


英语简历并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。一般来说,根据个人经历的不同侧重点,可以选用以下三种形式:(1)以学历为主的简历basic resume这种形式适应于应届毕业生或中学毕业后仍在待业的求职人员,因为没有工作经历,所以把重点放在学业上,从最高学历往下写。

在basic resume中,一般包括下列元素:

a. personal date(个人资料):name(姓名)、address(通讯地址)、postal code(邮政编码)、phone number(电话号码)、birthdate(出生日期)、birthplace(出生地点)、sex(性别)、height(身高)、weight(体重)、health(健康状况)、date of availability(可到职日期)、number of identification card(身份证号码)。因为是应届毕业生或中学毕业不久,一般没有结婚,因而可省略marital status(婚姻状况)和children(儿女情况)两项。当然,如果是研究生毕业已婚,则应写明。

b. job/career objective(应聘职位)。

c. education(学历):就读学校及系科的名称、学位、始止时间和应聘职位相关的课程与成绩、社会实践、课外活动、奖励等都应一一列出。

d. special skill(特别技能)。

e. hobbies/interests(业余爱好)。如果在学历项目的课外活动中已经注明,此项则不必重复。

(2)以经历为主的简历chronological resume



在chronological resume中,通常包括以下元素:

a. personal date(个人资料)。具体内容同以学历为主的简历相同,不过,因为你参加工作多年,已进入结婚年龄,所以不管你是否结婚,都应注明婚姻状况和儿女情况。

b. job/career objective(应聘职位)。

c. work experience(工作经历)。务必写明自己在每个工作单位的职位、职责和业绩以及工作起止时间。

d. education(学历):因为你已工作多年,雇主重点考虑你的工作经验是否能胜任你所应聘的职位,所以学历只是一个参考的因素,因而不必象以学历为主的简历那样写得详细,只需注明你就读的校系名称、始止时间和学位即可。

e. technical qualifications and special skills(技术资格和特别技能)。

f. scientific research achievements(科研成果)。

(3)以职能为主的简历functional resume







Character, cheerful, confident, friendly, has a good personal image.

Optimistic, progressive, proactive approach is my life and work and study attitude to life.

Faced with difficulties, I believe that, grasp the opportunity to use their own warm and sincere friends to get to know.

A high degree of professionalism and strong sense of responsibility so that I can face all the difficulties and challenges.

He is a lively boy, small eyes, laughing and has only a crack. His favorite season is beautiful, winter, because, at this time, he can and partners enjoy the snowball fights, play. He is good at sports, swimming and playing badminton is his favorite sport. He is a good boy, I love animals, love life. His humorous, like naughty little joke, since it is everybody happy. Although he is very naughty, but this does not affect his studies, and excellent he, the thought is agile, strong language organizational ability. > spring was his most favorite book.

But nobody is perfect, he also there still exist some disadvantages, too careless careless, and not condescension has become his successful reason, however, the moneybag sure he correct these disadvantages, let oneself more perfect, more outstanding!!

An Assistant Manager is an employee of an organization with manager’s authority. Examples of this position can be found in retail and other service businesses where the need to have more than one member of daily operations management is important.

Assistant managers outrank the position of a supervisor and team leader, but typically report to a deputy or general manager.[citation needed]

Assistant managers, as the name implies, are positions whereby he or she supports the manager in the day-to-day running of a specific department, office or store. Specific responsibilities vary; however, in larger organizations assistant managers may lead a team of staff. In smaller organizations, assistant managers may have greater responsibility, focusing their time on directing the work of subordinates. They may also be responsible for ensuring that health and safety policies are adhered to.

Assistant managers are typically given management authority to make key decisions quickly, are heavily involved in training of other staff, and perform paperwork duties.

In busy organizations, a general manager may be fully occupied with many tasks too time-consuming to fulfil his or her role effectively and efficiently. It is common for a manager to delegate such tasks to one or more assistant managers. It is because of this that an assistant manager role is ideal for the individual to gain hands-on management experience. With enough experience, it is typical for the employee to be promoted into a full management role.

In catering and hospitality trades where experience is essential, assistant managers are usually promoted from supervisor positions that have developed strong supervisory skills and are showing clear leadership ability. Many organizations are keen to develop and promote staff from within to reduce costs such as recruitment fees. Assistant managers are trained in the knowledge on how to perform the functions of a full manager and can be a vital asset in supporting the overall management of a specific department or organization.






有几个层次。Native speaker of指母语;从严谨的角度讲,Fluent in显得更流利;English as working language显得不非常流利,但可信度更高;Some knowledge of 会一些,没有把握的千万别写。在面试中,语言是最轻松的、最容易被测试的,一旦被考倒,他会认为你在撒谎,甚至认为通篇都有很多撒谎的地方。外企公司不会雇用撒谎或有撒谎嫌疑的人。


中国人最爱用”熟悉”(familiar)。无论中文还是英文简历,”熟悉”是一个很弱的字眼,说明你不熟练,不常用。如果几个软件,有的熟练,有的熟悉,建议只写软件名。完全没把握的,一点儿不熟悉的,千万不要写。不要以为没有电脑,就不会考你,他也会考你一两个关键用法。如果真的用的很多,不妨用”Frequent user of”.



TOEFL、GRE和GMA T,应不应该写?应该写哪一个?我们建议都不写。因为一般外企公司不愿意雇用很快就要出国的人。





4)举几个用词。如travel,如果你喜欢旅行,而有些工作需要经常出差,那么你写上travel 是非常有利的;有些女性写上cooking,是很实事求是的,也给人以踏实的感觉,对于像秘书这样的职位,总是有好处的。





4.学历:如果正在学习,用Candidate for开头比较严谨;如果已经毕业,可以把学历名称放在最前,具体见样本。



都没有,写”member of club(s)”.社团协会,国外一般都用club.不必写年月和工作详情,有些可留待工作经历中写。

6. 教育背景英文写作(Educational Background)

包括:学历(educational history )、教育程度(educational background)、知识背景(knowledge background )、所学课程(courses taken)、专业课程(specialized courses)、进修课程(refresher course)、脱产培训(off-job training)计算机能力(computer skills)等,及掌握情况。

Education 学历

educational background 教育程度、教育背景

educational history 学历












Name: Mr. W Gender: Male

Wedlock: Married Nation: Han

Residence: Jiangxi-Jiujiang Age: 35

Location: Guangdong-Dongguan Height: 172cm

Target Locations: Guangdong-Shenzhen、Guangdong-Dongguan、Guangdong-Guangzhou Target Positions: Sales-Salesman

Management-Project Manager

Sales Management-Sales Manager

Target Jobs: sale、sales leader、sales manager


1999-09 ~ 2002-02 jiuqiang college college Junior College


2008-04 ~ 2010-05 Boya trainning school PS

Work Experience9 years 5 months work experience,and served on 4 Companies.

【company name】(2014-08 ~ Present)

Company Type: Private Enterprise Company Category: Trading,Commerce,Imports and Exports

Job Title: sales manager Positions: Sales Manager

Job Description: It is a small trade company for Premium and promotion items, such as neoprene beer bottle holder, laptop sleeve, mouse pad and digital pouch. As a leader to develop customer, including from Sample to Catalogue and attendance for show, handing Alibaba and other B2B platform , get sales to double turnover against the last year, and develop 3 big custers with yearly sale RMB10 Millison.

【company name】(2012-09 ~ 2013-07)

Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Trading,Commerce,Imports and Exports

Job Title: sales manager Positions: Sales Manager

Job Description: It is Sweden company in GZ,Do Solor light design and production business, Asthefirst developing stage, I am as project leader , leading sales and engineer to contact with Damark designer and get design into final product. After finish develop , change to be as sales manager , focus on customer develop, After one year develop, we achieve a big success on develop and sales. One of our customer from Japan, the turnover is up to RMB10 Millsion 【company name】(2008-07 ~ 2010-09)

Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Culture,Sports and Entertainment Job Title: Project specialist Positions: Sales Representative

Job Description: The is a Germany registered company, the office is located in Changping ofDongguan. Main business is for board game for children and adult education.

My job is the bridge between customer and factory , forward requirement for project and order to factory, and assist factory to work out the qualized product.

【company name】(2006-02 ~ 2007-07)

Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Other Production,Manufacturing,Processing

Job Title: sales Positions: Salesman

Job Description: This is a HK bacial company, produce all kind of print items products. My jobs was to follow up the new project to develop and order follow up.

Project Experience

PS (2002-02 ~ 2013-01)

Job Title: PS

Project Description: 1. Having experiences to work on different companies, Factory, Trade company and foreign trade company . stocking quite lot of working experience which get me competence on sale manager position.

2. Long time to cooperation with foreign designer and customer directly, which improve my ability to extremely fully understand the original requirement from customer and design.

3. own experience for GZ Fair and HK expo ,Keen in business develop by engine and B2B.

keen to hunt the potential customer .

4. stronger communication , professional correspondence which can get customer trust and support.

5. royal, team work spirit. Working on company value, do best service for customer, strict control for output qualified product. Which is my job standpoint.

Responsibility: 1. Having experiences to work on different companies, Factory, Trade company and foreign trade company . stocking quite lot of working experience which get me competence on sale manager position.

2. Long time to cooperation with foreign designer and customer directly, which improve my ability to extremely fully understand the original requirement from customer and design.

3. own experience for GZ Fair and HK expo ,Keen in business develop by engine and B2B. keen to hunt the potential customer .

4. stronger communication , professional correspondence which can get customer trust and support.

5. royal, team work spirit. Working on company value, do best service for customer, strict control for output qualified product. Which is my job standpoint.

Special Skills

Professional Title:

Computer Level: intermediate

Computer Skills: familar with excel,word, photoshop,cad.internet

Strengths: JiuJiang University, JiangXi, CN

Business English

Foreign Trade certificate


Language Skills

Chinese: Good Cantonese: Very Bad

English Level: CET-6

English: Excellent

Career Objective

Career Direction: Sales for gift and promotion field.1. Having experiences to work on different companies, Factory, Trade company and foreign trade company . stocking quite lot of working experience which get me competence on sale manager position.

2. Long time to cooperation with foreign designer and customer directly, which improve my ability to extremely fully understand the original requirement from customer and design.

Requirements: 3. own experience for GZ Fair and HK expo ,Keen in business develop by engine and B2B. keen to hunt the potential customer .

4. stronger communication , professional correspondence which can get customer trust and support.

5. royal, team work spirit. Working on company value, do best service for customer, strict control for output qualified product. Which is my job standpoint.

Self Info.

Self Assessment: 1. Having experiences to work on different companies, Factory, Trade company and foreign trade company . stocking quite lot of working experience which get me competence on sale manager position.

2. Long time to cooperation with foreign designer and customer directly, which improve my ability to extremely fully understand the original requirement from customer and design.

3. own experience for GZ Fair and HK expo ,Keen in business develop by engine and B2B. keen to hunt the potential customer .

4. stronger communication , professional correspondence which can get customer trust and support.

5. royal, team work spirit. Working on company value, do best service for customer, strict control for output qualified product. Which is my job standpoint.

Hobbies: 1. Having experiences to work on different companies, Factory, Trade company and foreign trade company . stocking quite lot of working experience which get me competence on sale manager position.

2. Long time to cooperation with foreign designer and customer directly, which improve my ability4. stronger communication , professional correspondence which can get customer trust and suppo


Best saleman 2010-01-02


TET-6 2015-05-14




Room XXX Building XXX

Beijing University, Beijing 100084

(010)6277XXXX E-mail:_________

Zeng Yun


To obtain a challenging position as software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development


1997.9——2000.6 Dept. Automation, Graduate School of Beijing University, M.E.

1993.9——1997.7 Dept. Automation, Beijing University, B.E.

Academic Main Courses


Advanced Mathematics Probability and Statistics Linear Algebra

Engineering Mathematics Numerical Algorithm Operational Algorithm

Electronics and Computer

Circuit Principal Data Structures Digital Electronics

Artificial Intelligence Computer Local Area Network

Computer Abilities

Skilled in use of MS FrontPage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, java script, Perl, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process, Pascal, PL/I and SQL software.

English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written English. Past CET-6, TOEFL: 650;GRE: 2300

Scholarships and Awards

1999.3 Jia Chen Award, the top honor given by Beijing University

1998.11 Metal Machining Practice Award

1997.4 Academic Progress Award


General business knowledge relating to financial

Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense


Are you a proactive team player with a proven track record and a dynamic skill set? Then keep it to yourself. Words and phrases such as ‘dynamic’or ‘problem solver’have been named as the most overused cliches on jargon-filled CVs.

如何在英文简历表现自己?什么样的形容词最能恰如其分地展现自己的实力?我们不得而知,但是研究者倒是研究出了N个在英文简历上最最忌讳出现的单词,比如:dynamic 有活力的、problem solver问题处理专家等等,这些空白无力而又略显得夸张甚至浮华的词语会让考官”恶心”,简历直接”打入冷宫”.

It seems that despite describing themselves as ‘innovative’,many workers are anything but as they resort to the same dull and dreary buzzwords in their CVs. The list was compiled by business network LinkedIn which has 85million members, including more than four million in the UK. It found the term ‘motivated’is the most well-worn catchphrase in the UK – compared to the U.S. where ‘extensive experience’is the most popular.

尽管在英文简历中,许多应聘者都运用”具有创新能力innovative”来表现自己,然而考官在看了”千篇一律”的具有”创新性”的人才简历后,绝对不会相信一个和别人运用同样词汇innovative 来证明自己的人在现实生活中会是一个真正有创新思维的人。在针对全世界8千万应聘者的求职简历调查中,研究人员惊奇地发现英国和美国求职者使用率最高的词汇集中在2个词语上,其中超过400万英国人喜欢用motivated(积极)来形容自己,而美国人喜欢用extensive experience(具有广泛经验)来表现自己的能力。

Other unoriginal words that crop up include ‘entrepreneurial’and ‘proactive’said LinkedIn, which studied user profiles on its network. A spokesman said: ‘These phrases can appear empty to a potential employer and may do more harm than good when you include them in your profile or resume.‘If you’re using any of these ten terms, wipe them out.’还有很多频繁出现在简历中,却有不讨考官喜欢的词语,比如entrepreneurial(企业家的)、proactive(前瞻性)等等。有专家说:”这些词语出现的频率极高,但是表现出的意义却苍白无力,不能展示出应聘者的潜在能力,重复出现只能让考官‘看着就心烦’。”以下是专家总结出来在英文简历中出现频率最高的10个词语,仅供参考,专家建议是使用它们的时候”千万要慎重”.


英文简历的基本格式 英文简历的格式结构括页眉部分、教育背景、工作记忆和个人资料四部分。 1、页眉部分 1)名字,名字有7种写法:2)地址3)电话 2、教育背景 3、个人资料 1)名称,有四种写法:Personal, Personal Information, Other Information, Additional Information。 2)语言,有几个层次。“Native speaker of”指母语;从严谨的角度说,“Fluent in”显得更流利“English as working language”显得别特别流利,但可信度更高;“Some knowledge of”会一些,没有把握的千万别写。 3)电脑,假如几个软件,有的熟练,有的熟悉,建议只写软件名。 4)资格证书。 5)兴趣爱好 Ⅰ写强项。Ⅰ要写也只写两到三项。Ⅰ别具体的爱好别写。 Ⅰ举几个用词。如travel,假如你喜欢旅行,而有些工作需要经常出差,那么你写上travel 是特别有利的;有些女性写上cooking,是很实事求是的,也给人以踏实的感受,关于象秘书如此的职位,总是有好处的。 4、工作记忆 首先要强调一下,关于正在工作的人,Experience应写在Education的前面,而关于在校生Education则应放在Experience之前。 1)时刻 Ⅰ目前的工作要最先写,左侧写时刻,如写成1998-present。 Ⅰ往常的工作,只写年份,如1993-1995。 2)公司名:公司名称应大写加粗。 3)地名:地名写法与Education部分相同,这个地方就别再赘述。 4)职务与部门 Ⅰ从公司名称之后的第二行开始写。 Ⅰ职务与部门应加粗,每个词的第一具字母要大写。 5)公司简介 Ⅰ关于新公司、小公司或聘请公司别甚熟悉的某些行业的公司,为了保险起见都别妨介绍一两句,甚至关于那些业内知名的企业往往也别一定名声在外。求职者普通可不能针对每家应聘的公司都量身定做一份特意的简历(tailor-made resume),目前可能只想在行业内跳一跳,但也别排除今后在别的行业进展的可能,因此别妨都略带提一下公司的简介。 Ⅰ有些外国人可能对中国的公司别太知道,所以要介绍一下。千万别要觉得中国的公司很大,别人就一定知道,一别留神,就成了井底之蛙。例如,中国银行叫Bank of China (BOC)。在海外不少银行都知道中国银行,但很多人都误认为中国银行算是中国的中央银行。 Ⅰ简介长度以两行为宜。只用一行易与别的内容相混,而三四行就显得比较累赘。 6)工作内容 Ⅰ要用点句(bullet point),幸免用大段文字。 Ⅰ点句的长度以一行为宜,最多别要超过两行;句数以三到五句为佳,最多别超过八句。 Ⅰ点句以动词开始。目前的工作用普通如今时,往常工作用过去时 Ⅰ要紧职责与要紧成就,初级工作以及开创性别强的工作把要紧职责放在前面,而较高级或开创性较强的工作则应把要紧成就写在前面。 Ⅰ工作成就要数字化,精确化,幸免使用many, a lot of, some, several等含糊的词汇,应尽量使用具体的数字,到底治理了多少人,销售额是多少等等。


优秀英文个人简历模板范文 英文简历是求职者求职成功的开路先锋,那你知道英文简历该怎 么写吗?下面是由小编分享的英文版个人简历范文,希望对你有用。 英文版个人简历范文(一) Basic information Full name: xxx Height: 157cm University one is graduated from Jiangsu Normal University: Professional category: finance and Economics Contact telephone number: Gender: Female Weight: 47kg Graduation year: 20xx Specialty: Electronic Commerce Address: Xuzhou XX Road No. XX E-mail: age: 23 Marital status: single Highest level of Education: College Work experience: Graduates Job search intention job: civilian class (Assistant / Secretary / Administrative Assistant) Education experience

In 20xx -20xx year studying in Xuzhou Normal University Electronic commerce professional work experience no Internship experience Had the mobile phone sales, drinks promotions, campus agent and various forms of network of part-time. Accumulated certain experience, enhance personal communication. Training experience Skilled operation computer office software Self assessment Strong learning ability, good attitude adjustment. Honest, positive enterprising spirit and the team cooperation spirit, has the good communication skills, adaptable, eat bitter and difficult challenge. Optimistic and cheerful personality, interests, hobbies of dance and movement, friendly, has the certain organization management ability. To maintain the best condition in the work. 英文版个人简历范文(二) Name XXX mobil:139******** affiliation height Eductional systme degree of census register Professional secretary professional school graduate


英文简历的几种常见形式_英文简历_模板 英语简历并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。一般来说,根据个人经历的不同侧重点,可以选用以下三种形式:(1)以学历为主的简历basic resume这种形式适应于应届毕业生或中学毕业后仍在待业的求职人员,因为没有工作经历,所以把重点放在学业上,从最高学历往下写。 在basic resume中,一般包括下列元素: a. personal date(个人资料):name(姓名)、address(通讯地址)、postal code(邮政编码)、phone number(电话号码)、birthdate(出生日期)、birthplace(出生地点)、sex(性别)、height(身高)、weight(体重)、health(健康状况)、date of availability(可到职日期)、number of identification card(身份证号码)。因为是应届毕业生或中学毕业不久,一般没有结婚,因而可省略marital status(婚姻状况)和children(儿女情况)两项。当然,如果是研究生毕业已婚,则应写明。 b. job/career objective(应聘职位)。 c. education(学历):就读学校及系科的名称、学位、始止时间和应聘职位相关的课程与成绩、社会实践、课外活动、奖励等都应一一列出。 d. special skill(特别技能)。 e. hobbies/interests(业余爱好)。如果在学历项目的课外活动中已经注明,此项则不必重复。 (2)以经历为主的简历chronological resume 以这种形式出现的英语简历,往往侧重于工作经历,把同应聘职位有关的经历和业绩按时间顺序书写出来,把工作经历放在学历之前。经历和学历的时间顺序均是由近至远。 毫无疑问,这种形式的英语简历适合于有工作经验的求职人员。 在chronological resume中,通常包括以下元素: a. personal date(个人资料)。具体内容同以学历为主的简历相同,不过,因为你参加工作多年,已进入结婚年龄,所以不管你是否结婚,都应注明婚姻状况和儿女情况。 b. job/career objective(应聘职位)。 c. work experience(工作经历)。务必写明自己在每个工作单位的职位、职责和业绩以及工作起止时间。 d. education(学历):因为你已工作多年,雇主重点考虑你的工作经验是否能胜任你所应聘的职位,所以学历只是一个参考的因素,因而不必象以学历为主的简历那样写得详细,只需注明你就读的校系名称、始止时间和学位即可。 e. technical qualifications and special skills(技术资格和特别技能)。 f. scientific research achievements(科研成果)。 (3)以职能为主的简历functional resume 这种形式的英语简历,也是突出工作经历,因而所含元素和以经历为主的简历相同。以经历为主的简历和以职能为主的简历的根本差别在于:以经历为主的简历是按时间顺序来排列工作经历,而以职能为主的简历则按工作职能或性质来概括工作经历,并无时间上的连贯性,旨在强调某些特定的工作能力和适应程度。比方说,你曾经在两个不同的工作单位担任相同的职务或负责相同的业务,便可归纳在一个项目之中。 文章来源于范文先生网,版权归原作者所有 英文版个人简历范本 你是否还缺一份高大上的英文简历?下面是小编为你整理的关于英文个人简历范本的


英文简历表格 Chinese Name:Sex: Birth Place: photo English Name:Telephone : Email: Universit y: Major: Address: job objective : Foreign trade;domestic trade Computer Skills: : Skilled in use of Microsoft Office xp/2003, Windows xp/2000 Skilled in solving actual problem with Excel and Word English Proficien cy: Good command of both written English (CET Band 4) and fluent spoken English Education Experienc e: Practice of International Trade; Foreign Trade Correspondence Business Negotiation Oral ; Merchandising International Finance ; Customs Practice Western Economics ; Prepare Documents International Trade Practice and Communication Work Experienc e: During the school days : Do some advertising campaigns 2011-2012: Do a summer job There’s no doubt that I’ve learned too much from these activities. And I’m sure that the experience(the spirit of teamworking and the skill of handling with interpersonal relations) will be helpful in the future work.


2017英语简历模板范文 简历不是很多人认为的用来填写个人的“丰功伟绩”,或者仅仅是把工作经历,学习状况罗列一下。只要你的简历没有引起招聘单位的注意,那么你的这次应聘就是失败的。 2017英语简历模板范文篇一fwdq 女 24岁湖北人 学历:本科 工作年限:应届毕业生 期望薪资:面议 工作地点:广州 - 不限 求职意向:毕业生 自我描述 本人预备党员,本科英语专业应届毕业生,第二外语是韩语,普通话二级乙等,同时精通粤语。获得教师资格证与大学英语六级证书。在校期间获得多次奖学金和一次国家励志奖学金,同时长期担任学生干部,荣获“优秀学生干部”“优秀共青团干部”和校“十佳团员”称号。本人虚心好学,虽是应届毕业生,无工作经验,但在工作中将不断向同事学习提升自我,更好地完成自己的工作。 大学所获荣誉: 院团委第十一届宣传部部长,并荣获“优秀共青团干部”称号 第十六届校卫队队员,于2013年12月荣获“优秀校卫队员”称

号 获得乙等奖学金,荣获“优秀学生干部”称号 荣获“三好学生”称号 在湖北民族学院“青年马克思主义者培养工程”第三期大学生骨干培训班中顺利结业并有幸评为“优秀学员” 在湖北民族学院“星级文明寝室”创建活动中,被评为“优秀寝室长” 在大学生寒期社会实践活动中评为院级“优秀个人” 在湖北民族学院“携手朝阳青年心共筑美丽中国梦”暑期社会实践活动中评为校级“优秀个人” 在大学生暑期社会实践活动中评为院级“优秀个人” 在劳动周保卫工作中获得校级通报嘉奖 荣获年度国家励志奖学金 评为湖北民族学院科技学院学年度“十佳团员” 参加湖北民族学院举办的“敬畏生命”征文比赛,荣获校级三等奖 2017英语简历模板范文篇二fwdq 女 23岁湖南人 学历:本科 工作年限:应届毕业生 期望薪资: 5000-8000元 工作地点:广州 - 南沙


英文简历模板(毕业生)-个人简历模板-第一范文网 zheng yanobjectiveto obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development. education 1997.9-2000.6 dept.of automation,graduate school of tsinghua university, m.e. 1993.9-1997.7 dept.of automation,beijing insititute of technology,b.e. academic main courses mathematicsadvanced mathematicsprobability and statistics linear algebraengineering mathematicsnumerical algorithmoperational algorithmfunctional analysislinear and nonlinear programmingelectronics and computercircuit principaldata structuresdigital electronicsartificial intelligencecomputer local area networkcomputer abilitees skilledin use of ms frontpage, win 95/nt, sun, javabeans, html, cgi, javascript, perl, visual interdev, distributed objects, corba, c, c++, project 98, office 97, rational requisitepro, process,pascal, pl/i and sql software 【您现在阅读的文章来自“中国人才指南网”,请记住我们的永久域名:】 english skills


标准的英文简历格式 Chinese Name:Qing Li English Name: Eldon Li (外企习惯以英文名字作为同事间的称呼,如果你有英文名字,将会首先给你的面试官一份亲切感。) Sex: Male Born: 6/12/82 University: Beijing University Major: Marketing Address: 328#, Beijing Telephone: 1398**** (不论你是肥环瘦燕,还是鹤立鸡群,“身高体重”的话题都不要在简历中提及。在西方文化中,“身高体重”属于特别隐私性的话题。另外,政治色彩越少越好,老外一般没有兴趣知道你的政治隐私。) Job Objective: A Position offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of consumer affairs or marketing. Education: 2000-2005 Bejing University, College Of Commerce Graduating in July with a B. S. degree in Marketing. Fields of study include: economics, marketing, business law, statistics, calculus,psychology, sociology, social and managerial concepts in marketing, consumer behavior, sales force management, product policy, marketing research and forecast,marketing strategies. 1994-2000 The No.2 Middle School of Xian. (第二部分教育背景必须注意:求职者受教育的时间排列顺序与中文简历中的时间排列顺序正好相反,也就是说,是从求职者的最高教育层次写起。


如何写一份漂亮的英文简历_模板 如何写一份漂亮的英文简历 一份英文简历怎么制作?如何写的漂亮?fwsir小编来给你支招,欢迎阅读。 向美国公、私营企业或机关行号谋职时,并不需要写传统中国式求职的自传。美国法律明文禁止雇主对谋职者施行各类歧视,包括种族、性别、年龄、国别、宗教信仰等类歧视,且基于尊重**的理由,雇主也不敢要求谋职者或雇员交出会泄漏身世或家族背景的自传。对美国人来说,求职的自传就是履历表(Resume);遵从美式求职文化,本书故将两者统称为自传(Resume)。 美式自传的特点在于只需交代与个人工作、才能有关的信息,不必提个人身世或家族背景。美式自传(即履历表)与传统中式卡片型的履历表也不相同,前者对求职者的学经历、才能及过去的工作表现描述详尽,后者则由于卡片式设计,版面太小,常流于笼统、粗略。再者,不若中式履历表,美式自传不必贴照片。 什么是自传呢?自传是求职者推销自已的一名无声推销员,一纸推销自我才能的广告,也应是一个深具说服技巧的、介于主雇之间的撮合者。 既是无声的推销员,外表的庄重是唯一能引人重视的第一步。故自传的字体必须清晰易读,不能太小、太挤,也不能太单调、毫无变化,使人读之无法找出自传所强调的重点。良好的自传应善用现代文书处理器(word processor)的威力,该强调的标题、重点、重要经验与成就等部分,应采用粗体字(bold face),或加底线(under-line),或用不同的、较显眼的(eye-catching)字体,或综合以上方法加以凸显其讯息。 由于网际网络的便利,现在很多雇主接受或要求求职者以email传送自传。传送时,务必加上封面函,并以附件方式同时送上自传。传送后,三天内应该打电话给雇主以确认对方已收到了你的自传。 若采用传统邮件方式送达自传时,自传用的纸张,可能者,宜采纸质较厚重些、较贵重者,比方说,采用美国的60磅或80磅纸(80-pound paper)就比20磅纸正式。这会令读者觉得自传的主人是很认真、敬业的专业者(professional)。如此一来,雇主在未阅读你的自传前,就已先有一个良好的、敬重的态度了。 自传纸张的颜色,传统上以白色或象牙色(ivory)为主。也有求职者为吸引雇主的注意而采用其它颜色,如浅黄、浅绿、浅蓝等颜色,效果如何,仍不得而知。值得小心的是,不要使人对你的自传纸张感受到太明显的标新立异的印象,而起反感。 推销员除了良好的外观外,还要有优雅的谈吐,有条不紊的销售辞(sales talk)及令人信服的产品(即你本身)的好处与优点。所以自传的格式与内容,亦应朝这个方向做,即:(1)要优雅。用字遣词必须适当,应避免太乖僻生涩的字句或太多令经理阶层,即雇用之决策者,无法了解的专门术语(jargons)及简称(acronyms),也应避免太青少年气息的(juvenile)或低俗的语气。前者令雇主觉得你在故弄玄虚或炫耀(showoff)所学,后者令人觉得你不成熟,难担当重任。 (2)要有条不紊。自传的格式应如本章所示的范文,将你的姓名、地址、电话、教育背景、工作经验、个人值得提供的资料等,逐项标示清楚,有系统地一一载明。教育背景应先列最高学历,再往以前列记。工作经验亦应将最近的经验先列明,再逐一上溯。这是因为,越近的经历越应受重视之故。 (3)要提出令人信服的好处与专长。因此有关个人的过去工作成就、专业贡献或社会成就,都是雇主想要获得的资产(asset),一定要在自传中撰写清楚,并将之凸显出来。 如果你能将以上要点,充分的在自传中发挥出来的话,那么你的自传无疑地,将会成为


一、英文简历撰写注意事项: 1.多用无主句 2.年代顺序由近及远 3.单项标题大写 4.纸张一般为16开或A4 二、英文简历的基本内容 1、个人情况:Name, Sex, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Permaanent Domicile, Nationality, Martial Status, Children, Religion, Party Affiliation, Health, Height, Weight, Present Address, Permanent Address. 2、职业意向:Objective/or: Position Wanted: A position as English Instructor, preferably handling students from the intermediate to the advanced levels 3、资历: QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, major in marketing. 4、经历(Job Experience):一般逆序写。 5/86-12/86 University of California Press, Berkeley, California Editorial and Marketing Trainee 5/86-8/86 Wyatt and Duncan Interiors, Berkeley, California Sales Clerk 5. 文化程度(Education):一般逆序写,可以包括主要课程。例如:


经典优秀英文简历模板 平面设计师英文简历模板 Richard Anderson 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)456 7890. Objective Position as a senior creative graphics designer in an advertising agency. Notable Achievements 1997:Third place Graphics division award at Downtown Jacksonville Fine Arts. 1999: ADDY award for Direct Marketing along with Specialty Advertising Design. Managed three multimillion dollar advertising campaigns. Commissioned to design the front page of People's Year in Special Edition, XX. Employment History 7/98 Present Art Director Neon Corporation, Atlanta, GA Chiefly responsible for design of collateral,

direct art freelancers and photo shoots. Select clients included Springwood Psychiatric Institute, Winchester Medical Center, M T National Bank and Pepsi. 7/947/98 Graphic Artist Planet Rio Design, Atlanta, GA Responsibilities included layout/pasteup, illustration. Computer document files support service and output to RC paper and and design consulting. Program tutoring. Electronic retouching of photos. 7/92 3/94 Graphic Artist Wanted Weekly, Miami, FL Designed advertising for a national ads newspaper (typesetter machine) typeset want ads, pasted up the newspaper, shot and developed halftones, PMTs and reversals. Education MFA, Graphic Design 1995 Miami School of Art, Miami, FL , Graphic Design 1990 Brooklyn University, Brooklyn 文员英文简历模板 SKILLS:


英文简历模板范文 Chinese Name: Responsible for the coordination and photography college major events, such as spring sports academic report of photography and video of some activities and news writing English Name: Eddy Zhang (外企习惯以英文名字作为同事间的称呼,如果你有英文名字,将会首先给你的面试官一份亲切感。) Sex: FEMale Born: 6/12/86 University: zhongshan University Major: Marketing Address: 388#, zhongshan University Telephone: 1368****451 Email: (不论你是肥环瘦燕,还是鹤立鸡群,“身高体重”的话题都不要在简历中提及。在西方文化中,“身高体重”属于特别隐私性的话题。另外,政治色彩越少越好,老外一般没有兴趣知道你的政治隐私。)WenKu.BLL.KeyWordJob Objective: A Position offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of consumer affairs or marketing. Education: 2000-2020 Bejing University, College Of Commerce Graduating in July with a B. S. degree in Marketing. Fields of study include: economics, marketing, business law, statistics, calculus,psychology, sociology, social and managerial concepts in marketing, consumer behavior, sales force management, product policy, marketing research and forecast,marketing strategies. 1994-2000 The No.2 Middle School of Xi


IT专业人士英文简历范文-英文简历模板-第一范文网 sep.xxxxjul.xxxx computer science dept. of computer college, northeast normal university. courses taken include: data structure, principle of database, principle of compiling, principle of computers, operating systems, c , java, computer architecture, computer networks, https://www.360docs.net/doc/107669999.html,, photoshop sep.xxxxjul.xxxx no.1 middle school of qingyuan city, guangdong computer abilities a good understanding and working knowledge of computers. have hands-on experience in pc operation. database programming and (networking knowledge)or (knowledge of networks.) good at computer operation of windows. =? (computer operation of windows=? guess: good at computers operating with windows.) knowledge of php and asp programming. english skills have a good command on both spoken and written english; passed cet-4. scholarship and rewards xxxx-6 won the third place in jilin’s in challenge cup competition of scientifical and technological works ( competition between universities/university students, or what?) ...e.g. jilin’s challenge


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年 龄:24岁 学 历:本科 健康状况:良好 姓 名:某某某 籍 贯:某某市 政治面貌:中共党员 某某市 1234567890 1234567890 ? 2015年获得某某证书 ? 2015年获得某某证书 ? 2015年获得某某证书 ? 2015年获得某某证书 ? 熟练掌握某专业软件 ? 熟练掌握某专业软件 校 园 经 历 大学生三下乡 2011 ? 在某某省湘西自治州保靖县木芽村小学义 务支教活动,评为优秀支教老师。 学院学生党支部支部书记 2011 ? 简单写几句关于此经历的介绍 ,简单写几句简单写几句关于此经历介绍 。 某某生物科技有限公司实习 2011 ? 简单写几句关于此经历的介绍 ,简单写几句简单写几句关于此经历介绍 。 植物生理与生物化学、应用概率统计、遗 传学、田问试验设计、农业生态学、作物栽培与耕作学、育种学、农业经济管理等。 主修课程 教 育 背 景 某某大学 本科 2011 - 2015 农学专业 ? 2011年被评为某某省“省优秀毕业生”,湘潭大学“校优秀毕业生” ? 2011年获某某大学“优秀共产党员”、某某大学“优秀辅导组成员”荣誉称号 ? 2012年获全国数学建模竞赛三等奖,湘潭大学物理竞赛二等奖 ? 2012年获校“优秀社团工作者”称号 基 本 资 料 技 能 和 证 书 获 得 荣 誉

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英文简历模板范文 本文是关于英文简历模板范文,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 英文简历模板范文一: OBJECTIVE An accounting position offering the opportunity to utilize my professional financial expertise,extensive business experience, and ability on a worldwide basis. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS *Accountant and Administrative Manager of mediun-sized motor components manufacturing and distribution company serving national and international markets. *Hands-on experience with firm of certified public accountants and auditors. *Certified public accountant and auditor. pROFESSIONAL EXpERIENCE 1998 LISMORE SHIppING CO.,LTD.,Loretta,pA Accountant *Managed,developed,and maintained all aspects of finance,accounting,foreign exchange dealings,marketing,and data processing of company and its overseas offices in London and New York *Controlled budget,cash flow,and capital expenditure *Reviewed, analyzed, and evaluated finances and securities pertaining to advances and shipping for client base of about 200. *Established and maintained close relationships with bank executives,auditors,and attorneys,ensuring compliance with all regulatory bodies. 1985-1988 RABINO pRODUCTS, Meadville, pA Accountant *Developed and implemented corporate and project-oriented financial strategies.
