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1. A: What is the weather like today? B: It is hot today.

2. A: What was the weather like yesterday? B: It was hot yesterday.


1.问几点:A: What’s the time now? 或What time is it now?

B: It is + 时间点.

2.问星期: A: What day is it today? B: It is + 星期.

A: What day was it yesterday? B: It was + 星期+ yesterday.

3.问日期:A: What is the date today? B: It is + 日期.

A: What was the date yesterday? B: It was + 日期. 三、问年龄: A: How old + be动词+人?B: 人+ be动词+ 年龄.

例:How old is your mother? She is 35 (years old).

四、问价格多少: A: How much + be动词+ 物/代词(it,they等)?

B: 物/代词(it,they等)+ be动词+ 价格.

例:How much are the apples? They are 15 yuan.

How much is it? It is 15$.

五、问数量多少:A: How many + 物+ be动词+ there + 地点?

B: There + be动词+ 数量(+物+地点).

例:How many books are there in the library? There are 1000.

六、问是谁:A: Who + be动词+ 人或代词(she,he,they…)?

B: 人或代词(He,She,They…)+ be动词+ ……?

例:Who is the young lady? She is my English teacher. 七、问颜色:A: What colour/color + be动词+ 物?

B: 物或代词(It , they ) + be动词+ 颜色.

例:What color is your dress? It is pink.

八、问职业:A: What + 助动词+人或代词(she,he,they…)+ do?

或:What +be动词+ 人或代词(she,he,they…)?

B: 人或代词(He,She,They…)+ be动词+ 职业.

(特别提醒:如果回答是一个人,那么“职业”要回答“a …”,如果是两个人以上,直接用复数形式,如:She is a teacher. They are students.)

例:What do you do? I am a teacher. What is your father? He is a doctor.

九、问地点:A: Where + be动词+ 地方?

B: 地方/代词(It,They)+ be动词+ 方位.

十、问怎样去某个地方:A: How can/助动词+ 人+ get/go to the …?

B: 人或代词(He,She,They…)can go there by…

例:How can I get to the cinema? You can get there by bus.

How does John go to the cinema? He can go there on foot.

十一、问是什么:A: What + be动词+ 代词(it,they…)?

B: 代词(it,they…)+ be动词+ ….

例:What is it? It is a book. What are they? They are books.


A: What + be动词+人或代词(she,he,they…)+ like?

B: 人或代词(He,She,They…)+ be动词+ 外貌、性格形容词.

或:人或代词(He,She,They…)+ look或looks+ 外貌、性格形容词.

例:What is your mother? She is pretty and young.

十三、问为什么:A: Why ….? B: Because….

例:Why are you so happy? Because I don’t go to school.

Why do you like summer? Because I can swim in the river.

Why do you like apples? Because they are sweet and healthy.

(特别提醒:最后接的名词是可数的要用复数形式,答句用“they are”)


A: How +助动词+人+feel?

或:How+ be动词+人或代词(she,he,they…)’s+ feeling?

B: 人或代词(He,She,They…)+be动词+感觉形容词.

或:人+ feel/feels/felt+感觉形容词.

例:How do you feel? 或How is your feeling? I am happy. 或I feel happy.

How did Mike feel yesterday? He was sad, because he failed the math test.


A: What’s the matter with +人或代词(用宾格:her,him,them,me)?

B: 人或代词(He,She,They…)+be动词+症状.

例:What’s the matter with you? I have a headache.

What’s the matter with her? She has a fever.

What was the matter with Mike yesterday? He had a toothache.


A: What +助动词+人+have +时间? B: 人+have/has+…(+时间).

例:What do you have on Mondays? I have Chinese, math and English.

What does Mike have for lunch? He has rice and potatoes for lunch.

What did you have for dinner? I had beef and bread.


问选择:Which one +助动词+人+like, A or B?


A: What is your/his/her/our/…’s favourite +东西(food,fruit,season…)?

或:Which +东西(food,fruit,season…)+助动词+人+like best?

B: My/His/Her/Our/…’s favourite +东西+ be动词+…

或:人或代词(He,She,They…)like/likes +….+best. 十八、四种时态


A: What+ be动词+人或代词(she,he,they…)+doing?

B: 人或代词(She,He,They…)+ be动词+doing.

例:What are you doing now? I am reading.

What is your mother doing now? She is cooking dinner.

What were you doing at 7:00 last night? I was watching TV.


A: What + do /does +人或代词(she,he,they…)+often/usually +do?

B: 人或代词(He,She,They…)+often/usually +…

例:What do you do on weekends? I visit my grandparents.

What does Mike do on Sundays? He often goes hiking.


A: 疑问代词+ be动词+人或代词(she,he,they…)+going (to +do)(+时间)?

或:疑问代词will +人或代词(she,he,they…)+do..(动词原形) (+时间)?

B: 人或代词(He,She,They…)+ be动词+going to ….


例:What are you going to do tonight? I am going to read a book.

Where will they go? They will fly to BeiJing.

Where is Mike going tomorrow morning? He is going to the park.


A: 疑问代词+ did+人或代词(she,he,they…)+do(动词原形)(+时间)?

B: 人或代词(He,She,They…)+ 动词过去式.

例:What did Mike do last night? He read a book at home.

Where did you go last night? I went to the hospital.
