

Home alone

Act one

Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected. The curtains are closed and the living room is dark when Mom and Dad enter.

Dad: It’s so nice to be home!

Mom: Yes, I can’t wait to surprise the boys!

Suddenly a door opens and a soccer ball flies through the room. Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly.

Eric: Mom! Dad! You’re back early! (looking around room, sounding frightened) But, but--- you weren’t supposed to come home until tomorrow!

The dog slowly walks to Mom and Dad.

Mom: (Bending to touch dog) Eric, he’s so tired and hungry! (looking at table) The money for dog food is gone, but Spot looks like he is starving! What did you do with the cash we left?

Dad: And look at this room— garbage all over the place! Where is your brother? (shouting angrily) Daniel!

Daniel: (running into room) Mom, Dad, I can explain---

Dad opens the curtains and light comes into the room. The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. In the corner, there is a garbage can around which are pieces of garbage and waste paper.

Mom and Dad both turn towards Daniel. Dad: (sounding very angry) listen to me, young man----we left you in charge? We thought you could act like an adult! I don’t know the reason why the house is so dirty---

Mom: Daniel, we thought you were an adult, a person from whom we could expect good decisions.

Dad: How can we trust you any more? We won’t tolerate such behavior in our house!

Daniel: ( shouting) Stop shou ting at me. I’m still a teenager! Why is everything always my fault? Daniel runs into his bedroom and slams the door. Mom and Dad look at each other as lights go out.

Act two, scene one

Daniel and Eric’s bedroom. Eric sits on his bed. Daniel has his arms c rossed and looks upset. Daniel: They never even gave me a chance to explain. I hate them!

Eric: You don’t hate them. I can tell them we had an emergency. Then they won’t be mad anymore.

Daniel: No, don’t tell them anything. Anyhow they didn’t trust me. They don’t deserve an explanation. Let them think what they want.

Eric: But Daniel, if they knew that Spot was sick and we used the money to take him to the clinic---

Daniel: And that we spent all of yesterday waiting there for him and that is why we had no time to clean the house --- but no, Eric, why didn’t they ask me what happened instead of shouting at me?

Act two, scene two

Mom: Do you think we were too hard on Daniel? Perhaps there is a reason why the house is a mess…

Dad: Maybe, but now that he has been so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him or he

won’t respect us.

Mom: Oh, why does this have to be so difficult?

Mom sigh

End of act two.

Growing pains

Many teenagers feel lonely, as if no one understands them and the changes they are going through. Day by day, everything seems different, yet the same. Life never seems to be going fast enough; yet, in other ways, like a race car, life seems to be rushing too fast and even going out of control. Has anyone else ever felt this way?

These feelings are a common part of adolescence—the time of life between child and adult. And, though it may some times be difficult to believe, you are not alone—every adult has gone through adolescence, and your friends are going through it right now along with you. It is common for teenagers to feel lonely and misunderstood. These feelings can be thought of as growing pains—the difficulties that teenagers face as they grow to adults.

As teenagers grow, it is normal for them to become confused with the changing world both inside and outside of them. During adolescence, teenagers go through great physical changes. They grow taller and their voices get deeper, among many other developments.

Along with these physical changes, there come many psychological changes. Boys and girls tend to be different in this regard. Many boys become risk-takers—they want to find their own limits and the limits of the world around them, but may not have the wisdom to make good choices in their behavior. At the same time, girls often want someone—anyone—to talk to, as they try to deal with their strong feelings.

In the social world, as teenagers get older, they struggle to depend on themselves. They may badly want and need their parents’ love, yet feel distant; they may want to be part of the group, yet desire independence. Since teenagers have difficulty balancing these needs, they often question who they are and how they fit in society.

The good news is that these kinds of growing pains do not last. In the end everything turns out OK—the teenager becomes a healthy adult, and this period of change and challenge is traded for the changes and challenges of grown-up life.


第一讲定语从句 一关键词 定语从句:在复合句中修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词之后。 先行词:定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词。 关系词:关系词用来引导定语从句。关系词有关系代词和关系副词之分。关系代词有that, which, who,whom,whose,as等;关系副词有when,where,why等。 关系词可以1) 代替先行词;2) 引导定语从句;3)在定语从句中担当一个成分。 例如:The car which my uncle had just bought was destroyed in the earthquake.句中,the car 为先行词;which是关系词引导是定语从句which my uncle had just bought,同时代替先行词the car在定语从句中作主语。 1.关系代词引导的定语从句 who指人,在定语从句中作主语。 whom指人,在定语从句中作宾语,常可省略。 which指物,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时可省略。 that指人时,相当于who或whom;指物时,相当于which。在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时可省略。 whose 通常指人,有时也可指物,在定语从句中做定语。 Note: whose指物时,常用of which结构来代替: 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,谓语动词要和先行词的性、数保持一致。 注意:which和as引导非限制性定语从句时,有时并没有特定的先行词,而是代表前面说的整个情况。这时which和as 被看作单数,译作“这一点”,其后的谓语动形式用单数形式。如:He said he was a Frenchman,which/as was not true. 但须注意,as引导的这种定语从句可置于主句之前,which引导的这种定语从句只置于主句之后。如:As is known to all,China is a socialist country. China is a socialist country, as/which is known to all. 2.关系副词引导的定语从句 when指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。 where指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。 why指原因,在定语从句中作原因状语。 注意:关系副词引导的定语从句经常可以用“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句来表示。 介词+关系代词 1)根据动词选择介词。I don't know the foreigner with whom my teacher shook hands.(或I don't know the foreigner whom my teacher shook hands with.) Note: who和that不能直接位于介词后作宾语;有的短语动词是不能拆开的,常见的这类短语有:look for,look after等。

上海牛津英语高一上 翻译检测1 答案版

Sentence 1--6 and Unit 1&2 Name ________ Class ________ Score ________ I. Phrases 1.不知道 be ignorant of/about sth 2.据报道 It's reported that 3.在...的帮助下 with the help of 4.对...开放 be open to 5.情不自禁地做...can't help doing sth. 6.把笔记本留在学校 leave the notebook at school 7.在历史上 in history 8.发现钱包被偷 find the wallet stolen 9.毫不犹豫 without hesitation 10.采取...的新方法 take a new approach to II. Sentences 1.记住任何孩子都需要爱和关注。(bear) Bear in mind that every child needs love and attention. 2.这是如此重大的一个项目,我们不得不十分小心。(such…that…) It is such an important project that we will have to be very careful. 3.我们别无选择只能接受多数人的决定。(choice) We have no choice but to accept the majority decision./decision made by most people. 4.我似乎从前读过这篇文章。(seem to) I seem to have read this article before. 5.别管那个男孩,他会自己作出决定的。(leave) Leave the boy alone, and he can make up his own mind. 6.由于缺乏睡眠,我有黑眼圈了。(lack of) I’ve got dark rings under my eyes for lack of sleep. 7.在公众场合,用手机大声打电话被认为是粗鲁的,并且要避免。(consider) In public places, talking loudly on the mobile phone is considered rude and should

上海牛津英语高一上 翻译练习2 学生版

翻译练习2 20130928 1.事实上,我更喜欢和有礼貌的人交谈。( prefer) ________________________________________________________ 2.孩子对父母说话的方式应该表现出尊重 (the way). _________________________________________________________ 3.在西班牙,意大利和希腊,那些人们站得很近互相交谈的地方,眼神交流更频繁和持续更久(where). ___________________________________________________________________ 4.他走进房间时,她朝他看了一眼,又深深地叹了口气。(as; sigh) ___________________________________________________________________ 5.给别人留下好印象的关键就是注意你交流的方式 (key, impression) ____________________________________________________________________ 6.在西方文化中,交谈时保持眼神交流是必要的。(maintain) ________________________________________________________________________ 7.老师常常提醒我们要毫不犹豫地向她寻求帮助,并且她总是使我们感到受欢迎。(remind) _________________________________________________________________________ 8.如果你不知道解决这些问题的关键是什么,请直接问我。(key, hesitate) ________________________________________________________________________ 9.缺乏眼神交流可能表示紧张。(lack of; signal) ___________________________________________________________________ 10.头发问题通常是饮食不健康的结果(result). ____________________________________________________________________


腾飞教育网 高一牛津英语下学期 Module 2 The natural world Unit 4 Creatures large and small New words and expressions: 1. shelter n. 庇护所,避难所,庇护,隐蔽处,掩蔽 vt. 庇护,保护,隐匿 vi. 躲避 We took shelter from the storm in a department store. We sheltered under a tree until the shower passed. 2. survive vi. 幸存,活下来 These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions. vt. 比…活得长,经历…之后还存在 Most parents expect that their children will survive them.

腾飞教育网Did anyone survive the explosion The house survived the storm. 经过暴风雨袭击, 这所房屋并未倒塌。 3. emerge e- out 出来,外 + merge 没入水里 vi. 出现;显出;暴露 The ship emerged from behind the fog. 船从雾里露了出来。 He merged from the accident unharmed. 4. bored adj. 感到厌烦的;无聊的 Be bored with 对…感到厌烦 boredom n. 无聊;厌烦;枯燥 5. elastic adj. 有弹力的,有弹性的 Rubber is elastic. adj. 可伸缩的,灵活的 Our plans are fairly elastic. n. 松紧带,橡皮圈 The elastic in my clothes has gone. 6. treat n./v. 招待,款待;治疗;处理 treat...as 作为…对待


M1U1S C H O O L l i f e i n t h e U K Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m. This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m. On the first day, all of the new students attended an assembly in the school hall. I sat next to a girl whose name is Diane. We soon became best friends. During the assembly, the headmaster told us about the rules of the school. He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote oneself to study and achieve high grades. This sounded like my school in China. I had many teachers in the past year. Mr. Heywood , my class teacher, was very helpful. My favorite teacher was Miss Burke—I loved the lessons that she gave in English Literature. In our class there were 28 students. This is about the average size for British schools. We had to move to different classrooms for different classes. We also had different students in some classes, so it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in

牛津上海英语高一上翻译-Unit Two

练习册P12 1.多喝水能防止头发变得干燥。(keep…from…) Drinking more water will keep your hair from becoming dry. 2.河上仅有的一座桥在地震中被毁了。(damage) The only bridge on the river was damaged in the earthquake. 3.一定要选择适合你发质的护发用品。(sure) Be sure to choose the hair products that suit your hair. 4.过度使用电吹风对头发的伤害非常大。(overuse) Overusing the hairdryer can do harm to your hair. 5.这家商场里所有的电子产品均保质三年(guarantee)。 All the electronic products in the shop are guaranteed for three years. 6.你穿绿色的很漂亮,看来绿色很适合你啊(suit)。 You look nice in green. It seems that green suits you very much. 7.在干燥的冬季,不要忘了在洗脸后涂乳霜。(apply) In the dry winter, do not forget to apply cream to your face after washing it. 8.城市里有空气污染,因此常洗头是明智的。(shampoo; it is wise for…to…) City air is polluted, so it is wise for you to shampoo your hair often. 9.用了许多种药之后,她终于找到了治疗胃痛的良药。(remedy) After trying many kinds of medicine, she finally found the remedy for her stomachache.


高一年级周周练英语试卷 (1) 本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)和第 填涂在答题卡的相应位置上,第 II 卷(非选择题)两卷,满分 120 分,考试时间 90 分钟。第 I 卷将正确的选项 II 卷直接做在 II 卷上。 第 I 卷(选择题,共 85 分) .单项填空 : (25 分) 1. He is not easy to get along with, but the friendship of his, _____ , will last forever. A. once gained B. to be gained C. after gained D. while gained 2. — Your dog is having a bath again! --- Well, we don 't care if our dog smells _______ , but we really don 't want him to smell ______ A. bad; bad B. badly, bad C. bad, badly D. badly, badly 3. ______ , I watched an ____ hors e race yesterday. That ' s why I was absent from work. A. Telling you the truth, excited B. Telling you the truth, exciting C. To tell you the truth, excited D. To tell you the truth, exciting 4. I tried all I could do ____ the topic at the meeting, but failed. A. avoid mentioning B. to avoid mentioning C. avoiding to mention D. avoiding mentioning 5.In my opinion, what he told us just now about the matter doesn ' t make any _______ . A. meaning B. idea C. sense D. point 6.The boss will _______ right away. Give him the report the moment you see him. A. very likely to come B. much likely to come C. most likely come D. greatly likely coming 7.She can ' t help _______ the house because shbeusy making 'a csake. A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. being cleaned 8. _________________________________________ T he murderer was brought in, with his hands behind his back. A. be tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 9. He dived _____ into the river to save the girl and I was _____ moved by his deed. A. deep, deep B. deep, deeply C. deeply, deep D. deeply, deeply 10. _______ --- ____________________________________________________ is the distance from there to the beach? --- Not far, ____________________________________________________ . A. How far; in walking distance B. How far, within walking distance C. What, during walking distance D. What, within walking distance 11. Nowhere else in the world ____ cheaper tailoring than in Hong Kong. A. a tourist can find B. can a tourist find C. a tourist will find D. a tourist has found 12. Project Hope aims at helping the poor children in remote areas to ____ education. A. keep B. accept C. help D. receive 13. ___________ A sheep ______________________________________________ on this kind of special grass usually grows much faster than _____________________________________________ on ordinary. A. feeding; one B. feeds; the one C. fed; that D. feeding; it 14. As we have known from the map of the world, this is ____ . 18. ______ I will accept the gift is none of your business A .If B .Whether C .What 19. ______ I have will be yours sooner or later 15. If you go for a long ride in a friend 's car, it 's the custom to offer to A. pay B. pay off C. pay for D. pay back 16. The fact _ _____ he is an orphan is well known . A . what B . that C . which D ./ some of the expenses. C . That happened D . It was happened that D .Which A. twice as large an island as that B. twice as larger as that island C. as twice as that one D. twice as a large island as that 17. _______ I was free that evening A . It happened to B . It happened that


牛津高中英语模块一到模块五单词表 【牛津高中英语模块一词汇表】 enjoyable 有乐趣的experience 经历,体验assembly 集会,会议headmaster 校长 earn 获得;赚,挣得respect 尊敬,敬重 devote 致力于;献身literature 文学 average 一般的,普通的;平均的struggle 奋斗,努力;挣扎,难事;斗争;努力 challenging 具有挑战性的encouragement 鼓励 cooking 做饭;烹饪,烹调 for free 免费 extra 额外的,外加的 fond 喜爱的,喜欢的 be fond of 喜爱,喜欢Spanish 西班牙语(的);西班牙人(的) sculpture 雕像,雕塑 dessert 甜点 look back (on) 回忆,回顾satisfaction 满意 surf 冲浪 academic 学业的,学术的exchange 交换;交流 former 以前的 graducate 毕业生,毕业 fluent 流利的 painting 绘画,绘画作品donate 捐赠 kindness 善意 splendid 极佳的,非常好的independent 独立的 make use of 利用title (书的)名称;(文章的)题目,篇名 dynasty 朝代,王朝somehow 不知为什么;不知怎么地 recent 新近的,最近的professor 教授 inform 通知,告知 opening hours 开放时间 run 管理;操作 host 主持人;主人,东道主approve 批准,通过;赞成,同意charge 使承担责任;收费,负责,掌管 in charge of 负责,掌管schoolmate 同学,校友croadcast 广播,播放preparation 准备,筹备event (重要)事件;社交活动;比赛项目 outing 短途旅行,远足graduation 毕业 poet 诗人 generation 一代,一代人literary 文学的 select 选择,挑选courtyard 庭院,院子composition 作品,成分 act (戏剧的)一幕 curtain 窗帘;(舞台上的)帷幕can't wait to do something 迫不及待地做某事soccer <美>英式足球,足球frightened 受惊的;害怕的 be supposed to 应该……,应当…… bend (使)弯曲,弯腰,屈身


牛津版高一英语上学期复习教案(第七讲) 主讲教师:邵磊 主审:孙德霖 【教学内容与教学要求】 一、教学内容: 牛津高中英语模块一(复习) 【知识重点与学习难点】 一、重要单词: attend, earn, achieve, respect, prepare, drop, miss, experience, introduce, develop, donate, display, please, regret, inform, run, approve, select, require, broadcast, continue, trust, leave, punish, upset, insist, suggest, forbid, stay, recover, contain, include, follow, consider, affect, risk, recognize, concentrate, count// assembly, grade, literature, dessert, article, field, culture, gift, speech, attention, flat, dynasty, host, generation, nature, vacation, trash, mess, charge, adult, reason, teenager, fault, scene, scenery, explanation, behavior, period, argument, relationship, figure, failure, chemical, match, damage, pressure, diet, effect, energy, calorie, system, amount, loss, suggestion// challenging, average, former, latter, recent, close, scary, crazy, rude, boring, valuable, spare, selfish, unloving, slim, ashamed, priceless, harmful, harmless, exactly, attractive, embarrassed, overweight, skinny, regular, relaxed// recently, mainly, truly, sincerely, seldom, properly. 二、重点词组: at ease with 和….相处不拘束 school hours学校作息时间 earn respect from 赢得…的尊敬 sound like听起来象 for free 免费 get a general idea 了解大意 as well as 除….以外, 也 key words 关键词 word by word 逐字逐句地 find one’s way around 认识路 develop an interest in 培养对….的兴趣 surf the Internet网上冲浪, expect….from 期望 refer to 指 , , leave out省略 , relate to 和…相关 , pay attention to注意, in short


《牛津高中英语》教材重难点解读 《牛津高中英语》必修部分有五个模块共五本书,每个模块安排三个单元。在完成必修模块之后还有六个选修模块共六本书,每个模块安排四个单元。每个单元都是由七个版块组成: Welcome to the unit:有相关的图画和问题激发学生的学习兴趣,同时引出本单元的相关话题, 让学生轻松自然地进入本单元的学习。Reading:该板块是学生接受英语语言信息的重要环节,在这里,学生将有机会感受真实,地道,优美的英语。学生将通过阅读了解现实生活和社会发展的方方面面。通过学习课文后面的Reading strategy 和完成阅读练习,学生还能掌握英语阅读策略,提高英语阅读能力。Word power:在该版块中,学生将会根据话题扩充词汇以及其他多种词汇学习技巧。此版块是学生扩大词汇的主要途径。 Grammar and usage:语法学习贵在运用。在该版块中,学生既可得到系统的语法和修辞方面的辅导,又能在该版块精心设计的语境中学会灵活运用。 Task:该版块要求学生能综合运用所学习的语言知识和语言技能,完成特定的任务。学生将在教材设计的语言情境中,通过获取语言信息,两人对话或小组讨论和口笔头表达等一系列的课堂学习活动,学会熟练,自如地运用英语。 Project:每个project是课堂教学的延伸和拓展,属于探究式学习。该部分由阅读材料和几个提示性的问题组成,要求学生根据在一至五模块已经熟知的四个步骤,与同学们分工合作,通过讨论,调查,专

访,文献检索等活动,完成一个特定的课题。学生将首先认真阅读所提示是阅读材料,从中得到启发,然后完成课题。 Self-assessment:这是单元的最后一个版块。这里学生将对照单元各个学习项目按五个等级进行自我评价,并算出百分比。通过自我评价,学生可以对单元的学习进行自我反思,为下一步的学习制定行动计划。 高一(模块一至模块四) 模块一 一.重要语法 Unit1 School life That, which, who, whose 引导的定语从句; 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。 1.who, whom, that这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词。 eg: Is he the man who/that wants to see you?(who/that在从句中主语) He is the man whom/that I met yesterday.(who/that在从句中宾语) 2.Whose用来指人或物,(只用作定语,若指物,它还可以同of which 互换)如: Please pass me the book whose cover is blue. 3.which, that所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语,宾语等。如: The book (which/that) my teacher lent me is very interesting.


高一第一学期牛津英语课文 Unit one Reading Read this story in a school newspaper, Debby and Simon are college students. They have part-time jobs at a travel agency. They are sitting in the office. Student stories The City School Times Debby and Simon looked up as a well-dressed lady entered. The lady glanced at them both, then walked over to Debby. Debby greeted her cheerfully. The lady said, ‘I want to go by train to…’ Simon sighed and took some papers over to the fax machine. Mr. Young, a senior employee, was standing there. ‘What’s up, Simon? You don’t look very happy.’ ‘People always prefer Debby to me. I can’t understand it.’ ‘I can. It’s the way you communicate.’ ‘How can that be?’ Simon said. ‘I don’t even get a chance to speak to them.’ ‘Communicating is more than speaking and listening. Your body language is important, too.’ ‘Body language?’ ‘It’s the way you stand and sit. It’s your gestures and the expression on your face and in your eyes. Your whole appearance communicates things. The way you look at people doesn’t give them a good impression, Simon. You often rest your head on your hand. You look downwards. You never smile. You don’t turn your head or body towards people.’ ‘Look at Debby. She’s holding her head up, she looks at people’s eyes. She smiles. Your body language is telling people to go away. Debby’s body language is making them feel welcome. That’s why they go to her for assistance, and not to you.’ After that, Simon decided to improve his body language. He sat up and smiled at people. This seemed to work. Minutes later, a very beautiful girl entered. She looked at Debby and then Simon. Without hesitation she went to Simon and gave him a big smile. A few moments later, she left, still smiling. Mr. Young came over at once and remarked, ‘You made a good impression on her.’ ‘That was my sister’, said Simon, “She wanted to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday.’ More reading Eye contact Eye contact is a form of communication which can mean different things in different cultures. Read this article about eye contact on a website. Throughout the history of mankind, people have communicated with body language. In many situations, the way you say something is far more important than what you say. Eye contact is sometimes the key to communication. It can signal friendliness or hostility, interest or boredom, and understanding or confusion. In western cultures, maintaining eye contact in conversations is necessary. As a matter of fact, a

上海牛津英语高一上 Unit 6 翻译练习(答案版)

Unit 6 翻译练习 1.火车由于事故延迟了一个小时。(hold up) The train was held up for one hour by the accident. 2.在考试中你必须利用好时间。(make use of) You must make good use of your time in exams. 3.他拿着一只装有柠檬水的瓶子。(which) He’s holding a bottle which contains lemonade. 4.这个物品,尽管小,却证明很好用。(prove) This article, though small, has proved most useful. 5.听到获得一等奖,她的脸上就露出了微笑。(appear) When she heard that she had won the first prize, a smile appeared on her face. 6. 他们的第一次见面最后成了他们合作的开始。(prove) Their first meeting proved to be the beginning of their cooperation. 7. 爸爸决定充分利用五一假期带全家去青岛。(use) Dad decided to make the best use of the May Day holiday to take the family to Qingdao. 8. 白色农业是指一种在水中种植植物的新的耕作。(farming) White agriculture means a new kind of farming that grows plants in water. 9. 黄小姐家门前花园里的红玫瑰看起来长得很好。(appear; nourish) The red roses which are in the garden in front of Miss Huang’s house appear to be well nourished. 10. 意识到健康重要性的人们正在越来越关注他们的饮食。(aware) People who are aware of the importance of health are paying closer attention to their diets. 11.农业是我国非常重要的一个产业。(agriculture) Agriculture is an important industry in our country. 12.他被告知这个工作需要出公差。(involve) He was told that the job would involve business trips. 13.由于身体差,他退休了。(account) He retired on account of ill health.


高一牛津英语下学期 Module 2 The natural world Unit 4 Creatures large and small New words and expressions: 1. shelter n. 庇护所,避难所,庇护,隐蔽处,掩蔽 vt. 庇护,保护,隐匿 vi. 躲避 We took shelter from the storm in a department store. We sheltered under a tree until the shower passed. 2. survive vi. 幸存,活下来 These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions. vt. 比…活得长,经历…之后还存在 Most parents expect that their children will survive them. Did anyone survive the explosion? The house survived the storm. 经过暴风雨袭击, 这所房屋并未倒塌。 3. emerge e- out 出来,外 + merge 没入水里 vi. 出现;显出;暴露 The ship emerged from behind the fog. 船从雾里露了出来。 He merged from the accident unharmed. 4. bored adj. 感到厌烦的;无聊的 Be bored with 对…感到厌烦 boredom n. 无聊;厌烦;枯燥 5. elastic adj. 有弹力的,有弹性的 Rubber is elastic. adj. 可伸缩的,灵活的 Our plans are fairly elastic. n. 松紧带,橡皮圈 The elastic in my clothes has gone. 6. treat n./v. 招待,款待;治疗;处理


高中英语学习材料 ***鼎尚图文理制作*** 淮安市范集中学高一年级英语学科作业 班级________学号_________姓名__________得分_______008_ 一 用动词的正确形式填空。 1. Once ________(publish ), this dictionary will be very popular. 2. Once ________(catch ), he will be punished. 3. When ________ (tell) the truth, he lost his mind. 4. Unless _______ (make) the most of, time will not be enough. 5.They could find no room __________.(live in) 6.They have no food __________. (eat) 7.People used to have clean water ________. (drink) 8.There is no clean water ______________________.(drink) 二 选词填空 strike hit beat , 1 The waves were ________ on the shore. 2 The clock has just ________ 3 o ’clock. 3 The area was _______ by bird flu. 4 She _____ him on the head with a book. 课题 M3U1 日 期 2010/03/10 主备人 许凤英 牛淮苏 审核人 孔翠平 书写评价
