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泡沫分离法分离蛋白质Foam separation separation protein


专业班级:化学工程与工艺化工081 学生姓名:喻唯学号: 050811103 指导教师:戴卫东(副教授)







Foam separation separation protein

Abstract:Foam separation protein is the surface activity by protein on the separation of a kind of method, the separation process of mild conditions, the less influence the actiity of the protein, is a kind of cost, lesser, has the very good application prospect of separation method. Experiments with two proteins, BSA and HSA as the target protein separation simulation system, a self-made foam separation tower, made a series of foam, examined the separation experiments of operation parameters on the separation results (recovery and increase the influence of strong than). Experiments have found that fluid column height, foam height, drums into gas velocity, feeding flow and pH value, material liquid concentration and temperature on the separation effect of different effect: lower inlet velocity, higher foam height and fluid column height, appropriate temperature (25 ℃, BSA HSA in 35 ℃), appropriate in the pH value (protein isoelectric point) and low near the mother liquor to get a higher concentration of enrichment ratio. At the best possible conditions than the maximum concentration, recovery can reach dropped to 93.1% 28.6. In model of the process, the hypothetical adsorption process always in equilibrium, bubble size uniformity and each bubble are are twelve surface body, the mathematical model was established, get separation of differential equations can be solved.

Keywords:Protein foam separation mathematical model recovery than bubble separation enrichment

1 引言

1.1 泡沫分离

泡沫分离技术是近十几年发展起来的新型分离技术之一。泡沫分离是根据吸附的原理,向含表面活性物质的液体中鼓泡,使液体内的表面活性物质聚集在气液界面(气泡的表面)上,在液体主体上方形成泡沫层,将泡沫层和液相主体分开,就可以达到浓缩表面活性物质(在泡沫层)和净化液相主体的目的。被浓缩的物质可以是表面活性物质,也可以是能与表面活性物质相络合的物质,但它们必须具备和某一类型的表面活性物质能够络合或鳌合的能力。人们通常把凡是利用气体在溶液中鼓泡,以达到分离或浓缩目的的这类方法总称为泡沫吸附分离技术,简称泡沫分离技术。泡沫分离技术的研究开发工作已开展了近一个世纪,为统一泡沫分离的概念,1964 年Karger,Grieves[2]等人共同推荐并向IUPAC 提出一项建议,把泡沫分离技术方法分类如表1-1:

表1-1 泡沫分离技术方法分类

I 泡沫分离Foam separation

A 泡沫分离法Foam fractionation

B 泡沫浮选法Froth Flotation

1. 矿物浮选 Ore Flotation

2. 粗离子浮选 Macro Flotation

3. 细粒子浮选 Micro Flotation

4. 沉淀浮选 Precipitate Flotation

5. 离子浮选 Ion Flotation

6. 分子浮选 Molecular Flotation

C 吸附胶体浮选Adsorbing Flotation

Ⅱ非泡沫分离Nonfoaming adsorptive bubble separations

A 鼓泡分离法Bubble fractionation

B 萃取浮选法Solvent sublation

