八年级英语同步单元测试卷 +听力材料及录音+答案 (4)

八年级英语同步单元测试卷 +听力材料及录音+答案 (4)
八年级英语同步单元测试卷 +听力材料及录音+答案 (4)

2016年秋季学期八年级英语单元检测题(Unit 4)


Class__________ Name__________ Marks_________


一、情景反应请听句子,选择最佳应答语。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 1. A. Yes, quite sure. B. It’s really too bad. C. All right. ( ) 2. A. Writing reports. B. Talking to friends. C. Finding a job. ( ) 3. A. Don’t worry. B. I will. Thank you. C. Of course not. ( ) 4. A. Very exciting. B. Yes, I do. C. I think so. ( ) 5. A. Not at all. B. Never mind. C. Of course.


第一节请听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。对话和问题均读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 6. A. Fine. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy.

( ) 7. A. Lucy. B. Kate. C. Meimei. ( ) 8. A. To England. B. To France. C. To Canada. ( ) 9. A. 20 meters. B. 120 meters. C. 160 meters. ( ) 10. A. Doing the dishes.

B. Cooking Beijing Roast Duck.

C. Eating Beijing Roast Duck.


( ) 11. Who likes to live in the countryside?

A. Tim.

B. Susan.

C. Tom.

( ) 12. What does Susan think of the countryside?

A. She thinks it’s easier to find jobs there.

B. She thinks it’s not very noisy there.

C. She thinks it’s more beautiful than the city.


( ) 13. How often does Dick use the Internet?

A. Never.

B. Every day.

C. Seldom.

( ) 14. What does Jane think of the Internet?

A. It makes us tired.

B. It’s bad for us.

C. It’s good for us. ( ) 15. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Jane often listens to music on the Internet.

B. Dick has no computer.

C. Jane thinks we can find information about jobs on the Internet.

三、短文理解请听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1.5分,共7.5分)( ) 16. Who did the writer visit the Great Wall with?

A. His friends.

B. His parents.

C. His classmates. ( ) 17. What was the weather like yesterday?

A. Rainy.

B. Cloudy.

C. Sunny.

( ) 18. Did they have a good time?

A. Yes, they did.

B. No, they didn’t.

C. We don’t know. ( ) 19. What did people write on the walls?

A. Their names.

B. Some words.

C. Both A and B. ( ) 20. Does the writer think we should protect the Great Wall?

A. Yes, he does.

B. No, he doesn’t.

C. We don’t know.




( ) 21. –I think that math is _______ important than English.

–I don’t agree with you.

A. a little much

B. many more

C. much more

D. more much ( ) 22. –We shouldn’t cut down trees. –You are right. They’re very important _______ us. We should share the world ________ them.

A. to; for

B. with; for

C. to; with

D. with; with ( ) 23. –Is Kangkang good at English?

–Sure. He _______ a lot of time on it every day.

A. takes

B. costs

C. spends

D. pays

( ) 24. I don’t think this question is _______ than that one. It is _______ of these questions.

A. easier; more difficult

B. easier; the most difficult

C. easiest; more difficult

D. easier; much more difficult ( ) 25. –Can you finish the work in the three days?

–No, we can’t. We need _______ days.

A. another two

B. two another

C. more two

D. other two ( ) 26. Tom’s mother heard a knock on the door while she _______ in the kitchen.

A. cooked

B. was cooking

C. is cooking

D. cooks ( ) 27. We are taking care of wild animals and plants. _______, we are protecting ourselves.

A. Instead of

B. Such as

C. In fact

D. At last ( ) 28. Dictionaries are important to us students. When we meet a new word, we can _______ in them.

A. look them up

B. look for it

C. look up it

D. look it up ( ) 29. Our teacher is too busy. I’m not sure _______ he will come to the party or not.

A. when

B. that

C. until

D. whether ( ) 30. We should protect the forest because _______ animals live in it.

A. thousand of

B. thousands of

C. two thousands of

D. two thousand of

( ) 31. –Why are Chinese tigers becoming _______?

–Because people kill them _______ their fur and bones.

A. fewer and fewer; to

B. less and less; for

C. less and less; to

D. fewer and fewer; for

( ) 32. Could you please show me _______ to use the Internet?

A. what

B. how

C. where

D. whether ( ) 33. This photo often makes me _______ my teachers in the primary school.

A. think about

B. to think about

C. think of

D. to think of ( ) 34. We must drink lots of water every day because it _______ the largest part of our bodies.

A. builds up

B. makes up

C. gives up

D. puts up ( ) 35. –Many wild animals are _______ danger now.

–Yes. We should protect them and regard them _______ our friends.

A. in; as

B. at; as

C. in; for

D. at; for



In China, safety education(安全教育) is becoming 36 important now. The last Monday in March is for students to learn it at school. It helps students learn more about 37 they should do to keep themselves safe. What are the 38 at school? Take a look.

Stampedes(踩踏), earthquakes and fires are the main accidents at school.

A stampede always happens in 39 places. When students around you begin to push (推), just stand there and try to 40 onto something. If you 41 in the crowd, move to one side and protect your head with your hands around.

When earthquakes happen, you can get 42 a desk quickly and hold on. It’ll 43

you from falling things. If you are 44 , find a place away from buildings, trees and power lines(电线).

When there’s a 45 , leave the classroom quickly. It’s better to put 46 over your mouth and nose. In this way, you 47 breathe(呼吸) in smoke. Many people die in a fire, not because of the fire but smoke. It makes them 48 and they can’t breathe. That’s very dangerous! So when you want to get out, you should make 49 close to the floor. 50 you can breathe some fresh air.

( ) 36. A. fewer and fewer B. a little much

C. more and more

D. less and less

( ) 37. A. how B. why C. what D. that ( ) 38. A. accidents B. stories C. questions D. problems ( ) 39. A. busy B. crowded C. dirty D. safe ( ) 40. A. hold B. pass C. lift D. put ( ) 41. A. get lost B. become mad C. fall behind D. fall down ( ) 42. A. on B. behind C. under D. near ( ) 43. A. protect B. stop C. keep D. make ( ) 44. A. outdoors B. indoors C. somewhere D. surface ( ) 45. A. smoke B. fire C. flood D. drought ( ) 46. A. anything wet B. anything dry

C. something wet

D. something dry

( ) 47. A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. didn’t D. won’t ( ) 48. A. cry B. cough C. shout D. run ( ) 49. A. itself B. oneself C. myself D. yourself ( ) 50. A. So B. But C. Or D. Then





There was a beautiful garden. Every year the king would go to the garden to decide(决定) which flower was the most beautiful one.

For the last few years, the rose was always Number One. Because of this, the rose Gulaab became arrogant. It would never let birds stay on its flower. Then all the birds started staying away from Gulaab.

Behind Gulaab, there was a little yellow flower. People called it Junglee. Junglee wasn’t more beautiful than the rose, but it welcomed the birds to stay on its flower. All the birds in the garden liked it.

This year the king went to the garden as before. The gardener(园丁) pointed at the rose and said to the king, ―Your favorite flower, my king.‖

Of course, the king also saw the yellow flower behind it and asked, ―What flower is that?‖ ―Oh! That’s Junglee, a wild flower.‖

―I didn’t see a flower like it before. There are so many birds on it. I think it’s much more beautiful than the rose. It will be the King Flower of this year!‖ said the king.

( ) 51. From the passage, we can know that Junglee was _______.

A. famous

B. serious

C. friendly

D. smart ( ) 52. The underlined word ―arrogant‖ means ―_______‖ in Chinese.

A. 骄傲的

B. 粗心的

C. 易怒的

D. 开朗的( ) 53. What do you think this passage is?

A. An ad.

B. A story.

C. A piece of news.

D. A diary. ( ) 54. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. All the birds liked Gulaab.

B. The birds liked to stay on Junglee.

C. Gulaab became ugly this year.

D. The king didn’t like Junglee.

( ) 55. What is the best title for the passage?

A. The king’s garden

B. The clever king

C. The flowers and the birds

D. The most beautiful flower


Hippos(河马) live in Africa(非洲). They are one of the world’s largest land animals. Here are some interesting facts about them.

●Where are hippos born?

Hippos often give birth in the water. The hippo babies get out of water right after birth to take their first breath.

●How quickly do hippos grow up?

Hippo babies nurse both under water and on land for a year. Then they stop taking their mothers’ milk but they are still with their mothers until they are eight years old. Then they move out.

●What do hippos love?

Hippos love water and they spend most of the day in it to stay cool. The Hippo can breathe, see and hear when its body is under water because its nose, eyes and ears are on the top of its


●Do hippos swim better than people?

Yes, they are great swimmers and they can hold(屏住) their breath for five minutes. Hippos can even walk under water along the bottom(水底) of rivers and lakes.

( ) 56. The Chinese meaning of the world ―nurse‖ in the passage is ―_______‖.

A. 护理

B. 洗澡

C. 吃奶

D. 运动( ) 57. Hippo babies leave their mothers when they are _______ years old.

A. 6

B. 7

C. 8

D. 9 ( ) 58. The underlined word ―it‖ refers to ―_______‖.

A. the zoo

B. the tree

C. the land

D. the water ( ) 59. How long can hippos hold their breath under water?

A. For five minutes.

B. For six minutes.

C. For seven minutes.

D. For eight minutes.

( ) 60. What is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Where hippos are born.

B. How hippos look for food.

C. When hippo babies stop taking their mothers’ milk.

D. Why hippos can breathe when their bodies are under water.



Many scientists think that life may be very different by 2050.

First of all, TV might not be used by 2050. People will choose music, films, programs and newspapers on the computer. And they can smell(闻) and touch things on the Internet. That sounds really interesting.

Water pollution(污染) will become the most serious problem by 2050. Human beings will need more water than today. There will be less fresh water on the earth.

Cars will not only run on the land but also fly in the air by 2050. That can help to alleviate the heavy traffic. There won’t be any accidents, because computers will control the traffic. What’s more, the speed of the plane will be much faster. It’ll take only 2 hours for people to fly from Los Angeles to Tokyo.

Robots will become very popular by 2050, because they don’t ask for money and can work 24 hours a day. We’ll see robots everywhere—factories, schools, hospitals, shops and homes.

By 2050, medicine will be improved a lot. Cancer and AIDs won’t be serious diseases.

61. The biggest problem people will face in 2050 is the _________________________________.

62. In the future, most of the factories will use robots because ____________________________


63. 写出文中划线部分alleviate的汉语意思

___________________________________________________________________________ 64. 将文中划线句子翻译成汉语

___________________________________________________________________________ 65. What does the passage mainly tell us?





A. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,写出所缺单词,每空一词。(每小题1分,共5分)

66. Miss Wang looks t___________ than before. She looks even nicer.

67. The little boy suddenly a__________ under the bed just now.

68. More and more people like to enjoy n__________ in the countryside.

69. The computer is too e___________. I don’t have so much money to buy it.

70. We got some more i___________ about the concert from the Internet just now.

B. 根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子,每空一词。(每小题2分,共10分)

71. 我希望天气很快好转。

I hope the weather will soon change __________ the __________ .

72. 这家书店的书比那家书店的书更便宜。

The books in this bookstore are __________ than __________ in that one.

73. 互联网使世界变得小了。

The Internet __________ the world __________.

74. 众所周知,熊猫以竹子为食。

As we know, pandas __________ __________ bamboo.

75. 你知道那起事故中有多少人失去生命吗?

Do you know how many people __________ their __________ in the accident?


A: Hi, Jeff! What did you do last Sunday?

B: Last Sunday? I 76 a robot show.

A: Where was the robot show?

B: It was in the museum.

A: What did you 77 it?

B: It was wonderful. During the show, we could ask the 78 some questions about robots. A: That sounds great. Will there be 79 robot show this Sunday?

B: Yes, there will be another robot show this Sunday. Would you like to go with me?

A: Yes, I’d like to. How much is the ticket to the show?

B: The ticket is 80 two dollars.

76. ____________ 77. ____________ 78. ____________ 79. ____________ 80. ____________


随着网络时代的到来,中学生上网的利弊已成为人们讨论的焦点。请参考下面的信息并结合自己的观点,以The advantages(优势) and disadvantages(劣势) of using the Internet为题,写一篇70词左右的英语短文。











1. Are you sure the Internet is good for us?

2. What do you use telephones for?

3. You’d better ask our teacher for help.

4. How do you like the life in the countryside?

5. Could you tell me something about Mars?



6. W: It’s a sunny day, isn’t it?

M: Yes, it is. Let’s go for a picnic on the farm.

Q: What’s the weather like today?

7. W: Lucy is taller than Kate, but Kate is stronger.

M: You’re right. But Meimei is much taller than Lucy.

Q: Who is the tallest?

8. W: Winter vacation is coming. What are you going to do, Henry?

M: I’m going to visit Paris with my family.

Q: Where is Henry going?

9. W: What a large bridge it is!

M: Yes. It’s about 160 meters long and 20 meters wide.

Q: How wide is the bridge?

10. M: Were you doing the dishes at this time yesterday, Mrs. Lee?

W: No, I was cooking Beijing Roast Duck.

Q: What was Mrs. Lee doing at this time yesterday?



M: Susan, which place do you like living in, in the city or in the countryside?

W: I like living in the countryside better than in the city.

M: Why?

W: I think the countryside is more beautiful than the city. What about you, Tim?

M: I like to live in the city, because I can buy all kinds of things in the city.


M: How often do you use the Internet, Jane?

W: Almost every day. What about you, Dick?

M: I have a computer, but I never use the Internet. What do you often do on the Internet?

W: I often listen to music and see movies. Sometimes I also play games and find some information about study.

M: Are you sure the Internet is good for us?

W: Yes, I’m sure. It can help us to do a lot of things. We can buy things without leaving home. We can find information about study, places and jobs. It can make our life easier.


My parents and I went to visit the Great Wall yesterday. It was sunny. We all had a good time there! The Great Wall is very beautiful! It looks like a big dragon. I met a lot of foreigners there! They liked the Great Wall very much. They thought Chinese people in ancient times were great, and the Great Wall was a great present for the whole world. We talked about the history of the Great Wall to gether. That’s a lot of fun. But it’s a pity that many people wrote their names and some words on the wall. I felt sad about that. As we know, the Great Wall is a symbol of the Chinese nation. We should protect it.


一、1~5 ABBAC

二、6~10 ACBAB 11~15 BCACB

三、16~20 BCACA

四、21~25 CCCBA 26~30 BCDDB 31~35 DBCBA

五、36~40 CCABA 41~45 DCAAB 46~50 CDBDD

六、51~55 CABBD 56~60 CCDAB

61. water pollution

62. they never ask for money and can work for a long time.

63. 缓解

64. 略

65. The changes of life

七、66. thinner 67. appeared 68. nature 69. expensive 70. information

71. for; better 72. cheaper; those 73. makes; smaller

74. feed on 75. lost; lives

76. watched 77. think of 78. scientists 79. another 80. only


The advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet

The Internet helps us in many ways. It can help us search for the information very quickly. It can also help us learn many things that we can’t learn from books. What’s more, it can help us relax after school. However, it has its disadvantages. Some students lose themselves in the online games. It can make us feel tired and is bad for our health if we surf the Internet for a long time.


文华学校09暑八年级英语上测试一 一.根据意义写单词。 1.h not nearly 2.t two times 3.d not the same 4.u not good for health 5.s begin 二.单项选择。 1. do you surf the Internet?Once a week. A How B How old C How often D How many times 2.Can you how often you do things? A talk B talk about C speak D tell of 3.You hardly know,? A are you B aren’t you C do you D don’t you 4.Are you late for class?。 A Yes,never B Yes,sometimes C No,ever D No,usually 5. homework,most students do it every day。 A With B For C As D As for 6.His mother wants him good food. A eat B to eat C eating D eats 7.He tries English and he practices English every day. A to learn,to speak B learning,speaking C to learn,speaking D learning,to speak 8.It makes me. A no difference to B no different to C not difference from D not different from 9.Can you help me up the waste things? A cleaning B with clean C of cleaning D to clean 10. it is rainy today,he still works outside. A Although,but B But,although C /,although D Although,/ 11. he was not rich,he bough a lot of books for his son. A But B While C Although D Because 12.—does Michael do on weekends? —He often goes to the library. A How B What C Where D Why 13.She hardly eats junk food,? A doesn’t B does she C isn’t she D is she 14. do you watch TV? —I watch TV three times a week。 A How many times B How often C How much D How soon 15.Myfather wants me vegetables every day。 A to eat B eating C eats D eat 16.Have you ever been to Shenzhen?No, A ever B never C some times D usually 17.Drinking milk and eating vegetables our health. A are good for B are good at C is good for D is good at 18.Your pen is mine. A a same to B the same to C a same for D the same as 19.A lot of vegetables us to keep in good health. A make B want C help D ask 20.She looks pale and weak after her illness。 A kind of B kinds of C a kind of D a kind 三.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.This book is (difference)from that one。 2.These exercises help me (study)more。 3.Mum asked children to eat it (two)a week。 4.If you’re kind of (health),you must do more exercise. 5.She (say)it’s good for you。 6.Most (write)are young people。 7.Let him (look)after his brother。 8.He likes (play)chess。 9.We often help teacher (clean)the blackboard。 10.They want (go)shopping tomorrow。 四.句型变换。 1.She often goes to the movies on weekends. (一般疑问句) _______ she often to the movies on weekends? 2.I drink milk every day.(否定句) I milk every day. 3.Li Lei sleeps for nine hours every day。(提问) Li Lei sleep every day? 4.They eat junk food once or twice a week。(提问) they eat junk food? 5.Children like Animal World best。(提问) children like best? 6.He didn’t go to school yesterday,I think。(合成一句) I he to school yesterday。五.完形填空。 Billy is a boy of fifteen. His parents died three years ago. One day when he was walking in the street,he 1 a wallet lying on the ground. He returned it to the owner,Mr Baker gave his 2 to the boy. As the boy has no job,Mr Baker made him work for him in his 3 .Billy worked so hard that Mr and Mrs Baker were 4 with him. Mr Baker loved planting 5 .The week before last,he brought a few trees home,planted them in the 6 himself and watered them every day. Several days 7 , he had to leave for an another city on business. Before he started,he said to Billy, “Take good care of the trees.


八年级英语(上)第一次月考试卷Module1---6 2007. 11 班别:姓名:分数: 听力部分(30分) 一、听句子,选画面(5分)。请把答案填入方框中。每个句子读一遍。 二、听短文,连信息(5分)。把序号填在括号内。短文读两遍。 ( ) 6、Lingling A. plays the violin ( ) 7、Steven B. plays the trumpet. ( ) 8、Helen C. is studying the guitar ( ) 9、Tony D. plays the piano ( ) 10、Tom E. plays the drum. 三、听短文,用A—E排序(5分)。短文读两遍。 ( ) 11、Zhao Yang was sad. ( ) 12、He has been back at school. ( ) 13、Zhao Yang started school. ( ) 14、He dropped out of school. ( ) 15、Project Hope gave him some money. 四、对话理解。听对话及后面的问题,选择恰当的答案(5分)。对话读两遍。 ( ) 16、A. Because his brother is ill. B. Because he has to stay in bed. C. Because he has to(不得不)look after his mother at home . ( ) 17、A. Mike. B. Kate C. Tony ( ) 18、A. Black. B. Yellow. C. White. ( ) 19、A. The time. B. The weather. C. The date. ( ) 20、At 9:20 B. At 8:40 C. At 9:00. 五、短文理解。听短文,选出5个问题的正确答案(10分)。短文读两遍。 ( ) 21、When did Robert go fishing? A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday. ( ) 22、Whom did Robert go fishing with? A. Nick. B. Mike. C. Dick. ( ) 23、How did the two boys get to the river? A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus. ( ) 24、What time did it begin to rain? A. At 3:00pm. B. At 4:00pm. C. At 5:00pm ( ) 25、Where did Robert go the next day? A. He went home. B. He went to school. C. He went to a hospital. 笔试部分(90分)一、选择题。(20分) ( ) 1、Li Mei is _______ girl. A. a eight--year--old B. an eight--year--old C. an eight--years--old D. a eight years old ( ) 2、How about ______ the radio in English? A. to listen B. to listening C. listening to D. listen to ( ) 3、Try _____ translate every word into Chinese when you learn English. A. not to B. to not C. no to D. to no ( ) 4、A: _____ you drive to the zoo? B: OK. A. Why not B. Why don’t C. Why didn’t you D. How about ( ) 5、A: Have you ever seen her? B: _______ A. No, I have. B. No, I haven’t. C. Yes, I haven’t. D. Yes, I do. ( ) 6、A: _____ have you studied English? B: For five years. A. How soon B. How far C. How long D. How often ( ) 7、Mr. White doesn’t like pop music,__________? A. doesn’t he B. does he C. does she D. is he ( ) 8、Since 1989 Project Hope ________ schools all over China. A. has built B. have built C. has build D. build ( ) 9、She ________ to Beijing. A. has never been B. has never gone C. has ever gone D. has went to ( ) 10、Mary’s mother has travelled all________ the word. A. out B. over C. in D. out ( ) 11、Astronauts _______ yesterday. A. returned B. have returned C. return D. will return ( ) 12、His brother _______ to Ame rican. He won’t come back. A. has gone B. has been C. went D. goes ( ) 13、The ______ is a planet and it goes around the _______. A. Earth , star B. Sun, Earth C. Earth , Sun D. Earth, Star ( ) 14、_____ people will go to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008. A. Millions B. Millions of C. Million of D. Two millions ( ) 15、A: _____ he visited China before? B: No, he hasn’t. A. Has B. Have C. Did D. Where ( ) 16、I have two pens. One is red, _______ is black. A. other B. another C. the other D. else ( ) 17、Have you ever dreams of _______ England? A. visit B. visiting C. to visitting D. visited ( ) 18、Can you play ____ piano? I have ______ breakfast at 7:00. A. the , the B. x, the C. the, x D. the , a ( ) 19、Do you think Elvis was ____ artist or ____ engineer? A. a ,a B. the , a C. an, a D. an, an ( ) 20、It’s very ______ for you to get the book. A. luck B. luckily C. lucky D. unlucky 二、单词分类。(10分)把以下单词写到相应的横线上,使句子意思完整通顺。


文华学校八年级英语单元练习一一.用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.There____(be) another child in Susan’s family next month. 2.There isn’t ______(some) water in the bottle. 3.People will use the subways _____(little)in the future. 4.I have _________(few)apples than you. 5 I hope there will be _______(much)trees in our city. 二.单项选择。 1.There will be ___ pollution. A few B fewer C less 2._______ do you think you will be in ten years? A When B Why C What 3.Experts think the weather _____ warmer in the future. A will is B will make C will get 4.She likes playing _____ violin. A a B the C / 5.--____ do it cost?—Twenty dollars. A How many B How many money C How much 三.汉译英。 1.我认为人们家里将会有更多的宠物。 _____________________________________________ 2.人们将会更加热爱大自然吗? ____________________________________________ 3.五年后,你将干什么?_________________________ 4.十年前,汤姆在读大学,现在他在一家公司上班,他希望几年后当个老板。 _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 5.明天我们有课吗?____________________________ 6.他们后天到达。_____________________________ 四.词形变化。 more(反义词)less(原级) pollute(名词)agree(反义词) bus(复数)will not(缩写) has(过去式)build(名词) 五.词组翻译。 去滑冰停止干某事 在太空在空间站 在公寓里发射火箭到月球 奥运会活到 世界杯足球赛一百年后 六.句型转换。 1.She will study at school in the evening.(改为一般疑问句并作回答) ______ ______ ______at school in the evening? Yes,____ _______./No, _____ _____ 2.There are fewer people now.(in 200 years替换now)There_______ _______fewer people in 200 years. 3.There will be a car in each home.(改为否定句)There ______ ______a car in each home. 4.I’ll live in an apartment.(提问) ______ _______ _______live? 5.I think Lucy will be a nurse.(改为否定句) I _______ ______Lucy _______be a nurse. 七.完成对话。 A Hello,David.What are you going to do this evening? B I’m going to see a film. A _______ there _____ a new film? B Yes,there ____.______you like to go with me? A Yes, I’d _____ ____.But I have no ticket. B Don’t worry.We can ____ another ticket there. A OK.I ______ ______ my mother before we start.or she ________ worry about me. B All right. 八.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.______(predict) the result can be very difficult. 2.Mary is well worth________(teach.) 3.I can _______ (skate). 4.No one will want to see actors _______(talk) 5.What he said _______(come) true soon. 6.Five years ago.Jim ________(be)in high school,but he _____(be) in college. 7.When I was young ,I _____(come) to the city, then I _______(fall) in love with it. 8.Do you think there __________(be)any paper money in one hundred years? 9.If you are ill,you must ______ (drink) much water. 10.There____(be)fewer animals living here in ten years. 九.用much,many,few,more,less,fewer填空。 1.Every day mother always has _____ housework to do. 2.Nowadays ________ and______ people learn English. 3.He is a man of ________ words. 4.There will be _________ pollution if everyone protects our environment. 5.Gina has ________ friends because she’s lovely. 6.There are _______ guests visiting the place of interest. 7.There’s ______ milk in this bottle than in that bottle. 8._______ people like to live in a polluted place. 9.I’m poor,I don’t have ______ money. 10.I’m happy because I have _____ friends. 十.单项选择。 1.Don’t worry.He ______ up with the others soon. A catches B caught C is catching D will catch 2.Can you do the work better with _ money and __ people? A less,less B fewer,fewer C less, fewer D fewer, less 3.The car _____more than 3000000 yuan in our country. A cost B worth C spends D is worth 4.______ is the moon from the earth? A How long B How soon C How much D How far 5.I’ll finish my homework ____9:00.


八年级上册英语练习题-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1:基本词汇 不多,很少 wonderful 在任何地方 nothing 任何人 Someone 最多,大多数 myself 某事 yourself 母鸡 seem 猪 everyone 厌倦的 dairy 2:基本词组 相当多,不少 of course 去度假 go to summer camp 任何有趣的地方 most of the time 参观博物馆 go out with 好像挺烦闷的 3:基本句型及交际用语 1:根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 在2013年的十月你去哪儿度假了? 我去山里了。 did you go in October ,2013? I to the mountains。 2:杰夫,你去了一些有趣的地方吗? 是的,我和我的朋友们去了中国的长城。 Jeff , you go Yes,I to the Great Wall in China my friends。 3:你遇到什么特别的事了吗? 是的,我在2013年的12月20日遇到了汪东城。 you meet Yes,I Wang Dongcheng on 20,2013. 4:韩磊好像很伤心,因为他错过了一场足球赛。 Han Lei very sad yesterday, he missed a football match。 5:上个星期日的天气怎么样? 又热又潮湿。 the weather last Sunday? It hot and humid。 2:补全对话,每空一词。 A:Hi,Lin 。Long time no see。 B:I my vacation。 A:Really? did you go on vacation? B:I to the beach。 A:How was the


UNIT 1 Section A 1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names[1-5]. Conversation 1 Nurse:You don’t look well. What’s the matter, Sarah? Sarah:I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn’t put on my jacket. Now I have a cold. Conversation 2 Nurse:What’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David:I ate too much junk food at my friend’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almost couldn’t get myself out of bed this morning. Conversation 3 Nurse:What’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben:Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really sore back. Conversation 4 Nurse:You look really tired. What’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy:I didn’t sleep very well last night. I have a toothache. It’s terrible! I can’t really eat anything either. It hurts a lot. Conversation 5 Nurse:What’s the matter, Judy? Judy:I’m sorry, but it’s very difficult for me to talk. Nurse:Oh, dear. What’s the matter? Judy:I talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water. I have a very sore throat now. 听录音并看图。然后把这些名字按[1~5]的顺序编号。 对话1 护士:你看起来气色不好。怎么了,萨拉? 萨拉:昨天我和朋友在公园里玩。 然后刮起了风,但是我没有穿 上夹克衫。现在我感冒了。 对话2 护士:戴维,怎么了?你没事吧?戴维:我在我朋友的生日聚会上吃了太多的垃圾食品。因此,昨 天晚上我胃痛。今天早上我几 乎起不来床了。 对话3 护士:怎么了,本?你能动吗?本:不完全能动。前几天我踢足球时伤了我自己。最初看起来还 可以,但是现在我的背非常痛。对话4 护士:你看起来很累。怎么了,南希?南希:昨天晚上我没有睡好。我牙痛。非常痛!我真的也不能吃 任何东西。它疼得厉害。 对话5 护士:怎么了,朱迪? 朱迪:对不起,对我来说,说话非常困难。 护士:哦,亲爱的。怎么了? 朱迪:我昨天说话太多而且没有喝足够的水。现在我喉咙非常痛。

新人教版八年级上册英语单词测试 ()

新人教版八年级上册英语单词测试 ____________任何人 ____________ .任何地方n.任何(一个)地方 ____________ 精彩的;极好的 ____________ 很少的;n.少量 ____________ .最多的;大多数的; ____________ 某事物; ____________ 没有什么没有 ____________ 我自己 ____________ 每人;人人 ____________ 你自己;你亲自 ____________ 母鸡;雌禽 ____________ 无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的 ____________.猪 ____________ .日记;日记簿(keep a diary) ____________ .似乎;好像 ____________ [某人;有人 ____________相当多;不少(后接可数名词) ____________ 当然 ____________ .活动;活跃 ____________ .决定;选定(decide to do sth.) ____________ .尝试;设法;努力 ____________ .自行车 ____________ ['b?ld??建筑物 ____________ ['tre?d?(r)] n.商人;商船 ____________ ['w?nd?(r)] v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑____________ ['d?fr?ns] n.差异;不同 ____________ [t?p] n.顶部;顶 ____________ [we?t] v.等;等待(wait for) ____________ [?m'brel?] n.伞;雨伞 ____________ [wet] adj.湿的;雨天的 ____________ 低于;在...下面adv.在下面 ____________ [?z] 如同;像...一样 ____________ [?'n?f] 足够的adv.足够地;充分地 ____________ [d?k] n.鸭肉;鸭 ____________ ['h??ɡri] adj.饥饿的;渴望的 ____________想要 ____________ [d?s'la?k] v.不喜欢;厌恶____________因为;由于 Unit2 How often do you exercise? ____________ .家务劳动 ____________ 几乎不;简直不;刚刚 ____________ 曾经;在任何时候 ____________ 一次;曾经 ____________ .两倍;两次 ____________ 因特网 ____________ 节目;程序;课程;节目单 ____________ 满的;充满的;完全的 ____________ 摇摆;秋千v.摇摆;旋转 ____________ 或许;也许;可能 ____________摇摆舞 ____________ 最小的;最少的 ____________至少 ____________很少;几乎从不;难得 ____________ n.垃圾;废旧杂物 ____________ ['k?fi] n.咖啡;咖啡色 ____________ [helθ] n.健康;人的身体或精神状态 ____________ [r?'z?lt] .结果;后果 ____________ [p?'sent] adj.百分之...的 ____________ [??n'la?n] adj.在线的adv.在线地 ____________ ['tel?v??n] n.电视机;电视节目 ____________ [??l'e??] conj.虽然;尽管;然而; ____________ [θru?] prep.穿过;凭借;一直到 ____________ ['b?di] n.身体 ____________ [ma?nd] .头脑;想法;意见;心 ____________ [s?t?] adj.这样的;如此的


新目标英语八年级下Units 1-8 试卷一、:15% ()26. There ________more buildings in ten years. A. will have B. will be C. have D. has ()27. I can’ t hear the news. Would you mind ____the TV? A. turn down B. turn up C. turning up D. turning down ()28.Why not ____ for help when you were in trouble? A. you ask B. ask C. asking D. to ask ( ( ( ( )29. My brother doesn’ t like skating. I don’ t like it, _________. A. too B. also C. either D. already )30. I told him that I ________ my work soon. A. finished B. am finishing C. would finish D. finish )31. What ________you __________ at this time yesterday? A. did, do B. have, done C. were, doing. D. are, doing. )32.— In our English study, reading is more important than speaking, I think. — I don ’t agree, speaking is as ________________as reading. ( ( ( ( A.more important B. important C.the most important D. )33. While the alien _________ the museum, the boy called the TV station. B. was visiting C. visited D. visit )34. My brother has been teaching_________he was 21 years old. A. when )35.— Do you get ______ well _____your neighbours?—Yes, we do. A. on?to B. in?with C. in?to D. on?with )36.— I need some money. What should I do? important than — You should ______some ______your friends. A.borrows ? to B. lend?to C. ask?for D. borrow?from ( ) it rain tomorrow, we ’ll go to the zoo. ( A. won ’ t B. doesn ’ t C. don ’ t D. isn )38. The Yellow River is one of ________________in the world. A. the longest rivers B. river C. the long river D. long rivers ’t ( )39. bad day! We can ’t go out to play. ( A. what a B. What C. How D. How a )40. Sally asked________________________. A. how can she get to the zoo. B. how she can get to the zoo. C. how she could get to the zoo. D. where was the zoo.


最新人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题及答案全套Units 1~2综合检测卷 时间:120分钟满分:120分 听力部分(共25分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择正确的答语。听两遍。(5分) ()1.A.It was wonderful. B.I went to the beach. C.By train. ()2.A.Yes,they did. B.On Monday. C.His father. ()3.A.It's an umbrella. B.I was very hungry. C.It was very delicious. ()4.A.She went shopping. B.She was bored. C.It was beautiful. ()5.A.Take photos. B.Last month. C.Very tired. Ⅱ.听对话,选择正确的答案。听两遍。(5分) ()6.Where did the girl go during her vacation? A. B. C. ()7.What kind of junk food does Peter love to eat? A. B. C. ()8.What does Ann often do on weekends? A. B. C. ()9.How was the weather yesterday? A. B. C. ()10.What did Alice buy for himself in Beijing? A. B. C. Ⅲ.听两段对话,选择正确的答案。听两遍。(5分) 听下面一段对话,回答第11至12小题。 ()11.How long did Susan stay in Australia? A.For half a month. B.For a month.


人教版八年级上册英语期末测试卷及答案 LEKIBM standardization office【IBM5AB- LEKIBMK08- LEKIBM2C】

八上英语试卷 (总分:100分时间:100分钟) 第?卷 (共60分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) ()1. Yesterday I only bought _________ for my cousin, but __________ for myself. A. something; something B. nothing; something C. nothing; nothing D. something; nothing ()2. We _________ our holidays in Hong Kong next year. A. visited B. spent C. are going to visit D. are going to spend ()3. My sister is as __________as her classmate Joe, so they are good friends. A. outgoing B. more outgoing C. the more outgoing D. the most outgoing ()4. Of all the boys, John does his homework ___________. A. more careful B. the most careful C. more carefully D. the most carefully ()5. There _________ a book sale in our school next month. A. will be B. will have C. was D. has () Smith plans _________ here much longer because he has lots of things to do. keep B. keep C. to stay D. stay ()7. ——Does your brother __________ play soccer? ——Yes. He plays it every day. A. often B. never C. hardly ever D. sometimes () son is going to study medicine when he __________ school. A. leave B. leaves C. is leaving D. left ()9.——Will you go boating this Saturday? ——___________. We will camp by lake. A. Yes, we will. B. No, we won’t. C. Yes, we do D. No, we don’t. ()10. ——Do you know Lin Shuhao ——Yes, he is one of ____________ basketball player in NBA. A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular D. the more popular ()11. ——We’ll have a picnic _______ it doesn’t rain tomorrow. ——Have a nice day. A.when B. because C. if D. since (), get some eggs and butter and _________. A. mix up them B. mix them up C. mix up it D. mix it up
