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Period Period Period Period Period One : Section A 1a-2c Two: Section A 3a-4 Three: Section B 1a-4 Four: Self check Five: Reading
Period One
• SectionA1a – 2c • From page 18 to page 19 • Teacher asks students to discuss topic as followed:
Leabharlann Baidu
should not be allowed to drive. • B:I agree. • They are not old/ calm/serious enough.
• too wild • too young • too silly
not serious not old enough not calm enough
Teacher introduces new words to students and teaches them to read.
• • • • • • pierce v.刺穿刺破 license n.执照;许可证 silly adj.愚蠢的;傻的 earring n.耳环(ear—earring) Instead of 代替 Teacher gives students two minutes to read 1b and plays the 1b ,later on, teacher checks out the question.
Parents should allow fifteen-year-olds to choose their own clothes.
Parents should allow fifteen-yearolds to make their own decision .
Sixteen-yearolds should be allowed to drive.
• Teachers don’t allow us to talking in class. • Teacher allow us to discuss in class. • My head teacher allow us to read books loudly in the morning. • Parents allow us to go out with friends on weekends. • My parents allow me to go shopping with my friends
II. 语言知识目标
理解并正确运用本单元的重点词汇,如:license, silly, study, present, experience, member, sleepy, reply ② 熟练运用 “should (not) be allowed to do‖谈论应该被 允许和不应该被允许做某事 ③ 熟练运用 “I agree / disagree.‖或“ I don’t agree.‖表 ①
I. ①
② ③
语言技能目标 能听懂有关“Rules‖的谈话,并能从中提取信 息和观点, 简单地表达自己的观点和意见,参与讨论。 能用“should be allowed to do‖谈论青少年应该被允许 和不被允许做的事情。
能针对被允许和不被允许做的事情发表自己的观点,并 能陈述同意或不同意的理由。
Unit Three Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.
Written by Lin Gengxiu
Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.
We have a new classmate this term. At the beginning of the term, he wants to know some rules about our school. • What rules do you have at your school? • We should clean up classroom every day. • We should not go to class late.
What do you think this boy think about?
Teenager Sixteen-year-old
t to play with my s. But my father t allow.
Parents should allow teenagers to go out with their friends at night.
go out with their friends every night. drive / get their driver’s licenses. have part-time jobs. get their ears pierced. choose their own clothes.
What do (not) you think teenagers should be allowed to do?
What do you know about her?
• • • • Key words: Teenager earring get ears pierced
• As a teenager, she should (not) be allowed to ……
I (don’t) think teenagers should be allowed to ……
• • • • • 一、单元分析 二、学情分析 三、教学目标 四、重点难点 五、课时安排
• 本单元以“Rules‖为中心话题,以谈论学生在生活、 学习中的应当遵守的各项规则及学生对这些规则的态 度和意见为主线,展示表被允许或不被允许做某事、 叙述同意或不同意理由的语言功能,把话题、交际功 能和语言结构有机的结合起来。通过本单元的学习, 学会使 用“should allow to do‖的被动态“should (not) be allowed to do ‖来谈论在学习、生活中应该 被允许和不被允许做某事,并能发表观点,陈述同意 或不同意的理由。同时学会关注日常生活和学习中的 各种规章制度,对周围世界进行比较客观的认识和评 价,养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯。

license, silly, study, present, member, experience, sleepy, reply, achieve, race, taught, important, succeed, point I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. I agree./ I disagree. I think sixteen is too young. Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work at night? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
• 本单元谈论的是学生非常熟悉又和生活、学习紧密相 关的话题——家规、校规及其他规章制度,能引起学 生的共鸣,激起学习的兴趣。因此,掌握“be (not) allowed to do/ Should (not) be allowed to do‖难度 不大。可以让学生结合生活实际自由谈论各种规章制 度,发表自己的观点,并陈述同意或不同意的理由; 还可以根据实际情况对各种家规、校规进行修改,并 为一些组织机构制定新的规章,体现“为用而学、在 用中学、学了就用”的新课程理念。


被动语态 :动作的承受者+助动词be +及物动词的过去 分词 含情态动词的被动语态结构构成如下: 动作的承受者+情态动词+助动词be+及物动词的过去分词 +by+动作的执行者。(当我们不知道谁是执行者或没 有必要指出时可以省略) Flowers should be watered by us every day. Classroom must be cleaned 。
Listen and check what Kathy thinks. Circle : Agree‖ ―disagree‖ or ―Doesn’t know‖ to show what Molly thinks.
Teacher lets students read 2b and remind students listen careful to correct right order
• Let students use the key words to make similar conversations .
After students practice conversation with partners, teacher encourages them and gives good comments about their perform. Teacher explains 2a and gives students three minutes to prepare for 2a and 2b .
1.Anna can go to the mall with John. 2.Anna wants to get her ears pierced.
3.Anna is allowed to choose her own clothes.
• Teacher asks two students to read 1c of dialogues. • Teacher divides students into group and lets students make similar dialogues with partners. • A: Teenagers

本单元的核心语言项目是“Talk about what you are allowed to do. Agree and disagree‖,话 题 是 “ Rules‖ 。 由 Section A 的 “ Talk about what you are allowed to do at home. Agree and disagree‖, 到 Section B 的 “ Talk about school rules. Change school rules, make new rules for the English club ‖,再到拓展阅读中“Should be allowed to make my own decisions‖,教材始终紧 扣 “ Rules‖ 这 一 主 题 , 贯 穿 “ Talk about what you are allowed to do. Agree and disagree‖这一 主线,使用性强,涉及面广,语言运用量大。通过 赋予知识和技能训练以真实的情景和语境来调动学 生的参与热情;通过听说读写,培养学生综合语言 运用能力,发展学生和谐相处的能力。
III. 情感态度目标

通过了解和反思自己的言行举止是否符合中学生 日常行为准则、规范自己的言行,养成自觉遵守规 则的良好习惯和优良品德。
② 正确看待“家规”“班规”“校规”等,并能认真 遵守。 ③ 明白父母、教师的合理建议对自己成长的重要性
IV. 学习策略目标:
能根据需要进行预习复习,并对所学内容加以整理和 归纳;学会听取要点;在学习过程中能注意发现语言 的规律,并能运用规律对所学知识举一反三,活学活 用 在Pair work, Group work, Guess等活动中能用英语 与人交流。用得体的语言谈论青少年应该遵守的各种 规则,并提出自己的观点。