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→There are many students who enjoy the lessons.
In my spare time, I enjoy popular music and collecting stamps. →In my spare time, I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps.
Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer.
7.句子要避免汉式英语 My spare lovers are swimming,
skating, collectinHale Waihona Puke Baidu stamps and
listening to popular music.
order of time )
评价)evaluation or self-evaluation
A. 概况 (尽量用非谓语/同位语结构,
使文章简洁,通顺) 1) Born in ______ on __________, ________ is a
________________. 2) ___________, the son of a _____ family, was
Self-introduction & Introduction to a Person
概况)age, sex, birth-place, background 外貌和性格)appearance ,character 爱好)hobbies 平时事)big events in one’s life ( in
→In my spare time, I enjoy swimming, skating……
→In my spare time, I’m fond of swimming,……
→In my spare time, my hobbies are swimming, skating……
• 有毅力的 • 有能力的 • 热心肠的 • 随和的 • 精力充沛 • 慷慨的 • 聪明的 • 雄心的 • 有吸引力的
• 我们的老师都很热情。
Our teachers are all enthusiastic.
• 吴尊很受年轻人的欢迎。
Wu Zun is very popular with the young.
• 我的理想是到中山大学主修音乐。
My dream is majoring in music at Zhongshan University.
• determined • capable • warm – hearted • easy – going • energetic
• generous • intelligent • ambitious • attractive/ • charming
• 健忘的 • 诚实的 • 幽默的 • 勤奋的 • 独立的 • 谨慎的 • 多话的 • 健康的 • 耐心的 • 宽容的
• strict • modest • considerate • outstanding • optimistic • pessimistic • enthusiastic • absent – minded • bad – tempered • behave well • gifted / talented
• forgetful • honest • humorous • diligent • independent • cautious • talkative • healthy • patient • tolerant
• 严格的 • 谦虚的 • 考虑周到的 • 杰出的 • 乐观的 • 悲观的 • 热情的 • 心不在焉的 • 脾气不好的 • 举止得体的 • 有天赋的
→I am a talkative boy in my class and I know it is not a good habit.
6.句子要避免头重脚轻 Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer are the main subjects. →The main subjects are
Practice sentences
• 我总是举止得体。
I behave myself well.
• 李泳不但很有天赋而且很勤奋。
Li Yong is not only gifted but also diligent.
• 陈翔铎是个很有能力的英语课代表。
Chen is a very capable English monitor.
I’m very interested in computer and won first prize last year.
→I was very interested in computer and won first prize last year.
I am talking all the time in my class,I can’t help talking and I know talking in the class is not a good habit.
1.句子要正确: 1).Do you know where is my school?
→Do you know where my school is?
2). There are many students enjoy the lessons
→Many students enjoy the lessons.
Go into the park. Go forward. Cross the street. Turn right. →After you enter the park by the main gate, walk straight till you come to a stream. Cross the stream and turn right.