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标题句:His mother made him get a pack of sugar.



1. 老师叫John 到办公室拿他的书

2. 爸爸叫我明天下午要洗车子

这类的动词,英文中称为「使役动词」,有make, have, let 三个。这三个动词的最大特色,也是必须注意的事项是,其后的第二个动词是用「原形动词」,不可再加to。所以前述的两个例子的英文是:

4. The teacher made/had John get his book in the office.

(注:在当作「使役动词」用法中,make = have。)

5. Father makes/has me wash the car tomorrow afternoon.以上两句的使役动词均故意用不同的时态,如此可以清楚地看出其后的加黑动词仍是用「原形动词」。对于「使役动词」的用法,建议背好底下的常用句子:

Let's go.(我们走吧!)

这一句不但常用,且句子很短,go 用原形动词,可突显出「使役动词+ 原形动词」的特殊用法。

容易造成混淆的其它动词:「使役动词」只有三个,特殊用法记起来就没事,但依经验显示,真正会造成学习扣分的原因,在于有些动词的对应中文意思和「使役动词」很类似,故容易和上述的「使役动词」混在一起。这些动词有want (要...;叫...) 及ask (要求...)。这两个动词后的第二个动词,并不是用原形动词,而是和其它的大多数的动词一样,是要加to 的不定词。参照底下的例句:

7. The teacher wanted John to get his book in the office.

8. Father wants me to wash the car tomorrow afternoon.

9. Mr. Wang asked them to sit there yesterday.

另一个容易造成混淆须注意事项:make 和have 除了本单元所提当「使役动词」使用外,它们还有其它的意思;make 最常见者为「制造、制作」;have 还有「有、举行、吃、喝」等的意思;have to 的中文对应意思是「必须」等,如:

10. Mother is making breakfast in the kitchen.(妈妈正在厨房做早餐。)

11. This car is made in Japan.(这部车是日本制的。)

12. Helen had some cola at my home.(Helen 在我家喝了一些可乐。)

13. When will Jack have his birthday?(Jack 什么时候要举行他的庆生会?)

14. We have to go to Jimmy's home to pick him up first. (我们必须先到Jimmy 家去接他。)

所以看到题目,不能只直觉反应make 或have 一定是「使役动词」用法,还是要看上、下文意思决定。


15. Our teacher helped us (to) practice singing.



1. Our teacher wants us at least two hours a day.

(A) study(B) studied(C) studying(D) to study

2. Because of the low marks on the last math test, Mrs. Pan makes her son it at least two hours a day.

(A) study(B) studied(C) studying(D) to study

3. Carol is popular in her class because she often helps her classmates their homework even when she is busy.

(A) does(B) doing(C) to do(D) are doing

4. In order to produce (生产) more shoes, the boss asks us to the factory 30 minutes earlier every day.

(A) getting(B) to get(C) get(D) will get

5. Son: Daddy, I the noodles in the boiling water. What will I do then? Daddy: Now we have to wait for about five minutes.

(A) will put(B) have put(C) put(D) putting

6. Don't let children on the busy streets. It's dangerous.

(A) play(B) to play(C) have played(D) playing

7. Sharon: Sorry, I can't go shopping with you tonight. I have home to be with my mother. She catches a bad cold.

Rose: That's OK. Never mind. I can call Vivian.

(A) staying(B) will stay(C) to stay(D) stay

8. Edwin: Hey, Brian. Where're you going?

Brian: I'm going to the supermarket. My mom has me a pack of salt for her.

(A) getting(B) to get(C) get(D) will get
