115 7.3 已知:96.1%,951,104560,100,854142/05.0==-===z x n ασ。 由于总体标准差已知,所以总体均值μ的95%的置信区间为 144.16741104560100 8541496.11045602 /±=? ±=±n z x σ α 即)144.121301,856.87818( 7.4 (1)已知:645.1%,901,12,81,1002/1.0==-===z s x n α。 由于100=n 为大样本,所以总体均值μ的90%的置信区间为: 974.181100 12645.1812 /±=? ±=±n s z x α 即)974.82,026.79(

(2)已知:96.1%,951,12,81,1002/05.0==-===z s x n α。 由于100=n 为大样本,所以总体均值μ的95%的置信区间为: 352.281100 1296.1812 /±=? ±=±n s z x α 即)352.83,648.78( (3)已知:58.2%,991,12,81,1002/05.0==-===z s x n α。 由于100=n 为大样本,所以总体均值μ的99%的置信区间为: 096.381100 1258.2812 /±=? ±=±n s z x α 即)096.84,940.77( 7.5 (1)已知:96.1%,951,5.3,25,602/05.0==-===z x n ασ。 由于总体标准差已知,所以总体均值μ的95%的置信区间为: 89.02560 5.39 6.1252 /±=? ±=±n z x σ α 即)89.25,11.24( (2)已知:33.2%,981,89.23,6.119,752/02.0==-===z s x n α。 由于75=n 为大样本,所以总体均值μ的98%的置信区间为: 43.66.11975 89.2333.26.1192 /±=? ±=±n s z x α 即)03.126,17.113( (3)已知:645.1%,901,974.0,419.3,322/1.0==-===z s x n α。 由于32=n 为大样本,所以总体均值μ的90%的置信区间为: 283.0419.332 974.0645.1419.32 /±=? ±=±n s z x α 即)702.3,136.3(

step by step3000第三册unit8答案及原文

Unit 8 Architecture Part I Warming up A. Tapescript: For hundreds of years, it has been an imperial capital of Europe. Its rulers raided the Western world to enrich the coffers of the empire. They spent their wealth on magnificent palaces and grand public buildings. They built an opera house that rivals any in Europe. They founded great museums and libraries. They constructed massive, ornate government buildings. And they raised opulent palaces for themselves.A tour of Vienna is a tour of these monuments to excess. Take Schonbrunn Palace, for instance. The Palace's Million Room, named after the cost of the decorations -- 1 million guilders, is a Rococo masterpiece. Inset in the paneling are 260 rare miniatures of Indo-Persian heritage. The frames are real gold leaf, and the paneling is precious wood. The Great Gallery, modeled after a room in Versailles near Paris, has 35-foot ceilings graced with giant frescoes(壁画)boasting of the power of the Austrian army. Massive crystal chandeliers reflect in the wall of mirrors, trimmed in gold leaf. The list of other sights to see in Vienna is long. St. Stephen's Cathedral dominates the skyline of Old Town, the medieval section of the city. Its main spire soars 450feet into the sky, and the top can be reached by

大英课后练习答案Unit7 Unit2

Unit7-Unit2 大英课后练习答案. 新视野大学英语(第二版)第一册Unit 7 Vocabulary III. 1. identify 2. attach 3. instinct 4. polish 5. unusual 6. offend 7. detail 8. slight 9.

foundation 10. rob IV. 1. details 2. robbed 3. offended 4. polishing 5. identify 6. slight 7. instinct 8. attached 9. foundation 10. unusual V. 1.attached to 2. Looking through 3. hold dear 4. pulling into 5. face to face with 6. rather than 7. out of control 8. eaten away at 9. have mercy on 10. got to their feet VI. 1. G 2.H 3.J 4.L 5.O 6.A 7.C 8.M 9.D 10.E Sentence structure 1. They should have their pay increased. 2. I had my first book accepted for publication that year. 3. George had his papers taken form him at the police station 4. I had my wallet stolen while I was on holiday. 5. The couple are going to have their wedding photos enlarged at the store. VIII. 1. rather than to her daughter 2. rather than harm them 3. rather than leaving everything to the last minute 4. Rather than using the last of my cash


第七章习题参考答案 一.回答问题 1.软件测试的基本任务? 软件测试是按照特定的规则,发现软件错误的过程;好的测试方案是尽可能发现迄今尚未发现错误的测试;成功的测试方案是发现迄今尚未发现错误的测试; 2.测试与调试的主要区别? (1)(1) 测试从一个侧面证明程序员的失败;调试证明程序员的正确; (2)(2) 测试从已知条件开始,使用预先定义的程序,且有预知的结果,不 可预见的仅是程序是否通过测试;调试从不可知内部条件开始,除统计 性调试外,结果是不可预见的; (3)(3) 测试有计划并且要进行测试设计;调试不受时间约束; (4)(4) 测试是发现错误、改正错误、重新测试的过程;调试是一个推理的 过程; (5)(5) 测试执行是有规程的;调试执行要求程序员进行必要的推理; (6)(6) 测试由独立的测试组在不了解软件设计的件下完成;调试由了解详 细设计的程序员完成; (7)(7) 大多数测试的执行和设计可由工具支持;调试用的工具主要是调试 器。 3.人工复审的方式和作用? 人工复审的方式:代码会审、走查和排练和办公桌检查; 人工复审的作用:检查程序的静态错误。 4.什么是黑盒测试?黑盒测试主要采用的技术有哪些? 黑盒测试也称为功能测试,它着眼于程序的外部特征,而不考虑程序的内部逻辑结构。测试者把被测程序看成一个黑盒,不用关心程序的内部结构。黑盒测试是在程序接口处进行测试,它只检查程序功能是否能按照规格说明书的规定正常使用,程序是否能适当地接收输入数据产生正确的输出信息,并且保持外部信息(如数据库或文件)的完整性。 黑盒测试主要采用的技术有:等价分类法、边沿值分析法、错误推测法和因果图等技术。 5.什么是白盒测试?白盒测试主要采用的技术有哪些? 测试者了解被测程序的内部结构和处理过程,对程序的所有逻辑路径进行测试,在不同点检查程序状态,确定实际状态与预期状态是否一致。

新视野大学英语第三版第三册Unit 8 Text A 课后题答案

新视野大学英语第三版第三册Unit 8 Text A 课后题答案 ③ 1. indignation 2. provocative 3. militant 4. overlap 5. conferring 6. defiance 7. hesitant 8. milestone 9. cradled 10.preaching ④manhood motherhood calculation complication imitation assassination circulation accommodate accusation defection exhaustion ⑤ 1. circulation 2. accusation 3. accommodate 4. defection 5. manhood 6. imitation 7. complication 8. exhaustion 9. assassination 10. calculations 11. motherhood ⑥1-5: JLCOK 6-10: GAHED ⑦ 1. at their disposal 2. insulate him form 3. irrespective of 4. has a high opinion of 5. has authority over 6. for your part 7. get away with 8. dispense with 9. provide for 10. tiptoeing around

⑨维也纳爱乐乐团新年音乐会是古典音乐会,每年元旦上午在奥地利维也纳举行。音乐会通常会选取施特劳斯家族的作品,偶尔也会选取来自奥地利的其他知名作曲家的音乐。新年音乐会的门票一票难求,人们必须提前一年注册,才能参与下一年门票的抽签。新年音乐会大受欢迎,这不仅归功于施特劳斯家族作品的创新力,还要归功于其对音乐的权威诠释。音乐会给维也纳金色大厅中的听众带来了愉悦,在全世界也广受喜爱,现在已经有90多个国家可以通过电视转播收看。维也纳新年音乐会始于奥地利历史上最黑暗的时期,它表达了爱乐乐团对古典音乐经典作品进行诠释的渴望,同时,本着希望、友谊以及和平的精神,乐团也希望音乐会能成为奥地利的音乐使者,为全球送去新年祝福。 ⑩The CCTV Spring Festival Gala (Spring Festival Gala for short), which was started in 1983, has become an indispensable cultural consumer product and a cultural symbol in the cultural life of the Chinese people. Though it’s hard to satisfy the tastes of all people, it has to be admitted that the Spring Festival Gala has become a “new custom” for the public that they can’t live without. The Spring Festival Gala is more than a gala; it is a ritual and a symbol, a culture and a label, and an emotion and a place where people entrust their hearts to. With the development of the times and the emerging of new media, the audiences are having more diversified choices and demands. Correspondingly, the Spring Festival Gala is also advancing with the times to satisfy the growing cultural needs of the people. Text B 课后题答案 ②1-4 B A A D 5-8 C B C D ④1. intermediate 2. sniff 3. contention 4. articulate 5. scrunity 6. constrict 7. contempt 8. unanimous 9. rear 10. administer ⑤1. to 2. through 3. off 4. down 5. to 6. out 7. under 8. in/back ⑥1. Admittedly, taking measures that are likely to increase the greenhouse effect will be morally graver than having done nothing to reduce it. 2. Admittedly, they are the perfect guides to keep you informed of the various things happening around you. 3. Admittedly, those who oppose to the viewpoint also have their reasons to a certain extent. ⑦1. When the time comes to demonstrate your unique set of sporting skills and physical gifts, will you be ready to impress the NFL scouts? 2. But when the time came to put some money into the home, they chose a full

新视野大学英语第三版读写4 Unit7 课后3-6-7习题答案

there was once a time when they were on the fringe of American political life. 虽然保守派今天在主流政治中占据主导地位,但曾经一度处于美国政治生活的边缘。 2.The World Health Organization (WHO) was established in 1948, and one of its first responsibilities then was to unify the separate international health-related treaties in a single code. 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)成立于1948年,当时它的首要职责之一是将单独的与卫生有关的国际条约统一为一个法典。 3.Because of over-hunting, the number of certain types of whales has been reduced so greatly that they are in danger of becoming extinct . 由于过度捕猎,某些种类的鲸鱼数量已经大大减少,它们有灭绝的危险。 4.The senator, who was against the war, claimed that with all the indefinite and complex economic and political factors, the outcome of the war was still uncertain. 这位反对这场战争的参议员声称,由于各种不确定和复杂的经济和政治因素,战争的结果仍然不确定。 5.Online shopping and other electronic services could well slash the number of entry-level jobs in the traditional retail sector. 在线购物和其他电子服务很可能会大幅削减传统零售业的入门级工作岗位。 6.The theater is equipped with a(n)intricate system of stage machinery to meet the demands of even the most complex show. 剧院配备了复杂的舞台机械系统,以满足即使是最复杂的演出要求。 7.On March 28, Yang, a famous singer in China, was there with thousands

第七章习题答案 - 副本

⑴分析并回答下列问题: ①图中顶点的度之和与边数之和的关系 ②有向图中顶点的入度之和与出度之和的关系 ③具有n个顶点的无向图,至少应有多少条边才能确保是一个连通图若采用邻接矩阵表示,则该矩阵的大小是多少 ④具有n个顶点的有向图,至少应有多少条弧才能确保是强连通图的为什么①在一个图中, 所有顶点的度数之后等于所有边数的2倍 无向图中,顶点的度数之和是边数的两倍。有向图中,任意一条边AB(A->B)都会给A提供一个出度,给B提供一个入度,所以顶点的度之和 = 2 * 顶点入度之和 = 2*顶点出度之和 = 顶点入度之和+顶点出度之和=边数的两倍。 ②对任意有向图顶点出度之和等于入度之和,且等于边的条数 ③至少应有n-1条边。大小是n*n ④ n 。在有向图G中,如果对于任何两个不相同的点a,b,从a到b和从b到a都存在路径,则称G是强连通图,强连通图必须从任何一点出发都可以回到原处,每个节点至少要一条出路。 ⑵设一有向图G=(V,E),其中V={a,b,c,d,e} , E={, , , , , ,, , } ①请画出该有向图,并求各顶点的入度和出度。 ②分别画出有向图的正邻接链表和逆邻接链表。 有向图: a :出度2,入度2 b :出度1,入度3 c :出度2,入度1

d :出度1,入度2 e :出度3,入度1正邻接链表 a2 b1 c2 d1 e3 1 2 3 4 1? 3 ? 1? 3 ? 4 0? 2 1 逆邻接链表 a2 b3 c1 d2 e1 1 2 3 4 1? 4 ? 4 ? 3 0? 4 2 0? 2 ⑶对图7-27所示的带权无向图。 ① 写出相应的邻接矩阵表示。 ② 写出相应的边表表示。 ③ 求出各顶点的度。 邻接矩阵: ∞ 9 6 3 ∞∞ 9 ∞∞ 5 8 ∞ 6 ∞∞ 2 9 5 3 5 2 ∞∞ 7 ∞ 8 9 ∞∞ 4



Unit 8 Part I Pre-Reading Task Script for the recording: A Clone of Our Own Will humans be the next clones? The technology still has a long way to go before it's considered safe to try on humans. But even if it were safe, would it be right? Let's hear what Professor Hank Greely of Stanford University has to say on this topic . Interviewer: When will we clone a human? Greely: That's not a simple question. I think we have to ask ourselves: is there something about the technology that is so wrong or so evil that it shouldn't be used at all? Or should it be judged according to its intended uses? Interviewer: What are acceptable uses? Greely: We really need to distinguish between different types of cloning. If we use cloning to grow a new liver, I don't think many people will have problems with that - as long as it's growing a liver and not taking a liver from a cloned person. Human reproductive cloning is much trickier. Interviewer: Why? Greely: Safety. There's still a very low success rate. With Dolly, the first cloned lamb, 29 treated eggs were implanted in sheep to get one Dolly. We don't worry too much about sheep miscarriages or about deformed lambs being born. But we would with humans. And we wouldn't know if a human clone would be healthy. Interviewer: Dolly appears to be healthy. Why wouldn't a human clone be so? Greely: There may be cell changes that are initially invisible and only show themselves as the clone ages. There's also a problem with the ends of chromosomes in cells, which shorten until the cells can no longer reproduce. We know that Dolly's chromosomes are shorter than those of other sheep her age, and we don't know what that means yet.
