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1.––Can you tell me the subtle difference between the words “fragile” and “delicate”?

––______. Let’s refer to the dictionary.

A.You’ve really got me there.B.You bet.

C.You can say that again.D.You don’t say.

2.—I used to make my father angry but now we’re getting along very well.

—So I bet you were ________when young.

A.a black sheep B.a real weed C.a man in the street D.a real little devil 3.---Great! You look smart in that suit.

---My mother gave it to me for the Spring Festival. You know, ______.

A.it is the thought that counts B.beauty is in the eye of the beholder C.each bird loves to hearhimself sing D.the outsider sees the most of the game 4.— We got through the most difficult times with their help.

— . Those days are gone.

A.You said it B.Keep it up C.That’s terrible D.Take your time 5.—It’s too complex, I think.

—________. So we’d better make it easier for students to get involved.

A.That’s ridiculous B.That’s the point

C.That’s settled D.That’s all right

6.—What kind of career would you like, Tom?

—Well, ______. Being a writer could be interesting.

A.Sounds amazing B.I'm not sure exactly

C.You got it D.I couldn't agree more

7.—Dad is always that busy.

—_______ . But he is a wonderful doctor and he treats his patients kindly.

A.I can’t complain B.That’s all right C.He just can’t help it D.Don’t mention it 8.—The movie we saw last night was ridiculous.

—Well, _______. I would probably see it again.

A.I couldn’t agree more B.I can’t believe it is true

C.I thought it was pretty good D.I should have left early

9.—Why don't we go for a swim? I hear there are lots of tropical fish.

—_________. I can use my new video camera; it's waterproof.

A.My pleasure B.Good idea

C.It doesn't matter D.You are welcome

10.—I have just made great progress in learning to drive.


A.How lucky B.You bet C.Cheer up D.Keep it up 11.—I’m so sorry for what I said to you yesterday.

— Forget it! I know you were just letting off ______.

A.emotions B.liquid C.feelings D.steam

12.—I’m gla d that we have finished this task successfully.

—________. There is still a lot of work to be done here.

A.You can say that again B.It’s hard to say

C.I’d rather you didn’t D.Far from it

13.—I hope we’ll be able to move to the new house next month.

—______. The decoration is still in progress.

A.Forget it B.Hard to say C.Pardon me D.No kidding 14.—The deadline is approaching and time is running out.

—_______,or we won't complete the project in time.

A.Come off it B.Take your time

C.Step on it D.Start from scratch


—Thank you. I certainly will.

A.I wish you succeed.B.What can I do for you?

C.I greatly appreciate our friendship.D.Remember me to your family. 16.—Sir, could I turn in my homework assignment a bit late?

—________, since you haven’t b een well these days.

A.You can’t be serious B.Oh, all right

C.I’m afraid not D.Good idea

17.—I’ve been promoted to the director of HR and I’m wondering whether I can ask for a big pay rise .

—________. After all, the economy is struggling these days.

A.You can make it.B.Good for you C.You’ve gone too far D.It’s up to you 18.— Have you heard that Jay Chou is singing his latest song in the concert?

—_________ Aren’t you joking with me?

A.That sounds great!B.Yes, I suppose it must be.

C.Really?D.That’s a g ood idea.

19.—I lost five pounds just after a week on this new diet. It's definitely worth a try.—Right, _____. I definitely need to get in shape for my school reunion.

A.You have my words B.I don’t buy it C.You’ve sold it to me D.I just can’t help it 20.—The loud music is really starting to get on my nerves.

—________ I can’t focus my attention on my homework.

A.I’ll bet.B.I got it .

C.You have me there.D.You have my word.

21._______she was late for such an important meeting?I can't believe all the efforts she'd made just went down the drain.

A.What if B.So what C.What about D.How come 22.—It’s very kind of you to give me a lift back home.

—____________. I'm just driving your way.

A.With pleasure B.It doesn't matter.C.That's right.D.Think nothing of it.
