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在实际风电场测风的基础上,本论文运用WASP软件整合数据,提出了采用NASA (美国国家航空航天局)数据库中的风资料与瑞利概率密度函数相结合的方法,来拟合风速频率分布,评估当地风资源。作者利用锡林浩特风电场实测的一年数据和百灵庙的实测数据对新方法的准确度进行了验证。得到了如下结论:








It is difficult to select the site of the wind farm or to assess the wind rescoure in our country. There are some reasons. First, the construction of the large-scale wind farm in our country is relatively late. Second, it is not abundant enough to assess the wind resources according to 10-meter’s wind speed at meteorological stations. Otherwise, some meteorological stations was built with other buildings around. This makes the measurement datum distorted seriously. So the author has carried on the research of the wind resource assessment.

In this thesis, the basic thoery of wind is elaborated, inculding the basic conceptions, the changes of the wind and the statistics characteristic of the wind resources. At the same time, it is analyzed in detail that the method of siting a palace to messture the wind resource, measure parameter analysis and the install principle.

On the basis of the actual messurement of wind farm, WASP software was used to deal with the datum. The author has put forward the method that the wind database of NASA (American National Aeronautics and Space Administration ) combine with Rayleigh function. So the wind speed probability distribution can be obtained in this place , and then assessed wind resources in this place. The author verified the accuracy of the new method through utilizing the datum of the wind farm of Xilin Hot and the datum of Bailingmiao. It comes to the following conclusions:

(1) The difference of the result between the new method to assesse the wind resource and the calculation according to measurement datum of the local wind for one year is about ±10%.

(2) The wind measure of the wind farm is very important. This thesis can offer relevant theory analysis and technical support for this.

And on the follow-up study of this subject , there are the following suggestions:

(1) In the multi-layer wind tower , an anemometer at 50 meters’ must be install, in order to improve the precision of assessment of the new method further.

(2) The method deos not considered the influence of the topographical ground form, so it is hoped to get support from electronic map in next research to perfect this research approach.

(3) On the basis of the new method of this thesis, the wind energy resource distribution situation which we can plan to appear in Inner Mongoulia and our country .

Key words:Wind resources; NASA data; Rayleigh function; Wind speed frequency distribution; Assessment
