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78. 我们两国之间已经有了10年的贸易关系。 There have been a 10-year trade relationship between us two countries. 79. 整套设备可以在几小时内安装完毕。 The whole set of equipment can be fixed within several hours. 80. 我们的实验现在已经到了最后也是最重 要的一个阶段。 Now, our experiment has come to the last and the most important stage
第四部分:翻译(Part IV Translation),共 10题,考试时间为20分钟 A节(Section A.英译汉,5题,要求将阅 读理解材料中5个画线句子译成汉语。 71.He never went outside;but he was sick of staying home and wanted to go out for once. 他从来没有出去过,但是他厌倦了呆在家 里,想出去一次。
Section A Translate the following English into Chinese 71. Sometimes, these factors can generate much more meaning than the words themselves. 有时,这些因素能比词汇本身产生更多的 意思。
76. 你最好带件毛衣,以防天气变冷。 You’d better take a sweater with you in case it should turn cold. 77. 如果你方便的话,请于明天上午十点到办公 室找我。 Please come to the office at ten tomorrow morning at your convenience/ if it is convenient for you. 78. 你越解释, 我越糊涂。 The more you explain, the more confused I am.
57. It seems strange that in the past ten years Mike and I might just as well have been in different worlds. 看起来奇怪的是,在过去的十年中,麦克 和我可能恰好在不同的世界里。 58. Pessimists are such people who always expect bad things to happen in the world. 悲观主义者是总认为世界上会发生坏事情 的人。
74.The study also found that 22 percent of all schools did not require students to take any PE.(体育课).(宾语从句直译) 研究还发现:在这些学校中,百分之二十 二的学校不要求学生上体育课。 75.Some parents like the idea of avoiding competitive sports in PE class.Yet others surely dislike that idea. 一些家长赞成体育课取消竞技性体育活动 的主意,但其他的家长却绝对不赞成这样 做。
59. Too little brushing and too many sweets can cause tooth decay, sometimes very seriously. 极少刷牙和吃太多的糖果会导致蛀牙,有 时会非常严重。
60. A few years ago it was popular to speak of a generation gap, a disagreement between young people and their elders. 几年前谈论代沟是普遍的事,它是年轻人 和其长辈之间的分歧。
77.他有礼貌的说:“我开窗户您介意吗?” “Would you mind if I open the window?” he asked politely. 78. 我们的英语老师经常做一些教育研究。 Our English teacher often does some research on education.
他仍然没日没夜的忙碌,不过却是把晚上 和周末的时间用在慈善工作和当地的政治 工作 而不再是打第二份工了。 Section B Translate the following Chinese into English 76. 要申请这份工作,你先要填写这个表格。 You should first fill in this from if you want to apply for this job.
72.She was surprised to find all these CDs and she picked one up and sat down on the bed and she started to open one。 她吃惊地发现了这些光盘,于是捡起了一个, 坐到床上打开了它。 73.In the United States,elementary and middle schools are advised to give students two and a half hours of physical activity a week. 在美国,人们建议小学和中学给学生每周两 个半小时的体育活动时间
79. 大多数父母所关心的是尽可能为孩子提 供最好的教育 What most parents are concerned about is providing the best education possible for their children. 80. 尽管遭遇了许多困难,马克从未放弃对 知识的追求。 Despite the hardship he encountered, Mark never gave up pursuing knowledge.
79. 这是小王的私人信件, 在未经他允许的情况 下你无权翻阅。 This is a private letter of Xiao Wang, and you have no right to read it without his permission. 80. 尽管我和玛丽有不同国籍,我们对音乐却有 共同的爱好。 Although Mary and I are of different nationalities, we have much in common in the music that we like.
74.During the 1920s, people in U.S cities increasingly moved to the suburbs because of the freedom provided to the workers by automobile ownership. 在20世纪20年代,由于汽车给工人们所带 来的便利自由,美国的城市居民愈来愈多 的前往郊区居住。 75. He’s still busy around the clock, but now he dedicates evenings and weekends to charity work and local politics instead of a second job.
72. Since some college or university courses are “applied” rather than theoretical, they stress “doing” and involvement. 由于有些学院或大学里的课程是“应用型” 而非理论型,因此更强调“动手”和参与。 73. However, like many newly-rich Chinese, they seem a little uncomfortable when asked about wealth. 然而,与许多新富起来的中国人一样,他 们在被问及财富时似乎有些不安。
B节:汉译英,5题,要求将下列5个句子 译成英语。每小题2分。 76.处理这些问题全凭经验。 Dealing with these problems totally depends on experience. 77.请你帮我在纽约预定一个四星级宾馆的 房间好吗?(状语后置) Could you please help me to book a room in a four-star hotel in New York?
72. After all, language is a reflection of the culture from which it developed. 毕竟,语言是对其从中脱胎而来的文化的 反应。 73. The automobile influences where people live and work and how they spend their leisure time. 汽车影响着人们选择生活工作之地和休闲 的方式。
Section A Translate the following English into Chinese.(10 points) 56. By pooling their resources together, small groups of students generally gain advantages over individuals who prefer to study alone. 通过共享资源,小组的学生通常比愿意独 自学习的个人有优势。
SectionB. Translate the following Chinese into English. (10 points) 61. 通常一顿西餐可能包括汤、鱼、肉和甜 点,也许还会有水果和奶酪。 Generally a western-style(增词) food may have soup, fish, meat and dessert, and perhaps (have)(省略法) fruit and cheese.
74. In recent years a new and serious problem has arisen for international airlines and their passengers. 近年来一个过去未有过的严重问题出现在 国际航空公司和乘客面前。 75. It is only after all these checks that a passenger is allowed to board the plane. 只有经过所有这些安检后,乘客才获准登 机。
71. Professors will help students who need it, but prefer that their students not be overly dependent on them. 教师会帮助需要帮助的学生, 但是也希望 学生不要过于依赖他们。