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Module 1 Basketball






(if necessary)


5.毫无疑问,他关心的是所有工人的利益。他的做法值得我们尊敬和支持。(There is no

doubt that)

Li Hua was elected the union representative to attend the meeting held yesterday and took out the safety rules of our factory to defend the workers, which attracted the attention of all the people present at the meeting. He said the rules are based on the Labour Law and if necessary he would appeal to the law to protect the interests of the workers. We are worried that he is likely to be dismissed because of what he did. But he thought it deserved to be done. There is no doubt that he is concerned about the benefit of all workers. What he does deserves our respect and support.

Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year


1.我常常回顾我上小学的那段时光。(look back on/at)

2.那时,在学校里孩子们可以痛痛快快地玩。(have fun)

3.然而很遗憾在这个城市里并不是所有的孩子都能享受同样的快乐。(it’s a pity that)

4.我喜欢与别人分享我的快乐。(share sth. with sb.)

5.对我来说最高兴的事就是我被选为班长。(as for me)

I often look back on/at the time when I was in primary school. At that time, in the school the children could have fun playing with

each other. During that time I did live/lead a happy life. It’s a pity that not every one in the city can enjoy the same pleasure. I enjoyed sharing my happiness with others. As for me, the happiest thing was that I was elected monitor.

Module 3 Literature



2.在一个监狱中有许多犯人,但是看守监狱的人经常不给犯人食物。(feed, serve)

3.所有这些犯人渴望得到食物。(be eager for sth.)



6.看守一到他就击中了他的头部。(no sooner… than…)

7.之后,他成功地从监狱中出来了。(succeed in)

I once read a scene in a novel: there are many criminals in a prison, but the prison guard often doesn’t feed the criminals and doesn’t serve them food. So these criminals were eager for food. One day, one of them couldn’t stand this. He called the prison guard, whispering he wanted to tell him something. No sooner had the prison guard arrived than he hit him on the head. After that, he succeeded in coming out of the prison.

Module 4 Music Born in America



加。(in decline)

2.去年我参观了北京,这是我第一次到北京旅游。(the first time)

3.一到达北京我就发现自己完全处于一个全新的世界中。(the moment)

4.我利用每一分钟来游览北京。(take every minute to do sth.)

5.我更喜欢步行而不是乘公交车去买一些纪念品。(rather than)

Although the number of tourists to the reports was in decline last year, the number of people visiting Beijing has been increasing.
