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1.There a basketball match between class one and class three this afternoon.

A.is going to be B.will have

C.are going to be D.is going to have.



试题分析:句意:今天下午在一班和三班之间有一场篮球赛。此题考查there be 句型的一般将来时。表示有,客观存在,there不和have在一块使用,根据句意,应选A。


2.Nowadays many new taxi apps(打车软件)_________ to help people travel around more easily.

A.are used B.use C.used D.is used




句意:现在很多新的打车软件被用来帮助人们更方便地旅行。are used被用来;use使用;used过去式;is used被用来。根据句意可知,主语many new taxi apps与动词构成被动关系,应使用被动语态,且主语是复数的,故应选A。

3.(题文)--Look! Mum, this pair of gloves worn out. I need a new pair. –OK!

A.is B.are C.be D.were



试题分析: 句意:---看,妈妈,这双手套坏了。我需要一双新的。---好的。此题是this pair of做主语,应用单三,故选A。


4.Joe has ______ for ten years. Ten years ______ a long time.

A.left; is B.left; are

C.been away; is D.been away; are



试题分析:句意:Joe离开十年了。十年是一个很长的时间。和表示一段时间的短语for ten years连用要用延续的状态been away;Ten years看作是一个整体,故用is,据题意,故选C。


5.—How many girls are there in your class?

—________ them __________ over twenty.

A.A number of, are B.The number of, are

C.A number of, is D.The number of, is





试题分析:句意为:---你们班有多少女生?---女生的人数超过20人。a number of指的是“许多的,大量的”,接名词时,谓语动词常用非第三人称单数形式;the number of指的是“……的数量”,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。根据语境可知,这里指的是“数量”,故应选D。

6.Not only my friends but also I interested in football and Messi is our favorite star.

A.are B.be C.is D.am



试题分析:句意:不仅我的朋友们而且我都对足球感兴趣,Messi是我们最喜爱的球星。not only...but also...,不仅……而且……,连接两个并列的结构,在句中做主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式根据就近原则。所以这里的be动词应该跟I一致,故选D。


7.Not only you but also I __________ interested in the cartoon called Peppa Pig.

A.am B.is C.are






A. am用于主语是I的一般现在时;

B. is用于主语是单数第三人称的一般现在时;

C. are用于主语是复数的一般现在时。短语“not only…but also”引导的主语和后面动词主谓一致遵循临近一致原则,比较近的主语I是第一人称,be动词用am, 故选A。

8.- I'm getting hungry. Do you know where we can get some good food?

- Of course! There ____________ a restaurant around the comer.

A.will be B.was C.is




句意:---我饿了。你知道在哪能买到好食物吗?---当然!拐角处有一家餐馆。A选项是一般将来时的there be句型,B选项是一般过去时的there be句型,C选项是一般现在时的there be句型;根据句意这里是一般现在时,故选C。

9.-How time flies! Three years since we came to this school,

-Yes,it a good memory.

A.have passed; is B.has passed: is

C.pass; has been D.passed; was





10.—I called you at 5:00 yesterday afternoon, but no one answered.

—Sorry, I with my parents ________ at that time.

A.was shopping B.were shopping

C.are shopping D.went shopping



试题分析:—我昨天下午五点给你打电话了,但是没人接。—对不起,那时我正陪着妈妈买东西呢。通过以上分析可知,应该用过去进行时;本句I是主语,with my parents是介词短语做定语,不是主语,所以后面用was。故选A。


11. ______ Lily ______ Lucy likes listening to Beijing opera while their parents do. A.Both, and B.Neither, nor

C.Either, or D.Not only, but also



试题分析:句意:莉莉和露西都不喜欢听京剧而他们的父母喜欢。Both…and两者都;Neither… nor既不……也不;Either…or 或者……或者;Not only…but also不但……而且。根据语境,所以选B.


12.—How many_______doctors are there in your hospital, David?
