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U 7 Protect the Earth 一、重点词汇短语复习

1.protect the earth

2.save water

eful water

4.drink water and use water

e water to clean things

6.in many place

7.waste water

8.save energy

9.reuse and save it

10.save energy

11.most of

e from

13.there is not much coal or oil on earth

14. a lot of

15.cut down

16.make tables; make bags and bottles;

17.too many

18.other things

19.Don’t use too much plastic

20.is bad for

21.plastic bags or bottles

22.paper bags and glass bottle

23.really cool

24.Earth Day

25.World Environment Day

26.do a project

27.tell sb. about sth.

28.tell sb. to do sth.

29.start drawing

30.a rubbish bin

31.on the trees在树上(长在上面的)

32.in the tree在树上(不是长在上面的)

33.be ready for

34.at the school gate

35.to protect the Earth

36.how to protect the Earth


1.We use water to clean things.

We use wood to make tables,chairs and other things.




2.We should use paper bags and glass bottles

We should save trees.


3.We should not drive so much.

We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles.

We should not waste water.

“should not”是”should”的否定形式,和其它的情态动词一样,它的否定形式时直接在”should”后面加”no t”即可。Should not的缩写形式为shouldn’t.


4.情态动词的用法:can /could /should/must /may后面用动词原形,否定式就在情态动词后面加not。

We should save water and energy.我们应该节约水源和能源。

We should not waste water and energy.我们不应该浪费水源和能源。

5.Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.大多数的能源来自煤和石油most of 大多数后面接可数名词或不可数名称。

most of +名词作主语时,be动词或谓语动词的形式由介词of 后面的名词来决定

例如;Most of the trees are cut down. 大部分树木都被砍伐了。

6.We should not driver so much because cars use a lot of energy.


①so much(如此多)+ 不可数名词

There is so much rubbish in the world now. 现在世界上有如此多的垃圾。

②so many +可数名词复数

There are so many birds in the tree. 在树上有如此多的鸟。

7.be bad for 对…有坏处

Too much plastic is bad for the Earth.太多的垃圾对地球有害。

e sth. to do sth. 用…做…

We use water to clean things every day. 我们每天使用水清洗东西。

We use plastic to make bags and bottles. 我们使用塑料制造袋子和瓶子。

We use wood to make tables, chairs and other things.我们使用木材制造桌子,椅子和其他东西。

9.Why do we protect the Earth? 我们为什么要保护地球?

10.How do we protect the Earth? 我们怎么保护地球?

U8 Chinese New Year


1.Chinese New Year

2.an email


4.I’m very excited

5.Chinese New Year’s Eve

6.have dinner

7.Chinese New Year’s Day

8.get/give me red packets

9.have a lot of fun

9.watch a lion dance


11.have a big dinner

12.the most important holiday

13.Spring Festival

14.after dinner

15.talk about their plans


1.What are you going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve?

2.What is he going to eat at Chinese New Year?


Be going to do的形式,be 动词根据主语的人称和数来确定,she/he用is,I 用am,they就用are。”do”表示动词原形。也即在be going to后面动词一定要用原形,没有人称和数的变化。
