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attend, earn, achieve, respect, prepare, drop, miss, experience, introduce, develop, donate, display, please, regret, inform, run, approve, select, require, broadcast, continue, trust, leave, punish, upset, insist, suggest, forbid, stay, recover, contain, include, follow, consider, affect, risk, recognize, concentrate, count// assembly, grade, literature, dessert, article, field, culture, gift, speech, attention, flat, dynasty, host, generation, nature, vacation, trash, mess, charge, adult, reason, teenager, fault, scene, scenery, explanation, behavior, period, argument, relationship, figure, failure, chemical, match, damage, pressure, diet, effect, energy, calorie, system, amount, loss, suggestion// challenging, average, former, latter, recent, close, scary, crazy, rude, boring, valuable, spare, selfish, unloving, slim, ashamed, priceless, harmful, harmless, exactly, attractive, embarrassed, overweight, skinny, regular, relaxed// recently, mainly, truly, sincerely, seldom, properly.


at ease with 和….相处不拘束 school hours学校作息时间 earn respect from 赢得…的尊敬 sound like听起来象 for free 免费 get a general idea 了解大意 as well as 除….以外, 也 key words 关键词 word by word 逐字逐句地 find one’s way around 认识路 develop an interest in 培养对….的兴趣 surf the Internet网上冲浪, expect….from 期望

refer to 指 , , leave out省略 , relate to 和…相关 , pay attention to注意, in short

form用宿略的形式, take place发生, make decisions作决定, make comparisons作比较, take turns轮流, be responsible for对…负责, consist of包含,由…构成, come up with 想出, base on根据, have it approved by…征得…..的同意, inform sb of sth告知, sign up签名参加 common to对…来说很普遍, turn up调高声音, 出现 a waste of 浪费, spare time空余时间, force….to…强迫(某人)做 , can’t wait to.. 迫不及待地要 , be supposed to被期望或要求, 本应该, do with 处置, 忍受,需要 be a mess/ in a mess乱成一团, leave sb in charge 委托…..负责, act like行为举止象…, go unpunished不受惩罚, go out熄灭, have one’s arm crossed双臂交叉抱在胸前, deserve to值得去做,常用否定形式表示“不配” be hard on对某人苛刻, now that既然, in the form of以的形式, be angry at对某事生气, even if即使, treat sb like…象一样对待 , argue about为…而争吵, the cause of起因, differ in many ways在许多方面不同, fit badly非常不合身, rising/falling tone升调、降调, talk show谈话节目, main point要点, supporting information辅助性信息, a diary entry一篇日记, be proud of为….感到骄傲, stay up late熬夜, mix up混淆, after all毕竟, take one’s advice接受建议, miss doing sth怀念以前做的某事, keep in mind记住, get it tidied up把它整理好, clean up打扫干净, make a difference要紧, provide sb with sth/provide sth for sb为某人提供, provided that假如, to one’s surprise使某人惊奇的是, as though就好像, insist on doing坚持要做, allow him his freedom允许给他自由, send sb to bed叫某人去睡觉, forbid sb from doing sth禁止某人做某事, assign roles to 分派角色,

work out锻炼、训练, go on diets/a diet实行节食, in secret私自, side effect副作用, put on weight体重增加, lose weight减肥, be ashamed of对….感到羞耻, an exact match for和….完全匹配的…, follow one’s advice听从某人的建议, sound fun听起来象是件有趣的事, team sport团队运动, build up增强, regret doing sth后悔做了某事, risk doing sth冒做某事的风险.

call sb names骂人, cheer up高兴起来, closely related紧密相关的, live(lead) a…. life过着….样的生活, , a headache to令人头疼的人或事, along with一起, in the long term(run)从长远角度看, give up on放弃, a good amount of适量的、许多, in no time 很快, give out分发、发出, allow enough time for sb to do…留出充足的时间让某人做某事, skip meals不吃饭.
