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B another power station 1. The news ____ will be built cheered all the villagers. A which B that C what D whatever
A he told us is exciting. 2 The news ____
A 4.The news _____ surprised everybody yesterday now proves to be false. A. that B. when C. what D. how 5.One of the men held the view ___ C the book said was right. A. what that B. that which C. that what D. which that C some American 6.Word has come _____ guests will come for a visit to our college next week. A. what B. whether C. that D. which
Which of the following is wrong?
A what B\ C which D that
II. Choose the best answer
B 1.They expressed the hope ___they would come over to China. A. which B. that C. whom D. when A he didn’t see Tom yesterday is 2.The fact___ true. A. that B. which C. when D. what B 3.I have no idea ____he will come back. A. where B. when C. what D. that
怎样区别 同位语从句与定语从句
同位语从句与定语 从句 的不同之处
1、从句的作用不同:同位语从句用来进一步 说明前面名词的内容;定语从句用来修饰、 限定前面的名词。
e.g. The news that our team has won the final matchis encouraging. (从句说明“消息” 的内容:我们队取得了决赛胜利。) The news that you told us is really encouraging.(从句对“消息”加以限定:是 你告诉我们的,而非来自其他渠道。但消息是 何内容却不得而知。)
what 与that 在引导主语从句时的区别
what 引导主语从句时在句时在从句中充当句子 成 分 ,如 主 语、 宾 语、 表 语, 而 that 则不然 。 What 引导的主语从句一般不可改为含形式主语的 句子。例如:
1) What you said yesterday is right.
It is right what you said yesterday. ×
因而我们常见到这种句式: It+be+n./adj/-ed从句(that, whether,etc.) 例:It's a pity that you should have to leave. = That you should have to leave is a pity. It is great that I have a teacher like you. = That I have a teacher like you is great.
The news that our team has won the match is true. His delay is due to the fact that the car went wrong halfway.
The Differences Between Appositive clauses and Attributive Clauses
• 4._______ What I can’t understand is why he has changed his mind. That • 5.___________ the earth is round is known to us all. • 归纳: 连词_______ that 在从句中不作成分,
注意: 已确定的事由that引导;
2. 连接代词what, whatever, who, whoever, whose, which, whichever 等.
What he is has nothing to do with you. Whose ticket this is has not been found out. 3. 连接副词 when, where, why, how, how long, how often, how soon, how far, how many / much 等. When the test will be given is not yet decided. How much we can spend must be agreed on.
在一个更长的句子中作同位语使 用的句子叫同位语从句。 同位语与其前的词或短语表达的 是同一事物。如:
The fact that she is ill should be considered.
同 位 语 从 句 一 般 跟 在 名 词 fact, news, promise, truth, belief, thought, idea,answer,information,doubt, knowledge, hope, law, opinion, plan, suggestion后面, 用以说明或解 释前面的名词.
2、引导从句的关联词that的功能不同:that 引导同位语从句时是一个纯连词,不充当任 何成分;而引导定语从句的that是关系代词, 既指代先行词又须在从句中充当成分。
e.g.1) Dad made a promise that he would buy me CD player if I passed the English test. (that 不充当任何成分) 2) Dad made a promise that excited all his children. (that指代promise,又在从句中充当主语。)
同位语从句 引导词that只起连接 的作用不充当句子 成分 同位语从句与前面 的名词是同位关系 表示这个名词的内 容 同位语从句的that 一 般不能省 定语从句 引导词that除了引导 句子外还充当一定的 句子成分 定语从句对先行词起 修饰作用,表示“… 的”。 而定语从句中的关系 代词that,当其在从 句中做宾语时,常省 略
在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词性 从句.
1宾语从句;2主语从句; 3表语从句;4同位语从句
在另外一个句子中做主语的句 子叫主语从句。 How the book will sell depends on its author. That he is the best student in the class is obvious
2) That she is still alive is certain.
It is certain that she is still alive.

1.用that 或what 填空
what • 1. I wonder if this is ______you are looking for. • 2. Our school is quite different from what it was before. _______ that if I • 3. Father made a promise ______ passed the examination he would buy me a computer.
不含有疑问意义,而_____ what 在从 句中作成分,常含有疑问意义。
3. It worried her a bit ____ her hair was turning grey.(MET92) A.while B. that C.if D.for
请你归纳 ?
为了使句子保持平衡,常用 it 来代替主 语从句或宾语从句,而把主语从句或宾 语从句放到后面,尤其是连词 that 引导 的主语从句常用于此种句式中,但what, whatever , whoever , whichever 引导的 主语从句一般不后置。
I. Tell the function of the clauses in the following sentences 说出下列从句的功能:A: Appositive(同位语); B: Attributive(定语) 1. His proposal that we go there on foot is acceptable. 2. Many teachers hold the view that teenagers should not spend too much time online. 3.The first request that he made was to ask for freedom. 4. Do you have any idea where we will be sent? 5. Is this the company where your father works? 6. This is the reason that he gave for his absence. 7. He made an excuse that his car broke down on the way.
一、主语从句 1.连 词 that( 无词义 , 不作成分 , 不 能 省 略);whether(是否),if不能位于句首。
That he will come and help us is certain. Whether we will succeed is still a question. It is not known if he will come.
4、引导同位语从句的关联词,除that外,还可 以根据句义使用任何其它疑问代词或副词; 而定语从句不可用what, how, whether等引导。
e.g. I had no idea at all what I should do next. There is no proof whether he was killed by others.
1.I hate ____ when people talk with their mouths full.(MET98) A. it B. that C. these D. them 2. I feel ____ strange that he should be so careless. A. / B. it C. that D. how
3、that引导同位语从句时是一个纯连词,故 不能用which替换;而that引导定语从句时是 代词,常可以和另一关系代词which替换。
e.g. The fact that he is from Canada is new to me. (that不可换为which) The fact that surprised me is that he is not Chinese. (第一个that可换为which,第二个 不行,因为它引导的是表语从句。)