



A Brief Discussion on Sino - American Cultural Differences

——A case study of Yale University and Peking University’s image videos


Major:XXX Student ID:123456789 Name:XXX


Abstract:Under the background of globalization, cultural exchanges become more frequent, effective dissemination of a positive image as an important mandate of the famous universities of the world.Promo is spread most intuitive way to university image, in the process of cultural transmission and exchange, national universities will be affected promo cultural and psychological aspects.In this paper, I hope to better understand the cultural differences between Peking University and Yale University by comparing the films.


Key words:Image videos Cultural difference Cultural exchange


The school image is a comprehensive reflection of the history, reality, culture, lifestyle and values of a university reflected in the media and people's minds.It is increasingly important for the university to show the characteristics of the spread of the unique culture, establish the image of the role of the university.Peking University(abbreviation:PKU)launched image video with a positive attitude to the world to show themselves,and Yale University(abbreviation:Yale)propaganda around the world is everywhere.Through the analysis and comparisons of these two famous university videos, I will explore the difference of aesthetic taste, language habit, mode of thinking, body language and other aspects of the Chinese and American people.These differences will make us a more objective view of Sino-US cultural differences, so as to make more efforts to promote exchanges between different cultures.


The performance of cultural differences


The differences of aesthetic taste: spiritual similarity-appearance similarity



Chinese people's aesthetic focus than the appearance quite similar, the mood in China account for a large proportion of people's minds, such as Chinese painting subject matter requires speculation.Americans pay attention to the appearance of more than likeness, the pursuit of truth and beauty of expression, such as the requirements of Western painting is very realistic.The image of PkU, with a simple TV screen summarizes the broad and profound Chinese culture, both classical and modern, both traditional and open, played characters are subtle and low-key, deep and quiet background, hidden meaning requires the viewer to tap their own experience, the background music Is the long and deep Gu Zheng and other traditional instruments.Yale is directly to the smiling faces of students by way of song and dance in front of the audience stack.It vividly shows each person's face, bright and cheerful, telling the world that we welcome you and pursue the expression of reality.


The differences of language styles:veiled-straightforward


Chinese people are more introverted, very veiled expression.They usually do not directly express their intentions, but with the specific situation prevailing expression meaning.Americans often express more direct and more straightforward language.Therefore,PKU’s video has too much content to be understood, in fact, it’s not suitable for these low-context culture in Europe and the United States to spread.For American students, Yale's realist propaganda may be more effective than freehand and more able to convey ideas of ethics and the values of freedom, fairness and justice.


The differences of ways of thinking:image-logic,integrate-analysis


Chinese people like to use the image thinking to think, and is usually expressed emotion with contrast and metaphor.Therefore, the PKU’s video will be more understanding of beauty inherent in the specific figure.Americans are better at logical thinking, good at using the concept to reasoning and analysis.Yale's propaganda is reflected in the reasoning thinking, that is, new students will be welcomed with the full enthusiasm and sincere smile.In addition, the Chinese people are good synthetic thinking, accustomed to unite the various parts of things to

consider.The role of the PKU’s video were in accordance with the beautiful, hard work, creativity and other characteristics of induction grouping,and then students who meet these labels are then shown together.Americans are more accustomed to analytical thinking, they would like to complete a whole is divided into various parts and then analyzed for each section.Yale's video divides the students into sections according to their color and age, and then presents them individually.


The differences of body language:prudish-relaxed


Chinese and American peoples are also very different in the body language.Chinese people's body language is relatively small, stiff movements, facial expressions restrained.In the PKU’s video, the action of many students for upright or sit, facial expression is not grinning smile.This is also the character of the majority of Chinese people: restrained, deep, not good at expressing emotions with body language.Americans are rich in body language, their movements more easily, more lively expression.Many of the students in the Yale's video are open arms to embrace the gesture of welcome.Each person's body language are unique, exposed eight teeth smile with international type, which is the American character: open, enthusiastic, good at expressing feelings.


The main reasons for cultural differences


The impact of historical and geographical conditions


For thousands of years, self-sufficient lifestyle of the Chinese people formed a "harmony" philosophy.American ancestors from the European coastal areas, the development of the maritime industry so that they believe that human power, advocating the play of individuality and the courage to challenge.Chinese culture is based on agricultural society, emphasizing hierarchy and harmony.American culture is more dependent on industry and commerce, so the thinking of Americans is a personal style, and this is very different from the Chinese people.


The impact of traditional thinking



Chinese culture is based on Confucianism, advocates simplicity, harmony, moderation, symmetry and balance.The Chinese doctrine of the mean emphasizes interpersonal relationships should be properly adjusted and compromised, trying to avoid the intense confrontation within the group that rupture.However,this kind of thought has developed a kind of inertia in a certain degree and Lack of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit.American culture is based on the ancient Greek tradition of marine culture, and gradually formed a logical thinking and analytical thinking and other characteristics, emphasizing personal characteristics and freedom.American tradition is to survive through the belief in competition, are willing to innovate and take risks, eager to find new solutions to old problems, and this is what many Chinese people lack.


The impact of writing system


Chinese characters are suitable for thinking in images, and English letters are suitable for logical thinking.Chinese characters originated in hieroglyphics, in the beginning of the word and they describe the shape of the object is the same.English alphabet in the creation to maintain unity with the voice.Chinese characters are very intuitive, you can usually guess its meaning by shape.English alphabet shape often determines its pronunciation,but there is no relationship between the shape of words and they refer to.Therefore, compared with Chinese characters, English letters have largely abstract.


The conclusion


In summary,by comparing the videos of the two universities, we can conclude that there are many cultural differences between China and the United States.The root causes of this difference lies in the different countries of history, geography, customs, cognitive systems and text.However, it is precisely because of this difference, we need to treat the attitude of cultural exchange from passive to active and low-key change from high-profile and from poor communication to take the initiative to show ourselves.And thus to a more positive attitude to the world, to provide young students to persuade and affect the life style of life and development philosophy.


《阿甘正传》英语读后感 Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed totellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.'s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston novel of the same name of Groom since. Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one's word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol. And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since begg all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and have no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of


Life is there for us to enjoy After watching the movie Dead Poets Society, my eyes were full of tears. What could not be removed from my heart is that these young men finally learned the way to look at things from different ways from Mr. Keating. Seize the day, when you notice this point, it is never too late to start to do something. In Welton School, four pillars were set for the students to obey: tradition, hour, discipline, excellence. But what the school leaders performed left them an image as hypocrisy, and the school like a place of hell. Not until the day John Keating came, did they find some new meaning of life. I still remember on Keating's first class, one boy copied every sketch Keating drew on the blackboard, and then was told all that was nonsense. Keating told them to rip off the very page about theory on poetry, which may restrain their free thought about poetry. Then standing on the desk, he showed the young men they could look at things from different angles. "Carpe Diem, seize the day, boys, make your life extraordinary.” In order to make them realize the true meaning of life, Keating disguised as one of the precursors on the picture, whispering to them. When I heard this sentence, I began to think about my own life. Being a senior student faced with graduation, we are pushed to believe that every second is a inseparable part of life to become a step near to success. That is to say, for almost every one of us, to seize the day means to be successful, it is same with me. Not until a piece of news on the Internet shocked me some other day—Kaifu Lee found himself suffering from cancer. In my eyes, he is always positive, ready to give job hunters tips for searching jobs. What's more, I took for granted that such a person could live a happy and healthy life. The truth is that I was wrong. Hence, I have been reconsidering about life. To pursue success on career is one kind of passion, but life is not only made up of fame and profit, there are


《青年教师的心灵成长之旅》读后感(精选多篇) 第一篇:《青年教师的心灵成长之旅》读后感 《青年教师的心灵成长之旅》读后感 每年都会得到有利于我们教师成长的书籍,而这次却是我自己选的。这是一本有关青年教师的一本书。作者从教26年,经历了书中所涉及的青年教师心灵成长的大部分阶段,文字中渗透了作者经历的挫折和成功体验。书中有大量一线优秀教师的案例,对读者有较强的启发性。颇具文采与诗意的文风,让本书读来颇感轻松、愉悦,同时通过层层设置的问题带领读者不断反思自身,突破自身的心灵成长障碍。 本书向您传递的,是这样一种成长理念:每一名青年教师,都有成为卓越教师的可能。之所以绝大多数人最终沦为平常,是因为在成长的重要节点上,往往缺乏了进一步前行的动力与方法。只要能够激发起内在的成长动力,同时掌握必要的行动方法,每一个生命就都能创造职业的传奇。 这本书让我们重拾前进动力,重获行走方法。这些建立在他人成功经验基础上的研究成果,相信无论是对于刚刚起步的新教师,还是对于业已取得一定成绩的优秀教师,都具有积极的引领价值。 青年教师的心灵成长过程,本质上说,就是以成长中日渐聚集的强大力量,不断扩展与充实心灵的过程。在此过程中,心灵的内涵不

断丰富,外延不断扩展。生命由此而日渐脱离平庸,朝向优秀乃至卓越持续前进。 在浪漫的激情和复杂的现实间,潜伏着无穷无尽的暗流。这些暗流,常常会在意想不到的状况下,从无法预知的角落里突然涌出,一下子便将新教师辛苦搭建的教育殿堂冲垮。面对这份淫威,任何激情、梦幻、诗意、纯真、好奇、渴望、紧张、充实,都只能像无法掌控自身命运的孩子,要么睁大了吃惊的双眼,面对废墟无助地叹息,要么在片刻的伤感后,迅速转移了视线,去另一个空间上另建新的乐趣。 然而,教育的特殊属性,却既不接纳长吁短叹,也不容忍异地重建。教育面对的,就是这一群有个性、有追求的鲜活生命。这些生命,存在着各种各样的缺陷,需要在学校这个特殊的空间里砍削修补,使其能一步步脱离愚昧与低俗,走向智慧与崇高。 因而,真正的教育,就逼迫着新教师不得不直面这份惨淡,不得不弯下身体清扫芜杂、清洗污浊,然后,以哪里跌倒哪里爬起的勇气,再次筑起心中的圣殿。 第二篇:《青年教师成长之旅》读后感 《青年教师成长之旅》读后感 [2014-7-411:51:00|by:wshine]


电影死亡诗社观后感影评650字 美国的片子《死亡诗社》,它的故事发生在1959年的威尔顿预备学院,那是一个扼杀个性的年代,也许我们今天仍处在这个时代中.这里给大家整理了一些有关死亡诗社的观后感,希望对大家有所帮助. 死亡诗社观后感1 看完电影《死亡诗社》觉得非常真实,前一秒孩子们喊这学校的口号“传统,荣誉,纪律,优秀”,后一分钟孩子们高喊自己的原创口号。孩子原始的天性细腻的在影片中表现,青春期蠢蠢的萌动真实的展现。影片中孩子的活泼,家长的专制,校长的古板,新教师的个性都强烈冲击我们的心灵。我相信大部分的孩子都会喜欢这个非传统的老师,吹着口哨进课堂,将课堂搬到教室外的连廊,鼓励学生撕掉课本的前言…… 我们能看见他真诚善良,鼓励孩子克服困难,帮助孩子超越自己。所以孩子都喜欢上他的课,因为自由,活跃,快乐,可以乘着想象的翅膀高飞。这是他们也是整所学校从未发生过的事,以学院为首的传统教育思想和以英文老师为首的现代教育的冲突和碰撞不可避免的发生了。这两种教育有点像我们的应试教育与素质教育。如何做好素质教育,认真执行二期课改,教师还需要勇气、智慧和实干精神。真正做到以人为本,让孩子活出生命的活力和意义。

基丁老师有很多值得我们学习的地方,但鉴于国情和孩子的不同特点,我觉得尼尔的死在我们的身边可以避免。基丁老师教了怎样选择活着意义,但未教授如何热爱我们的生命,对生命负责。尼尔为反抗父母的意愿以自杀为代价,让我看后很震撼。我在想如果是我班级的孩子有像尼尔这么强烈的兴趣欲望,我们教师应该做好沟通工作,和孩子的心理辅导。不可能愿望现实不了就放弃自己的生命,这是对自己生命的极其不负责任。当然现在也有个别孩子心灵脆弱,为不弹琴绞断手筋,成绩不好跳楼等等,所以现行“两纲”教育中特别强调的生命教育。这也是我们教师不可忽略的方面,急需加强教育,希望悲剧不要在我们身边发生。 影片《死亡诗社》中基丁老师要离开学校时,班里最内向的学生,第一个站到了课桌上,陆续有其他同学也站了上去。他们是在用自己的行动向基丁老师表达自已他的敬意和感激。看到这儿,我落泪了……老师的成功是什么?是孩子考出好成绩吗?这是一个太浅显的回答,我认为老师的成功应该是,作为老师你的思想、人品影响了孩子,指引孩子,而孩子正向着你期望的方向逐渐迈近,那种收获和满足是无法用言语表达的。从某种意义上讲,这才是为人师者最大的成功。“亲其师,信其道”,让我们先从关心、爱护身边的孩子做起,相信定会有不俗的收获。 死亡诗社观后感2


Dead Poets Society Dead Poets Society Background: Dead Poets Society," the story takes place in 1959 in the United States, in a Originally calm school.English teacher named John Keating with his unique life Philosophy and anti-traditional teaching methods on the students so that a number of Born rich, clear future students learn to think independently and pursue self ideal own life. He skillfully teach students to experience a way of life. He inspired some brave students did not hesitate to rebuild secret society "of Death Poets Society. "Their main activities are gathered at night in a cave for histological comedy tone continued until Neil commit suicide under the pressure of his imperious father . This provoked a blind repression school, not only the film's most expelled, but the idea of freedom has taken root in mind the students, but also laid the film history of Education chapter status. Themes: This movie is about what happens when these students decide to pursue their own desires, and to live life with the passion that Mr. Keating encouraged. U ltimately, it is about what happens when a few idealistic students find themselves confronted against conservative forces that resist all change, including the drive for personal self-determination.


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《阿甘正传》英文观后感 《阿甘正传》是改编自美国作家温斯顿·格卢姆于XXXX年出版的同名小说,描绘了先天智障的小镇男孩福瑞斯特·甘自强不息,最终“傻人有傻福”地得到上天眷顾,在多个领域创造奇迹的励志故事,下面给大家分享了《阿甘正传》观后感,欢迎借鉴! 《阿甘正传》英文观后感X Mr. A Gan is a man who is short in intelligence but rich in mind! It is impossible for us to make the wildest guess at what achievements he could fulfill. History does not recount whether a man regarded as ‘stupid’ can do so many amazing things, but the fact is that he does gains a great deal of unexpected fame and success. The deep impression that the movie give me is that he just keep running all the time. Mr. A Gan, it seems, has run into the university, the White House and even the whole continent. Sometimes I wonder if we all misunderstand the true meaning of smart and clever, for Mr. A Gan has taught us a very different lesson. From my point of view, kindness and simplicity is the cleverest wealth that God has given


Dead Poets Society Who are you What are you doing What do you want Many of us are losing ourselves because of the reality, frustration, the pressure or the authority. In fact, we are just like a chess, for others have arranged all for you. We spend a lot of time in those things we do not like. However, we are immature. We choose silence or choose to force ourselves to like it. We ourselves never dare to say "NO" loud, or never master our life in our hand. Perhaps, you will defend for yourself, "This is no other way to do "; Perhaps you will say, "Now that everything looks the same, can I be unique "; Perhaps you will say, "This is the reality, and no one can beat it"; perhaps, very likely, you will become one of them and establish the authority of parents to educate your children. You have become a loyal defender of authority. There is an old golden Chinese saying: No one can exist who resists me . However, all in all, cannot it change 《Dead Poets Society》tells me that nothing is impossible. At that time, nothing is more important than yielding. What you have to do is to obey discipline and authority. To Rebel means no good


电影死亡诗社(Dead Poet Society)的视听语言分Dead Poets Society 编剧: Tom Schulman 导演: Peter Weir 主演: Robin Williams 上映年度: 1989 语言: 英语 制片国家/地区: 美国 又名: 春风化雨 关于《死亡诗社》的评论自从其上映的1989年起至今已不计其数,几乎所有评论家都不会错过这部充满了话题的杰作。这部作品中无论是人物刻画、情节设计、主题选取还是技术手段等方面,都有非常多值得研究的话题点。本文我们将选取视听语言角度对其进行剖析。 整部《死亡诗社》总共有900多个镜头切换,看似安详缓慢又不乏激情和煽动,可见导演对影片拿捏的精准与老到。在信马由缰的写意节拍中,导演带领着观众们走入了一座压抑而传统的预备学校。这里有散发着古老气息的建筑和美好的自然风光,有古董一样保守的老师和校长,有十七八岁对未来充满渴望又被学业压抑的男孩子们,有英俊儒雅不落俗套的基廷老师,有与梦想有关的死亡诗社与仲夏夜之梦……在这一系列人物和情节的组合下,在看似美好却又总是不见阳光的田园风光中,我们参与到了一个充满了抗争与压抑、矛盾与妥协的青春校园故事。虽然结局是出乎预料的让人心痛,但是却不并能够被定义成悲剧。尼尔死了,基廷老师走了,但是希望还在,正如影片名出现时黑色的背景下点燃一株蜡烛的镜头,虽然刺眼却给人希望,这希望虽然不够强大,却令人振奋。 影片一开始出现的油彩画带有着很强的隐喻意义,和后面影片的三个男主人公遥相呼应,尤其中间那个孩子低头的状态更是跟托德的人物性格相对应。影片中间基廷老师让学生们观看师兄们照片的情节也与开头这个油彩画面形成呼应。同时,这种油彩画又和整部影片压抑的背景环境想映衬,定下了整部影片的基调。可以说《死亡诗社》中场景气氛的把握对于情绪的引导有着高超之处。 下面我们看一下影片开头这种手法的运用。影片来头象征希望之光的烛光并不长久,转而镜头摇起看到的是两个古板严肃的老师点燃的蜡烛,他们谓之“智慧之光”。接着,苏格兰风笛声响起,一群身着黑色学生制服的学生高举印有“传统”的旗帜,步入一个犹如教堂般的会场,红色的旗帜与其上写的“Tradition, Honor, Discipline, Excellence”在肃穆严肃的场景下显得格外刺眼。制作者运用了一个全景构图,同时让演员从台阶上走下的方式,将这四面旗帜全部展示了出来。一个跟镜头渲染出了开学典礼的压抑感,之后一个俯视角给出了整个礼堂的全景,局促和压抑的感觉被呈现出来,这种处理把原本空旷高挑的建筑感觉完全颠覆。之后给众人的群像镜头表现出了各种不安与紧张,所有人起立说出“Tradition, Honor, Discipline, Excellence”时那种僵化又富有纪律感被压抑感


人的现代化读书笔记 【篇一:推荐写读书笔记的书目录】 教育教学理论专著推荐书目 基础篇(30部) 1.《论语译注》, 杨伯峻译注, 中华书局1980年版 2.《学记评注》, 高时良编撰, 人民教育出版社1983年版 3.《陶行知教育文集》, 陶行知, 江苏教育出版社2001年版 4.《当代教育学》, 袁振国主编, 教育科学出版社2000年版 5.《中国教育史》(修订本), 孙培青主编, 华东师范大学出版社2000年版 6.《外国教育史教程》, 吴式颖主编, 人民教育出版社1997年版 7.《学与教的心理学》, 皮连生主编, 华东师范大学出版社1997年 8.《国际教育新理念》, 顾明远、孟繁华主编, 海南出版社2001年版 9.《素质教育学习纲要》, 教育部基础教育司编, 三联书店200年版 10.《教师专业化的理论与实践》, 教育部师范司编, 人民教育出版社2003年版 11.《走进新课程:与课程实施者对话》, 朱慕菊主编, 北京师范大学出版社2002年版 12.《新教育之梦》, 朱永新, 人民教育出版社2002年版 13.《教育社会学》, 吴康宁主编, 人民教育出版社1998年版 14.《德育新论》, 鲁洁、王逢贤主编, 江苏教育出版社2000年版 15.《爱弥儿》, (法)卢梭著,李平沤译, 人民教育出版社2001年版 16.《大教学论》, (捷克)夸美纽斯著,傅任敢译, 人民教育出版社1999年版 17.《普通教育学:教育学讲授纲要》, (德)赫尔巴特著,李其龙译, 浙江教育出版社2002年版 19.《民主主义与教学》, (美)杜威著,王承绪译, 人民教育出版社2001年版 20.《给教师的建议》, (苏)苏霍姆林斯基著,杜殿坤译, 教育科学出版社1999年版 21.《和教师的谈话》, (苏)b.赞科夫著,杜殿坤译, 教育科学出版社1999年版


阿甘正传观后感英文200字本文为阿甘正传观后感英文200字,让我们通过以下的文章来了解。 the film shows kindness,thankness,honest, serious,bravry and all of beautiful things in our tells the story by forrest gump sits on the chair by the road and tells his experiences in his past time to the persons who are waiting for the come and go,however forrest talking and doesn't mind what they are doing and how they are feeling .when i see the sences,i feel it this just accouts forrest is a clinging man. forrest gump isn't a genius is even thought a big all his childhood,otherboys look down upon him and ofen laugh at his mother regards him as a normal child and tells him that he is the same as the other boys. one day he finds that he could run fast like thathe begin to run without any reason. maybe he wants to escape from the unkind laughter and may be a in the first he is a has his own leads his life in his own ways and never complains anything and never gives up. because of this,he gets surprising upshots every


Be a real man Dead Poets Society There are certain films that can heavily shock your soul, then elicit your thinking, and finally change your attitude of life. No doubt Dead Poets Society is one of these infrequent films. It is a film about a teacher and his students. It is a film about perseverance and change. It is a film about love and cruelty. The film is set in the United States in 1959. It shows us a series of things which happened to Mr. Keating and the young boys in Wilton Preparatory School. Mr. John Keating is certainly the main character of this film. He is a respectable teacher with a high self-cultivation. He has an advanced conception which is different from traditional education. The other two main characters are Neil, a boy who is keen on performing, and Todd, a boy with a little shyness. From Todd, I see how a boy grows into a man. The film starts with the opening ceremony of Wilton Preparatory School. Todd, a shy boy, starts his school life with his roommate, Neil. On the first lesson, their teacher, Mr. Keating, just told them ‘Seize the day, make your life extraordinary’.He reads Whitman’s poet Oh Captain! My Captain. He taught the students to swim against the steam and to be themselves but not to perform. Students regard Mr. Keating as a different


春风化雨 ——《死亡诗社》电影简评一、观影动机 首先关于这部电影的动机,笔者有话要说。看这部电影的念头来自某网站上订阅的一个专门做经典电影解说的栏目。主持这个栏目的两位解说员,通常带着点戏谑的口吻解说电影,却又不失对经典电影的尊重,很有意思。有一次因为没注意,也没看影片评分,吃饭的时候随手点开一期《控方证人》电影解说,看完解说之后才发现这部电影实在太精彩了,然而当时已经被剧透,而且这还是部破案悬疑类的电影,知道了出人意料的结局却还没看过原作的我表示十分后悔。所以当我看到《死亡诗社》的投稿获得豆瓣评分8.9,IMDB评分8.0分时,学会聪明了一回,打算先看完正剧再来看解说。现在网上做视频解说的投稿不少,一本正经地胡说八道还让人觉得有理的栏目我觉得不是那么多的。毕竟有些影片解说栏目不管什么没营养的烂片都放着投稿,观众听了也不过是笑笑纯属娱乐消遣,我觉得能坚持一直做经典电影解说不随意迎合粗俗大众娱乐文化的栏目才是真正值得我们看的优秀的电影解说栏目吧。 二、影片主要情节介绍及大体观赏体验 这部电影由彼得·威尔导演,汤姆·舒尔曼编剧,获得了第62届奥斯卡金像奖最佳原创剧本奖。大致内容讲的是一位中学诗歌老师鼓励他的学生追求内心自由的青春励志故事。光看介绍,就觉得这是一部情节没有多大起伏的电影。而事实也确实如此,情节没有现代美国大片的跌宕起伏,惊心动魄,自然也看不出什么扣人心弦,容易让看的人开小差,甚至主角之一尼尔的结局都在人的意料之中。影片总长130分钟左右,笔者认为前面的2小时像是反复地叙述再平常不过的校园生活,而最精彩的、最触动人心的部分莫过于那最后的十分钟,当班长站在讲台上的那一刻,一切尽在不言中。不过,即使是平淡无奇的校园生活,也确实很容易引起观看影片的人内心的共鸣,大家都是从那个阶段过来的人,就像影片开头播放的那样,“传统、荣誉、纪律、卓越”,现实生活中应试教育该有的,影片里都有,只是大部分观看电影的人缺了一个像基丁一样的老师。如果放在几年前我还是个中学生的时候看这部影片,感受又是完全不一样了吧。有人说,这部电影带着对封闭的应试教育的抨击(来自豆瓣),因为笔者已经逃过了应试教育的摧残,所以心中的喷恨和共鸣也少了许多。就目前的人生经历和认知范围来看,我觉得我更赞同另一种观点:思想上的浪漫主义与生活中的现实主义之间的冲突。我认为单纯的中学时代更多需要的是浪漫与激情,考虑现实少一点。或许是国情不同,在西方社会,国民的忧患意识更强一些,这种现象反应在家庭,就是父母考虑孩子的未来比较超前,就这样看来,家长的做法也是无可厚非。不过较早地为现实生活限制,而扼杀了孩子的创造力和想象力,对孩子本身来说并不是好的选择;同样的对一个国家而言,银行家、企业家、士兵作为运转国家的重


早期教育与天才 《早期教育和天才》读后感 这本书是日本木村久一先生的著作,于上世纪90年代被译成中文。据说一些名家都看过这本书。本书分为七章,第一章算做一个引言,讲述了早期教育的重要性,其他六章每章讲述一位天才的早期教育,重点谈及父母早期教育的方法。其中第二章是《威特的教育》,是作者对《卡尔?威特的教育》一书的一个简介。本文就由此展开。《卡尔?威特的教育》是威特的父亲写的关于威特14岁以前的教育。虽然此书年代久远,却愈来愈显示出勃勃生机。其中许多教学经验值得我们今天借鉴和推广。 首先我们需要对本书的主要人物作一下简单介绍。威特的父亲是德国一个乡村牧师,一个了不起的学者,一个非常富于创见的人,也是一个意志坚强的人,为了教育自己的孩子克服了种种障碍,最终培养出威特这个“天才”。威特生于1800年,是19世纪德国一个著名的天才。他八九岁时就能自由运用六国语言;通晓动物学、植物学、物理学、化学,尤其擅长数学;9岁时进入了哥廷根大学;年仅14岁就被授予哲学博士学位;16岁获得法学学位,并被任命为柏林大学的法学教授;23岁时发表了《但丁的误解》一书,成为研究但丁的权威。与那些过早失去后劲的神童们不同,威特一生都在德国著名的大学里授学,在有口皆碑的赞许声中,一直讲到1883年逝世为止。 然而威特并没有高超的天资,恰恰在出生时被认为是一个痴呆的婴儿。那么卡尔?威特是如何成为一个驰名中外、学识渊博的天才而且在早年就表现出超人的素质的呢,这完全归功于威特父亲高水平的早期教育。威特父亲的早期教育取得了十足的成功,取得成功的条件有以下几点:

第一、先进的教育思想。威特父亲始终强调,“对儿童的教育必须与儿童的智力曙光同时开始”,因此威特父亲从威特出生那天就开始教育,从孩子15天大就开始向他灌输词汇。他认为,在五岁之前,孩子能够掌握一生所掌握知识的80%,五岁之前是孩子形成知识的关键期,错过这一时期,许多知识就难以形成。另外,在一次关于教育问题的学会上,他坚信:对于孩子来说最重要的是教育而不是天赋。孩子天赋再好,后天不开发,也会成为平凡的人,天赋不好,后天教育得法,也会成为不平凡的人。 第二、丰富的知识。威特的父亲作为一名牧师,具有丰富的阅历和知识,因此才能在教育孩子时得心应手。威特懂得六国语言,对许多学科都有造诣,因此可以肯定,威特父亲也懂得多国语言,对许多学科也都有研究。因为自己不会而去教育孩子,是不现实的。 第三、正确、合理的教学方法。威特父亲十分欣赏爱尔维修的论断:“即使是普通的孩子,只要教育得法,也会成为不平凡的人。”因此,威特父亲特别注意教育方法的应用,通过各种手段,利用各种情境使孩子受到最好的早期教育。 第四、全面的教育。威特之所以会多国语言,多门学科,并且长大后依然才学横溢,而且很长寿,在很大程度上取决于威特父亲全面的教育。 第五、坚强的毅力。要想培养出一个“天才”,不经过艰辛的努力是办不到的。威特父亲在教育小威特时踏踏实实、严肃认真、一如既往、二十年如一日,为了教育好威特,把自己的所有才能都施展出来。威特能有一个伟大的父亲是他一生最大的幸福。由此我们可以看出,威特取得如此辉煌的成就具有得天独厚的条件。另外,《威特的教育》一章也给我们留下了许多宝贵的早期教育经验。 第一、尽早发挥孩子的能力。按照能力递减法则,生下来具有100度能力的儿童,如果放弃教育,5岁时还有80度的能力,10岁时减少到60度,到15岁时就只investigations by person/in accordance with credit rules, personnel

阿甘正传观后感 中英文对照

Life is like a box of chocolates, results are often surprising If you do not insist on the struggle of life do not never know what will happen next, which were last seen Lieutenant Dan felt vicissitudes of life. Finally with the help of his Forrest Gump and his shrimp together. Gradually found their confidence and enjoyment of life. Calm when sitting in the ship's side with two hands on the Agam said, "had never told you thank you, you saved my life." Then jump into the water to swim with the two arms heartily. Y ou can feel his pleasure. Finally, he and Forrest Gump's shrimp big success, became a rich man on the magazine cover. In the film's end, Agam, and beloved Janet got married, filled with metal made of two legs Lieutenant Dan, carrying his fiancee, or an Oriental. (Will not be a Chinese person) to attend their wedding. Dan looked very spirit, and said his leg is a "rigged spacecraft materials used." He seems to have found the courage to live by. This is Forrest Gump gave him the courage and conditions. Life or a short is also a short, saying that a long and long. Boundless, the Dow could not finish. Forrest Gump's experience, but also like a legend. He looks silly, there is a strong running legs, has been kept running, do not know why. Like his mother say, "Life


死亡诗社 在它之前我从来没有想过,会有这么一部影片,影响我的一生。 青春,激情,理想,现实,光影交错中散射的气息竟然与我而今的心情如此的契合。那种迷惘,那种追寻,那种急切的想掘出活着的意义却无毫无头绪的焦躁。王朔在他的小说中形容这种心情为《动物凶猛》。也有哲人说:这就是成长。如果说这是每个人必经的过程的话,那么在四处碰壁撞的头破血流后突然发现自己一直在追求的理想世界不过是自己的臆想,在现实的面前一切梦想都可以渺小的无关紧要的时候,我们该怎么面对呢? 有人选择沉默,在现实面前沉默,在梦想面前沉默。但沉默的代价可能是,至死之时你仍在心底里寻找:我活着到底为了什么?就像一句话中形容的一样:真正突围而出的只是极少数,更多的人在经历青春的悲愤和不安后酣然迟钝。 有人学着解脱,在他们满腹的激情遭遇到现实一次次无情的摧残之后,他们选择了一种极端的方式来祭奠自己梦想中的青春――死亡。 我没有权利去指责前一种人生是怯懦,因为我很难分清是否自己也是其中的一个。我更不能虚妄的批评后一种人生的鲁莽,他们可能比我们之中的任何一个人都热爱生命,比我们任何一个人更接近生命的真谛,只是他们选择用自己认为唯一完美的方式去接近完美,如果这种坚定可以称作勇气的话,我承认,他们的坚定让我汗颜。 也许我和大多数人一样,在这两种人生之间徘徊着,试图逃离平庸,也避免堕入极端,总想选择一个平衡的支点,在那个支点上,悬立的便是人生的真正的意义。但是,这个平衡点隐立在何处呢? 幸好,在我仍是饱含激情的年纪,《死亡诗社》给了我一个让我醍醐灌顶的答复,让我在往后的人生里,能够清醒的活着。 “我步入丛林,因为我希望生活的有意义,我希望活的深刻。汲取生命中所有的精华,把非生命的一切都击溃,以免让我在生命终结时,发现自己从来没有活过!”
