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In this reform, Chengdu government has been carrying out measures as follows:
Firstly, confirm, register and issue certifications of rural land property rights.
vs. large markets is still unsolved. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to
fully realize the promotion role of land right determination in scaled land transfer and development of industrialized agriculture.
In China, Land ownership is public. Land in the rural
sector is comprised of three parts: farmland, collective land that can be used for construction, and rural housing land. The public ownership of the rural land is operated by collective economic organizations of the village, and farmers just have the right to use the land.
protecting farmland. Basic farm can get 400 yuan /mu, and
normal farm can get 300 yuan /mu.
Through this way, farmers’ awareness to protect farmland
has been greatly increased, which changed former simple regulatory protection by the government departments at all levels and make the farmers protect farmland voluntarily.
Firstly, Rural land generally belongs to “collectives”, but there are not yet any well-designed collective ownership policies by far. In China, the rural land belongs to “collectives”, but nobody can answer such questions as how to identify members of a collective and what kind of organizations or individuals could represent the so-called “collectives”. In fact, currently there are still no regulated or generally recognized representative of collective land, so that the problem of small rural households
In this reform, Chengdu government has been carrying out measures as follows:
Thirdly, explore the “joint construction” model for post-disaster reconstruction.
In the model of joint construction, the farmers offer
land and the social investors fund money, and then they share the use right of the houses.
In this reform, Chengdu government has been carrying out measures as follows:
Secondly, establish a transaction system of rural property rights.
Chengdu improved policies and measures of rural property
rights transfer. For example awarding for collective land more extensive use.
Exchange”, allotted its branches in the districts and counties, and service stations in townships. This is the first institution of Rural Equity Exchange in China.
Lessons from Chengdu's Pilot Rural Land property right System Reform
Director, Institute of Economic Reform and Development, Academy of Economic Development of Chengdu
protection fund, strengthening farmers’ internal driving force to protect farmland.
Chengdu government gave 2.8 billion yuan every year to
provide the subsidies for farmers who take responsibilities of
Agricultural insurance subsidies 5%
Farmland trans deposit 5%
the pilot reform in Chengdu has entered the stage of full implementation. However, there are still some problems:
the pilot reform in Chengdu has entered the stage of full implementation. However, there are still some problems:
Secondly, Lack of innovation in operation modes of the rural collective economy. This is connected to the first problem, that is, without regulated representative of rural land, operation modes of the collective economy will also be limited and unstable. At present, the operation modes such as cooperatives or land ownership shareholding reform mostly exist in rural areas very close to the urban areas, where the economy situation is comparatively higher than other
As one of the pilot areas approved
by the Chinese central government for comprehensive national urbanrural reforms, Chengdu started its rural land property right system reforms in January 2008.
Since 2008, it took 3 years for Chengdu government to
confirm, register and issue certifications to farmers for their land use rights. Till now, more than 5 million rural land property right certificates have been issued.
the pilot reform in Chengdu has entered the stage of full implementation. However, there are still some problems:
On May 12, 2008, Sichuan Province was hit by a
disastrous earthquake. In order to reconstruct the houses damaged in the earthquake as soon as possible, Chengdu government actively encouraged the affected farmers to attract social money participating in housing
rural areas. As a result, it is also an urgent issue to innovate operation modes
of the collective economy according to different economic development levels.
By Jie Gao
China, is the caΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduital of Sichuan Province, and one of the most
industrialized and urbanized cities in west China.
Fourthly, Innovation on farmland protection mechanisms.
Chengdu is the first city in China to establish farmland
Farmer's endowment insurance subsidies 90%
Through its three-level service platform, Chengdu has dealt
with more than 27,000 cases of rural property right transfer, which involved about 17 Square kilometers collective construction land.
There were altogether 16,581 affected rural families
having their houses reconstructed through such joint construction activities.
In this reform, Chengdu government has been carrying out measures as follows: