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(1) 第一段,即结论部分的开场白,


(2) 第二——其后几段,


(3) 启示(这部分可能没有,可能有)


(3) 本课题的局限性、不足之处,还有哪些尚待解决的问题。

(4) 展望前景,或指出进一步研究的方向。


范文: A Cognitive Study on Conceptual Metaphor in English and Chinese Sports News


Abstract: This paper, based on Lakoff’s conceptual metaphor theory and Steen’s five-step procedure for metaphor identification (理论视角/指南), makes a comparative study (总研究方法)of conceptual metaphor in English and Chinese sports news (总研究目标/目的). By analyzing 50 English and 50 Chinese sports news, specifically about basketball and football matches (具体方法1:语料分析统计), we find a distributional (分目标1)similarity of English and Chinese conceptual metaphors (发现/结果). They fall into the following seven types: war, human, orientation, journey, drama, animal throne metaphors, among which, the occurrence of war metaphor far distinguishes the others (具体/结果1). But the percentages of the different metaphors are not even in English and Chinese(具体/结果2). Take the metaphor of war as a case (具体方法2:案例分析法), the thesis attempts to find the cognitive motivation for sports as wars (分目标2)and discovers the six foundations of mapping process from wars to sports: similar participant relation; similar narrative process; similar purposes; similar approaches; similar results; and similar supporters (结果3).


Chapter 5 Conclusion

To understand the conceptual metaphors in English and Chinese sports news (论题),the research makes a

comparative study(总研究方法)based on Lakoff’s conceptual metaphor theory and Steen’s five-step procedure for metaphor identification (理论视角/指南). The investigation about the distribution of metaphors on sports

news was conducted by analyzing 50 English and 50 Chinese sports news, specifically about basketball and football matches (具体方法1:语料分析统计), and the exploration into the motivation of metaphors was tackled through a case study. We reach the following findings. (这个开场白非常有必要)

5.1 Findings

Firstly, English and Chinese have the similar typical types of conceptual metaphors of sports(具体/结果1):

war metaphor, human metaphor, orientation metaphor, journey metaphor, throne metaphor, drama metaphor, animal metaphor and etc. Among them, war metaphor takes up the majority of the conceptual metaphor in both English and Chinese sports news. Chinese data have seven types of metaphors, including war metaphor, human metaphor, orientation metaphor, journey metaphor, drama metaphor, throne metaphor and animal metaphor. However, the English data covers six types of them, with only throne metaphor excluded. This reveals that the cognitive patterns of both Chinese people and the western people have some similarities since different languages with different linguistic forms may convey the same concepts based on similar psychological mentality.

Secondly, uneven percentages of different metaphors are found in English and Chinese sports(具体/结果2).

It is identified in Table 3.1 of Chapter 3, war metaphor with the percentage of 62.59%, orientation metaphor with the percentage of 12.14% and throne metaphor with the percentage of 6.80% are the top three metaphors in Chinese data, among which war metaphor takes up the majority. Compared with Chinese data, war metaphor, human metaphor, and orientation metaphor win the favors of the English journalists,which take up the percentage of 63.11%, 13.93%, and 12.70% respectively. War metaphor is also far more than the other two in English sports news.

Thirdly, the cognitive motivation for sports as wars (分目标2)is mapping process from wars to sports: similar participant relation; similar narrative process; similar purposes; similar approaches; similar results; and similar supporters (结果3).

5.2 Limitations

There are still some limitations in the study.

Firstly, the amount of data is still not enough which may possibly influence the effect of the analysis result. (如果文中涉及到了data, 则谈其数量有限)

Secondly, though the samples are all drawn from the authoritative newspapers or websites in English and Chinese, the writing styles of each published works may be a little different, which may more or less affect the frequencies of the occurrence of metaphors. Hence larger scaled corpus would be of more validity on the selection and the identification of this kind of research. (承上,data收集的来源是否全面,或者有所局限?)Thirdly, for the limitations of the cognition of metaphor, there might be disagreement on the grouping of some metaphors.

Fourthly, the thesis has found the different occurrences of different metaphors and the major reason for this phenomenon, and there surely are more reasons lying behind the cultural differences. However, this thesis does
