



【关键词】双料喉风散;压力性溃疡;护理The effect of treating Ⅱdegree ulcer by using ShuangLiaoHouFengSan powder and tea seed oil CHEN Bao yun, LU Ai hua, LIU Hui yu, et al The Xingning People’s Hopital of Guangdong Province, 514500,China

【Abstract】Objective To study the effect of treating Ⅱdegree ulcer by using Shuangliaohoufengsan powder and tea seed oil Methods 80 cases with Ⅱdegree

ulcer were randomly divided into two groups, the cases in the experiment group take Shuangliaohoufengsan powder and tea seed oil and the cases in the control group take the routine The change of patients s symptoms and effect were observed, the toxicity and the side effect were observed too Results 25 of 40 cases healed and 15 cases were improved in the experiment group The effecctive power was 100%19 healed and 15 cases were improved in the control group The effecctive power was 80% Conclusion ShuangliaohoufengSan powder and tea seed oil is a drug of scar treatment that is effective, safe, useful and receptive by patients In additions, had not have other

toxicities and side effects.

【Key words】Shuangliaohoufengsan powder;Pressure olcer;Nursing care ________________________________________ 选择2009年6月至2011年3月间入院的80例Ⅱ期压疮患者,随机分为治疗组和对照组各40例。治疗组:年龄(58±12)岁,男30例,女10例;对照组:年龄(56±13)岁,男28例,女12例;其中老年痴呆3例,脑梗死35例,股骨颈骨折4例,截瘫5例,颅脑损伤30例,其他3例。压疮发生部位:骶尾部52处,背部14处,髋部10处、外踝3处、足跟部5处,其他部位2处。两组患者在年龄、性别、意识状态、活动情况、全身营养和压疮部位及大小等方面比较,差异无统计意义,具有可比性。2 材料与方法21 药物配制双料喉风散为梅州市嘉应制药有限公司生产, 每瓶22 g,市售茶籽油20 ml。使用前将双料喉风散1支(22 g)加入煮沸的20 ml茶籽油中,充分混合配成11%的油剂,冷却后置于消毒玻璃瓶中备用。22 治疗方法两组患者全身治疗护理(如积极治疗原发病,加强翻身,保持皮肤清洁干燥,改善全身营养状况)相同。治疗组采用双料喉风散茶籽油治疗疮面。1∶5000呋喃西林溶液清洗疮面,有水泡形成者可在无菌技术操作下,剪开水泡,周围皮肤用005%的碘伏常规消毒,或用注射器抽出水泡液体,再用双料喉风散茶籽油外涂破损皮
