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Unit 1

3.I am to believe that he won't come back to see his wife again.

a)inclined(倾向,倾斜)b)puzzled(困惑)c)accompanied(陪同)d)performed(执行; 履行)答案a) 我倾向于相信他不会再来见他的妻子。

8.When you buy the spare parts for your car,try to get the ones from the authorized dealer.

a)genuine(真的)b)generous(慷慨的)c)genius(天才, 天赋)d)gentle(温和的)

答案a) 当你买你骑车的备用零件时,设法去真正的授权经销商。

15. computers are of great benefit to the development of science and technology.

a)The fact is what b)That the fact is c)What the fact is that d)The fact is that

答案d) 事实上,计算机对于科学技术的发展有很大的好处。

20. method you choose, so long as you finish the job on time.

a)It isn't matter to me what b)What doesn't matter is that

c)It doesn't matter to me which d)No matter which

答案c) 只要你能按时完成任务,选择哪种方法,都是无所谓的。


15. The thing talked about in this report _____ over a year ago.

A) has taken place B)took place C)had taken place D)were taken place

答案 B 这个报告讨论的是一年前接管的地方。

19. I met him in the street the other day. We ___ each other for many years.

A)have not seen B)had not seen C)did not see D)have not been seeing

答案 B 前几天我在街上遇到他。我们有很多年没有见到对方了。

4. This man has been proved ____ of murder.


答案 A 这个男人已经被证明犯有谋杀罪

7. We _____ that it will take another four months to finish this plan.


答案 B 我们估计,将需要另外四个月的时间才能完成这个计划。

Unit 3

4. Before you begin writing your paper,please write a(n)_D_first. Then we can have a better idea about what you are going to talk about.


答案 D 在你下笔之前请先立个提纲,这样你就能对你所要表述的内容有个好的思路。

7. The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according to your __ in college.

A) performance表现成就B) policy政策C) smart整齐的D) statement说明

答案 A 奖金不仅取决于你的研究生入学成绩,而且更取决于在校的成绩。

Unit 4

2. This newspaper often ______ the government‟s opinion, not the public opinion.

A) affects B)reacts C)reflects D)recognizes

答案:C)reflects 这家报纸经常反映政府的意见,而不是民意。

4. This movie has a _____ ending. You can not imagine who will be killed finally.

A) dramatic B)original C)considerable D)temple

答案:A)dramatic 这部电影有一个戏剧性的结局。你无法想象,谁最终会被杀死.

17. He was lucky and narrowly missed _____.

A) to injure B)injuring C)to be injured D)being injured


Unit 5

1.This is an ___ that will not be easily forgotten. 答案:C

A. impact

B. academic

C. insult

D. alternative这是一种侮辱,不会轻易忘记的

9.Many English words are __ from Latin. 答案:D

A. displayed

B. spread

C. lost

D. derived 很多英语单词源于拉丁文。

19. He returned from abroad ___that his mother had been badly ill. 答案:D

A. heard

B. having been heard

C. having phoned

D. having been phoned


Unit 6

1.The doctors __the medicines to the people in the flood area.

A)distributed (分发)B)packed C)prayed D)undertook

答案:A 医生们分发了药品给洪灾区的人们

5.The _work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy.

A) research 研究B)rescue 拯救,援救C)vessel 容器D)vast 巨大,广阔的

Unit 7

3. We won‟t allow any foreign country to ___ in our internal affairs.

A)devote(献身;致力)B)district(地区, 区域)C)interfere(干预)D) wander(漫步)

答案:C 我们不允许任何外国干涉我们的内政

7. This boy was _____ for what he had done in the class.

A)scolded(被责骂的)B)overcome(克服)C)inclined(有…意向的)D)displayed(装备模型)答案:A 这个男孩因为上课时所做的事情而受到责骂

15. If he _____, he_____ that food.

A)was warned; would not take B)had been warned; would not have taken

C)Would be warned; had not take D)would have been warned; had not taken

答案:B 如果他被警告了,他就不会吃那些食物了。
