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Module 4

Unit1训练二Learning about language


1-5 ABCBB 6-10 DDDDC 11-15 BABBD 16-20 DDDDC




2. are

3. Has

4. are watching

5. is covered

6. looks

7. knows

8. enjoys

9. considers 10. makes


1-5 CAADA 6-10 ABBAB 11-15 BADBA 16-20 BCBBB

C. 语法改错


2.have —has

3. are — is

4. need — needs

5. remain—remains

6. are —is

7. is — are

8. was — were

9. was — were 10. were— was


1. Half of the sailors were rescued while the rest were missing/lost.

2. Either you or he is not telling the truth/is lying .

3. Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished.或Those who break the rules will be punished.

4. He was the only one of the students who was given the prize.

5. It is reported that many a new house is being built in the disaster area.

6. This series of magazines sells well. The rest of the magazines were sold out within half an hour.

7. Every student as well as teachers who are to visit the museum is asked to be at the school gate on time.

8. A poet and artist is coming to give us a lecture on Chinese literature and painting this afternoon.

9. With the development of economy, the number of the students who study abroad has been increasing in the past three decades.

10. On either side of the street stand two lines of newly-planted trees.

Unit2训练二Learning about language


1-5 DCBAB 6-10 DABCC 11-15ACDCC 16-20 BDDCC




2. flying

3. your calling

4. going; to feel

5. being caught

6. being persuaded

7. arguing

8. to post ; putting

9. Losing 10. not having kept B.语法选择

1-5 DCBCA 6-10 DCDDC 11-15 BBCAB 16-20 CCCDA


1. take—taking

2. make—makes

3. work—working

4. be—being

5. take- taking

6. to tell - telling

7. they-their/them

8. Read- Reading

9. fixed-fixing 10. coming-came


1. I am considering buying the flat before the prices go up.

2. On hearing the story, we couldn’t help laughing.

3. The old man burst out crying at his son’s death. I regretted having told him the bad news.

4. Being fit contributes to your staying focused on your lesson.

5. Reading English aloud for half an hour every day is a good way to learn it well.

6. His actions could lead to him losing his job.

7. The majority of people here agree that there being a bus stop near the house will be a great


8. Making friends plays an important part in everyone’s life.

9. With the girl leading the way, we had no trouble finding his house.

10. He was praised for having done a good deed.



1.We are convinced that your hard work and effort will pay off in the end.

2. Up to now, I haven’t heard from my parents.

3.With no access to media, he felt as if he was cut off from the outside world.

4. We should never just content ourselves with book knowledge.

5. Mr. Liu was astonished to hear the news / at the news.

6. We must find a place to have a rest before we are worn out.

7. We were caught in the heavy traffic jam. As a result we arrived late for the meeting.

8. The people with mobile phones feel it convenient to keep in touch with their friends wherever they go.

9. I remember that was a time when the two countries were at war.

10. Not that I am unwilling to go with you to see the film starred by Chaplin, but that I am too busy now.

训练二Learning about language


1-5 CDBCC 6-10 BCDBD 11-15 DADAB 16-20 ABCAA



stealing 2. doing 3. reciting 4. interesting; interest 5. seeing; being seen 6. belonging 7. telling 8. having done 9. His being late 10. his / him lying 11. his not being allowed 12. not having been invited 13. being run over 14. The president’s attending 15. going over


1-5 DCBBA 6-10 DAB B C 11-15 ACDCB 16-20 ABDBB


1. raise—raising


3. missed—missing

4. Interested—Interesting

5. do—doing

6. remained—remaining

7. say—saying

8. excited

9. was去掉10. think—thinking


1. With the number of cars in China increasing, there are more and more traffic jams.

2. The bridge being built will connect the people in this mountain village with the outside world.

3. Immediately he entered the office, he found the manager lying on the ground with papers lying around.

4. The boss is so cruel that he keeps his employees working all day and all night.
