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at the age of thirty-seven. Arriving at Philadelphia in 1774, Paine contributed extensively to the Pennsylvania Magazine and achieved wide fame with the publication of Common Sense, the first Pamphlet published in this country to urge immediate Independence from Britain. From 1787 to 1802 he was in England and France where he wrote The
“For three generations the prevailing American character was compact in one type, the man of action was also the man of God. Not until the 18th century did the rift appear… It appeared in the two philosophers, Jonathan Edwards and Benjamin Franklin who shared the 18th century between them.”——Brooks
II. Literature of the Eighteenth Century
1. Background: 1).The age of reason and revolution 2). Great Awakening in 1730s and 1740s 3). Deism: a compromise between Science and Religion
2. Literary achievements:
1)The Freedom of the Will (1754) 2) The Great Christian Doctrine of Original
Sin Defended (1758) 3)The Nature of True Virtue (1765) 4)Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Rights of Man. He also participated in the French Revolution in the 1790s. when he came back to America, he was not welcome because he condemned things
which freedom includes a promise of prosperity and success. It
stands for a land of opportunity where everyone is given the chance of attaining something according to one’s ability. So everyone in the United States can gain political equality and
Diligence is the Mother of Good Luck.
3) Autobiography (completed in four stages between
1771and 1790)
American dream: is a national ethos of the United States in
he was a printer, publisher, editor, postmaster, educator, humanitarian, philanthropist, economist, scientist, inventor, musician, man of letters, diplomat and statesman. He didn’t receive much education. At the age of 12, he was apprenticed to his brother, a printer, and at 16 took over the editorship of the paper New English Courant. At 17 he moved to Philadelphia and became sole owner of a printing firm. He retired from active business at 42 to engage whole-heartedly in politics and science.
2. Literary Achievements: 1) Poor Richard’s Almanac 2) The Way to Wealth (1774)
proverbs: Love your Neighbor; yet don't pull down your Hedge. Glass, China, and Reputation, are easily crack'd and never well mended. When the Well's dry, we know the Worth of Water. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise. Fish & Visitors stink in 3 days.
that Americans loved. He died in poverty and disgrace.
“Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.” ——John Adams
2. Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
Man of God: embodying Puritan naïve idealism
1) Life
Edwards was probably the last great voice to re-assert Calvinism in America and the most remarkable American Puritan. He was born in East Windsor, Connecticut, the only grandson of a very important Puritan pastor. And that meant that he too would have to become a pastor. He began his literary career at the age of eleven with the famous essay on the flying spider. When he was thirteen, his family sent him to Yale College, where he experienced a religious conversion. He succeeded his grandfather as minister in 1729. Edwards was a leading figure in the Great Awakening.
overcoming the British such as
“ The British Prison Ship”, “To the Memory of the Brave Americans”, and “On the Memorable Victory of John Paul Jones”.
Thomas Paine (1737-1809)
——top propagandist of the American Revolution
1)Life Thomas Paine was the author of two of the most popular books in eighteenth century America and the most persuasive rhetorician (雄辩家) of the cause of independence. Paine was born in England and moved to America
He helped to draft The Declaration of Independence(1776), was ambassador to France (1776-1785) and took part in the peace negotiations at the end of the War of American Independence. He won a worldwide reputation for his scientific work and inventions, including the lightning conductor.
(Edwards’ best and famous sermon)
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Man of action: embodying crude materialism
1. life
Benjamin Franklin was recognized as the epitome(缩影,化身, 象征) of the enlightenment, the versatile, practical embodiment of rational man in 18th century.
Freneau was the first American-born poet, representing the efforts for literary nationalism in America. He was called the “ Poet of the American Revolution” and “Father of American poetry”. He wrote many poems encouraging revolution and encouraging the glory that would be won by
freedom and be economically successful through their hard work
and ability regardless of their origins and social status. The idea of
the American Dream is rooted in the Declaration of Independence which states thLeabharlann Baidut “all men are created equal” and that they are “endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights” including “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
2) Literary achievements Common Sense ( the greatest of the revolutionary pamphlet) The American Crisis Rights of Man The Age of Reason
Philip Freneau (1752-1832)