



Fuxi was born in the west part of China and, according to legend, he was carried in his mother’s womb for twelve years before birth. He taught people how to hunt, fish, domesticate animals and tend their flocks. He instituted marriage and taught people how to devise tools to split wood, kindle fire and cook food. He devised the Trigrams, which evolved from markings on tortoise shells. These trigrams served as the basis for mathematics, medicine, divination and geomancy. Furthermore, he created the Chinese dragon as the totem of the nation and was considered as the first real ruler.


儒家的创始人是孔子(公元前551—479),他提出了一套道德规范,基于五种美德:仁、义、礼、智、信。其中“仁”被认为是他的哲学理念的基石,代表着忠诚、孝道(filial piety)、宽容和善良。他还提倡人与人之间和谐相处、按照行为规范标准建立生活社区。他的追随者之一孟子(公元前372-289)不断地向统治者们游说,试图说服他们修


Confucius (551—479 BC) was the founder of Confucianism. He advocated a set of moral code on basis of five merits: benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness. Among them, benevolence was considered as the cornerstone of his philosophy, which stands for faithfulness, filial piety, tolerance and kindness. He also requested people to keep in good harmony with each other and establish a community ruled by standard manners and behavior. One of his followers, Mencius (372-289BC), repeatedly tried to convince rulers that the ruler should cultivate moral perfection in order to set a good example to the people and the ruler who governed benevolently would earn the respect of the people.



‘Parting’ was a common theme in Tang poetry. By writing a poem to a friend who was leaving, the poet usually showed his sorrow and sadness.

Images frequently used in a parting poem included music, liquor and a willow twig. Music was an important section of the parting ceremony. The music, which was often melodious and sorrowful, was played by traditional instruments such as ‘Pipa’. Drinking liquor was also a necessary part on these occasions. Perhaps it was because liquor could console people and help them forget troubles in life and the sadness of parting from a friend. Another custom was giving a willow twig to the leaving friend, since ‘willow’ in Ch inese has the same pronunciation of that of ‘stay’. In this way, the poem expressed his wish that his friend stay with him forever.

《红楼梦》(Dream of the Red Chamber)是中国文学“四









A Dream of Red Mansions is one of the ‘Four Great Classical Novels’ of Chinese literature. It was written in the middle of the 18th century and

considered as a masterpiece of Chinese literature as well as the peak of Chinese fiction. Many scholars are devoted to the study of this novel and the field of study is known as ‘Redology’. The novel is usually thought to be reflecting the experience of the author Cao Xueqin and the rise and decline of his own family. It is remarkable for not only its plot and characterization, but also its precise and detailed observation of the life and social structures of that time. For centuries, a huge number of words and expressions from the novel have already been incorporated into the daily language of Chinese people, which demonstrates the ever-lasting charm of the book.



1) Education played a vital role in ancient Chinese culture. The origin of ancient Chinese education dates back to the educational ideas of the “Hundred Schools of Thought” in the middle and late Zhou Dynasty. It provided people equal chance for development. Individuals from even

the humblest backgrounds could rise to higher level. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius, the great educator, broke the rule of learning at the government hall. Private schools prevailed and many scholars of different schools of thought spread their teaching in this way and this led to the flourishing and contending of hundreds of schools.


2) Confucius was an educator as well as a philosopher. His thoughts and theories had impact on people in many aspects such as ethics, moral principles and rules of life. One of the features of Confucius’ thoughts is his emphasis on education and learning. In the relationship between learning and thinking, he believed .that learning and thinking were equally important. He believed that, “Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.” He considered moral education the most important. Confucius’s goal was to create gentlemen who would carry themselves with grace, speak correctly, and demonstrate integrity in all things.


沈括是宋朝的著名官员、军事将领。他的不朽名著《梦溪笔谈》(Dream Pool Essays)记载了包括地质学、天文学、活字印刷(movable type printing)、植物学和动物学等各种学科。该书是中国历史上最早使用“石油”这一名称的著作,为自然科学做出了卓越贡献。沈括与当时的很多人不同,他以一种客观而思辨的态度观察自然现象。他提出了用阳历代替阴历的主张,立春为岁首,大月31天,小月30天。

Shen Kuo was a highly renowned government official and military general of the Song Dynasty. Shen Kuo’s immortal masterpiece Dream Pool Essays records various fields of study including geology, astronomy, movable type printing, botany and zoology etc. In the book, the word “shiyou” (petroleum) was used for the first time in the literature of Chinese history, which was his remarkable contribution to science. Unlike most people in his time, Shen Kuo took an objective and speculative viewpoint on natural phenomena. He advocated that the solar calendar be used to replace the lunar calendar, with thirty-one or thirty days a month and “lichun” (“Start of Spring” according to lunisolar calendar) as the beginning of a year.


中国龙是吉祥的生灵,象征着力量、智慧、好运和掌控风和水的威力。The Chinese dragon is an auspicious creature, symbolizing strength,

wisdom, good luck and power over the elements of wind and water.


Hence, Chinese people proudly claim they are the descendants of the dragon. 龙被尊崇为雨神(the God of Rain)。在干旱或水灾发生时,人们会去当地的龙王庙(dragon-king temple)烧香(burn incense) 祈求情况的好转。

The dragon was worshiped as the God of Rain, and in times of drought or floods, locals would visit a dragon-king temple and burn incense to pray for more favorable conditions.


The dragon's power to control rain and waves is also closely related to its rank in the 12 zodiac animals.


Various tales describe the race of these 12 animals to secure their place on the list, but the sequence is determined by the time of a day when the animal is most active.

龙对应于7点至9点,此时最有可能会雾气蒙蒙,而龙却能腾云驾雾。The dragon corresponds to 7 am to 9 am, when it is most likely to be foggy, allowing the dragon to ride atop clouds and mist.



Feng shui, literally “wind and water”, dates from China’s Warring States Period (475-221 BC).


In ancient times, the practice was also called kanyu.按传统,建造房屋、楼群、定居点和陵墓前都要先咨询风水大师。

Traditionally, a feng shui master was consulted before houses, buildings, settlements or tombs were constructed风水一度是中国传统文化中的重要组成部分,它依据诸如道家和《易经》等中国古代哲学学说,强调了人与环境的和谐共存。

Based on ancient Chinese philosophies, including Taoism and Yijing, feng shui was once an important part of traditional Chinese culture and it emphasizes the harmonious coexistence of humans and their environment.


Following the disciplines of geography, architecture, ethics and prophecy, the practice also promotes the Taoist principle that the earth, sky and mankind are part of a single whole.


Feng shui is considered mysterious. In fact, it is an ancient art widely

used to orient buildings in ancient times.


Many of China’s well-known cultural monuments(或places of historic interest and scenic beauty 或scenic spots and historic sites), including the Forbidden City in Beijing, were designed using feng shui principles.


Feng shui has a profound effect on Chinese society and is widely embraced by the public.


1)首都北京是中华人民共和国政治、文化和行政管理的中心,是一个新旧交融、魅力无限的大都市(metropolis)。北京作为人类居住地的历史已超过了3000多年。作为世界上少数未傍主要河道而建的内陆首都之一,北京将自己长期显赫的历史归功于战略性的地理位置。北京位于北纬39o56',东经116o20', 雄踞于华北平原(the North China Plain)的最北部;西北部是山西省和内蒙古大草原(he Inner Mongolian Steppe),东向是渤海(the Bohai Sea)。

1)Beijing, as the capital city, is the political, cultural and administrative center of the People’s Republic of China, as well as a fascinating metropolis that mixes the old and new. Beijing as a settlement has a history of more than 3,000 years. It is one of the few

inland capitals in the world that is not built beside a major river, which owes its long prominence to its strategic geographical position. Beijing is situated at 39o56' North Latitude and 116o20' East Longitude, majestically reposing on the northmost part of the North China Plain; to the northwest lie Shanxi Province and the Inner Mongolian Steppe, and towards the east is the Bohai Sea.

2)胡同即狭窄的街道或巷子,在中国北方的城市很常见,其中又以北京的胡同最为著名。在北京,很多街区是这样形成的:四合院(Chinese quadrangle)彼此相连形成胡同,进而胡同彼此相连形成街区。胡同是北京文化要素的代表。由于北京悠久的历史和六朝古都的地位,几乎每个胡同都有其轶事趣闻(anecdotes),一些胡同甚至还与历史事件紧密相关。与紫禁城、颐和园和天坛所代表的宫廷生活和精英文化(elite culture)相比,胡同反应了北京的平民文化。

2)Hutongs are a type of narrow streets or alleys, commonly associated with northern Chinese cities, most prominently Beijing. In Beijing, many neighborhoods were formed by joining one Chinese quadrangle (siheyuan) to another to form a hutong, and then joining one hutong to another. Hutongs represent an important cultural element of the city of Beijing. Thanks to Beijing’s long history and status as capital for six dynasties, almost every hutong has its anecdotes, and some are even

associated with historic events. In contrast to the court life and elite culture represented by the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, and the Temple of Heaven, the hutongs reflect the culture of grassroots Beijingers.

8书法作品跟舞蹈艺术一样可以展现肢体和动作的美感。相互之间能吸收灵感。张旭,唐代草书(cursive-script calligraphy)大家,以韵律独特和风格豪放而著称。传说,他观舞蹈名家公孙一舞而悟,书法大有长进。舞者通过独特的节奏和利落的动作展示了诸如活泼、喜悦、悲伤、愤怒、渴望、需求、勇气和灵感等多种魅力和和情感。张旭草书、李白诗歌和裴旻剑舞被当朝皇帝誉为三绝。

Calligraphic works can demonstrate the beauty of both the body and movement, like the art of dance. They can absorb inspiration from each other. Zhang Xu, a cursive-script calligraphy master of the Tang Dynasty, was famous for distinctive rhythms and a wild style. Legend says that he made swift progress in his calligraphy after he got inspiration from a dance performed by the famous dancer Gongsun. Through distinctive rhythms and neat movements, the dancer demonstrates various kinds of charms and emotions such as vividness, joy, sadness, anger, aspiration, demand, boldness and inspiration. The cursive-script calligraphic works by Zhang Xu, the poems by Li Bai and the sword dance by Pei Min were praised as the three wonders by the emperor of their time.


重视教育和尊敬师长是中国悠久的传统美德。中国的第一部教育学专著《学记》(Record of Learning)提出了“教学为先”的思想。三千年前的周代,国家设立了不同规模不同层次的学校,由官员兼任教师。春秋时期,孔子开办了私学,并提出人无论贵贱都有受教育的权利。对教育的重视决定了教师的地位。中国民间有许多尊师的说法,如“一日为师,终生为父”。现在,中国还把每年的9月10日定为“教师节”。 It is a long-standing traditional virtue to value education and respect teachers in China. The first monograph about education in China, the Record of Learning, brought up the idea of “education is the top priority”. Three thousand years ago, in the Zhou Dynasty, the government set up schools of different scales and levels with officers as teachers. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius even ran private schools with a slogan that everyone, rich or poor, had the right to receive education. Respect for education determines the status of teachers. There are a lot of sayings that show respect towards teachers, such as “A teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime”. Nowadays, September the tenth is designated to be the Teachers’ Day in China.

孝顺(Filial piety)是中国文化中一个重要的美德,指的是一个人对父母和祖先的尊重。历史上儒家经典作品《孝经》(Classic of Xiao or Filial Piety) 一直被认为是该美德的权威(authoritative)来源。该书介绍了如何利用孝顺建立良好的社会。一般而言,孝顺是指善待和照顾父母,尊敬父母、支持父母、对父母讲礼貌。也指不仅在家对父母在外对


Filial piety, which is a bout the respect for one’s parents and ancestors, is considered a key virtue in Chinese culture. The Confucian classic, Classic of Xiao or Filial Piety, has historically been the authoritative source on this virtue. The book is about how to set up a good society using the filial piety. In more general terms, filial piety means to be good to and to take care of one's parents, to show respect, support and courtesy to one’s parents. It also means to engage in good conduct not just towards parents but also outside the home so as to bring a good name to one’s parents. Although the Chinese have had a diversity of religious beliefs, filial piety has been common to almost all of them.


敦煌莫高窟(Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes),也称千佛洞,位于甘肃省敦煌市附近的鸣沙山东路石崖上。它被认为是世界上最大最古老的佛教艺术宝藏。莫高窟的修建始于366年,在唐代达到鼎盛,但到了元朝才竣工。现存492个窟和1045幅壁画(mural),以及245座彩绘泥塑(clay sculpture)和5个唐宋时期的木质建筑结构。除此之外,莫高窟还存有大量的横跨三国到北宋数个朝代的经文(scripture)、文献和绘画。敦煌莫高窟展示出各类艺术形式的精华,同时也体现了中西方的艺术融合。

Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, also known as the One-Thousand-Buddha Grottoes, are located on the eastern, rocky side of Mingsha Mountain, near the city of Dunhuang, Gansu Province. They are regarded as the world's largest and oldest treasure house of Buddhist art. Construction of the Mogao Grottoes began in 366 and reached a peak in the Tang Dynasty, but it was not finished until the Yuan Dynasty. There are 492 grottoes and 1,045 murals in existence. It also features 245 painted clay sculptures, and five wooden architectural structures of the Tang and the Song Dynasties. Besides, there are also a lot of items of scriptures, documents and paintings spanning the period from the Three Kingdoms Period to the Northern Song Dynasty. The Mogao Grottoes show examples of various types of art and demonstrate the integration of Chinese and Western arts.

《清明上河图》(The Qingming Festival by the Riverside) 是由北宋画家张择端(1085–1145)创作完成的。它是一副长528厘米,宽24.8厘米的彩色画卷。该画描述了清明节北宋都城汴京(今河南开封)热闹的街景,整幅画可以分成三部分:郊区景、汴河景以及城市街景。汴河景是该画最为壮观的一部分;而作为政治、经济、文化中心的汴京在北宋的重要地位则在城市街景中得以充分体现。画卷对汴京的建筑、商人和交通的描绘形象地勾勒出北宋的经济繁荣景象。《清明上河图》是一幅伟大的稀世罕见的现实主义画卷。

The Qingming Festival by the Riverside (or Along the River during the

Qingming Festival)is a painting done by the artist Zhang Zeduan (1085–1145) in the Song Dynasty. It is a long colored painted scroll with a length of 528cm and a height of 24.8cm. It portrays the busy street scenes of the capital city Bianjing (now Kaifeng, Henan Province) during the Qingming Festival. The painting can be divided into three parts: scenes of the suburbs, the Bian River, and the city streets. The scene of the Bian River is the most magnificent part of the painting. As Bianjing is the political, economic and cultural center of the Northern Song Dynasty, its importance in the empire is fully depicted in the painting's city street scene. The depiction of the architecture, merchants and transportation in Bianjing vividly reflects the economic boom of the Northern Song Dynasty. The Qingming Festival by the Riverside is a great and rare realistic painting.


Unit1 根据传说,伏羲生于中国西部,出生之前在其母腹中孕育了12年。伏羲教会了人类打猎、捕鱼、驯养野兽、饲养家禽。伏羲制定了人类的嫁娶制度,教会人们劈柴取火和烹煮食物;他还通过龟背上的裂纹创立了八卦,这些八卦成为数学、医学、占卜学和风水的基础。此外,伏羲还创造了中华民族的图腾龙,被认为是中国历史上第一个真正的统治者。 Fuxi was born in the west part of China and, according to legend, he was carried in his mother’s womb for twelve years before birth. He taught people how to hunt, fish, domesticate animals and tend their flocks. He instituted marriage and taught people how to devise tools to split wood, kindle fire and cook food. He devised the Trigrams, which evolved from markings on tortoise shells. These trigrams served as the basis for mathematics, medicine, divination and geomancy. Furthermore, he created the Chinese dragon as the totem of the nation and was considered as the first real ruler. Unit2 儒家的创始人是孔子(公元前551—479),他提出了一套道德规范,基于五种美德:仁、义、礼、智、信。其中“仁”被认为是他的哲学理念的基石,代表着忠诚、孝道(filial piety)、宽容和善良。他还提倡人与人之间和谐相处、按照行为规范标准建立生活社区。他的追随者之一孟子(公元前372-289)不断地向统治者们游说,试图说服他们修


全新版大学英语第三册课后练习答案及课文翻译 《全新版大学英语综合教程3》课后练习答案 Unit 1 Part II Text A Text Organization P.10 1. Parts, Paragraphs and Main Ideas Part One Paras 1-3 The writer views his life in the country as a self-reliant and satisfying one. Part Two Paras 4-7 Life in the country is good yet sometimes very hard. Part Three Paras 8-11 After quitting his job, the writer's income was reduced, but he and his family were able to manage to get by. Part Four Paras 12-15 A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy have made it possible for the family to enjoy their life in the country. 2. Happy Moments and Events: 1) growing nearly all their fruits and vegetables 2) canoeing, picnicking, long bicycle rides, etc. 3) keeping warm inside the house in winter 4) writing freelance articles 5) earning enough money while maintaining a happy family life Hardships: 1) working hard both in winter and in summer 2) harsh environment and weather condition 3) anxious moments after the writer quit his job 4) cutting back on daily expenses 5) solitude Vocabulary P.14 I


常见中国传统文化名词英语翻译 风水:Fengshui; geomantic omen 阳历:solar calendar 阴历:lunar calendar 闰年:leap year 十二生肖:zodiac 春节:the Spring Festival 元宵节:the Lantern Festival 清明节:the Tomb-sweeping Day 端午节:the Dragon-boat Festival 中秋节:the Mid-autumn Day 重阳节:the Double-ninth Day 七夕节:the Double-seventh Day 春联:spring couplets 春运:the Spring Festival travel 把中国的汉字“福”字倒贴在门上(听起来像是福到)预示新年有好运:turn the Chinese character for luck (fu) upside down to make “dao”(which sounds like arrival) and put it on your door to bring in good fortune for the new year 庙会:temple fair 爆竹:firecracker 年画:(traditional) New Year pictures 压岁钱:New Year gift-money 舞龙:dragon dance 舞狮:lion dance 元宵:sweet sticky rice dumplings 花灯:festival lantern 灯谜:lantern riddle 食物对于中国佳节来说至关重要,但甜食对于农历新年特别重要,因为他们能让新的一年更加甜蜜。Food is central to all Chines festivals, but sugary snacks are especially important for Lunar New Year, since they sweetne up prospects for the coming year. 传统的佳节食物包括年糕、八宝饭、饺子、果脯和瓜子。Traditional holiday treats include nian gao (rice pudding), ba bao fan (eight treasure rice), jiao zi (crispy dumplings), candied fruits and seeds. 四合院:Siheyuan/ Quadrangle 亭/阁:pavilion/attic 刺绣:Embroidery 剪纸:Paper Cutting 书法:Calligraphy 针灸:Acupuncture 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 偏旁:radical 战国:Warring States 人才流动:Brain Drain/Flow 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl 黄土高原:Loess Plateau 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals ——仅供参考


中西方文化差异与英语翻译的探讨 对中西文化差异的了解是促进中西方语言教学和翻译工作。中西文化差异是多方面的,但总体归纳起来主要体现以下三个方面: 一、宗教文化差异 宗教文化是人类文化的一个重要组成部分,它指的是由民族的宗教信仰、意识等所形成的文化,表现为不同民族在崇尚、禁忌等方面的文化差异。儒教、道教和佛教是中国的三大宗教,他们在中国民众中有着深远的影响。在我国的传统文化中,有道教的“玉帝”,佛教的“阎王”,而这些概念在欧美文化中并不存在。欧美人多信仰基督教,认为世界是上帝创造的,世上的一切都是上帝安排的。这是中西宗教文化方面存在的差异之一。 在宗教词汇方面,虽然汉语和英语中都有对应的词汇,但它们所蕴含 的宗教文化信息却不同。例如,“龙”与“dragon”虽然本义相同,但其引申义和蕴含的宗教文化信息则大相径庭。在我国文化中,“龙”象征着“神圣、高贵吉祥”。在古代,“龙”是传说中“上天”的神物,所以皇帝都自喻为“龙”,皇帝的子孙被称为“龙子”、“龙孙”,帝王所用的东西都冠以“龙”字:龙廷、龙袍、龙床。在一定意义上,“龙”是中华民族渊远流长的五千年文明史的象征。因此,中国人常常把自己比喻为“龙的传人”。而英语中的“dragon(龙)”是一种没有“地位”的爬行动物,象征着“怪物、魔鬼、凶残”。因此,如果在翻译时遇到此类词汇就应该要注意,尽量避免造成读者的误解。 二、地域文化差异 地域文化指的是由所处地域、自然条件和地理环境所形成的文化,表

现在不同民族对同一现象或事物有着不同的态度或表达方式。比如,汉语中,“东风”使人想到温暖和煦,草长莺飞;而“西风”则正好相反,有一 种砭人肌骨的味道。马致远的“古道西风瘦马”便是例证。然而英语的情况却与汉语不同。我们会读到SamuelBulter的“biting eastwinds”(刺骨东风);关于西风,则有JohnMasefield的“It's awarm wind, thewestwind, full of birds'cries”(那是一种温暖的风,西风吹时,万鸟争鸣; )。两种风在两个语言中的味道截然相反。这就是地域差异所造成的。中国西部高山,东临大海,东风吹来,自然无比舒心,而来自西伯利亚的西风则刺人肌骨。英国是个岛国,东风来自欧洲大陆北部,所以寒冷;西风由大西洋吹来,温暖宜人。又如,在中国人的心目中,“夏天”常常与酷暑炎热联系在一起,而莎士比亚在他的第18首十四行诗中将心爱的人比喻成“夏天”:“Shall I compare thee to a sum-mer day? Thou artmore lovely and temperate.”(我能不能拿夏天同你相比?你啊比夏天来得可爱和煦。)这又是双方不同的地理位置所致。中国位于亚洲大陆,属大陆性气候,四季分明,夏天最明显的特征就是骄阳似火,炎热难熬。而英国位于北温带,属海洋性气候,夏天明媚温和,是最宜人的季节。因此,在翻译和地域文化相关的内容时,就应该对地域文化差异作一注释,否则会给缺乏这 一知识的读者造成困惑或误解。 三、风俗习惯差异 英汉两个民族的风俗习惯相去甚远。 above the salt 和below the salt 这两个习语源于旧时西方宴会上的习俗。那时盐被视为珍品。离盐罐近的,即坐在盐罐上首的常常是尊贵的客人(above the salt),而普通


新视野大学英语3课文翻译 第一课无限的爱 我哥哥吉米出生时遇上难产,因为缺氧导致大脑受损。两年后,我出生了。 从此以后,我的生活便围绕我哥哥转。 伴随我成长的,是“到外面去玩,把你哥哥也带上。” 不带上他,我是哪里也去不了的。因此,我怂恿邻居的孩子到我家来,尽情地玩孩子们玩的游戏。 我母亲教吉米学习日常自理,比如刷牙或系皮带什么的。 我父亲宅心仁厚,他的耐心和理解使一家人心贴着心。 我则负责外面的事,找到那些欺负我哥哥的孩子们的父母,告他们的状,为我哥哥讨回公道。 父亲和吉米形影不离。 他们一道吃早饭,平时每天早上一道开车去海军航运中心,他们都在那里工作,吉米在那搬卸标有彩色代号的箱子。 晚饭后,他们一道交谈,玩游戏,直到深夜。 他们甚至用口哨吹相同的曲调。 所以,父亲1991年因心脏病去世时,吉米几乎崩溃了,尽管他尽量不表现出来。 他就是不能相信父亲去世这一事实。 通常,他是一个令人愉快的人,现在却一言不发,无论说多少话都不能透过他木然的脸部表情了解他的心事。 我雇了一个人和他住在一起,开车送他去上班。然而,不管我怎么努力地维持原状,吉米还是认为他熟悉的世界已经消失了。 有一天,我问他:“你是不是想念爸爸?” 他的嘴唇颤抖了几下,然后问我:“你怎么看,玛格丽特?他是我最好的朋友。” 接着,我俩都流下了眼泪。 六个月后,母亲因肺癌去世,剩下我一人来照顾吉米。 吉米不能马上适应去上班时没有父亲陪着,因此搬来纽约和我一起住了一段时间。 我走到哪里他就跟到哪里,他好像适应得很好。 但吉米依然想住在我父母的房子里,继续干他原来的工作。我答应把他送回去。 此事最后做成了。 如今,他在那里生活了11年,在许多人的照料下,同时依靠自己生活得有声有色。 他已成了邻里间不可或缺的人物。 如果你有邮件要收,或有狗要遛,他就是你所要的人。 当然,母亲的话没错:可以有一个家,既能容纳他的缺陷又能装下我的雄心。


如何将汉语翻译成英语 将汉语翻译成英语的技巧 一、代入法 这是进行英语写作时最常用的方法。同学们在掌握一定的词汇和短语之后,结合一定的语法知识,按照句子的结构特点,直接用英语代入相应的句式即可。如: ◎他从不承认自己的失败。 He never admits his failure. ◎那项比赛吸引了大批观众。 The match attracted a large crowd. ◎他把蛋糕分成4块。 He divided the cake intofour pieces. 二、还原法 即把疑问句、强调句、倒装句等还原成基本结构。这是避免写错句子的一种有效的办法。如: ◎这是开往格拉斯哥的火车吗? Is this the train forGlasgow? 还原为陈述句:This isthe train for Glasgow. ◎他是因为爱我的钱才同我结了婚。 It was because he lovedmy money that he married me. 还原为非强调句:Becausehe loved my money, he married me.

◎光速很快,我们几乎没法想象它的速度。 So fast does lighttravel that we can hardly imagine its speed. 还原为正常语序:Lighttravels so fast that we can hardly imagine its speed. 三、分解法 就是把一个句子分成两个或两个以上的句子。这样既能把意思表达得更明了,又能减少写错句子的几率。如: ◎我们要干就要干好。 If we do a thing, weshould do it well. ◎从各地来的学生中有许多是北方人。 There are students fromall over the country. Many of them are from the North. 四、合并法 就是把两个或两个以上的简单句用一个复合句或较复杂的简单句表达出来。这种方法最能体现学生的英语表达能力,同时也最能提高文章的可读性。如: ◎我们迷路了,这使我们的野营旅行变成了一次冒险。 Our camping trip turnedinto an adventure when we got lost. ◎天气转晴了,这是我们没有想到的。 The weather turned outto be very good, which was more than we could expect. ◎狼是高度群体化的动物,它们的成功依赖于合作。 Wolves are highly socialanimals whose success depends upon their cooperation.


Unit1 翻译 1) 发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消(cancel)这次旅行。 The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances. 2) 杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。 Jack didn't know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary. 3) 随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑(suspicions)是对的。(confirm) The subsequent events confirmed my suspicions once again. 4) 我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。 I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays. 5) 令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长(governor)竟然是个贪官(corrupt official)。 To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official. 6) 少数工人得到提升(be promoted),与此同时却有数百名工人被解雇。 A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed. 7) 如果有机会,约翰也许已成为一位杰出的画家了。(given) Given the chance, John might have become an outstanding painter. 8) 数小时后,有人看见那个男孩在林子里瞎转。 Several hours later, the boy was found wandering around in the woods. Unit2 翻译 迅速方便地获得信息是很重要,但学会以新的方式看信息甚至更为重要。医学上一次重大突破也许能说明这一观点。科学家本想寻找一种治天花的特效药,但他们没有成功。英国医生爱德华·詹纳放弃寻找特效药,而是通过找到一种


unit 6 The Last Leaf When Johnsy fell seriously ill, she seemed to lose the will to hang on to life. The doctor held out little hope for her. Her friends seemed helpless. Was there nothing to be done? 约翰西病情严重,她似乎失去了活下去的意志。医生对她不抱什么希望。朋友们看来也爱莫能助。难道真 的就无可奈何了吗? 1 At the top of a three-story brick building, Sue and Johnsy had their studio. "Johnsy" was familiar for Joanna. One was from Maine; the other from California. They had met at a cafe on Eighth Street and found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves so much in tune that the joint studio resulted. 在一幢三层砖楼的顶层,苏和约翰西辟了个画室。“约翰西”是乔安娜的昵称。她们一位来自缅因州,一 位来自加利福尼亚。两人相遇在第八大街的一个咖啡馆,发现各自在艺术品味、菊苣色拉,以及灯笼袖等方面趣 味相投,于是就有了这个两人画室。 2 That was in May. In November a cold, unseen stranger, whom the doctors called Pneumonia, stalked about the district, touching one here and there with his icy fingers. Johnsy was among his victims. She lay, scarcely moving on her bed, looking through the small window at the blank side of the next brick house. 那是5月里的事。到了11月,一个医生称之为肺炎的阴森的隐形客闯入了这一地区,用它冰冷的手指东 碰西触。约翰西也为其所害。她病倒了,躺在床上几乎一动不动,只能隔着小窗望着隔壁砖房那单调沉闷的侧墙。 3 One morning the busy doctor invited Sue into the hallway with a bushy, gray eyebrow. 一天上午,忙碌的医生扬了扬灰白的浓眉,示意苏来到过道。 4 "She has one chance in ten," he said. "And that chance is for her to want to live. Your little lady has made up her mind that she's not going to get well. Has she anything on her mind? “她只有一成希望,”他说。“那还得看她自己是不是想活下去。你这位女朋友已经下决心不想好了。她有 什么心事吗?” 5 "She -- she wanted to paint the Bay of Naples some day," said Sue. “她――她想有一天能去画那不勒斯湾,”苏说。 6 "Paint? -- bosh! Has she anything on her mind worth thinking about twice -- a man, for instance?" “画画?――得了。她有没有别的事值得她留恋的――比如说,一个男人?” 7 "A man?" said Sue. "Is a man worth -- but, no, doctor; there is nothing of the kind." “男人?”苏说。“难道一个男人就值得――可是,她没有啊,大夫,没有这码子事。” 8 "Well," said the doctor. "I will do all that science can accomplish. But whenever my patient begins to count the carriages in her funeral procession I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines." After the doctor had gone Sue went into the workroom and cried. Then she marched into Johnsy's room with her drawing board, whistling a merry tune. “好吧,”大夫说。“我会尽一切努力,只要是科学能做到的。可是,但凡病人开始计算她出殡的行列里有 几辆马车的时候,我就要把医药的疗效减去一半。”大夫走后,苏去工作室哭了一场。随后她携着画板大步走进 约翰西的房间,口里吹着轻快的口哨。 9 Johnsy lay, scarcely making a movement under the bedclothes, with her face toward the window. She was looking out and counting -- counting backward. 约翰西躺在被子下几乎一动不动,脸朝着窗。她望着窗外,数着数――倒数着数! 10 "Twelve," she said, and a little later "eleven"; and then "ten," and "nine"; and then "eight" and "seven," almost together. “12,”她数道,过了一会儿“11”,接着数“10”和“9”;再数“8”和“7”,几乎一口同时数下来。 11 Sue looked out of the window. What was there to count? There was only a bare, dreary yard to be seen, and the blank side of the brick house twenty feet away. An old, old ivy vine climbed half way up the brick wall. The cold breath of autumn had blown away its leaves, leaving it almost bare. 苏朝窗外望去。外面有什么好数的呢?外面只看到一个空荡荡的沉闷的院子,还有20英尺开外那砖房的侧墙,上面什么也没有。一棵古老的常青藤爬到半墙高。萧瑟秋风吹落了枝叶,藤上几乎光秃秃的。

大学英语精读第三册 翻译答案

大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编) 第三册Book3 Unit1~Unit10 翻译答案 Unit1 翻译 1) 发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消(cancel)这次旅行。 The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances. 2) 杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。 Jack didn't know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary. 3) 随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑(suspicions)是对的。(confirm) The subsequent events confirmed my suspicions once again. 4) 我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。 I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays. 5) 令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长(governor)竟然是个贪官(corrupt official)。 To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official. 6) 少数工人得到提升(be promoted),与此同时却有数百名工人被解雇。 A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.


中国文化相关词汇英文翻译 元宵节:Lantern Festival 刺绣:embroidery 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 清明节:Tomb sweeping day 剪纸:Paper Cutting 书法:Calligraphy 对联:(Spring Festival)Couplets 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 战国:Warring States 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl 函授部:The Correspondence Department 集体舞:Group Dance 黄土高原:Loess Plateau 红白喜事:Weedings and Funerals 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 结婚证:Marriage Certificate 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 附属学校:Affiliated school 古装片:Costume Drama 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling(Soup) 一国两制:One Country,Two Systems 火锅:Hot Pot 四人帮:Gang of Four 《诗经》:The Book of Songs 素质教育:Essential-qualities-Oriental Education 《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian 大跃进:Great Leap Forward(Movement) 《西游记》:The Journey to the West 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival 针灸:Acupuncture 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/The Tang Tri-colored pottery 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics 偏旁:radical 孟子:Mencius 亭/阁:Pavilion/Attic 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises 火药:gunpowder


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/0c12595276.html, 从电影中看中西方文化英语翻译的差异 作者:秦川 来源:《校园英语·月末》2018年第12期 【摘要】电影是我们日常生活中非常稀松平常的用来消遣时间的娱乐工具,但是我们不得不思考一个问题:中西方文化会导致英语翻译有差异的问题,也是电影译制工作人员所不得不考虑的重要问题,我们本文就从电影译制方面来看中西方文化英语翻译的差异,并就此进行浅要的分析。 【关键词】电影;英语翻译;文化差异 【作者简介】秦川(1995.04.28-),女,汉族,山西运城夏县人,甘肃农业大学,本科,学生,研究方向:英语翻译。 伴随着全球一体化的深入,中国人学习外语的热情日益高涨,看电影学英语作为寓教于乐的英语学习方式日益受到英语爱好者的喜爱。而我们在打开国门的同时想当有必要探讨一下中英文化差异对电影字幕翻译中词句翻译和情境叙述风格翻译的影响,希望能够为英语爱好者更好地学习英语、了解西方文化、提升翻译素养提供帮助。 一、中西方电影文化英语翻译的差异 1.中国电影文化的特色。 (1)文化背景。我们知道,中国一直是以一种内敛含蓄的含蓄美呈现于世界,形成了独特的东方美,让很多人都对中国感到很好奇,在他们眼中中国无疑是传奇和神秘的,而近些年来越来越多的中国电影也逐渐被国际所接受,还有很多年轻有为的电影导演携带他们的作品到国际上参加电影节和电影展,也获得了非常不错的成绩,而正是中国拥有着深厚的文化底蕴,才使得中国电影得以在世界上有不可取代的地位。 (2)人物造型设计。在人物造型上,首先打进国际市场的无疑是张艺谋,从最初的《红高粱》中给外国人以传统中国形象到后来的《金陵十三钗》中的十三钗秦淮河女子的形象,都深入人心,张艺谋对于演员的挑选也有着自己独特的方式和方法,使得其人物造型上也更加贴近人心。中国电影能够在世界上有其一席之地,是与其自身独特的人物造型和设计的功劳。 (3)中国国家故事。上世纪四十年代的美国电影《魂断蓝桥》的英文原名是《Waterloo Bridge》,直译就是“滑铁卢桥”。大凡知道这个原名的人,马上就会联想到与“滑铁卢”相关的滑铁卢大战。其实不然,滑铁卢桥又叫伦敦桥(LondonBridge),它始建于1817年,它不在比利时,而是一座位于英国伦敦的桥。当时,中国发行这部电影时,翻译片名颇费一些周折,


第四单元中世纪 课前导读 1、预习本单元内容时,请你想想你所知的中世纪是什么样子。为什么这个时期 被称为欧洲历史的“中世纪”。 2、你是否有这样的印象,中世纪时期是一段非常“黑暗”的历史时期?这种普 遍存在的印象是因何产生的呢? 3、你对欧洲大学的早期历史有怎样的了解? 4、你知道圣女贞德吗?她做过什么呢? 5、你知道亚瑟王吗?你知道哪些关于他的故事? 第一部分中世纪 中世纪或中世纪时期是指欧洲历史中从公元五世纪到公元十五世纪的这段时间。西罗马帝国的灭亡标志着这一时期的开端,其后经历了文艺复兴和地理大发现时期。传统意义上的西方历史分为三个阶段,中世纪时期是中间时期,此外还有古典时期和现代时期。而中世纪也被细分为中世纪早期、中世纪中期和中世纪晚期。 中世纪早期,在晚古时期就已开始发生的人口减少、逆城镇化和蛮族入侵等现象仍在继续。蛮族入侵在曾经的西罗马帝国建立了新的王国。公元七世纪,原西罗马帝国(拜占庭时期)的北非和中东地区在被穆罕默德后代占领后变成了伊斯兰帝国的一部分。虽然社会和政治结构上都有着实质上的变化,但中世纪和欧洲远古世纪还没有完全分离。拜占庭帝国领土依旧广阔且仍然作为一种主要势力存在着。拜占庭帝国的法律《查士丁尼法典》在中世纪晚期受到了备受敬仰。在西方,大多数国家都结合了现存的罗马制度法规,而随着基督教在西欧国家的流传修道院也随之建立。卡洛林王朝时期的法兰克人建立了一个新的帝国,占领西欧大多数地区;卡洛林王朝持续到九世纪,最后屈服于外敌入侵的压力——北方的维京人,东方的马扎尔人和南方的撒拉逊人。 中世纪中期始于公元1000年。在这个时期,技术和农业上的创新使得贸易兴盛农作物增产,因此欧洲人口迅猛增加。中世纪中期的主要社会形式是庄园制度和封建制度。第一次十字军东征始于1095年,西欧的基督教徒们希望通过武力手段从穆斯林人手中重新夺回中东的圣土。国王成为中央集权国家的首领,


The land of the lock 1. Years ago in American, it was customary for families to leave their doors unlocked, day and night. In this essay, Greene regrets that people can no longer trust each other and have to resort to elaborate security system to protect themselves and their the author is writing his opinion, he uses many examples to reinforce his ideas and to prove his thesis. 几年前在美国,许多美国家庭的门通常都是日夜不上锁的。在本文中,格林遗憾地指出人们已经不再彼此信任,不得不求助于各种复杂的安全设备来保护自身及其贵重物品。作者在提出自己观点的同时,举出了大量的事例来证实和强调自己的观点; 2. In the house where i grow up, it was our custom to leave the front door on the latch at night. I don't know if that was a local term or if is universal;"on the latch"meant the door was closed but not locked . None of us carried keys the last one in for the evening would close up,and that was it. 在我长大成人的家里,我们的习惯是晚上把前门闩上。我不知道这是个地区用语还是普遍的说法;“闩着门”的意思是关着门但却不上锁。我们都不带钥匙;晚上最后进来的人会把门关上,如此而巳。 3 .Those days are over. In rural areas as well as in cities, doors do not stay unlocked,even for part of an evening. 那样的日子已经一去不复返了。现在不管是城市还是乡村,门不再是不上锁了,甚至天一黑门就要上锁。 4 .Suburbs and country areas are, in many ways, even more vulnerable thanwell-patrolled urban streets. Statistic show the crime rate rising more dramatically in those allegedly tranquil areas than in cities. At


英语六级翻译必备词汇——中国文化 来源:文都图书 自从四六级改革以后,翻译就由之前的部分句子汉译英变成了整段的汉译英,这对于考生来说难度确实加大不少。新翻译涉及到社会、经济、历史、文化等等,这就要求大家在这些方面多加注意并积累。文都在这里给大家总结了一些有关中国文化的必备词。 火药gunpowder 印刷术printing 造纸术paper-making 指南针the compass 《三字经》The Three-Word Chant 《三国演义》Three Kingdoms 《西游记》Journey to the West; 《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions 中国画traditional Chinese painting 书法calligraphy 水墨画Chinese brush painting; 中国结Chinese knot 旗袍Cheongsam 京剧人物脸谱Peking Opera Mask 相声comic crosstalk

皮影戏shadow play; 说书story-telling 武术martial art 阳历solarcalendar 阴历lunarcalendar 剪纸:Paper Cutting 书法:Calligraphy 针灸:Acupuncture 太极拳:Tai Chi 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 孟子:Mencius 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves 北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck 火锅:Hot Pot 关于六级翻译,内容还是比较广泛的,对于日常生活中比较常见的词语最好都要弄清它的英文翻译。平时也要多注意进行练习,因为是新题型,所以真题比较少,大家可以配套文都出版的《大学英语六级考试真题精析与标准预测》,里面附赠20片短文翻译,让大家有题可做。


浅谈中西方文化差异背景下英语翻译技巧 随着目前世界间交流联系的日益紧密,语言屏障的突破成为人们的在进行文化交流中的障碍,翻译的这一语言的转化过程,有效的帮助人们突破语言的屏障,形成更为广泛的交流。在翻译的进行过程中,不仅需要对于所翻译内容的语言以及语法具有充分的理解以及认知,还需要具备东西方文化的背景知识,作为翻译过程中能够帮助译者进行理解的重要手段,其中也存在着一部分的翻译技巧,可以通过系统的学习进行掌握,本文对此展开探讨。 标签:中西方;文化差异;英语;翻译技巧;探讨 引言:在文化的形成过程中,主要是根据不同语言的应用所形成的。中国的语言文字来源于古老的形象文字,英语作为一种字母文字其中存着较大的区别。在历史文化的发展中,中国历史文化的发展始终在统一以及连续中进行,英语国家在历史中面对着文化断层等种种问题,因此英语文化与中华文化之间存在差异较大,需要将其中的文化差异进行理解,并在翻译的过程中进行体现。 一、翻译的过程中存在的问题 1、文化基础不够牢固。 在语言的翻译过程中,首先需要具备专业的英文基础,对于所需要翻译的内容进行深度的阅读以及理解,其次在进行语言转换的过程中,需要遵循着信达雅的原则。在精确的阐明其英文语言意义的同时,能够将其中所包含的文化内容,用中文的中类似的形式进行展现。由于目前一些翻译人员的文化基础不够牢固,在进行翻译的过程中,对于英语文化性的内容缺乏理解。例如,在英语的别称中,有Lone Star State这一名词,翻译者的文化积淀程度不足,即不能够对此进行准确的翻译。此外,也存在着一些翻译者的中文文化程度不足,不能够对于所需要翻译的内容进行充分的中文表达的状况[1]。 2、忽视语言环境。 在英语的翻译过程中,需要对于词汇的实际应用语境具有明确的认知,帮助翻译者对于整体的文章内容和个别语句之间的关系進行理解。在实际的语言翻译中,翻译者存在着脱离语境,进行独立的句意理解的情况。 3、对于语言互用情况的重视程度不足。 随着我国的经济文化发展,许多的汉语词汇在英文世界中已经形成固定的意向群,以及固定的用法。由于这一部分的内容较新,许多学校的课程设置中没有进行课程的设置,翻译者缺少西方文化的背景或者经历,对此了解的程度不足,造成了翻译中仍旧以自我的理解方式进行翻译,反而造成了英语母语者的理解困难。


unit 4 Was Einstein a Space Alien? 1 Albert Einstein was exhausted. For the third night in a row, his baby son Hans, crying, kept the household awake until dawn. When Albert finally dozed off ... it was time to get up and go to wor k. He couldn't skip a day. He needed the job to support his young family. 1. 阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦精疲力竭。他幼小的儿子汉斯连续三个晚上哭闹不停,弄得全家人直到天亮都无法入睡。阿尔伯特总算可以打个瞌睡时,已是他起床上班的时候了。他不能一天不上班,他需要这份工作来养活组建不久的家庭。 2 Walking briskly to the Patent Office, where he was a "Technical Expert, Third Class," Albert w orried about his mother. She was getting older and frail, and she didn't approve of his marriage to Mileva. Relations were strained. Albert glanced at a passing shop window. His hair was a mess; he had forgotten to comb it again. 2. 阿尔伯特是专利局三等技术专家。在快步去专利局上班的路上,他为母亲忧心忡忡。母亲年纪越来越大,身体虚弱。她不同意儿子与迈尔娃的婚事,婆媳关系紧张。阿尔伯特瞥了一下路过的商店的橱窗,看见自己头发凌乱,他又忘了梳头了。 3 Work. Family. Making ends meet. Albert felt all the pressure and responsibility of any young h usband and father. 3. 工作,家庭,维持生计——阿尔伯特感受到了一位年轻丈夫和年轻父亲所要承担的全部压力和责任。 To relax, he revolutionized physics. 他想放松下,却使物理学发生了突破性进展 4 In 1905, at the age of 26 and four years before he was able to get a job as a professor of physic s, Einstein published five of the most important papers in the history of science--all written in his " spare time." He proved that atoms and molecules existed. Before 1905, scientists weren't sure abo ut that. He argued that light came in little bits (later called "photons") and thus laid the foundation for quantum mechanics. He described his theory of special relativity: space and time were threads in a common fabric, he proposed, which could be bent, stretched and twisted. 4. 1905 年,在他被聘为物理学教授的前四年,26岁的爱因斯坦发表了科学史上最重要论文中的五篇——这些论文都是他在“业余时间”完成的。他证明了原子和分子的存在。1905 年之前,科学家们对此没有把握。爱因斯坦论证说光以微粒形态出现 (后来被称为“光子”),这为量子力学奠定了基础。他把狭义相对论描写为:时空如同普通织物中的线,他提出,这些线可以弯曲、拉长和交织在一起。 5 Oh, and by the way, E=mc2. 5. 对了,顺便提一下,E = mc2 。 6 Before Einstein, the last scientist who had such a creative outburst was Sir Isaac Newton. It ha ppened in 1666 when Newton secluded himself at his mother's farm to avoid an outbreak of plagu e at Cambridge. With nothing better to do, he developed his Theory of Universal Gravitation. 6. 在爱因斯坦之前,最近一位迸发出如此创造性思想的科学家当数艾萨克牛顿
