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1.由and/ both… and连接的并列主语

1)Both Mr. Smith and his son (has, have) gone fishing.

2)Bread and eggs (is, are ) a good breakfast.

The manager and secretary (is , are ) not here.

3) 当and 连接的名词词组有each, every 或many a等限定词时,随后的动词通常用单数。

e.g. Every girl and every boy in this room (is, are) studying hard.

Many a boy (was, were) sad after seeing the film.

2.由or/ nor/ either… or/ neither…nor/ not only…but also连接的并列结构作主语,依据“就近原则”

e.g. My sisters or my brother (is, are) likely to be at home.

Either my father or my brothers (is, are ) coming.

Not only he switches but also the old wire (has, have) been chagend.

3. 主语+ as much as/ rather than/ more than/ no less than/ as well as/ in addition to/ with/ along with/ together with/ except/ but 等引导的从属结构时,其后的动词取决于主语本身的形式e.g. Some of the workers as much as the manager (was, were) responsible for the loss.

His brother rather than his parents (is, are) to blame.

My wife, more than anyone else in the family (is, are ) eager to go there again.

The father as well as his sons (is, are) going to the park tomorrow.

No one except two girls(was, were) late for dinner.





e.g. Six months (is, a re) too short a time.

There (is ,are ) six coins in my pocket.

2) “分数/ 百分数+ of”的结构,谓语动词依of 后面的名词而定

e.g. Over sixty percent of the city (was, were) destroyed in the war.

Thirty-five percent of the doctors (was, were ) women.

3)one in/ one out of +复数名词,谓语动词用单数

e.g. One in ten students (has, have) failed the exam.

4) 两数想减或相除,谓语动词用单数


e.g. Forty minus fifteen (leaves, leave) twenty-five.
