




We want our children to succeed, in school and, perhaps even more importantly, in life. But the paradox(悖论) is that our children can only truly succeed if they first learn how to fail. Consider the finding that world-class figure skaters fall over more often in practice than low-level figure skaters. At first sight this seems contradictory. Why are the really good skaters falling over the most?

The reason is actually quite simple. Top skaters are constantly challenging themselves in practice, attempting jumps that stretch their limitations. This is why they fall over so often, but it is precisely why they learn so fast. Lower-level skaters have a quite different approach. They are always attempting jumps they can already do very easily, remaining within their comfort zone. This is why they don't fall over. In a superficial sense, they look successful, because they are always on their feet. The truth, however, is that by never failing, they never progress.

What is true of skating is also true of life. James Dyson worked through 5,126 failed prototypes(原型) for his dual cyclone vacuum before coining up with the design that made his fortune. These failures were essential to the pathway of learning. As Dyson pu t it: “You can't develop new technology unless you test new ideas and learn when things go wrong. Failure is essential to invention.”

In healthcare, however, things are very different. Clinicians don't like to admit to failure, partly because they have healthy egos(自我)(particularly the senior doctors) and partly because they fear litigation(诉讼). The consequence is that instead of learning from failure, healthcare often covers up failure. The direct consequence is that the same mistakes are repeated. According to the Journal of Patient Safety, 400,000 people die every year in American hospitals alone due to preventable error. Until healthcare learns to respond positively to failure, things will not improve. But let us return to children. One of the major mistakes in education in the 1970s was the attempt to equip children with confidence by giving them lots of successes (setting the bar very low). The consequence was that the ego of kids became bound up with success, and they became unable to take risks and collapsed as soon as they hit a proper challenge.

We need to flip(翻转) this approach. In a complex world, failure is inevitable. It is those individuals and institutions that have the flexibility to face up to failure, learn the lessons and adapt which eventually excel(突出).

(1)The question raised in the first paragraph is to ________.

A. open up a discussion on the topic

B. analyze the reason for success

C. express the author's opposition

D. doubt the abilities of the top skaters

(2)Which of the following is the structure of the passage?

A. B. C. D.

(3)What would be the best title for the passage?

A. How we can avoid failure in life

B. What we should learn from failure

C. Why failure is the key to flying high

D. Where we further improve ourselves




【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,论证了“失败是孩子成功的必须条件”这一观点。(1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“But the paradox(悖论)is that our children can only truly succeed if they first learn how to fail.”可知,文章的中心论点是如果孩子想要真正成功,首先就要学会失败。后面以世界级滑冰运动员摔倒的次数更多来证明这一点,最后一句提出问题:为什么好的滑冰运动员反而摔倒的次数多呢?下文对这个问题做了回答,进一步阐明了文章的中心论点。很明显,这个问题就是为了引出下文对中心论点的论述服务的。故选A。

(2)考查文章结构。第一段提出中心论点并以滑冰运动员为例引出第二段。第三段James Dyson为正面例子证明:成功是建立失败的基础上的。而第四和第五两段分别以医疗和20世纪七十年代的儿童教育为反例证明:不经历失败就不会获得成功和提高。最后一段再次强调中心论点。故选A。

(3)考查主旨大意。文章第一段即提出中心论点:the paradox(悖论)is that our children can only truly succeed if they first learn how to fail,中间几段以正反两方面的例子证明了该论点。最后一段又重新强调了该论点。很明显,文章的中心意思就是:失败是孩子真正成功的必要条件。故选C。



Imagine your clothing could release enough heat to keep you warm and cozy, allowing you to stay comfortable in a cooler room. Or, picture a car windshield that stores the sun's energy and then releases it as heat to make the ice on the windshield disappear.

According to a team of researchers at MIT, both cases may be possible before long, thanks to a new material that can store solar energy during the day and release it later as heat. This transparent polymer film could be applied to many different surfaces, such as window glass or clothing.

Solar energy is only available about half the time we need it — during daylight. For the sun to become a major power provider for human needs, there has to be an efficient way to save it up for use during nighttime and stormy days. Most such efforts have focused on storing and recovering solar energy in the form of electricity, but the new finding, by MlI professor Jeffrey Grossman, Postdoc David Zhitomirsky and graduate student Eugene Cho, could provide a highly efficient method for storing the sun's energy through a chemical reaction and releasing it later as heat.

The key to enabling long-term, stable storage of solar heat, the team said, is to store it in the form of a chemical change rather than storing the heat itself. But heat will disappear over time no matter how good the material around it is, so the team set up a chemical storage system that can keep the energy in a stable molecular configuration. When exposed to sunlight, the molecules can stay that way for long periods Then, when triggered (触发)by a very specific temperature or something else, the molecules return to their original shape , giving off heat in the process.

Such chemically-based storage materials, known as Solar Thermal Fuels(STF), have been developed before. But those earlier efforts were designed to be used in liquid solutions and not able to make durable (耐用的) solid-state films. The new approach is the first based on a solid-state material, in this case a polymer, and the first based on inexpensive materials and widespread production technology.

(1)What is the main purpose of Paragraph 1?

A.To show the main idea of the passage.

B.To practice readers' imagination.

C.To interest readers in the passage.

D.To introduce a new kind of material.

(2)According to the passage, what can the polymer film do?

A.It can be made into window glass.

B.It can make necessary electricity.

C.It can store energy and release sunshine.

D.It can absorb sunshine and give off heat.

(3)According to the passage, what is STF based on?

A.The chemical reaction.

B.The movement of heat.

C.The form of electricity.

D.The physical reaction.

(4)What is the advantage of the molecular configuration?

A.It is less expensive.

B.It is very powerful.

C.It is easily available.

D.It is less changeable.






(1)考查推理判断。根据第一段“Imagine y our clothing could release enough heat to keep you warm and cozy, allowing you to stay comfortable in a cooler room. Or, picture a car windshield that stores the sun's energy and then releases it as heat to make the ice on the windshield disappear. ”想象一下你的衣服可以释放足够的热量让你温暖和舒适,让你可以在冰冷的房间里保持舒适。或者,再想象一下车的挡风玻璃可以储存太阳的能量,然后释放热量使挡风玻璃上的冰消失)可推测,本段以衣服和骑车挡风玻璃为例,提到了如果衣服能够吸热和放热、汽车的挡风玻璃能够吸热和自动除冰那该是多么好的事,以此来吸引对着对本文的兴趣。故选C。

(2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“thanks to a new material that can store solar energy during the day and release it later as heat. This transparent polymer film could be applied to many different surfaces, such as window glass or clothing. ”多亏了这种能在白天吸热之后以热能形式释放的新型材料,这个透明的聚合物膜可以应用于许多不同的表面,如窗户玻璃或服装)可知,这种聚合物膜可以吸热,此后再以热能的形式释放出来。故选D。

(3)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“Such chemically-based storage materials, known as Solar Thermal Fuels(STF), have been developed before. ”这种以化学反应为基础的储存材料,即太阳能热燃料(STF),以前就已经被开发出来了,可知,STF是以化学反应为基础。故选A。

(4)考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“But heat will disappear over time no matter how good the material around it is, so the team set up a chemical storage system that can keep the energy in a stable molecular configuration. ”但是热量会随着时间的推移而消失,不管周围的物质有多好,所以研究小组建立了一个化学储存系统,可以将能量保持在一个稳定的分子结构中)可推断,这种分子结构的优势是相对稳定。故选D。



It has been discovered that after the age of sixteen, the number of our brain cells begins to decrease at a speed of several million a year. They simply die off. In certain types of activity, the human brain is at its highest point in the early twenties, when it has collected enough

information to be able to use the vast number of cells freely in the most effective way. Pure mathematics is one of the fields in which this happens, and we know that Albert Einstein made all his world-shaking discoveries between the age of about 20 and 25, and spent the rest of his life tidying them up and arranging them.

But in certain other types of activity (of which being an author is perhaps one), experience is more important than sharpness of brain, and there one usually finds that a person reaches his or her peak much later in life.

Besides sharpness of brain and experience, here is another thing that is very important, and that is wisdom. One can have a very quick, inventive brain and plenty of experience, but if one uses these foolishly, one harms both oneself and others. Wisdom does not always come with age ——there are plenty of foolish middle-aged people about ——but the average person tends to learn wisdom as he gets older, usually by making painful of embarrassing mistakes. Leaning to be wise is basically learning what is not possible; and what is possible but so difficult that it is not worth all the trouble one has to go through to get there. Mostly, it is learning about human nature; how real people behave and react, as against how one would like them to behave and react. One can read and hear lot of idealistic stuff about how to make the world a better place, which would be found if it was based on an accurate observation of human nature, but which is basically a waste of time because it is not.

(1)According to the writer, the great discoveries made by Albert Einstein were mainly a result in________.

A.years of hard work

B.sharpness of the brain

C.rich experience

D.his deep understanding of the nature

(2)Some people achieve success much later in life because .

A.their work often requires much experience

B.they do not have a chance to show their talents

C.they have to learn lessons from failures

D.they fail to realize earlier the importance of hard work

(3)The importance of wisdom lies in the fact that .

A.it helps to avoid various mistakes

B.it contributes to one's creativity

C.it encourages one to go forward in face of difficulty

D.it provides the right direction of efforts

(4)The writer came to believe that .

A.it is always a waste of time to make plans about the future

B.it is human nature to make attempts on what looks impossible

C.one should always challenge the impossible to push the society forward

D.one has to use wisdom in deciding what is the best thing to do






(1)考查推理判断。根据第一段“It has been discovered that after the age of sixteen, the number of our brain cells begins to decrease at a speed of several million a year. They simply die off. In certain types of activity, the human brain is at its highest point in the early twenties, ... and we know that Albert Einstein made all his world-shaking discoveries between the age of about 20 and 25, and spent the rest of his life tidying them up and arranging them.” 人们发现,16岁以后,我们的脑细胞数量开始以每年几百万的速度减少。在某些类型的活动中,人类的大脑在20岁早期处于巅峰状态,... 我们知道阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦在20到25岁之间做出了所有震惊世界的发现。用余生来整理和安排这些发现。根据对爱因斯坦所的发现可知,他的伟大的发现是在20-25岁之间,更是印证了人类大脑在20年代初达到了巅峰,可推断出,本段主要研究人类大脑巅峰期,故选B。

(2)考查推理判断。根据第二段“But in certain other types of activity (of which being an author is perhaps one), experience is more important than sharpness of brain, and there one usually finds that a person reaches his or her peak much later in life.”但在某些其他类型的活动中(作家可能是其中一种),经验比头脑的敏捷更重要,人们通常会发现一个人在他一生的晚期才达到顶峰。可推断出有些人在晚年取得成功是因为他们的工作中往往需要很多经验。故选A。

(3)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“Besides sharpness of brain and experienc e, here is another thing that is very important, and that is wisdom.... Leaning to be wise is basically learning what is not possible; and what is possible but so difficult that it is not worth all the trouble one has to go through to get there. Mostly, it is learning about human nature;how real people behave and react, as against how one would like them to behave and react.”除了敏锐的头脑和丰富的经验外,还有一件事是非常重要的,那就是智慧。学习成为智者,要基本的了解什么是不可能的;学习有可能但又很困难的东西,以至于不值得一个人为了达到目的而付出所有的努力。最重要的是了解人性,了解真实的人是如何行为和反应的,以及人们希望他们如何行为和反应的。由此可推断出智慧的重要性在于智慧能让人知道什么可做,什么不能做,即为人提供正确的努力方向。故选D。

(4)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“Leaning to be wise is basically learning what is not possible;and what is possible but so difficult that it is not worth all the trouble one has to go through to get there. Mostly, it is learning about human nature;how real people behave and react, as against how one would like them to behave and react. One can read and hear lot of idealistic stuff about how to make the world a better place, which would be found if it was based on an acc urate observation of human nature,”成为智者,要大体上知道什么是不可能的。学习有可能但又如此困难的东西,以至于不值得一个人为了达到目的而付出所有的努力。最重要的是学习人性,了解真实的人是如何行为和反应的,以及人们希望他们如何行为和反应的。人们可以读到和听到很多关于如何使世界变得更美好的理想主义的东西.......由此可




In 2015, a man named Nigel Richards memorized 386, 000 words in the entire French Scrabble Dictionary in just nine weeks. However, he does not speak French. Richards' impressive feat is a useful example to show how artificial intelligence works—real AI. Both of Richard and AI take in massive amounts of data to achieve goals with unlimited memory and superman accuracy in a certain field.

The potential applications for AI are extremely exciting. Because AI can outperform humans at routine tasks—provided the task is in one field with a lot of data—it is technically capable of replacing hundreds of millions of white and blue collar jobs in the next 15 years or so.

But not every job will be replaced by AI. In fact four types of jobs are not at risk at all. First, there are creative jobs. AI needs to be given a goal to optimize. It cannot invent, like scientists, novelists and artists can. Second, the complex, strategic jobs—executives, diplomats, economists —go well beyond the AI limitation of single-field and Big Data. Then there are the as-yet-unknown jobs that will be created by AI.

Are you worried that these three types of jobs won't employ as many people as AI will replace? Not to worry, as the fourth type is much larger: jobs where emotions are needed, such as teachers, nannies and doctors. These jobs require compassion, trust and sympathy—which AI does not have. And even if AI tried to fake it, nobody would want a robot telling them they have cancer, or a robot to babysit their children.

So there will still be jobs in the age of AI. The key then must be retraining the workforce so people can do them. This must be the responsibility not just of the government, which can provide funds, but also of corporations and those who benefit most.

(1)What is the main purpose of paragraph 1?

A. To introduce the topic.

B. To mention Nigel's feat.

C. To stress the importance of good memory.

D. To suggest humans go beyond AI in memory.

(2)Which of the following best explains "outperform" underlined in paragraph 2?

A. Be superior to

B. Be inferior to

C. Be similar to

D. Be related to (3)Which of the following jobs is the most likely to be replaced?

A. The writer.

B. The shop assistant.

C. The babysitter.

D. The psychologist.(4)Which of the following suggestions can the author give about job replacement of AI?

A. Limit the application of AI to a certain degree.

B. Get more support from the government.

C. Apply for the donation from companies.

D. Upgrade people's professional skills all the time.






(1)考查推理判断。根据第一段可知一个名叫奈杰尔·理查兹(Nigel Richards)的人在短短九周内记住了《法国拼字游戏词典》中的386,000个单词。但是,他不会说法语。其展示了人工智能是如何工作的。而后文主要与人工智能有关,由此推断作者写第一段的目的是引出人工智能这个话题。故选A。

(2)考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的“Because AI can outperform humans at routine tasks—provided the t ask is in one field with a lot of data”可知AI可以在日常任务中outperform人类(前提是该任务在一个涉及到大量数据的领域中;以及“it is technically capable of replacing hundreds of millions of white and blue collar jobs in the next 15 years or so.”可知从技术上讲,人工智能具有在未来大约15年里取代成千上万的白领和蓝领工作的能力。结合下文推断人工智能能够具有取代人类的工作是因为AI在日常任务中表现超过了人类,划线词的意思是"胜过,超过",故选A。

(3)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“First, there are creative jobs. AI needs to be given a goal to optimize. It cannot invent, like scientists, novelists and artists can.”可知四种类型的工作完全没有风险。首先,有创造性的工作。人工智能不可能像科学家,小说家和艺术家那样进行发明创造。也就是作家和科学家不会被取代。排除A;再根据第四段中的“as the fourth type is much larger: jobs where emotions are needed, such as teachers, nannies and doctors.”可知需要情感的工作,例如老师,保姆和医生也不大可能被取代,因此排除C和D。故选B。

(4)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“So there will still be jobs in the age of AI. The key th en must be retraining the workforce so people can do them.” 可知作者认为在AI时代仍然会有工作,关键必须是对劳动力进行再培训,这样人们才能从事这些工作。进行培训是为了得到专业技能,由此推断作者会给出一直提升人们的专业技能的建议,故选D。



During this shopping season, salesmen will come up with different strategies to get your business. Many product companies use specific colors to cause positive emotions and compete for a sale. However, sight is not the only sensory (感官的) retail that companies use. Sounds and smells can also influence consumers' purchasing decisions.

Nobel Prize-winning research shows that our sense of smell has great power to cause an emotional response. A study published earlier this year compared purchasing in a French flower shop when the smell of lavender (薰衣草) was given off and when it wasn't. It found that the smell increased the number of consumers' purchasing items and the amount of their purchases. An earlier study using Nike shoes found that consumers desired the shoes more, and were willing

to pay more, when the room had a mixed smell of flowers. Realizing the subconscious impact of smell, many stores apply artificial scents (气味) through their heating and air-conditioning vents (通风口) or place scent machines above their doors. For instance, a coconut scent might make that bikini more appealing as you long for a vacation.

Ever felt frenzied due to a store's fast-paced music? Or calmed by a piece of light music? A retailer's choice of music can have a big impact on consumers' moods. One study found that when subjected to loud music, consumers will spend less time in a store. But interestingly, the researchers did not find a difference in sales or customers' satisfaction. Another interesting finding from a recent study was that customers actually shop longer when exposed to unfamiliar music. Just as department stores use different scents in certain departments, many use different music in some areas to appeal to varying consumers.

Well, you could always leave the store and take a break, but the food court probably isn't your best choices as brands like Cinnabon and Panera Bread also use scents as part of their customers' experience. Online retailers (零售商) use a variety of other strategies to get your business, but you can always neglect those and enjoy the familiar scents of home.

(1)The passage is mainly about ________.

A. consumers' favorite sounds and smells while shopping

B. shopping malls' strategies for satisfying consumers

C. some special services from super shopping malls

D. two factors affecting consumers' shopping decisions

(2)What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

A. Decorating stores with flowers becomes a fashion.

B. Shops with special smells can attract more consumers.

C. Smells can actually help businessmen gain more profits.

D. The products with a kind of special smell are more popular.

(3)How does music have an effect on consumers?

A. It controls consumers' desire for shopping.

B. It influences how long consumers stay in a shop.

C. It gives consumers the satisfaction of enjoying shopping.

D. Whether consumers are willing to buy things depends on it.

(4)Which of the following can replace the underlined word “frenzied” in Paragraph 3? A. Satisfied. B. Depressed. C. Surprised. D. Excited.

(5)What does the writer try to express in the last paragraph?

A. Online shopping is becoming more and more popular nowadays.

B. People should spend more time at home with family members.

C. People can choose to get rid of salesmen's promotion strategies.

D. Smells and sounds are important for consumers' shopping experience.






【解析】【分析】本文为说明文。这篇文章主要介绍了影响消费者购物决定的两个因素。(1)主旨大意题。根据第一段中的Sounds and smells can also influence consumers' purchasing decisions.(声音和气味也会影响消费者的购买决定)及下文对这两个因素的介绍可知,本文主要介绍了影响消费者购物决定的两个因素。故答案选D。

(2)推理判断题。根据第二段中的It found that the smell increased the number of consumers' purchasing items and the amount of their purchases.(研究发现,这种气味增加了消费者购买物品的数量和购买量)可推知,气味实际上可以帮助商人获得更多的利润。故答案选C。

(3)细节理解题。根据第三段中的One study found that when subjected to loud music, consumers will spend less time in a store…Another interesting finding from a recent study was that customers actually shop longer when exposed to unfamiliar music.(研究发现,当音乐音量过大时,消费者在商店里的时间会减少……最近一项研究的另一个有趣发现是,当顾客接触到不熟悉的音乐时,他们的购物时间实际上更长)可知,音乐会影响消费者在商店里停留的时间。故答案选B。

(4)词义猜测题。A. Satisfied满意的;B. Depressed沮丧的;C. Surprised吃惊的;D. Excited兴奋的。根据第三段中的Or calmed by a piece of light music?(还是听着轻音乐平静下来?)可知,划线词所在句意为“有没有因为商店里快节奏的音乐而感到疯狂?”,由此推知,划线词意为“疯狂的”,疯狂是一种兴奋的状态。故答案选D。

(5)推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Online retailers (零售商) use a variety of other strategies to get your business, but you can always neglect those and enjoy the familiar scents of home.(网上零售商使用各种各样的策略来获得你的生意,但你可以忽略这些,享受熟悉的家的味道)可知,作者想要告诉人们,我们可以选择摆脱销售员的促销策略。故答案选C。



Imagine a cat that does not need someone to clean up after it keeps an older person company and helps them remember to take their medicine. That is the shared dream of the toy maker Hasbro and scientists at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. The researchers received a $ 3-million-dollar award from the National Science Foundation for a special project. They want to find ways to add artificial intelligence, or A.I., to Hasbro's “Joy for All” robotic

The cat has already been for sale for two years. Though priced over 1000 dollars, it sold quite well. It was meant to act as a “companion” for older people. Now the project is aimed at developing additional abilities for the cat. Researchers at Brown's Humanity-Centered Robotics Initiative are working to decide which activities older adults may need the most. They hope to make the cat perform a small number of activities very well. Such activities include finding lost

objects and reminding the person to take medicine or visit their doctor. They also want to keep the cost down to just a few hundred dollars.

It is an idea that has appealed to Jeanne Elliott. Her 93-year-old mother Mary Derr lives with her in South Kingstown. Derr has dementia (痴呆). The Joy for All cat that Elliott bought this year has become a true companion for Derr. The cat stays with Derr and keeps her calm while Elliott is at work. Elliott said a robotic cat that helps her mother to remember to take her medicine and be careful when she walks would be greater.

The researchers are trying to learn how the improved cats will complete helpful activities and how they will communicate. They say that they do not want a talking cat, however. Instead they are trying to design a cat that can move its head in a special way to successfully communicate its message. In the end, they hope to create an exchange between the human and the cat in which the human feels the cat needs them. By doing so, the researchers hope they can even help prevent feelings of loneliness and sadness among elderly people.

(1)What's the purpose of the project?

A. To relieve the pain of the elderly.

B. To promote the sales of a medicine.

C. To invent a robotic cat for the elderly.

D. To help make the robotic cat smarter.

(2)Compared with the old model, the new robotic cat will be

A. smaller

B. cheaper

C. more talkative

D. more expensive

(3)What does Paragraph 3 intend to tell us?

A. The cat gives much help to the elderly.

B. The more functions of the cat, the better.

C. There is no cure for dementia at present.

D. Mary Derr would have died without the cat.(4)What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. A talking cat is quite popular among the elderly.

B. Feelings of sadness among the elderly are unavoidable.

C. Each family can afford such a cat in the future.

D. The feeling of being needed is vital to the elderly.






(1)目的意图题。根据第一段第一句Imagine a cat that does not need someone to clean up after it keeps an older person company and help them remember to take their medicine.项目的目地是帮助机器猫更聪明。故答案选D。

(2)推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句They also want to keep the cost down to just a few hundred dollars.可知,与旧模型相比新的机器猫更便宜。故答案选B。

(3)段落大意题。根据第三段最后一句Elliott said a robotic cat that helps her mother to remember to take her medicine and be careful when she walks would be greater.可知,机器猫


(4)推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句In the end, they hope to create an exchange between the human and the cat in which the human feels the cat needs them. By doing so, the researchers hope they can even help prevent feelings of loneliness and sadness among elderly people.可知,被需要的感觉是至关重要的。故答案选D。

【点评】推论性考察题一般包括事实推断、指代推断、逻辑推断和对作者意图与观点的推断。常见的提问方式有:①The writer believes that ____.②From this passage we can guess ____.③The write suggests that ____。除了一般的事实题可直接从文中找出答案外,其他诸如对条件变化、因果关系以及作者意图等较为深层的逻辑推断题,则必须要建立在对全文的理解基础上,通过文章所提供的线索,加以综合分析,才能做出正确的推断。



121min Adventure/Biography/Drama

Storyline: A group of climbers start their final climb to the summit of Mount Everest,the highest point on Earth. With little warning,a violent storm strikes the mountain,swallowing the adventurers...

Director: Baltasar Kormakur

Stars:Jason Clarke, Ang Phula Sherpa, Thomas M.Wright

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War Room

120min Drama

Storyline: Tony and Elizabeth Jordan, seemingly have it all--great jobs, a beautiful daughter, their dream home. In reality, their marriage has been a war zone. With guidance from Miss Clara, an older, wiser woman, Elizabeth discovers she can start fighting for her family instead of against them.

Director: Alex Kendrick

Stars: Priscilla C. Shirer, T.C. Stalligs, Karen Abercrombie

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Straight Outta Compton

147min Biography/Drama/Music

Storyline: In 1987, five young men, using honest rhymes, put their frustration and anger about life into the most powerful weapon they had: their music. Straight Outta Compton tells the true story of how these cultural rebels(叛逆者)stood up to the authorities that meant to keep them down and formed the world's most dangerous group N.W.A.

Director: F. Gary Gray

Stars: O'Shea Jackson Jr., Corey Hawkins, Jason Mitchell

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A Walk In The Woods

104min Adventure/Biography/Comedy

Storyline: After spending two decades in England, Bill Bryson returns to the US, where he decides the best way to connect with his homeland is to hike the Appalachian Trail. He travels with Katz, one of his oldest friends. The trouble is that the two have a completely different definition of the word, “adventure”. The real fun begins...

Director: Ken Kwapis

Stars: Robort Redford, Nick Nolte, Emma Thompson

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(1)If you prefer family-themed movies, which one should see?

A. Everest

B. War Room

C. Straight Outta Compton

D. A Walk In The Woods (2)What is N.W.A according to the passage?

A. A movie club

B. A music group

C. An adventure team

D. A charity organization

(3)Why does Bill Bryson hike the Appalachain Trail?

A. To accompany his friend Katz

B. To exercise and keep himself fit

C. To strengthen his bond with the US

D. To have an adventure in the woods





(1)考查推理判断。根据War Room部分中的“120min Drama Storyline: Tony and Elizabeth Jordan, seemingly have it all--great jobs, a beautiful daughter, their dream home. In reality, their marriage has been a war zone.”可知,如果你更喜欢以家庭为主题的电影,你应该看War Room,故选B。

(2)考查推理判断。根据Straight Outta Compton部分中的“147min Biography/Drama/Music Storyline: In 1987,five young men, using honest rhymes, put their frustration and anger about life into the most powerful weapon they had: their music. ---formed the world's most dangerous group N.W.A.”可知,N.W.A. 是一个音乐团队。故选B。

(3)考查推理判断。根据 A Walk In The Woods部分中的“Storyline: Afte r spending two decades in England, Bill Bryson returns to the US, where he decides the best way to connect with his homeland is to hike the Appalachian Trail.”可知,Bill Bryson会徒步穿越the Appalachain Trail是为了加强他与美国的关系。故选C。



The Mokoko tribe (部落) lived on the wrong side of the island of two faces. The two sides, separated by a great cliff (悬崖), were like night and day. The good side was watered by rivers and was filled with trees and abundant food, while on the wrong side there was hardly any water or plants, and wild beasts crowded together. The Mokoko had the misfortune of having always lived there, with no way to cross to the other side. Their life was hard and they lived in permanent terror of the beasts.

Along the edge of the cliff separating the two sides, a skinny but strong tree grew, with which they could build two poles. There was no doubt that the tribe would choose the great chief and doctor to use the poles. But when the two of them were given their chance to make the jump, they didn't dare to. They thought that the pole could break or it would not be long enough. They put so much energy into these thoughts that they gave in.

But into that tribe were born Nam and Ariki, a pair of young hearts. One day, they decided to take up the poles. Nobody stopped them, but everyone did try to discourage them, trying to present how dangerous the jumping was, using a thousand explanations.

"And what if what they say is true?" wondered the young Naru.

"Don't worry. I am a bit scared too, but it doesn't look so difficult," replied Ariki, ever determined.

"But if it goes wrong, it will be a terrible end," continued Naru, undecided.

"Perhaps the jump will go badly. But staying forever on this side of the island surely won't work out well either."

"You're right. Let's do it tomorrow."

And on the next day, Naru and Ariki jumped to the good side of the island. When taking up the poles, while feeling their desire, the fear hardly allowed them to breathe. And while flying through the air, helpless and without support, they felt that something must have gone wrong and death awaited them. But when they landed on the other side, they thought the jump really hadn't been so bad after all.

(1)What situation were the Mokoko faced with?

A. They lived a difficult life without fearing the beasts.

B. They suffered a lot due to the terrible environment.

C. They had easy access to the good side.

D. They were surrounded by trees and rivers.

(2)How did the chief and doctor feel when they were chosen?

A. Frightened.

B. Energetic.

C. Desperate.

D. Satisfied.

(3)What's the tribe members' reaction when Nam and Ariki decided to take up the poles?

A. The members desired to follow their steps.

B. The members tried to prevent the behaviour.

C. The members convinced them of the danger.

D. The members encouraged them to have a try.

(4)What can we infer about Naru and Ariki?

A. They overcame difficulty with courage and determination.

B. They felt relaxed in the whole process of making the jump.

C. They never doubted the difficulty in making the jump.

D. They hesitated to make the jump over and over again.






面有水有树食物充足而另一面几乎没水没植物,野兽聚集。这个部落正好位于条件很恶劣的一面。讲述了Nam 和Ariki不畏艰险用勇气和决心克服了困难来到了岛的好的一面。(1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“The Mokoko tribe (部落) lived on the wrong side of the island of two faces. The two sides, separated by a great cliff (悬崖), were like night and day. ---The Mokoko had the misfortune of having always lived there, with no way to cross to the other side. Their life was hard and they lived in perma nent terror of the beasts.”可知,由于可怕的环境他们遭受了很多。故选B。

(2)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“There was no doubt that the tribe would choose the great chief and doctor to use the poles. But when the two of them were given their chance to make the jump, they didn't dare to”可知,首领和医生被选上时他们感到害怕。故选A。(3)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“They thought that the pole could break or it would not be long enough. They put so much energy into these thoughts that they gave in.”可知,成员确信他们是危险的。故选C。

(4)考查推理判断。根据两个人的的对话“ And what if what they say is true?" wondered the young Naru. Don't worry I am a bit scared too, but it doesn't look so difficult, replied ariki, ever determined. "Perhaps the jump will go badly. But staying forever on this side of the island surely won't work out well either. "You're right. Let's do it tomorrow."和文章最后一句 But when they landed on the other side, they thought the jump really hadn't been so bad after all”可知,他们用勇气和决心克服了困难。故选A。



As one of the world's most popular cultural mediums, cinema is at the leading position at the Taihu World Cultural Forum(论坛), an annual event that aims to improve cultural exchanges. So far this year, Chinese box office has already topped 58 billion yuan, the China Film Administration said. This indicates that China, the world's second-largest movie market, is closing the gap with the United States, the world's top cinema market.

Cao Yin, director of the program center at China Movie Channel, said that China has 67,000 cinema screens. the most of any country, and the number is expected to increase to 80,000 by the end of next year. Saying that China has signed coproduction agreements with 22 countries (including the United States, Canada, Japan. India etc.) ,Cao added it has deepened cinematic exchanges between Chinese filmmakers and their foreign counterparts (同行).

With the country's huge native market, which produced more than 1,000 films in 2019, Hong Kong director Stanley Tong said he believes foreign filmmakers will increasingly seek cooperation with China. "International coproduction will become an important platform to send Chinese stories oversea and give us a broader vision of creation," Tong said.

Recently, over 80 percent of the world's top 100 highest box-office titles have been action films. Tong said the films, in which plots are basically secondary to shining stunts (特技), is one of the easiest ways to appeal to foreign audiences. But it has been a decades-long struggle for Chinese

filmmakers to sell their stories overseas. When asked what kinds of Chinese films would have the most global appeal. Yan Zhaozhu, chairman of the Taihu World Cultural Forum, said stories that address universal issues, such as environmental protection and climate change, are perhaps the best options.

(1)What is the purpose of the Taihu World Cultural Forum?

A.To strengthen cultural exchanges.

B.To build more cinemas in China.

C.To invite more tourists to Taihu.

D.To attract more international investment.

(2)What can we infer about Cao Yin's opinion in Paragraph 2?

A.Chinese box office has already overtaken the United States so far

B.The screens of Chinese cinemas will be world-leading in the future

C.China has signed the most coproduction agreements with other countries

D.There will be more and more cooperations between Chinese filmmakers and other countries.(3)How do Chinese filmmakers feel about selling their movies to the world right now?





(4)What is the best title for the text?

A.Box Office: Unclear Future

B.China: Top Second Movie Market

C.Cinema: The Leading Cultural Position

D.Chinese Filmmakers: Severe Competition Situation






(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“...Taihu World Cultural Forum, an annual event that aims to improve cultural exchanges.”可知,太湖世界文化论坛是一年一度的活动,旨在促进文化交流。即举行太湖世界文化论坛的目的是加强文化交流。故选A。

(2)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“Cao Yin…said that China has 67,000 cinema screens. the most of any country, and the number is expected to increase to 80,000 by the end of next year. Saying that China has signed coproduction agreements with 22 countries (including the United States, Canada, Japan. India etc.)”可知,曹寅说,中国有67,000个电影院。中国是拥有电影院最多的国家。到明年年底,这个数字有望增加到80,000。曹说,中国已经与22

个国家(包括美国,加拿大,日本,印度等)签署了联合制作电影的协议。因此从曹寅所说的话中我们看得出中国电影制片人与其他国家之间将会有越来越多的合作。故选D。(3)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“But it has been a decades-long struggle for Chinese filmmakers to sell their stories overseas.”可知,中国电影制片人向海外出售电影故事已经经历了数十年的艰辛努力。即中国电影制片人在将中国电影推向世界的过程中付出了艰辛的努力,取得今天的成就并不容易,challenged意为“有挑战性的,不容易的”,符合文意。故选C。

(4)考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的“This indicates that China, the world's second-largest movie market, is closing the gap with the United States, the world's top cinema market.”可知,中国是世界第二大电影市场,正在缩小与世界第一大电影市场美国之间的差距。因此文章的最佳标题是“中国:第二大电影市场”。故选B。



How much television do you watch? Did you really give an honest answer? A recent study shows that people aren't totally truthful about their television-watching habits.

The study in question was conducted at Ball State University in the US. Researchers there wanted to find out how much television people view according to their age. The study was paid for by a council associated with the Nielsen Company, which determines television ratings. The conclusions were that people spend more than 8 hours a day looking at a screen. This included cell phones and computers,but the majority were television screens.

There are three interesting things about this study. The first is that people are exposed to more than one hour of advertisements per day. The second is that even with access to DVDs and internet videos, television is still the most popular media source. The third is that the amount of screen-watching people do is relatively the same from the ages of 18-65.

So, if everyone is watching television, why lie about it? Well, if someone admits they watch television for five or six hours, they could be considered a couch potato. Michael Phillips, one of the study's main researchers, says, “There's a social stigma for people who watch too much television. Sometimes, however, watching the latest reality show or the funniest sitcom gives co-workers and friends fun things to talk about.”

Even if you do watch a lot of television, perhaps we can use this study as a reason to be honest with ourselves about how much time we spend in front of the television. I mean, after all, everyone else is doing it...

(1)Why do people lie about how much TV they watch?

A. Because the show they watched is not the latest.

B. Because they may be laughed at by co-workers or friends.

C. Because they don't want others to know what they watched.

D. Because there's something negative attached to watching too much TV.

(2)Which of the following is true according to the study?

A. The most popular media source is the internet.

B. 18-year-olds watch more TV than someone in their 60s.

C. People are exposed to over than an hour of advertisement a day.

D. Researchers say that people watch over 8 eight hours of television a week.

(3)How could people feel to be considered as a couch potato?

A. comfortable

B. ashamed

C. excited

D. satisfied

(4)What idea does the author mainly want to express with the article?

A. what the effects of watching TV are.

B. how much television we should watch every day.

C. there are some interesting facts of watching TV.

D. people lie about how much television they watch.






(1)考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的“There's a social stigma for people who watch too much television. ”可知看太多电视,被认为不光彩,由此推知,看电视太多与消极的东西联系在一起,故选D。

(2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“The first is that people are exposed to more than one hour of advertisements per day.”可知人们每天被暴露在广告下的时间超过一小时,故选C。(3)考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的“There's a social stigma for pe ople who watch too much television. ”可知看太多电视,被认为不光彩,由此推知当一个人被认为是一个成天看电视的人,他会感觉很羞耻,故选B。

(4)考查主旨大意。根据全文的主题句“A recent study shows that people aren't totally truthful about their television-watching habits.”可知这篇文章主要讲了人们瞒报看电视的时间,作者对其中的原因进行了分析,故选D。



Emoji might not be your first choice of communication in a disaster, but researchers feel they could make a difference during emergencies, where every second counts. Now, the Emoji-quake campaign is lobbying for an earthquake emoji to be added to the Unicode set — the standard group of icons available on digital devices worldwide. The campaign aims to find an earthquake-appropriate design to be submitted to Unicode.

"Approximately up to one third of the world's population are exposed to earthquakes," explains University of Southampton seismologist (地震学家) Dr. Stephen Hicks, a founder of the

campaign. "So we really want to be able to communicate to all of those regions, all of those different languages, and an emoji is an amazing way of doing that."

Unlike many other weather and climate related events, where longer warning times or visible signs are available, earthquakes move incredibly quickly and are difficult to measure while they are still occurring. Populations in areas like Japan and Mexico are dependent on earthquake early warning technology, which issues an alert on digital devices and broadcast media. "You may have seconds to get under a table or to protect yourself," explains Dr. Hicks. "That can be life saving in many cases. Naturally you don't want too much wording in the warning message." Pictographs (象形文字) and other visuals like emoji have a track record of being faster and easier to understand than written information. Dr. Sara McBride, a communications specialist, who is also part of the campaign, told BBC News, "Emoji can cross the boundaries of written languages, helping communicate valuable information to people who may struggle to read a certain language."

The potential usefulness of emoji in emergencies could extend well beyond earthquakes. A team of designers also came up with emerji—an entire set of emoji dedicated to climate and environmental events.

(1)According to the passage, why did the campaign choose earthquakes as their target?

A. Because earthquakes threaten many people in different regions.

B. Because earthquakes are the easiest to be expressed by an emoji.

C. Because earthquakes are not difficult to measure while occurring.

D. Because earthquakes are the most destructive disasters in the world.

(2)Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase "lobby for" in the first paragraph?

A. Hope for.

B. Enter for.

C. Appeal for.

D. Run for.

(3)What can we infer from Dr. Sara McBride's words about emoji?

A. Emoji benefits people with reading disability a lot.

B. Emoji is being used to convey valuable information.

C. Emoji can cross the boundaries of written languages.

D. Emoji is a universal language and helpful tool in communication.

(4)The best title of the passage should be ___________________.

A. Could an emoji save our life?

B. What can emoji do in our life?

C. How is emoji changing our life?

D. Do we really know about emoji?






(1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“Emoji might not be your first choice of communication in a disaster, but researchers feel they could make a difference during emergencies”以及第三段

中的“earthquakes move incredibly quickly and are di fficult to measure while they are still occurring”可推断出这是因为这地震来的快,让人无法反应,在许多地方威胁至许多多人的生命,故选A。

(2)考查词义猜测。这次运动想以地震为目标。第二段和第三段中的地震博士Dr. Hicks对此作出解释,目的就是呼吁大家赞同这个观点。可知选C。

(3)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“we really want to be able to communicate to all of those regions, all of those different languages, and an emoji is an amazing way of doing that.”及第三段“That can be life saving in many cases. Naturally you don't want too much wording in the warning message.”可推断出表情符号是一种通用语言,当灾难来临时不需要多说,表情就可以交流,以此在很多情形下可以挽救生命。分析选项可知D项符合题意,因此选D。(4)考查主旨大意。第一段说表情符号可能不是你在灾难中沟通的第一选择,但研究人员认为还是会有作用的。接着下面讲述了一场以添加地震表情为目标的运动。下面的地震博士Dr. Hicks为此作了很多的解释,想让人们相信表情能挽救生命。Could an emoji save our life?“一个表情能拯救我们的生命吗?”)符合题意,故选A。



A new technology is going to ripe, one that could transform our daily lives, help to form new industries, even remove world economic powers from their present positions. Unlike the wave of industrialization that began in the West and spread later to the rest of the world, the new developments are taking place in research labs all over the globe—and Asians are in the forefront. Physicists are creating a new class of materials that display an amazing property unforeseen even two years ago—superconductivity (超导体技术).

Used today only in specialized equipment, super conductors have the potential to radically change most of the electrical and electronic appliances found in the home, making them smaller, more powerful and efficient. They could free our cities of pollution by replacing petrol and diesel (柴油) vehicles with electric cars, and cut the cost of electricity. The new materials do something that even the best of conductors such as copper and silver cannot—they do away with all electrical resistance. The significances for energy storage are great.

The technology is in its early stage, still accessible to countries that decide to invest brains and money. For 75 years it had remained little more than a scientific curiosity with limited practical use because the phenomenon occurred only at extremely low temperatures. It was first observed in 1911 by a Dutch scientist named Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, who cooled mercury (水银) to temperatures below -269℃ with liquid helium (氦). Then in January last year, two IBM scientists, K. Alex Muller and J. George Bednorz, found a metal oxide ceramic (氧化陶瓷) that superconducted at -243℃. Their report went largely unnoticed until last December, when it was confirmed at a scientific meeting in Boston. Today Japan, India, China and other Asian countries all have their share of experts who spend their days and nights in labs, acting as midwives (助产


高一英语阅读理解试题(广告类) (1) Welcome to Wonderful Museum. This month we are having a special display about old machines from different countries. You can find the ways machines were used to help people one hundred years ago. How did the Germans make their first cars?How did our grandfathers use their farming tools? When did the Americans try to make their planes?And when did the Spanish make comfortable shoes in their factories?You will find the answers. After this visit of the machine history, enjoy some coffee by our wonderful coffee-making machines in Yarn’s Café in the corner of this floor. 1. Henry is a car fan. When he knows about the display, he visits the museum to know more about the history of car making. Which room will he surely visit? A. Japanese Room. B. Chinese Room. C. German Room. D. Spanish Room. 2. What is the best name for the special display in Wonderful Museum? A. Traffic History. B. Old Machines. C. The Business World. D. The Communication Age. 【答案与解析】这是一篇关于Wonderful Museum的广告词。 1. C。推断题。根据第1段中的How did the Germans make their first cars 可推知答案应选C。 2. B。细节题。根据This month we are having a special display about old machines from different countries可知答案应选B。 (2) A. is at the centre of London B. lies far away from London C. takes in foreign students, from beginners to the advanced


高一英语阅读理解试题及答案) 一( 40分)20小题;每小题2分,满分阅读理解(共A “Some day, there'll be no Americans left in

who Xing Tao, NBA,” said 12-year-old the after weeks ago school team two joined his game, NBA a Ming in televised watching Yao “The players will all be Chinese, like Yao.”superstar home-grown Yao is a To China,

basketball first make the world's who helped NBA, the players. To league closer to Chinese a opening of an the 2.23-meter center offers new world's largest different sort into the ce against the market. Yao's NBA first appearanmillion 287 October Pacers in reached Indiana families in the US. That game might have been a bit of a letdown to Yao's fans: He played just 11 of the 48 minutes, had two rebounds(篮板) and got no points. Comparing that with his performance on December 19, also against Indiana, Yao won 29 points and 10


记叙文类作者:巩穹 (I)★★ Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After writing many letters asking for admission(录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling. In 1849, after graduation from medical school. she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon(外科医师) , but a serious eye problem forced her to give up the idea. Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children Besides being the first woman physician and founding her own hospital , she also set up the first medical school for women. 1. Why couldn't Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon? A. She couldn't get admitted to medical school B. She decided to further her education in Paris C. A serious eye problem stopped her D. It was difficult for her to start a practice in the United States 2. What main obstacle(障碍) almost destroyed Elizabeth's chances for becoming for a doctor? A. She was a woman. B. She wrote too many letters. C. She couldn't graduate from medical school. D. She couldn't set up her hospital. 3. How many years passed between her graduation from medical school and the opening of her hospital? A. Eight years B. Ten years C. Nineteen years D. Thirty-six years 4. According to the passage, all of the following are “firsts”in the life of Elizabeth Blacekwell except that she ______. A. became the first woman physician B. was the first woman doctor C. and several other women founded the first hospital for women and children D. set up the first medical school for women 5. Eilzabeth Blackwell spent most of her lift in _______. A. England B. Paris C. the United States D. New York City 1-5 CAABC (II)★★★ Europe is now the biggest market for organic food in the world, having grown by 25 percent a year over the past 10 years. Denmark's agriculture minister is herself an organic farmer.


高一英语阅读理解测试题及答案 阅读理解(3)(同步类) 故事类 1 (黑龙江省鹤北林业局高级中学09-10学年期末考)I came to study in the United States a year ago .Yet I did not know the real American society until I was injured in a car accident because after the accident I had to see a doctor and go to court. After the accident .my roommate called a doctor for me. I was very grateful and determined to repay him one day. But the next day, he asked me to pay him $200 for what he had done. I was astonished. He had good reason to charge me, he said. And if I wanted to collect money from the person who was responsible for my injury, I?d have to have a good lawyer. And only a good doctor can help me get a good lawyer .Now that he had helped me find a good doctor, it was only fair that I should pay him. But every day I went to see the doctor, I had to wait about 50 minutes. He would see two or three patients at the same time, and often stop treating one so as to see another. Yet he charged me $115 each time .The final examination report consisted of ten lines, and it cost me $215. My lawyer was all smiles the first time we met. But after that he avoided seeing me at all. He knew very well the other party was responsible for the accident, yet he hardly did anything. He simply waited


高一英语阅读理解试题(生态、环保类) 生态类 (1) A Wolf in Danger What is happening to the timber wolf today? Native Americans and early settlers often went to sleep to the sound of a lonely lullaby(催眠曲). It was the song of the wolf howling in a distant forest. There were many wolves then. One kind was the North American timber wolf. Wolves are important to the balance of nature because they eat sick and weak animals. In Colorado, people tried to help deer by shooting wolves. But then there were so many deer that many of them starved to death. The timber wolf is on the endangered special list. Animals on this list are in danger of disappearing from the earth. People drove the wolves away by cutting down the forests to build houses, towns, and highways. Timber wolves are now found only in Canada, Alaska, Michigan, and Minnesota. This special animal may soon disappear from our forests forever. Then, its lonely howl will never be heard again. 1. Animals that are in danger of disappearing from the earth are called a _______species. A. endangered B. living C. alive D. lived 2. Wolves help the balance of nature because they _______. A. are an endangered species B. eat sick and weak animals C. no longer live in forests D. help the farmers 3. At one time, the timber wolf was found _______. A. in many parts of North America B. only in Colorado and Canada C. in towns and cities in Alaska D. in many parts of Africa 4. Which of the following happened first? A. People built towns and highways. B. The timber wolf was driven away from its home. C. People cut down the forests.


高一英语阅读理解题20套(带答案) 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Even a small increase in light activity such as washing dishes, or walking around the house might help prevent an early death among older adults, researchers say. "It is important for elderly people, who might not be able to do much moderate intensity(强度)activity, that just moving around and doing light intensity activity will have strong effects and is beneficial," said Ulf Ekelund, who led the research. Published in the BMJ, the latest research was based on a review of eight studies involving a total of more than 36,000 people with an average age of almost 63 years. Participants were followed for five to six years; 2,149 deaths were recorded. All of the studies involved monitoring the physical activity of individuals who had activity trackers, and the studies did not rely on self-reporting, which, the experts noted, could be unreliable. For each study participants were split into four equal-sized groups, based on the total amount of time spent actively, and the risk of death assessed, taking into account factors such as age, sex, body mass index, and socioeconomic status. This was then repeated for an amount of activity at different levels of intensity. The results were analyzed together to give an overview. The team found a greater amount of activity was linked to a lower risk of death. The results held for different intensities of activity. The team said the study supported the message "sit less and move more and more often". However, the study had limitations. It only looked at the situation for middle age and older adults, most of whom lived in the US or Europe, and some of the effect could be due to those people with a higher risk of death being less likely to be related to physical activity. Physical activity levels also were only measured over one period of time. Dr Gavin Sandercock, from the University of Essex, said the results suggested moving more brought bigger benefits than simply reducing the time of sitting, another factor measured in the study. "This study reinforces the important message that getting the least active people to do even just a little bit more physical activity can have important public health benefits," he said. (1)Which of the following may Ulf Ekelund suggest elderly people do? A.lying on the sofa reading. B.Doing a little gentle gardening. C.Going out to hike with friends. D.Playing basketball sometimes. (2)What can we know about the research? A.It lasted about 8 years. B.The researchers admitted they used fake data. C.The participants didn't include younger people. D.Some participants died because of doing too much physical activity (3)What is the author's attitude towards the researchers' conclusion? A.Doubtful


高一英语阅读理解同步练习附答案 高一英语阅读理解同步练习附答案 阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Moscow,Russia(Space news)-The computer is a better chess player,insisted Viktor Prozorov,the loser. It seemed as if it were laughing after every good move.I know I should have beaten it for the sake of mankind(为人类着想),but I just couldn't win, he announced and shook his head sadly. Prozorov's disappointment was shared by several grand masters who were present,some of whom were so upset that they shouted at the machine.Many chess players said that this meant the end of chess championships(锦标赛)around the world,since the fun had been taken out of the game. The computer walked-or rather,rolled-away with 5,000 dollars in prize money and limited its remarks to a set of noises and light. 56.Which of the following best gives the main idea of this newspaper article? A.5,000 dollars goes to a computer! B.New invention a laughing computer! C.World's best chess player beaten! https://www.360docs.net/doc/1311117808.html,puter defeats man in chess! 57.How did some of the grand masters feel about the chess game between Prozorov and the computer? A.They thought that the game was no fun. B.They thought that the game wasn't fair. C.They agreed that Prozorov didn't play well. D.They were unhappy that the computer had won. 58.What was it that Prozorov felt most bitter(懊恼)about? A.That he didn't win the$5,000. B.That he hadn't tried his best. C.That he had lost to a machine. D.That this was the end of the chess game. 59.After winning the game,the computer_____. https://www.360docs.net/doc/1311117808.html,ughed B.walked away C.made some remarks D.gave out some lights and sounds 60.Many chess players felt that playing with a computer would_____. A.make the game tougher B.make the game less interesting C.make man appear foolish D.make man lose lots of B Extract 1 A computer A computer is an information processor.It is given information,called data,instructed to do certain things and then show us the results.The data put into the computer is called theinput and the results which come out are the output.Some people say the circle of large standing stones at Stonechenge is a kind of computer.Prehistory people worked out their calendar from the position of the shadows made by the sun shining on the stones.


英语阅读是高中阶段英语学习的重要组成部分,由于受国内条件限制,高中生和英美人士直接交流的机会不多,因此阅读成为高中生英语学习的主要形式。提高英语阅读能力可以提高英语考试成绩已是人们的共识。时间不用多,每天十分钟,每天读一篇,日积月累,坚持下去,就一定会有收获。 新课标高中英语阅读精选――高一 内容:故事 Passage 1 One day an ant was drinking at a small stream and fell in. She made desperate efforts to reach the side, but made no progress at all. The poor ant almost exhausted was still bravely doing her best when a dove saw her. Moved with pity, the bird threw her a blade of grass, which supported her like a raft, and thus the ant reached the bank again. While she was resting and drying herself in the grass, she heard a man come near. He was walking along barefooted with a gun in his hand. As soon as he saw the dove, he wished to kill it. He would certainly have done so, but the ant bit him in the foot just as he raised his gun to fire. He stopped to see what had bit him, and the dove immediately flew away. It was an animal much weaker and smaller than herself that had saved her life. (163w) 1. The ant could not reach the side though _______. A. she cried for help B. she asked the dove to save her C. she tried very hard D. she could smell well 2. The dove saved the ant because _______. A. she was the ant's friend B. she took pity on the poor ant C. the ant was almost exhausted D. the ant had been struggled in the water for a long time 3. The ant succeeded in getting on the bank with the help of _______. A. a leaf B. a piece of wood C. a blade of grass D. a raft 4. Just as the man shot at the dove, _______. A. the dove immediately flew away B. the dove hid himself in the grass C. the ant told the dove to leave at once D. he felt something biting him in the foot 5. In writing the story, the writer wants to show _______. A. how clever the ant was B. how kind the dove was C. how the ant and the dove helped each other D. we often need help from others, therefore we should help others as much as we can 词汇扩展 ①desperate adj. 拼死的②exhausted adj. 精疲力竭的 ③dove n. 鸽子④blade n. 叶片 Passage 2 Johnny Smith was a good math student at a high school. He loved his computer. He came home early every day, then he worked with it till midnight. But Johnny was not a good English student, not good at all. He got an F in his English class. One day after school Johnny joined his computer to the computer in his high school office. The school office computer had the grades of all the students: the math grades, the science grades, the grades in arts and music, and the grades in English. He found his English grade. An F! Johnny changed his English grade from an F to A. Johnny' parents looked at his report card. They were very happy. "An A in English!" said Johnny's Dad. "You're a very clever boy, Johnny." Johnny is a hacker. Hackers know how to take informationfrom other computers and put new information in. Using a modem, they join their computers to other computers secretly. School headmasters and teachers are worried about hackers. So are the police, for some people even take money from bank computer accountand put it into their own ones. And they never have to leave home to do it! They are called hackers.


高一英语简单阅读理解,七选五 A New York, London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of museums, plays and films. You can also go shopping to buy things from all over the world. But there are serious problems in big cities too. The cost of living is high, and there are too many people in some of big cities. Every year many people move to the cities because there are some chances to find jobs, to study at good schools, and to receive good medical care. But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live in. Also, too many people in a small space make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Some people enjoy living in big cities. Others do not. Before people move to big cities, they should think about the problems of living there. 1.Which is the best title for this passage? A.Big cities B.New York, London, and Paris C.Exciting Places to live in D.Serious Problems in Big Cities 2.In big cities people can . A.go to different kinds of museums B.see all kinds of plays and films C.buy things from all over the world D.A,B,and C 3.Which of the following is true? A.Big cities are not safe and clean enough. B.People can easily find a good place to live in a big city. C.Living in a big city doesn't cost a lot. D.All people like to live in big cities. 4.In this passage the writer advises people . A.to move to a big city B.not to move to a big city C.not to move to a big city without thinking about the problems there D.not to think too much about the problems before they move to a big city 5.Which is not talked about in this passage? A.New York and London are big cities, and so is Paris. B.Big cities are better than small cities. C.Big cities are exciting places to live in. D.Big cities have a lot of serious problems. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 There was once a lonely girl who wanted love very much. One day while she was walking in the woods she found two birds. 16 She took care of them with love and the birds grew strong. Every morning they greeted her with a beautiful song. The girl felt great love for the birds. She wanted their singing to last forever. 17 The larger and stronger of the two birds flew out of the cage. The girl watched worriedly as he flew above her. She was so frightened that he would fly away and she would never see him. So as he flew close, she caught him quickly. She felt very happy. 18 Her love had killed him. She noticed the other bird standing at the door of the cage. She could



高中英语阅读理解解题技巧 总的前提:必须要看懂文章。 再就是要首先确认题型是哪一类题型。 此内容包括:3种题材5种题型 (1)5种题型的认识 (2)5种题型的解答方法 (3)5种题型在文中一哪些形式出题,在文中哪些要注意分析 一,文章特点:高考英语考试中阅读理解语篇题材、体裁的多样化, 文章3文体:有记叙文、说明文、议论文和应用文等多种体裁, 题材:社会生活、政治、经济、文化、人物、故事、 历史、新闻、广告、科普等,贴近现代生活, 有很强的时代感。 二,题目分析:阅读理解多项选择题主要有以下5种题型: 主旨大意题、细节理解题、词义猜测题、、观点态度题、判断推理题等。 三,出题的目的:基于上述测试要点,学生在阅读过程中必须具备下列技能,才能获取和处理信息:1.略读;2.查读;3.预测下文;4.理解大 意;5.分清文章中的事实和观点;6.猜测词义7.推理判断;8, 了解重点细节;9理解文章结构; 10.理解图表信息;11.理解指代 关系;12.理解逻辑关系;13.理解作者意图;14.评价阅读内容。 四、(第一节)解题思路分析 (一)主旨大意题 阅读理解的问题也以如下形式出现: 1. What is the best title for/of the passage? 2. What can be inferred from the passage? 3. What does the author mainly tell us about in the text? 4. What is mainly discussed in the article/passage/text? 概括主旨大意的方法有: A:寻找主题句,有些段落大意在主题句上。 答案多在文章的首句或末句 主题句有的在句首,有的在段中,有的在段尾。 B:寻找关键词,有些段落大意就散落在关键词上。(略读或扫读) 将阅读重点放在首尾部分。(一则省时间,二则目标明确,正确率自然 也相应提高了)。 掌握了找主题句的方法,就可以依据主题句归纳主题。但归纳主题容易出现以下三种错误,需要同学们注意。 1.以偏概全。即只抓住了主题的一个侧面就误以为是主题。 2.过于笼统。即归纳的主题太泛,与细节脱节或是没有对细节加以充分论证。 3.把观点强加给作者。读者往往根据自己的常识对文章进行判断而忽视了作者的见解。
