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Unit 3 The Present

I. Background information

1. Traditional Birthday Celebration in Western Countries

In the West, it is customary to hold a party in celebration of a person’s birthday. The guests will come to the party with birthday presents and say “Happy Birthday” to the birthday person.

The guests then watch him or her open the presents and he or she thanks them for the presents they have brought. At the party drinks and food are served. Toward the end of the dinner the lights in the room are turned off, and someone comes in from another room with a cake on which are lighted candles, one for each year. At the sight of the cake the guests begin singing “Happy Birthday to You” and the birthday person makes a wish before he or she blows out the candles on the cake. It is said that the wish will come true if all the candles go out in one puff.

After that, the cake is cut in slices usually by the birthday person, one piece for each guest.

When the party comes to an end, the guests wish the birthday person “Happy Birthday” again and leave.

2. Important birthdays in the West

At 21, the age of majority (now lowered to 18 in many countries), one becomes an adult.

Usually the family has a big party for the new adult and a major present—an expensive watch or

a car—is given him or her. The present, of course, various from family to family.

Any birthday past 70 is celebrated in a special way by family members just because the birthday person is getting old and may die before another birthday comes round. That is why the author of The Present says “eighty was a special birthday”.

And then, 100—the centennial birthday—is generally regarded as an unusual occasion because few people reach it. The centenarian may even receive a telegram or a letter of congratulations from prominent political figures, such as the Prime Minister and the Queen if the anniversary is celebrated in Britain. Again the family may hold a party attended by relatives and surviving friends as well. Among other things the centenarian takes delight in counting great grandchildren and grandchildren at the party.

Ⅱ.New Words

1.rare: adj. not happen / see often; (of a substance, esp. atmosphere)thin, not dense

Example: Environments were able to preserve the rare turtle before it reached.

Natural resources are rare in this region.

The higher we go above the earth, the rarer the air is.

Would you like it rare, medium, or well-done?

★rare / scarce

① rare: 长期缺少而珍贵的东西,还可以表示“频率低的,罕见的,缺少的”如:a rare book 珍本,a rare metal稀有金属。

② scarce: 暂时缺乏从而不足的东西。

Example: Food and fuel are getting scarce.

2.occasion: n.

1) special event; time when sth happens

Example: Let me take this occasion to say: “Congratulation”.

2) to cause sth

Example: Your behavior has occasioned us a lot of trouble.

on occasion: sometimes

Example: We go to Hong Kong for holiday on occasion.

on the occasion of:值……之际

Example: We received this present on the occasion of our silver wedding.

3.content: adj. / n. / v. pleased to do sth; satisfied to do sth

Example:He is content with his life at present.

◆Because of his excellent administration, people lived in peace and content and all previously neglected matters were taken care of. (CET-4, 2006, 6,词汇)由于他的出色管理,人们安居乐业,所有先前被忽视的问题都得到了解决。

be content to do sth愿意做

Example: She is content to live with her mother-in-law.

to one’s hearts’ content: 尽情的

Example: The school being over, the children were allowed to watch TV to their hearts’ content.∷一言辨异

Example: The poor are often contented, but a miser is never satisfied.穷人常知足,守财奴则永不满足。

4.arrange: vi. make preparations; plan

Example: I will arrange for my secretary to pick you up..

◆ We have arranged to go to the cinema on Friday, but we can be flexible and go another day.(CET-4, 2005, 12,词汇)
