Keep Your Dreams 执着于你的梦想

Keep Your Dreams 执着于你的梦想
Keep Your Dreams 执着于你的梦想

Keep Your Dreams 执着于你的梦想——明星州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格清华大学演讲

Some of your families maybe don’t believe in your dreams. But let me tell you something, my young friends. Keep your dreams. No matter what, keep your dreams. Don’t give up on them, even when you are temporarily defeated or denied. Keep your dreams. 你们的家人也许不相信你们的梦想,但是,朋友们,让我告诉你们,执着于你的梦想!无论如何,坚持你们的梦想。即使你们遭遇暂时的失败或被否定,也不要放弃你们的梦想。执着于你的梦想。

Well, thank you very much, President. First of all, I want to thank President Gu for having me here, and I want to thank Mr. Qizhi for your kind introduction. Thank you very much.

It is wonderful to be here at this university. What a special place. I just looked around a little bit here, it’s a gorgeous, gorgeous place. I want to congratulate you for going to this magnificent university here.

Now, the last time I was here in China was five years ago, and then I was promoting my movies. They had a movie festival here, the Arnold Schwarzenegger Movie Festival. I remember they showed all my movies for a week—which was a rarity, may I remind you—and they also showed the movies on television. But we also were here to promote Special Olympics, which is an organization that helps people with mental disabilities, so I was here for both reasons.

But this time I’m here as the governor of the great state of California. I’m here

repre senting the people of California, and we’re here on a trade mission to see how we can do more business with China and to help each other, because both California is a very fast growing state, and China is a very fast growing country, and there are a lot of things that we can do for one another.

But I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to come here today and to talk with the young people; as a matter of fact, to the brightest young people of China. And this is why it is so great to be here at the Tsinghua University, and I’m honored that I was invited here.

Now, I read a little bit about the history of Tsinghua, and I learned that actually this school originally prepared students to attend universities in America. Now, I also know that since the attack on our World Trade Centers it has become more and more difficult to go to the universities in America because you need to fill out all kinds of paperwork now and you

have to get visas, and it’s very complicated, and you have to wait a much longer period of time to go over there. But let me tell you, things are improving already. I’ve heard that it’s easing up, the restrictions, and it’s easier to get a visa. My young Chinese friends, I want to tell you that in case no one from America has ever invited you, let me do this right now personally. I want to warmly invite all of you here to come to the United States, and especially to come to California, because that’s the happening place. California is the best place.

Please come and visit us, we will welcome you. I invite you all to come there and to travel, to meet the American people, and to come there and study in our universities, and some day hopefully you will come and do business over there, or maybe you’ll want to move over there. Whatever your goal is, you’re always welcome. America, after all, let’s not forget, is the land of opportunity. And it’s not only the land of opportunity for Austrians like me, but for Chinese people as well. Remember that.

I know that beginning with this century, China is als o becoming a land of opportunity. It’s a fast growing place, and as the students of this great university and the citizens of a rising China, I think that you have a great future also here in this country. And today I want to talk to you a little bit about the dreams, about the dreams of your future, and dreams for this country. I want to talk to you a little bit about dreams, because it seems to me that I’m somewhat of an expert in dreams, because I had a lot of my dreams become a reality. So let me just briefly tell you my story, and tell you a little bit about how I started with my career. I think that this story kind of relates a little bit also to you, and also to China.

I started way back as a weightlifter. I always liked the idea of lifting weights and being a bodybuilder. From the first moment when I gripped a barbell and held it around the bar and lifted the steel up over my head, I felt this exhilaration, and I knew then that this is something that I’m going to do; that I was in love with that, an d this is going to be something that I’m going to do. I’m going to pursue the sport of weightlifting and bodybuilding.

Now, I remember the first real workout that I had. Eight miles away from my home village in Austria there was a gymnasium, and I rode to that gymnasium with a bicycle. And there I trained for half an hour, because they said that after half an hour you should stop because otherwise your body will get really sore. But after half an hour I looked at my body, and nothing had happened. So I sa id, "I’d better work out for another half hour." So I lifted some more. My strength didn’t improve, I didn’t see the muscles pop out or anything

like that, so I trained for another half an hour. And then after another half hour I trained another half hour, and all together I trained two and a half hours.

Well, let me tell you something. After two and a half hours—even though they told me that I shouldn’t train that much or I would get really sore—I left the gymnasium, I rode my bicycle home. And after the first mile I got numb, and I couldn’t feel anymore the handle of the bicycle, and I fell off the bike and I fell into the ditch on the side of the road. So I got up again and I tried it again. Another few yards, I fell off the bicycle again. And I tried it three, four more times, and I just couldn’t ride my bicycle because my body was so numb and my legs felt like noodles.

Well, let me tell you something. The next morning when I got up, my body was so sore that I couldn’t even lift my arms to comb my hai r. I had to have my mother comb my hair, and you know how embarrassing that is. But you know something? I learned a very important lesson, that pain means progress. Pain is progress. Each time my muscles were sore from a workout I knew that they were growing and they were getting stronger.

I think there is a real life lesson in that. After two or three years of discipline and determination and working out hard, I actually changed my body, and I changed my strength. And that told me something; that if I could change my body that much, and if I could change the strength of my body that much, then I could also change anything else. I could change my habits, I could change my intelligence, I could change my attitude, my mind, my future, my life. And this is exactly what I have done. I think that that lesson applies to people, and it also applies to countries. You can change, China can change, everyone in the world can change.

My parents, of course, I have to tell you, didn’t understand my dreams at all. They were always wondering, they said, "What is he doing? When are you going to get a job, a real job? When are you going to make money?" And all of those questions I got. And they said, "I hope we didn’t raise a bum, someone that doesn’t make money and just wa nts to live in a gymnasium and think about their bodies." Well, I endured all of this negative thinking, and the more negative the thinking got, and the more negative the questions got, the stronger and the more positive I became, the stronger I became inside.

So of course some of your families maybe think the same way, and this is why I’m mentioning that. Some of your families maybe don’t believe in your dreams. But let me tell you something, my young friends. Keep your dreams. No matter what, keep your dreams.

Don’t give up on them, even when you are temporarily defeated or denied. Keep your dreams.

I remember the first time I went to the United States and I was competing in a competition, the World Championships in Bodybuilding. I lost. I came in second, and I was devastated.

I was crushed. I felt like a loser, a major loser, let me tell you. I cried, as a matter of fact, because I felt like I disappointed my friends and I disappointed myself. But the next day I got my act together, I shifted gears, an d I said, "I’m going to learn from that lesson. I’m going to stay here in America. I’m not going to go back to Europe. I’m going to stay in America and I’m going to train with the American champions, I’m going to train the American way. I’m going to eat the American food, I’m going to train with the American machines and the principles. And a year later, in America, I became the World Champion in Bodybuilding. So I think this is a very, very important lesson.

And from then on, I continued. My career took off, and everything that I wanted to do I accomplished. First it was to become a champion in bodybuilding. Later on I became a movie star, to do all the great movies, the Conan movies and the Terminator movies and all this. Then I became the governor of the great state of California, of the sixth largest economy in the world. All of this happened because of my dreams, even though other people told me that those dreams were bogus and they were crazy, but I held onto my dreams.

And people would always say, no matter what, even in bodybuilding they said I would never make it. And later on in the movies, in Hollywood they said I would not make it. They said, "You will never make it. You have a German accent. No one in Hollywood has ever made it with a German accent. Yeah, maybe you can play some Nazi roles or something like that, but you cannot become a leading star with an accent. Plus your body, you’re overdeveloped, you have all these muscles. They did Hercules movies 20 years ago, that’s outdated. Now it’s W oody Allen. Woody Allen is in, his body is in." And those were the messages. "And Al Pacino, the skinny guy, he is in. But not your body, it’s too big. And your name, Schwarzenegger, it will never fit on a movie poster. Forget it. Forget it, you will never make it. Go back to bodybuilding."

Well, the rest is history. After Terminator 3, I became the highest paid movie star in Hollywood. And let me tell you something, it continued on. Even when I ran for governor people said, "Arnold, you will never make it. You will never become governor of California. What do you know about government?" Well, the fact is, I knew exactly as much about

government as the rest of the people knew in California, which is that government is out of touch, and it’s out of sync wit h the people, and it needed a shakeup. So I didn’t listen to all those people that said I would never make it. I continued campaigning, I listened to my dreams, and the rest also is history. I became governor.

So always it just carried me on, those dreams. So bodybuilding gave me the confidence, movies gave me the money, and pubic service and being a governor gave me a purpose larger than myself. And that is the brief story of my dreams and a brief story of my early life, and how my dreams made me successful.

A person, of course, should not be stingy with their dreams. So I, of course, don’t just think and dream about myself, but I also have dreams for you, and dreams for China. So let me just talk a little bit about that. China’s economy has become an engine of human progress, lifting millions of people out of poverty. This is a moral and economic good for China and for the rest of the world. I often read that China’s economy is likely to become the largest in the world over the next 50 years, and I think this is terrific. This does not mean, of course, that America will get poorer; it just means that China will get richer, and the United States will benefit from China’s progress as much as the U.S. benefited from the rise of Western Europe after World War II.

Some in my country fear that China’s research and development will overtake America’s, but I believe that America and the world will benefit from China’s scientific and technological advances. I think we will benefit from that. If China makes advances in stem cell research, the rest of the world will benefit from that. If China discovers an energy breakthrough, this is good for the rest of the world, such as the benefit of a free market.

Some fear that China will buy up American companies, but that fear also existed in the

‘80s, when America feared that Japan was going to buy up American companies. So what? It was just good, and to the benefit of America. We should welcome China’s investment in American companies, just as we welcome the billions of dollars that China has invested in U.S. treasury bonds. This shows that China has faith in America, and American investment in China shows that we have faith in you. So I believe that China and U.S. economic relations will become even closer in the years ahead. Certainly I realize that we do not agree on everything, but who does? Certainly I realize that China has major hurdles to overcome, but it is not for me to say how China should overcome those hurdles and achieve its dreams.

But I can tell you, however, what has given America such energy and strength over the last 200 years, and perhaps there are some insights in this for China. America is a nation that believes in the power of the individual, and what the individual can accomplish, no matter the color, no matter the religion, no matter the ethnic background of the individual.

Recently, as you probably have read, Rosa Parks, a former seamstress married to a barber, married to a hairdresser, died, and she lay in honor in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol in Washington. People from around America came to say farewell to her and to thank her for changing our history and for changing our society. Now, what did this 92 year-old black woman do that deserved such great honor? What did she do? Well, in 1955, the days of racial segregation, she had refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. She had refused. Her simple refusal to move to the back of the bus put into motion events that led to my country’s great civil rights movement. The small protes t of a woman that maybe weighed less than 100 lbs. brought down a racist system. As you can see, the individual can make a difference.

Let me tell you about another individual, Ken Behring, a millionaire California businessman who found his passion in giving wheelchairs to poor and physically disabled people all around the globe, including China. He says that he has met people who have spent years in rooms with no window, just lying there and staring up at the ceiling, never seeing the outside world unless someone was willing to pick up that person and take them outside to show them the world. He says that it’s no wonder so many of those physically disabled people dream about being a bird. Mr. Behring says that most of us think that a wheelchair would be a confinement, but to millions of people it is not a confinement, it is freedom, freedom to move and to go to school, freedom to vote, freedom to get a job, and freedom for hope for the future. He has given freedom and wheelchairs to 400,000 people around the world. The individual can make a difference.

My mother-in-law, Eunice Kennedy Shriver—I always like to mention her, because it gets me on the good side of her—she, for instance, started an organization called Special Olympics. She stared Special Olympics which is for people with mental disabilities. And of course when she started that organization she was told by the experts, "Don’t do it. You cannot take people with mental disabilities out of mental institutions and have them participate in sports events. They will drown in the swimming pools. They will kill each other out there, they will hurt each other. Don’t do it." But Eunice Kennedy Shriver had a dream and a passion, and today millions of people compete in Special Olympics around the world, including right here in China. This is why I was here five years ago. Five years

ago you had 50,000 participants in the Special Olympics. Today, five years later, you have 500,000 participants in Special Olympics. 500,000 people are getting a chance to participate in sports programs, getting a chance to have health care, have a chance to be treated equally, with respect and with tolerance. So Eunice Kennedy Shriver exemplifies that the individual can make a difference.

And I think what I’m trying to say to you is that each and every one of you can make a difference. So as you study and as you become smarter, and as you become richer, think about that, that there are millions of people that need your help. Now, you maybe ask yourself the question, what can I do? Well, let me tell you. Even though you maybe have no money or anything, you can go out and help a child that has not yet learned yet how to read. You maybe can go out and help a person that is physically handicapped, to lift them up and to take them outside so they can see the world. There are so many different things that you can do. You maybe can take a person that is mentally disabled, to take them to a soccer game. There are all kinds of things that the individual can do to reach out and to help.

Ima gine what could be accomplished if the dreams of China’s 1.3 billion individuals could be unleashed. Imagine what could happen. Each of you here has the power of the individual within you, you have the power of your dreams within you, and these are tremend ous powers. You’re young, you’re educated, and you are the very best China has to offer. My young Chinese friends, I believe in your dreams. I believe that you can achieve them, and I believe you can make a difference, a big difference. All you have to do is just make the commitment. All you have to do is create the action and commit, and say, "Let’s do it." Go out and do it. I’m asking you. Do it for yourself, do it for China, and do it for the good of the world. Thank you very much for listening. Thank you.


执着,让梦想开花 706班赵天心 海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞,每个人都拥有一个属于自己的梦想。年幼的我,当初的梦想只是一份平淡的渴望,渴望掌声,渴望成功。随着年龄的增长,当我的生活变得丰富多彩时,我心中的梦想,便在生活的每一个角落里芬芳弥漫。 看完《开学第一课》,我心潮澎湃:有梦就要坚持!不错的。梦想,也许只是一个小小的、一闪而过的念头,可多少人为了这个念头而努力,即使伤痕累累,也在坚持!想到这儿,我不觉问自己:“我的梦想又是什么呢?” 还记得初学钢琴时,我总是被一首首美妙的乐曲打动,总是全神贯注地欣赏老师演奏,总是惊叹老师的手能灵活地跳跃在黑白键上。那一刻,我下定决心,要做一名钢琴诗人,和肖邦一样的钢琴诗人! 梦想的实现是一场漫长的修行,心中有了梦想,就要努力去追,就要从不停止。为了实现我钢琴诗人的梦想,我一路奔跑。每天晚上七点,我家的窗口会准时传出基本练习曲的乐声;节日聚会,亲朋好友欢聚一堂的时刻,我却把自己关在一间小小的屋子里,一遍又一遍地练习着曲子。手指发烫了,就在水龙头前冲一冲,凉一凉;手腕酸痛了,就用另一只手揉一揉,捏一捏。曾经,我犹豫过、徘徊过、彷徨过,但在坚持与放弃的闪念里,在那一瞬间,我的眼前会出现郎朗的身影,他为了心中那个影子——汤姆猫穿着燕尾服弹琴的样子,付

出了多大的努力呀!我为什么就不能坚持呢?每次想到这儿,我小小的心里又会涌起一股莫名的、巨大的力量,手指变得更加有力。在一遍又一遍地反复演奏中,指尖源远流淌出美好的弦律。 日复一日,我成长着,梦想也成长着。我的钢琴演奏水平不断提高。如今,我能娴熟地演奏贝多芬的《命运》了,听着激昂的乐曲,我感到十分快乐。踮起脚尖,伸出手,我似乎碰到了梦想的叶子,这是多么美好! 梦想,是人生的灯塔!让我们从现在做起,修剪枝蔓,茁壮心灵,让梦想在荆楚大地上绚丽绽放!

坚定的信念 执著的梦想演讲稿

坚定的信念执著的梦想 西坪镇泉涧小学严正彬 尊敬的各位领导、评委老师、亲爱的老师们: 大家好! 15年前,我这个来自西坪竹山偏僻山村的男性汉族中国公民就踏上了教书育人的梦想讲台,成为了一名光荣的人民教师,这是我一生认为最引以为傲的事情。我的名字叫严正彬,任教于遵义县西坪镇泉涧小学,今天我演讲的题目是“坚定的信念,执著的梦想”。 我经常思考这样一个问题:“人为什么活着?人由什么支撑而活着?”为吃饭穿衣,为生存繁衍,为迷恋花红柳绿的大千世界?我苦苦追寻,茫茫然不知所措。直到2001年11月,我光荣地加入了中国共产党,成了一名光荣的共产党员人民教师。我努力提升着自己的政治素养和文化素养,我了解到:在战争年代,多少仁人志士为了新中国的成立抛头颅,洒热血;多少共产党人为了共产主义的崇高理想鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已;在和平建设时期,雷锋精神,焦裕禄精神一次次激励着我们前行;今天,不知又有多少最美教师,道德感动人物一次次震撼着我们的心。他们为什么那么伟大,我终于知道:那是一种为“信仰”而生,为“梦想”而活的信仰,那是一种为国家,为人民,为民族而活的梦想。人是为坚定的信念而活着,人是为执著的梦想而支撑活着。 2002年12月,我患了左髂骨骨巨细胞瘤,而且活检后得出结论——细胞瘤倾向恶性,遵义医学院建议我到上海动手术,花50万

元钱换掉整套骨盆,防止恶性细胞扩散。年轻的我知道:50万元将牵动多少领导,多少教师,多少学生,多少爱心人士为自己劳心劳力,于是我毅然决定就在遵义医学院动手术。由于细胞瘤侵蚀了我左腿髋骨,医院不得不将其髋骨切除,安装上钢板,因此,我成了肢体残疾人,但我没有向病魔低头,以顽强的毅力战胜了疾病。手术后的我更加体会到了雷锋精神--“我要用有限的生命投入到无限的为人民服务之中去”的深刻内涵。 2003年3月,还需休养的我不顾个人身体状况毅然投入教育教学工作。我认为耽误学生学业无疑是犯罪,只要还能够站起来,就要为学生负责。 “百年大计,教育为本”,“教育大计,教师为本”,国之兴衰,教育为重,教师责重。作为一名光荣的人民教师,我们更应该有坚定的为社会主义现代化建设培养优秀人才的信念,爱岗敬业,关爱学生,为人师表,教书育人。心中始终要有“教师是人类灵魂的工程师”,“教师是太阳底下最光辉灿烂的职业”的信念,不离不弃,奋发向前,为祖国的教育事业送上一份满意的答卷。 今天,习总书记为中华民族构建了一个中国梦,一个灿烂美丽的中国梦。作为我们从事教育教学的教师,我们也必须要有一个执著的梦想,为整个中华民族的素质提升而不懈努力的梦想。我们要通过学


关于梦想感悟的句子 本文是关于关于梦想感悟的句子,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 关于梦想感悟的句子 一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。 不乱于心,不困于情,不畏将来,不念过往,如此,安好。 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就这么忘记了。 每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。 只有经历过地狱般的磨砺,才能练就创造天堂的力量;只有流过血的手指,才能弹出世间的绝响。 我们要有最朴素的生活,与最遥远的梦想。即使明日天寒地冻,路远马亡。 再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。 生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方一定会变成我们最强壮的地方。 你要做一个不动声色的大人了。不准情绪化,不准偷偷想念,不准回头看。去过自己另外的生活。你要听话,不是所有的鱼都会生活在同一片海里。 那时我们有梦,关于文学,关于爱情,关于穿越世界的旅行。如今我们深夜饮酒,杯子碰到一起,都是梦破碎的声音。 去见你想见的人吧。趁阳光正好,趁微风不噪,趁繁花还未开至荼蘼,趁现在还年轻,还可以走很长很长的路,还能诉说很深很深的思念,趁世界还不那么拥挤,趁飞机还没有起飞,趁现在自己的双手还能拥抱彼此,趁我们还有呼吸。 生活不可能像你想象得那么好,但也不会像你想象得那么糟,我觉得人的脆弱和坚强都超乎自己的想象,有时,我可能脆弱得一句话就泪流满面;有时,也发现自己咬着牙走了很长的路。 心之所向素履以往生如逆旅一苇以航 人生最精彩的不是实现梦想的瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程。 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天上云卷云舒。


关于梦想三分钟演讲稿 因为有了青春,才有了梦想,因为有了梦想,人生才不会变得寂寞。下面就由小编为你带来关于梦想三分钟演讲稿,希望你喜欢。 关于梦想三分钟演讲稿篇【1】 青春者,如四季之春,犹一日之晨。充满生机,溢满活力。青春时代是人生最具梦想的时代。在这阶段,我们激情四射,有着火一样的热情;在这阶段,我们雄心壮志,铁骨凌云冲九霄;在这阶段,我们勇敢无畏,用年轻的心去拥抱创造力。然而,随着市场经济的发展,随着某些国家不怀好意的文化入侵,我却看到了与该有的青春大相径庭的一幕。越来越多的青少年沉迷于色情,沉迷于网吧,沉迷于游戏,沉迷于那些腐蚀思想的事物关于青春梦想的励志演讲稿大全关于青春梦想的励志演讲稿大全。 你是否以为你的青春应该是整天无病呻吟的诉说?你是否以为你的青春应该是lol打到最高级开启排位赛?你是否以为你的青春是街头混混的洗剪吹?不,你错了。你可知道岳鹏举英勇抗金只为一句“靖康耻,犹未雪,臣子恨,何时灭”?你可知道鲁迅年轻时弃医从文只为挽救我大中华之复兴? 你可知道周恩来只

为我中华之崛起而读书?你可知道毛泽东“一唱雄鸡天下白”的背后是光复我中华民族的土地? 你也曾想过,那些伟人是如何走到成功的一步?是啊你想过,可是想过之后你是否又是埋头继续你的一遍遍的微博刷新?让我来告诉你,是梦想,是只愿我民族安好的梦想,是只愿我炎黄子孙不再受列强欺辱的梦想,是推翻殖民统治的梦想,是只愿我中华几千年文化复兴的梦想。青春之火就是在他们的梦想之光中点燃,青春之火就是在他们的梦想之光中盛放,青春之火就是在他们的梦想之光中继续翱翔。 也许,你又在想,有几人可成寥寥无几的伟人,那样远大的梦想可现实否?你又错了,梦想不在远大,在它能否带着你冲向人生的巅峰,在它能否成为让你明白青春之时不虚度光阴的导航。 为什么你的青春不是激情张扬?为什么你的青春渐无梦想? 为什么你的青春梦想被你漠然的抛弃在荒郊野岭?你可知道被你抛弃的它在荒芜的角落看着你时暗自垂泪。青春的你啊,你怎可没有梦想?没有梦想的你,可知青春随着你的堕落渐渐消失;没有梦想的你,可知莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切? 还记得小时候有一个梦想,那就是让比我不幸的人过的比我更幸福


关于坚定理想信念感悟体会 【篇一】 坚定理想信念,树立正确的事业观、权力观、价值观。理想信念是鼓舞和激励人奋勇前行的不竭动力,是我们成就事业的重要基础。没有理想就没有目标,没有信念就没有实现目标的动力。因此,我们要具有坚定的理想信念,时刻充满干好工作的激情和活力。现在的社会是一个经济社会快速发展、各种价值观纷繁出现的时代,这样那样的诱惑不断的向我们“招手”,越是在这样的环境之中,我们越要经得住诱惑。不断加强学习,注重自我修养。要始终不骄不躁、谦虚谨慎、保持一颗平常心和进取心。要扎实工作,淡泊名利,以平和的心态对待升迁,以豁达的胸怀处理得失,以奉献的精神服务社会。 立足本职岗位,在平凡的工作中实现理想和价值。理想和信念不是一句空话,因此,作为领导既要胸怀大志,更要立足现实,要着眼本职岗位,扎扎实实地从小事做起,从自己做起,时时处处严格要求自己,爱岗敬业,用心钻研;要干一行,爱一行,通一行,精益求精,不断发展;要充分发挥岗位职责,埋头苦干,积极奉献 加强业务学习,不断提高自身综合素质。作为领导具有文化水平高,接受新鲜事物快的自身优势。但当前社会是个大发展、大变革、知识快速更新的社会,科学技术日新月异,新事物不断涌现,新问题层出不穷。因此,作为领导,要树立终身学习的思想,增强学习的自觉性和主动性。不断提高自己认识问题和分析问题的能力,不断充实

完善个人知识结构;要加强对业务知识的学习。 勇于担当,在攻坚克难中砥砺品质、锤炼作风。作为领导具有充沛的精力和体力,但在现实工作中,也存在个别领导工作上拈轻怕重,个人得失上斤斤计较,遇有棘手问题或出现失误时,惯于推脱和撇清自己的现象。作为领导应勇于担当,在艰苦和复杂环境中砥砺品质、锤炼作风。要不怕苦累,不推不拖,积极干、主动干,敢于负责,不怕挫折,不怕承担责任。要不断培养责任意识和担当意识,工作中不患得患失,要事事冲在前面、干在前面,有功多让,有过不推,处处发挥模范作用,以良好的精神面貌和过硬的工作业绩树立自我形象,赢得大家认可。 【篇二】 坚定理想信念,是新时期保持共产党员先进性的首要的基本要求。在开展先进性教育活动中,各单位十分重视结合党员的思想实际进行理想信念教育。许多老同志说,像这样认真而郑重地学习党章,从理想信念这个基本问题入手,提高党员的思想政治觉悟,机会十分难得。这样的学习,使广大共产党员更高地扬起了理想的旗帜。许多新党员说,思考我们党是一个什么样的组织,入党意味着什么,这样的集中学习教育,唤起为建设中国特色社会主义不懈奋斗的情感。绝大多数党员都感到,学习阶段时间不长,收获很大,是一次认识的提高,是一次思想的锤炼,是一次境界的升华。 我们的党之所以能够在残酷的环境中生存,在艰苦奋斗中壮大,脱颖而出,由弱到强,成为执掌政权并长期执政的党,最根本的是我


三分钟精彩演讲稿梦想5篇 三分钟精彩演讲稿梦想5篇 导语:梦想,是坚信自己的信念,完成理想的欲望和永不放弃的坚持,是每个拥有她的人最伟大的财富。以下是励志故事网的小编给大家精选的三分钟精彩演讲稿梦想5篇,希望大家能从中有所启发。 篇1 梦想,简简单单的两个字却包含了太多太多。有人说:有理想并为之奋斗的人一定是坚强的人,有梦想并陶醉其中的人一定是浪漫的人。而我想说:梦想,真的很美,拥有梦想并为之奋斗的人,更美。 认认真真地看完了《开学第一课》,给了我很大的感触。小时候,梦想真的很简单。那时候我们不管梦想是否现实,科学家,艺术家,老师,医生,等等一切美好的职业都能成为我们梦想中最美好的点缀。也正是因为这些美好的梦想伴随着我们一步步地成长,到如今,我们已经学会为着自己的梦想而努力奋斗,我们已经懂得追逐自己的梦想,并且不放弃。我想,梦想贵在坚持。寻梦的旅途是坎坷的,梦想的终点是遥远的,但是未来却是光明的。当一个身体残缺的人为着梦

想不懈地努力,当刘伟用那双人人都拥有的平凡的脚弹奏出一首首不平凡的钢琴曲时,你是否想过自己对于梦想的态度,是否真的坚持过?当孟衡在水中起伏的时候,当他因梦想失败而愤怒地嘶喊的时候,他父亲告诉他,这只是梦想的第一步,跌倒了,再站起来。一个成功背后至少有一千个错误,我们永远都只能是倒下了再站起来。 我想,梦想贵在脚踏实地。马云说的几句话让我记忆犹新。他说:其实梦想不必要很大,只需要觉得你能做得到。梦想永远跟眼泪和汗水是在一起的。假如梦想离开了眼泪和汗水那就变成乱想和空想。每个人都有梦想,每个阶段都有不同的梦想,我不例外,你也不例外。但是,你是否真的有努力地去追求过? 梦想是可以传递的,韩璇的梦想是做一名教师,可是他却已经无法实现了。而如今,我站在这里,追求着我的梦想,也是做一名教师的梦想。说实话在这之前,我从没真正地意识到将来我要做一名人民教师。可是就从现在开始,就从演讲开始,因为这是为成为一名合格教师所做的铺垫,这也是我寻梦途中的一块基石。对于这个梦想的未来我似乎还缺少点信心,因为就目前的我,我们而言,距离成为一位合格教师的资格还差很远。但是我想借章子怡最后的那句话与大家共勉:“为梦想,做一个坚强勇敢的女人。” 篇2


坚定信心追求梦想的演讲稿梦想,是对未来的一种期望,指在未来想实现的事或是达到的境况。坚定信心追求梦想的演讲稿,我们来看看下文。 篇一:坚定信心追求梦想的演讲稿各位同学: 大家好!我叫xx,今天我演讲的题目是——坚定信心,追求梦想。 时光如流水般飞逝,中考离我们越来越近了,我仿佛已听到了它那滴答滴答的脚步声。100天,99天,98天-------在这短暂而紧迫的时间中,我们该如何度过初中这最后的时光呢?我想,我们已没有退路,只有争分夺秒地去抓住时光的尾巴,加倍努力地学习,朝着我们梦中的理想去拼搏,拼搏,再拼搏。 虽然,我们目前的学习情况并不很好,但是,我们不应该对学习失去信心,丧失兴趣,从而放弃对梦想的追求。我想,在座的同学们没有一个人愿意放纵自己,做一个人人都瞧不起的人。在此,我想大声地喊一声:把我们学习以外的东西,把那些种种的诱-惑统统抛在脑后吧!清除杂念,奋发努力,我相信我们每个人都会有不同的收获。 现在我们所面临的形势非常紧迫,关键就是要求我们集中精力,树立一个坚定的信念。信念,就好比是巍巍大厦的栋梁,没有它,大厦就是一堆散乱的砖瓦;信念,又好比是滔滔大河的河床,没有它,河水就只是一片泛滥的汪洋。同

学们,即使我们现在的基础不是很好,但是只要我们去努力学习,把以前所落下的知识一点点地啃下来,把一道道难题攻克掉,我想,在中考中,我们就会取得意想不到的成绩,使别人改变对我们的印象。 而现在,我们确有些同学度日如年,自暴自弃,他们就像是失去梦想的风筝,随风飘落。——这是老师们愿意看到的吗?——这是家长们愿意看到的吗?少壮不努力,老大徒丧悲。莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴-------。从古自今,不知有多少人仁志士,他们写下了许许多多劝勉青少年珍惜时光,发奋努力的诗句。 面对初三年的挑战,我们要有坚定的目标。 面对初三年的挑战,我们需要的是自信。结果并不重要,只要你努力了,你就是最棒的。 同学们,过去属于死神,未来属于我们自己。老师的责任是让我们有个美好的明天,而我们的责任是让明天有个美好的未来。坚持的昨天叫立足,坚持的今天叫进取,坚持的明天就会成功。只要我们坚持不懈,努力进取,高中的大门就会对我们每个人敞开的。 谢谢大家! 篇二:坚定信心追求梦想的演讲稿各位老师,同学:大家好! 无论是你,是他,还是我,当我们走进这个纷繁的世界


【初一作文】让梦想开花作文600字 【让梦想开花】 李俊毅 人们常说:“有梦才会去追,追了,才有机会成功。”即使失败,也会有很大的收获。 每当听到这句话,我总会想起刚上初中的梦想——考上年级前50名。 我从刚上初中开始,就成绩平平,总是排在班级的30名,40名左右。每次考完试回 家都会被家长教训一番,自此,我暗暗下定决心:一定要上年级前50名!但对于当时的 我来说,年级50名是一道难关,是一座难以攻破的城池,我知道这将是一场艰苦而又漫 长的一场恶战,但我没有放弃,我不去想未来的路是否布满荆棘,既然选择了远方,便只 顾风雨兼程。 我开始阅读各大名著,以增长见识;我开始刷各种难题,以磨炼思维;我开始读记默测,以提高成绩。后来发现,一天的学习时间根本不够,还完成不了计划中的一半,于是,我开始挤压课余时间:下课少玩几分钟,洗澡少洗几分钟,打球少投几个蓝……渐渐地, 我发现时间多了起来,不仅能完成当天计划,还能预习一下明天的功课,巩固一下今天的 旧识。” 期中考试,如约而至。我等的就是它!我足足为这次考试准备了半个学期,信心满满,本以为准能上前50名,但成绩一发下来,我发现自己还差得远——年级71名。 我不甘心,我努力了,却为什么不能达到的目标,看着那白纸黑字的成绩单,我有点 想放弃了,心中想着:也许他们都是天才呢!这时,我又想起NBA球星科比的一句话:当 你想要放弃时,想想当初是什么让你走到了这里。顿时热血沸腾,披上战甲,重返战场。 这一次我比上次更努力,更拼命,我学会了总结。又是半个学期艰苦鏖战,期末考试 向我走来。这一次,我不再骄傲自满,而是更加谨慎仔细。终于,我考上了年级前50名! 如今,我不断进步,前30名,前20,成绩优秀的名单上总会有我的名字。 经过了这么久的艰苦灌溉,我终于让梦想开出了灿烂的花朵! 【让梦想开花】 李栋梁 梦想如花,需要孜孜不倦的灌溉与日积月累的呵护,才能绽放属于它的光彩。 曾经,自从看到了电视上球员各种飘逸帅气的投篮,篮球梦就在我的心里扎根。


执着梦想作文 篇一:执着创新,放飞梦想 无论那个人都有自己的梦想,而想要实现梦想,就必须要付出。可以说,梦想是黑暗中的一盏灯,是前进的力量,是成功的起源,也是人确定那个自己的目标。 没有大到不能完成的梦想,只有朝着确定的目标,才有实现梦想的希望。如果半途而废,往往不是难度大,而是觉得成功离他们较远。确切地说:他们不是因为失败而放弃,是因为倦怠而失败,但有的人却坚持不懈,取得成功。如:李时珍想象父亲一样救死扶伤而努力学习,成为一位医药大师;汪翠萍想让爸爸不在为猪饲料担心,汪翠萍便制造出新饲料,被称为“小发明家”;韩伟想改变农村生活,便开始养鸡,得到了数十亿元的财富,被称为“中国养鸡大王”。这些颇有成就的人,因为他们坚守自己的梦想,所以实现了自己的梦想。 我有一个梦想,就是成为一名科学家。虽然这条路很遥远,很艰难,但是我很努力。我从小就喜欢探索科学的奥秘,爱动脑筋,肯下功夫,刻苦学习,这条路会有许多绊脚石,但我会小心翼翼的行走,走向终点,我会不断创新,放飞梦想。 让我们执着创新,放飞梦想把!努力奋斗!刻苦学习!为远大的梦想垫底,为未来的路铺上红地毯。记住,跌倒了再爬起来。

坚持就是胜利!失败就是成功之母! 篇二:执着梦想 “有梦想,我们的人生会更精彩”。每个人都有自己独一无二的梦想,梦想是靠人实现的,只要执着梦想,努力完成梦想,自己就会成功。梦想是你的天空最闪耀的一颗晨星,照亮了你的未来。如果想实现自己的梦想,就必须勇敢地卷进梦想漩涡一个感人的故事,是实现梦想的斗志使感人变成了高兴、不放弃。一个失去双臂的阳光男孩杨孟衡哥哥,爱上了游泳,而自己却不能实现梦想当游泳比赛冠军,痛苦的杨孟衡哥哥嘶叫着,好像心都碎了。带来希望的父亲告诉他:“每个人的梦想都很多,可能只能完成一个,但这才是实现梦想的第一步……”父亲的一番话,激活了阳光男孩的斗志,“为什么人要跌倒,我们有梦想,就必须坚持。”杨孟衡哥哥坚持,不放弃,要知道一个没有双臂的人来游泳,是多么困难啊!况且还要拿冠军。杨孟衡哥哥说:“早晚有一天自己飞,也总有一天自己有飞。”杨孟衡哥哥没有实现梦想,但他还是一直坚持……(中国作文网 ) 我的梦想有好多,第一个梦想是当科学家,我小时候梦见自己当上科学家,解开了世界所有问题。但我并不觉得很遥远,俗话说:“只要功夫深,铁柱磨成针。”只要自己努力,好好学习,什么事都有可能,我还想过当老师,当老师可以教育更多人知识,我要带领他们怎样智慧地走进知识海洋。这两个梦想是我最大,也是最想实现的。我也想开一个花店,天天看着可爱的花朵竟相


对梦想的理解和感受 梦想的力量有的时候很强大,只要有决心、有毅力坚持不懈就一定会成功,无论多么的艰难和多么的困苦,只要内心深处有这种毅力,有这种信念,仿佛就是野火烧不尽,春风吹又生的感觉一样激励着我。 在我想放弃的时候,想到自己的梦想,身上忽然就有了一种力量,一种促进我上前进的力量。我相信这要心中坚持自己的梦想,不放弃,并努力为自己的梦想而奋斗、拼搏。我们的梦想就会实现。(王荣荣) 梦想在每一个的心理都是强大的精神支柱,梦想能否成功,完全取决于看你的行动,看你的实践,有的人通过了自己的努力和奋斗,不断的拼搏进取,最后实现了自己的梦想,有的人在实现自己梦想的道路上遇到困难,不能坚持到底,而半路放弃,从而失去了实现梦想的机会。我相信只要你坚持自己的梦想,就一定会成功,当你成功的时刻,你的内心一定是快乐的,你一定是幸福的。(刘晴)梦想的力量是强大的,他是不可替代的,但有时候又是最脆弱的,因为有些人会抓住一切机会来实现自己的梦想,有些人不好好把握它,让它白白流失,错过这个实现自己梦想的好机会。他们之所以会成功,因为他们实现梦想的决心是不可动摇的。梦想的实现只能靠自己,只要你努力了,奋斗了拼搏了,才能牢牢把握这个机会,其实梦想也懂得人世间的所有美好的感情,只有你努力,它才会被你的执著而感动,为你洒下实现梦想的种子,让你去播种,去收获去实现自己的梦想。(刘晓曼) 梦想可以让你放弃一切去实现,梦想的力量是巨大的,你不能只因为一点点的坎坷而放弃你的梦想,那你将会半途而废,梦想要靠你自己一点点去实现,哪怕是只有一点点小小的希望也要牢牢的抓住它,没有不播种就盛开的花,也没有不付出就成功的。所以梦想要在自己辛苦去播种,和自己细心的照料下才会发芽,


尊敬的各位评委、亲爱的同学们: 大家晚上好!首先感谢我测控二班亲友团的大力支持!千山同一月,万户尽皆春,千江 有水千江月,万里无云万里天,我是吴云天,来自09级测控二班,我的参赛宣言是`比赛固 然重要,友谊却比天高',愿在座的各位心想事成、梦想成真!我今天的演讲题目是:“成就 梦想,抒写人生!” 背负着父辈大山一样的期望, 包孕着一个封存已久的理想, 你艰难地挺出了那片土壤, 抬眼眺望,绿色装饰了你的视野, 万木竟发,谁能将梦想成就辉煌, 迅速成长,才能早日成为世间栋梁! 1 众所周知,梦想是人们内心最深切的渴望,梦想能让你产生热情,而这种热情可以让你 创造无法想象的奇迹。 夜空的繁星是对我们的祝福,遍地的鲜花是我们美丽的畅想,希望就在前方,花样的年 华,无限的精力和激情是我们的资本,运用好这些不可重来的资本,用我们的青春和热情不 断创造奇迹,带着梦想起飞,抒写美好的人生! 2篇二:关于理想的三分钟演讲稿 理想与现实三分钟演讲稿 说起理想,我想起曾经有人给我讲过这么一个笑话——记着问深山里的一个老人妇:你 的理想是什么?答:吃个菜馍馍。问:给你十万会做什么?答:每天吃菜馍馍;又问,给你 二十万呢?答:每天吃肉馍馍;最后问:给你一百万呢?答:每天一手菜馍馍,一手肉馍馍。 你们可能会觉得老妇人的理想好笑,但是谁的理想在说出来的时候不是被别人笑话或者表示 不屑甚至嘲讽的? 奥运史上第一个独得三枚田径金牌的女子是美国的威尔玛·鲁道夫,她辉煌的成绩足以 令世人感叹,可她曾经被医生判定为终生残疾,曾经有六年不会走路。但年幼的威尔玛立志 要成为最优秀的田径运动员,周围的人都表示不可置信,并且还将不信任转为嘲讽。可她并 不就此退缩,这个可望而不可即的理想激励着她不顾别人的嘲讽,日复一日年复一年的努力, 终于赢得了鲜花和掌声,创造了辉煌的奇迹。她的成功在于她将遥不可及的理想转变为了现 实去实现。有一位哲人说过:“梦里走了许多路,醒来还是在床上。”它形象地告诉我们一个 道理:现实和理想是有差距的,人不能总是沉湎与理想而不去努力实现。 前人说得好,“有志之人立长志,无志之人常立志”,那些无志之人的“志”,就是美梦, 就是所谓的“理想”,他们把自己的蓝图构画得再美好,再完善,也只是空中楼阁,海市蜃楼 罢了。同学们,你是立长志之人,还是常立志之人呢?作为一名大学生就应该在这一时期, 努力学习,奋发向上,找到一片属于自己的天空。青年是祖国的希望,民族的未来。每个人 主宰着自己的明天。 最后我想用梁启超的话来结束今天的演讲:“少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国 强,少年进步则国进步,少年雄于地球,则国雄于地球。”让我们洒一路汗水,饮一路风尘, 嚼一跟艰辛,让青春在红旗下继续燃烧;愿每一位青年都怀抱着自己的理想,将理想转变为 现实,在现实里实现理想!在人生的航程上不断乘风破浪,奋勇前进!篇三:三分钟演讲稿 范文 三分钟演讲稿范文 尊敬的老师,同学们: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是《最初的梦想》 最初的梦想就握在自己手上,最想要去的地方就别在半路返航。


追求让梦想花开作文精选3篇 在这个物欲横流,繁华而喧闹的社会里,每一个人都有自己的追求,有些人为了生计 而奔波劳累,为的只是追求更好的生活;有些人虽然已经功成名就,但仍为自己的梦想不 断拼搏奋斗;还有的人像我一样,抛开繁多的世俗,扫去心灵的尘杂,只为追求内心的宁静,静候梦想之花绽放光彩。 一代田园诗人陶渊明厌烦追名逐利的官场,对田园生活的向往,毅然选择了归隐山林,“结庐在人境,而无车马喧。问君何能尔,心远地自偏。”诗词无不透露出他对内心宁静 的追求。正是他这种生活态度,被世人所赏识,他的作品得以流芳百世。杰出音乐家贝多 芬在自己音乐道路上顺风顺水时,突患耳疾致聋,但他并没有因此放弃,而是扼住命运的 喉咙,享受内心的宁静,倾听内心的声音,最终作出《英雄交响曲》等著作,实现梦想的 绽放。 54岁的诸葛亮就曾经给他儿子的《诫子书》中写到“非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。”这既是诸葛亮一生经历的总结,更是对他儿子的要求,当中的宁静致远,更要求我 们追求身心的宁静,只有达到心境安宁,才能实现远大志向。反观今日,竟然出现了名著“死活读不下去”的现象,四大名著全在榜单之内,这调查实在令人咋舌,其重要原因是 时下风气浮躁,人们急于求成,在大量快餐式阅读的流行中静不下心,试问在这种内心浮躁,连一本名著都读不下去的情况下,高谈中国梦,我的梦又有何意义? 回到我们的生活当中,许多人和我一样,在时间毫不留情的流逝中即将踏入高考的殿堂,曾经我的内心也历经过浮躁,总是想着时间快点再快点,为一道再简单不过的数学题 但做不出来而发脾气。“养心莫若寡欲,至乐无如读书”,现在的我已摆好心态,在学习 和生活中追求内心的宁静,竭我所能,让梦想花开。 追求,追求是什么?追求就是自己的人生目标,就是要明确自己想要什么?就是懂得 要追求的是什么?就是指明了我们人生的方向。追求,可以让梦想花开。 每个人都会有自己的追求,或是这样,或是那样。有的人追求一日三餐的温饱;有的 人追求健康与快乐;有的人追求挥金如土;有的人追求奉献社会…… 追求是一种无上的快乐,只要你追求的是积极的,进步的东西,那么当你全身心投入时,你就会感到一种无以伦比的快乐,也会使周边的人一起享受这快乐。杜甫追求的是 “安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜”,所以才有“吾庐独破受冻死亦足”的满足与 欣慰;苏轼追求的是“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”,所以才会在仕途不顺,一贬再贬下, 依然有着美好的精神寄托,“食芋饮水,着书以为乐”;文天祥追求的’是“人生自古谁 无死,留取丹心照汗青”,所以才做到了人生的最高境界“为国而捐躯”光彩。愚者的追 求是低级庸俗的,他们追求的只是外在的美丽和洒脱,他们追求的十分肤浅。有的人追求

Keep Your Dreams 执着于你的梦想

Keep Your Dreams 执着于你的梦想——明星州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格清华大学演讲 Some of your families maybe don’t believe in your dreams. But let me tell you something, my young friends. Keep your dreams. No matter what, keep your dreams. Don’t give up on them, even when you are temporarily defeated or denied. Keep your dreams. 你们的家人也许不相信你们的梦想,但是,朋友们,让我告诉你们,执着于你的梦想!无论如何,坚持你们的梦想。即使你们遭遇暂时的失败或被否定,也不要放弃你们的梦想。执着于你的梦想。 Well, thank you very much, President. First of all, I want to thank President Gu for having me here, and I want to thank Mr. Qizhi for your kind introduction. Thank you very much. It is wonderful to be here at this university. What a special place. I just looked around a little bit here, it’s a gorgeous, gorgeous place. I want to congratulate you for going to this magnificent university here. Now, the last time I was here in China was five years ago, and then I was promoting my movies. They had a movie festival here, the Arnold Schwarzenegger Movie Festival. I remember they showed all my movies for a week—which was a rarity, may I remind you—and they also showed the movies on television. But we also were here to promote Special Olympics, which is an organization that helps people with mental disabilities, so I was here for both reasons. But this time I’m here as the governor of the great state of California. I’m here repre senting the people of California, and we’re here on a trade mission to see how we can do more business with China and to help each other, because both California is a very fast growing state, and China is a very fast growing country, and there are a lot of things that we can do for one another. But I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to come here today and to talk with the young people; as a matter of fact, to the brightest young people of China. And this is why it is so great to be here at the Tsinghua University, and I’m honored that I was invited here. Now, I read a little bit about the history of Tsinghua, and I learned that actually this school originally prepared students to attend universities in America. Now, I also know that since the attack on our World Trade Centers it has become more and more difficult to go to the universities in America because you need to fill out all kinds of paperwork now and you


编号:YB-JH-0375 ( 演讲稿) 部门:_____________________ 姓名:_____________________ 日期:_____________________ WORD文档/ A4打印/ 可编辑 三分钟精彩梦想主题演讲稿 (最新版) The speech drafts have the functions of propaganda, agitation, education and appreciation, making them convinced and empathizing in their thoughts and feelings.

三分钟精彩梦想主题演讲稿(最新版) 本演讲稿作用为:可以用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经 验等等;演讲稿具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,它可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众 以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本内容可以放心修改调整或直接使用。 篇一 各位尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 苏格拉底曾经说过:世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而坚持奋斗。一个人缺少了梦想这个指示牌就会迷失方向,人生也就会变得索然无味。那梦想是如此真实,又遥远而不可求。因为那是心中不灭的追求,是浮现于现实与繁华。 在跨入中学的大门前,我先是苦命思想了一下,想像自己在接下来的三年中的生活中的丰功伟绩;想象自己每天是有多么的优秀;想象自己么一天的生活都将是五彩的勾勒。可是现实总是残酷的,他不会让你在成长的道路中一帆风顺,而是给了你百般设障,一个又一个的面临着选择。现实:成绩没能够考好,受到家人的一遍又一遍的训骂;不能够把一个小事给满意的解决到,受到老师的批评;


施瓦辛格清华大学《执着于你的梦想》英语 演讲稿 Some of your families maybe don’t believe in your dreams. But let me tell you something, myyoung friends. Keep your dreams. No matter what, keep your dreams. Don’t give up on them,even when you are temporarily defeated or denied. Keep your dreams. Well, thank you very much, President. First of all, I want to thank President Gu for having mehere, and I want to thank Mr. Qizhi for your kind introduction. Thank you very much. It is wonderful to be here at this university. What a special place. I just looked around a littlebit here, it’s a gorgeous, gorgeous place. I want to congratulate you for going to thismagnificent university here. Now, the last time I was here in China was five years ago, and then I was promoting mymovies. They had a movie festival here, the Arnold Schwarzenegger Movie Festival. I rememberthey showed all my movies for a week—which was a rarity, may I remind you—and they alsoshowed the movies on television. But we also were here to promote Special Olympics, which isan organization that helps people with mental disabilities, so I was here for 1 / 15


关于梦想的励志演讲稿大全 放飞青春梦想演讲稿(一) 总是让心声装满期待,总是让梦想连着未来,我们的心海,是一首纯真浪漫的歌谣,是一条绚丽缤纷的彩带,是跳动着不知疲倦的音符,是播种着充满希望的未来! 带着一路风尘,带着对青春的渴望和对五彩梦幻的追求,我们终于走到一起来了。面对未来和自我的挑战,只有让理想在这里放飞,青春才可以变得色彩斑斓! 青春如梦,岁月如歌,时不消逝,何能复得?青春是人生中一段难以磨灭的插曲,它注定是“不平凡”的。它需要我们用心灵和智慧去诠译,它更需要我们用勇气和自信去充实。当我们背起行囊,来到了平顶山这个象牙塔,青春就该由我们来抒写和舔彩了! 人的生命只有一次,生命本来就是脆弱的。但是有了理想的支撑,生命就可以变得坚强。正因为如此,我们曾经走过的那段漫长而又充满荆棘的道路,才让我们不悄一顾,我们曾经用艰辛的汗水冲散了痛苦,用坚强的信念在崎岖的道路上铺就了一条通往理想的平坦大道,我们要学会珍惜这里的一切,要在风雨雷电中成长,在坎坷泥泞中拼搏,在惊涛骇浪中奋进,在险滩暗礁是开阔,我相信美丽的生命,是一团熊熊燃烧的烈火,是一曲响彻云霄的凯歌。

在生活中,我们也许面对“占有”,也许面对“感悟”,但无论如何,我们都要选择后者。青春的价值不在于每天忙忙碌碌或者碌碌无为,它需要我们用心灵去深深地体验和感悟,用理想去选择和造就自己。人生犹如一个坐标,时间是纵轴,理想是横轴,人生的目标就在这个坐标中移动。人生就像通往理想的拾级而上的台阶,每上一步,都会留下不同的印迹,这样我们才会抒写出不同的人生篇章! 让我们打开美好的心灵,让理想在他乡飞翔吧,不要让它随着时光的流逝而消逝。要用青春去揍响生命的乐章,我相信每一个音符都将是理想的归宿!青春梦想演讲稿啊!理想是勤奋者织就的一幅画,智慧者开拓的一片天空,劳动者用血汗养育的一朵花,执著者用丹心炼就的一片情! 让青春与梦想齐飞也许你正挣扎于人生的得失,也许你正徘徊于痛苦的边缘,也许你曾经苦苦等待,也许你曾经失败,但请记住,其实这一切都部重要,重要的是我们拥有青春,我们拥是有梦想! 拥有梦想的青春是简单快乐的,拥有梦想的青春是奋发向前的,拥有梦想的青春是无所畏惧的,拥有梦想的青春是所向无敌的! 来吧,用梦想的翅膀承载起青春的心,让青春与梦想齐飞! 在极速发展的社会中,在事过境迁的现实里,青春是我


【以梦想为主题的优秀演讲稿3分钟】梦想为主题的演讲稿用时间和自己的精力作为翅膀飞向未来,你我的未来并非不可遥及的梦想。为大家了以梦想为主题的优秀演讲稿3分钟,希望对你有帮助。 亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家好! 很高兴能站在这里演讲,今天我演讲的题目是《坚持成就梦想》。 当浦江的浪花摇落满天繁星,点亮我们身后中国馆敞开的门窗,我们在流光异彩的世博园里,我的梦在长城上生长,这梦想的长城,正在延伸祖先的荣光,长城的脚下,是五千年文明的土壤,长城的天界,是一个名叫未来的地方,下一个百年,我的梦,中国梦,花开何方,来吧!同学们!请打开心中最美丽的翅膀,这一刻让我们一起飞向北京,在那万里长城之上对话星空,和世界一起分享, 今夜当世博园的灯光相逢长城的目光,我们要在这里集合起所有属于未来的梦想,哪怕只是一道稍纵即逝的流星,也请关注它,也许哪一天就能触发出新世界的曙光,请未来登上长城吧!一起收获中国少年永无止尽的梦想,少年智则中国智,少年强则中国强,我的梦

是中国梦,中国的梦是我们的梦,要实现梦想,不单单要靠自己的努力,更重要的需要同伴多给我鼓励,给我帮助,理解,支持,也就是这份理解,支持,最终会实现我们的梦想。坚持成就梦想。 人可有很多梦想,但是可能实现一个就足够了,只不过是刚刚才第一步跌到了,为什麽就不愿爬起来?明天总要面对,明天太阳还要升起,我们如果还想继续走下去的话,那只能换一条路。天空不留鸟飞的痕迹,但我已经飞过,如果我们尽力了,却依然抵达不了梦的彼岸,我们无悔,因为我们至少奋斗过,如果我们付出了,得到的却不成正比的收获,我们无悔,以为至少我们付出过,此刻,唯有向前,唯有向前 小时候,其实变换梦想没有关系,你需要的是不断的去想,不断地去想快乐的事情,其实梦想不必要很大,只需要觉得这很现实,这你能做得到,但第二个是梦想跟眼泪和汗水,是在一起的,假如梦想离开了汗水的眼泪,那就变成乱想,空想。 敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好,今天我演讲的题目是《我的梦想》。


追求让梦想花开作文让梦想开花为话题写一篇作文 此次赛后他又开始了废寝忘食的训练。功夫不负有心人,xx年在国际田联超级大奖赛洛桑站男子110米栏的决赛中,刘翔以12秒88的成绩夺得金牌,并打破了沉睡13年之久的男子110米栏世界纪录!当初幼小的花芽,经过汗水的浸泡已经散发出满世界的芬芳了! 我知道,我的这些梦想其实刚冒芽儿,谁会想到一个黄种人有一天会登上110米栏的冠军领奖台呢,连破土的机会都不给它,这样,苦练球技,持之以恒的努力终于催开了梦想的花蕾——她如愿以偿站上了世界冠军的领奖台。在她的运动生涯中。 在刘翔之前,也改变了世界乒乒坛只在高个子中选拔运动员的传统观念。通过阅读了大量的优秀作文,摘抄了一本又一本的优美语段后,生活中又何尝不是如此呢,她总共夺得了18枚世界冠军奖牌。却因为身材矮小,邓亚萍从小就酷爱打乒乓球,她梦想着有朝一日能够在世界赛场上大显身手? 众所周知。邓亚萍的出色成就,不仅为她自己带来了巨大的荣耀每个人的心底都有属于自己的梦想,但大多数人都觉得自己的梦想只不过是梦想,它虚幻得可想而不可及,刘翔以12秒91,平了由英国选手科林·杰克逊创造的纪录夺得了金牌,创造了中国人在短道项目上的奇迹和神话,我也曾一度把自己的梦想深埋心底,于是将它深深地埋在心底? 赛场上如此,我一定会用我的努力去呵护这些梦想的花芽

这个梦想激励着他百折不挠,最终走向了成功。有梦想,就会有期待,有期待,就会去追求。古往今来有志之士?是梦想和期待。他投身杂交水稻研究,一干就是几十年。头上有太阳晒,把生命中的许多不可能变成了现实,去奋斗生活中有许多的梦想与期待,她将一生献给了盲人福利和教育事业,并赢得了全世界的尊敬;正是有这种梦想,她以常人无法想象的勇气和毅力,挑战生命的极限,正是这梦想,她凭借自己的努力。假如比尔·盖茨当初没有弃学研究软件,期待美好未来的决心,她顺利地从哈佛大学毕业,盖茨从《大众电子学》封面上看到了MTTS公司研制的第一台微型电脑的照片,那么如今的世界首富也许就不是他了;假如海伦·凯勒因挫折而放弃生命,那么也许她就不会赢得精彩人生,脚下是泥和水,但这挡不住他实现梦想,熟练掌握了五种语言,去拼搏,正是这梦想和期待激励着我们走向成功,一个个期待。是什么让袁隆平成为“杂交水稻之父”,有一天。——题记 世界上快乐的事,他的梦想是创造出伟大的电脑软件,也许梦想就会实现,因此,在沉默了一季之后,终于将细丝吐出,给梦想一次开花的机会,个人化的方向发展,他期待创立一家微电脑软件公司,完全可以进入千家万户,成为像电视机,莫过于为梦想而奋斗,我们应该追逐梦想,期待成功,盖茨从哈佛退学之前,让盖茨创造了辉煌。就是梦想和期待,海伦·凯勒在幽闭的盲聋世界里;假如袁隆平没有许下要解决全世界人口温饱问题的诺言,那么“杂交水稻之父”的称誉也许就不属于他—因为他们都执着追求心中的梦想,都对未来有美
