



班级:_________ 姓名:_________ 得分:_________


The wombat(袋熊) has a small ,stout(矮胖的) body , strong legs , and almost _____1_____ tail at all. Some peope think it looks like a cute little bear. Wombats have _____2____colours , from black to gray to yellow .

The wombat makes _____3____ home in an undergound nest(窝)____4____ the end of a long tunnel. Its strong legs and sharp claws help it ____5____dig under the ground . Some wombat burrows (洞穴)can be 100 feet in ___6___ , but most are about 15 feet long .

Wombats don’t eat meat . Their diet consists of(由……组成) grass, roots , and tree bark. One of their favourite foods is hay(干草) . They ____7____ their nests at night to eat .

There are no wombats in the United States , except in Zoos. Like kangaroos , wombats are from _____8____. A female wombat gives birth to one baby each year. She carries her young in a pouch (肚囊), like a kangaroo ____9____ .

Wombats are quiet animals . The loudest ___10_____ they can make is a low cough . Wombats can also be easily trained . When raised by humans , wombats can live up to 30 years

( ) 1. A. not B. none C. no D. without

( ) 2. A. same B. different C. the same D. the different

( ) 3. A. his B.her C. its D. it’s

( ) 4. A. in B. at C. by D. until

( ) 5. A. digging B. dug C. dig D.digged

( ) 6. A. long B. wide C. tall D. length

( ) 7. A. come out of B. come out C. came from D. came out of

( ) 8. A. China B. Australia C. the UK D. France

( ) 9. A. do B. is C. are D. does

( ) 10. A. voice B. noise C. sound D. talk


Alice was beginning to get very bored . She and her sister were sitting under the trees . Her sister was reading , but Alice had nothing to do . Once or twice she looked into her sister’s book, but it had no pictures or conversations in it .

“And what is the use of a book,”thought Alice , “without pictures or conversation?” She tried to think of something to do ,but it was a hot day and she felt very sleepy and stupid . She was still stting and thinking when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran past her .

There was nothing really strange about seeing a rabbit . And Alice was not very surprised when the Rabbbit said , “Oh dear1 Oh dear! I shall be late !”(Perhaps it was a little strange , Alice thought later , but at the time she was not surprised . )

But then the Rabbit took a watch out of its pocket, looked at it , and hurried on . At once Alice jumped to her feet .

“I’ve never before seen a rabbit with either a pocket , or a watch to take out of it ,” she thought . And she ran quickly across the field after the Rabbit . She did not stop to think, and when the Rabbit ran down a large rabbit- hole , Alice followed it immediately (立刻).

After a little way the rabbit –hole suddenly went down , deep into the ground . Alice could not stop herself falling , and down she went , too

It was a very strange hole . Alice was falling very slowly, and she had tome to think and to look aroud her . She could see nothing below her because it was so dark .but when she looked at the sides of the hole, she could see cupboards and books and pictures on the walls . she had time to take things out of a cupboard , look at them, and then put them back in a cupboard lower down .

“Well!” thought Alice , “ After a fall like this , I can fall anywhere! I can fall downstairs at home , and I won’t cry or say a word about it !”

Down, down, down . “How far have I fallen now ?” Alice said aloud to herself . “Perhaps I’m near the centre of the earth . Let me think… That’s four thousand miles down””(Alice was very good at her school lessons and could remember a lot of things like this)

Down, down , down . Would she ever stop falling ? Alice was very nearly asleep when, suddenly , she was sitting on the ground . Quickly , she jumped to her feet and looked around . she could see the White Rabbit , who was hurrying away and still talking to himself . “Oh my ears and whiskers!” he was saying . “ how late it’s getting !”

Alice ran after him like the wind . She was getting very near him when he suddenly turned a corner . Alice ran round the corner too, and then stopped . She was now in a long , dark room with doors all round the walls , and she could not see the White Rabbit anywhere .

She tried to open the doors , but they were all locked . “ How will I ever get out again ?”she thought sadly . then she saw a little glass table with three legs , and on the top of it was a very small gold key . Alice quickly took the key and tried it in all the doors, but oh dear! Either the locks were too big , or the key was too small, but she could not open any of the doors .

Then she saw another door, a door that was only forty centimetres high . the little gold key unlocked this door easily , but of course Alice could not get through it – she was much too big . So she lay on the floor and looked through the open door , into a beautiful garden with green trees and bright flowers .

Poor Alice was very unhappy. “ What a wonderful garden !” she said to herself . “I’d like to be out there – not in this dark room . Why can’t I get smaller ?”it was already a very strange day , and Alice was beginning to think that anything was possible .

After a while she locked the door again, got up and went back to the glass table . She put the key down and then she saw a little bottle on the table (“I’m sure it wasn’t here before ,” said Alice”. Round the neck of the bottle was a piece of paper with the words DRINK Me in large letters .

But Alice was a careful girl . “ It can be dangerous to drink out of strange bottles,”she said . “What will it do to me ?”she drank a little bit very slowly . The taste was very nice , like chocolate and oranges and hot sweet coffee, and very soon Alice finished the bottle .

( )1. What did Alice do when her sister was reading ?

A. She was reading too.

B. She was looking at some pictures

C. She didn’t do anything

D. She was watching TV.

( ) 2. What did Alice see when she was still stting and thinking?

A. A tiger

B. A rabbit

C. Her sister

D. Her mother

( ) 3. What did the White Rabbit take out of its pocket ?

A. A piece of chocolate

B. An orange

C. A cup of hot coffee

D. A watch

( ) 4. Why couldn’t she see anything below her because _____?

A.it was a very strange hole .

B.Alice was falling very slowly.

C.her because it was so dark

D.she had tome to think and to look aroud her

( ) 5. Where could she see cupboards and books and pictures ?

A. on the walls

B. on the floor

C. on the table

D. on the beds

( ) 6.Who could Alice see when she jumped to her feet and looked around ? A. the White Rabbit

B. the White Rabbit’s mother

C. the White Rabbit’s father

D. the White Rabbit’s sister

( ) 7. How high was the door into the beautiful garden ?

A. only forty centimetres high

B. fourteen centimetres high

C. thirty metres high

D. twenty centimetres high

( ) 8. Round the neck of the bottle was a piece of paper with the words _______________

A. some beautiful pictures

B. nothing on it

C. DRINK Me in smsll letters

D. DRINK Me in large letters

( ) 9. Which is true according the story ?

A. Alice is a careless girl

B. Alice is a shy girl

C. Alice is a careful girl

D. Alice is a patient girl

( ) 10. The title of the story is ___________

A. Alice

B. Down the rabbit-hole

C. Alice and the White Rabbit

D. Alice’s sister


_____1____ to get a good night’s sleep ?

How _____2____ sleep do people need ?

Everyone needs sleep, but some people need more sleep than others . Babies need the most sleep . In fact , they may sleep to 18 hours a day . Children and teenagers should sleep about 10 hours each night . Adults require only about eight hours of sleep on average , but needs can vary from person to person . The famous scientist Albert Einstein is reported to have slept much more than eight hours . On the other hand, the great inventor Thomas Edison slept only about four hours a night .

____5____ is it important to get enough sleep ?

Getting enough sleep is essential for health. People who don’t sleep enough are usually less alert (警觉的). they tend to have trouble paying attention .

If they drive , they are more likely to get into an accident . Good sleep is also important because without it a person may become ill.

Not getting enough sleep can also affect(影响) a person’s mood (情绪).

People who lack sufficient(足够的) sleep for long periods of time are often in

a bad mood . They feel tired all the time . They may feel sad or depressed (沮


How to get a good night’s sleep ?

Some people fall asleep easily . Other people have trouble falling asleep .

There are a number of things a person can do to get a good night’s sleep. Getting plenty of exercise during the day will help you sleep. Brisk (轻松的)walking ,running and bike riding are good choices . Others good choices are playing sports, such as basketball, soccer ,or tennis . Timing is important , though .

Avoic stenuous excercise just before bedtime .

Avoid drinking coffee or soft drinks right before bedtime . It is also not a good idea to eat sweats or greasy(油腻的) , salty snacks , such as potato chips .

On the other hand , sipping a cup of warm mild may help because milk helps the body produce chemicals that sid sleep . Many people have also found that taking

a warm bath or listening to quiet music helps them sleep .

When you plan your daily schedule(计划) , remember tha t getting enough sleep is necessary to maintain(保持) good health .

______1_____ to get a good night’s sleep ?


( see reach do memory fall business wife miss able pass away )

A man left for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a _____1_____ trip and was planning to meet him there the next day . When he _____2_____ his hotel , he decided to send his wife a quick e-mail . _____3_____ to find the piece of paper on which he had wirtten her e-mail address, he _____4_____ his best to type it from ____5_____. Unfortunately, he ____6______ one letter and his note was sent instead to an old woman whose husband _____7_____ only the day before . When the womman checked her e-mail , she let out a scream and ____8_____ to the floor. Her family rushed into the room and ____9_____this note on the screen : Dearest _____10_____: Just got checked in . Everything has got prepared for your arrival tomorrow .


2. _________

3. _________

4. _________

5. _________


7. _________

8. _________

9. _________10. _________



In ancient times a king had a huge rock placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock . Some of the king’s richest merchants(商人) and courtiers(朝臣) came by and simply walked around it . Many loudly blamed (指责)the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way .

Then a peasant came long carrying a load of vegetables . When approaching (接近)the rock ,the peasant laid down his burden (担子)and tried to move the stomne to the side of the road . After much pushing and pulling , he finally succeeded . After the peasant picked up his load of vegetales , he noticed a purse lying in the road where the rock had been . The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King , indicating (指出)that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder (大圆石头) from the roadway . The peasnat learned that many of us never understand !










1~5 CBCBC 6~10 DABDC





2. much

3. most

4. teenagers

5. Why

6. Getting

7. inventor

8. easily

9.before 10.necessary .



2. reached

3. Unable

4. did

5. memory

6. missed

7. passed away

8. fell

9.saw 10.wife .



小学的四大名著知识竞赛 一、根据提示填空。 1,有一位作家曾对他的作品“披阅十载,增删五次”,这位作家的名字是(曹雪芹) 2,“一个是阆苑仙葩,一个是美玉无暇。若说没奇缘,今生偏又遇着他;若说有奇缘,如何心事终虚化?”这首诗提示了《红楼梦》中一对青年男女的爱情悲剧。其中“阆苑仙葩”指的是(林黛玉),“美玉无暇”指的是(贾宝玉)。 3,“花谢花飞飞满天,红消香断有谁怜?……一朝春尽红老去,花落人亡两不知!”这首诗出自《红楼梦》中人物(林黛玉)之手。 4,请结合《三国演义》,说出诸葛亮与周瑜联手指挥的一场著名的以少胜多的战役,是(赤壁之战);再说出诸葛亮挥泪斩马谡是因为(失街亭)一事。 5,“滚滚长江东逝水,浪淘尽英雄。是非成败转头空。青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。”这是我国古典名著《三国演义》的开篇词。 6,女娲炼石补天时剩下一块石头,被丢弃在大荒山无稽崖青埂峰下,后被茫茫大士、渺渺真人带入红尘,历尽了离合悲欢。以上情节出自我国古典名著《红楼梦》。 7,“天下三分”是指天下分裂为(魏、蜀、吴)三国。 8,“夫英雄者,胸有大志,腹有良谋,有包藏宇宙之机,吞吐天地之志者也。”这段关于“英雄”的见解出自我国古典文学名著《三国演义》中的(曹操)(人名)之口。 9,《西游记》中的“大闹五庄观、推倒人参树”的是(孙悟空)。 10,《三国演义》中"温酒斩华雄","三英战吕布","过五关斩六将","单刀赴会","水淹七军"等一系列可歌可泣的英雄是__关羽.(人名) 11,"东胜神州海外有一国土,名曰傲来国.海中有一名山,山上有一仙石,受日月精华,遂有灵通之意.内遇仙胎,一日迸裂,……"这段名著出自四大名著之一的《_西游记_》 12,《三国演义》中主要人物中被称"三绝"的分别是:"*绝"是_曹操___,"智绝"是_孔明_,"义绝"是_关羽__. 13,"开谈不说《红楼梦》,读尽诗书也枉然."一曲红楼多少梦情天情海幻情身.作品塑造了三个悲剧人物:_ 林黛玉_,为爱情熬尽最后一滴眼泪,含恨而死;贾宝玉__,终于离弃"温柔富贵之乡"而遁入空门;__ 薛宝钗_虽成了荣府的"二奶奶"却没有赢得真正的爱情,陪伴她的是终生 凄凉孤苦. 14,贾府的"四春"分别是:孤独的元春_,懦弱的__迎春___,_精明的_探春_,孤僻的_惜春__,取"_原应叹息___"之意. 15,下列贾宝玉在太虚幻境看到的判词,请指出这些判词分别预示了哪个女子的命运. (1)可叹停机德,堪怜咏絮才.玉带林中挂,金簪雪里埋. (林黛玉薛宝钗) (2)凡鸟偏从末世来,都知爱慕此生才.一从二令三人木,哭向金陵事更哀.(王熙凤) 16,宝玉梦游太虚幻境时,饮的仙茶叫_千红一窟__,品的酒叫万艳同杯_,听的歌曲名叫__红楼梦_. 17、《三国演义》中桃园三结义的三弟兄分别是使双股剑的(刘备),使丈八蛇矛枪的(张飞)和使(青龙偃月刀)的关羽。 18、《水浒传》的作者_施耐庵__,朝代_____宋朝____,它是我国第一部长篇章回体小说。 《西游记》全书共分三大部分:前7回写__孙悟空花果山称王和大闹天宫的故事,是全书的精华部分,表现孙悟空的反抗精神;8-12回写___唐僧的来历、魏征斩蛇、唐太宗入冥府,交待取经的缘起;第13回-100回写__唐僧师徒在取经途中所经历的八十一难_。


中外名著阅读知识竞赛试题(必答题A卷) 一、填空题 1、你知道《水浒传》中鲁提辖在解救了金氏父女之后又在野猪林解救了谁吗?你还能概括一个与被解救之人有关的故事情节的名称吗?请在下面填空。 被解救的人:林冲__.故事情节的名称:林教头风雪山神庙(误入白虎堂). 2、《红楼梦》中有一个女子,她模样标致,语言爽利,心机极深细,但“机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命”,这个人是__王熙凤_;还有一个女子,她寄人篱下,渴望真挚的爱情,但在森严冷漠的封建大家庭中,只能凄婉地唱出“一年三百六十日,风刀霜剑严相逼”,这个人就是____林黛玉_. 3、祥子是老舍的长篇代表作《_骆驼祥子_》中的一个人物形象。这部作品描写来自农村的淳朴健壮的祥子,到北平谋生创业,___三__次买车又_三___次失去,并终于堕落到生活的谷底的故事。_祥子与车___,是这部小说的基本线索,与祥子有着密切关系的女主人公是___虎妞__。 4、请根据提供的信息,分别说出对应的人物或作品。 示例:潇湘馆丫环紫鹃葬花《红楼梦》人物:林黛玉 赤兔马单刀赴会败走麦城《三国演义》人物:___关羽___ 5、指出下列故事的主人公 煮酒论英雄(曹操)智杀裴如海(石秀) 二.选择题 1、在“如鱼得水”这个典故里,刘备把自己比做“鱼”,把谁比作“水”?( C ) A 关羽 B 张飞 C诸葛亮 D 赵云 2、.“周瑜打黄盖----一个愿打,一个愿挨”歇后语说的是___中的故事.(B ) A.官渡之战 B.赤壁之战 C.长坂坡之战 D.街亭之战 3、“粉面含春威不露,丹唇未启笑先闻”描写的是______的出场.(A ) A.王熙凤 B.薛宝钗 C.史湘云 D.贾元春 三、歇后语 1、孙悟空钻进铁扇公主肚里——心腹之患 2、蒋干盗书——上了当


2021届新高考英语暑期书面表达复习(应用文)·中国文学名著专题 优质语言素材积累 2020年8月修订版 [单词/词组] 1.perceive [v.]感知 2.enlighten [v.]启发 3.suspicion [v.]猜疑 4.surge [n.]急剧上升 5.ultimately [adv.]最终 6.collaboration [n.]合作 7.profound [adj.]深远的 8.spontaneous [adj.]自然而然的 9.更了解offer us a glimpse of … 10.*复兴enjoy a revival/comeback 11.★与……不一致be at odds with … 12.*时代之声voice of a generation 13.更深刻理解Give us an insight into … 14.不容错过It is a …not to be missed. 15.★历史悠久的文化 a time-honored culture 16.更好地欣赏Gain a better appreciation of … 17.在…中备受瞩目among the most high-profile of … 18.*追溯至date back to/be traced back to/originate from/stretch back to 19.尽管它看起来很复杂/抽象complicated/abstract as it may seem,…. 20.一部兼具洞察力和娱乐性的作品an insightful and entertaining work [句子] 21.*传统中餐是文化和社会生活的重要部分。 Traditional Chinese foods are an important aspect of culture and social life. 22.中国文学在世界范围内越来越受欢迎。Chinese literature has gained more popularity worldwide. 23.这个故事基本上是关于……试图打破社会的束缚;是追求真爱的勇气和毅力。 This story is basically about …trying to break the societal strictures. It’s about courage and perseverance to pursue true love. 24. (评《西厢记》)它融合了中国历史上唐宋时期的诗歌之美。 It incorporates much of the beauty of the poetry from the Tang and Song eras in Chinese history. 25.(评《平凡的世界》)小说突出了中国农村人民的生活,反映了从1975年到1985年巨大的政治和 经济变化。 The novel highlights the lives of people from rural China and reflects the massive political and economic changes from 1975 to 1985. 26.*(评《三国演义》)不仅有来自中国古代的故事穿越时间的长河,而且美丽的语言也已经吸引了世 界的注意。 Not only have the stories from China’s past made their way through time,but the beauty of the language has drawn the world’s attention.


高中英语阅读与写作整合教学设计 一,教学设计 设计意图:运用“讨论式”的英语教学模式和采用“任务型”英语教学途径,培养同学们的听说读写能力,突出阅读和写作技能训练、学习策略的培养、阅读和写作的实践,从而使学生领会语言信息的输入与输出、阅读和写作之间的内在联系,并引导学生独立思考并以讨论、合作学习的方式练习英语写作。 主题内容:Born Dying Unit 7 SBII 相关领域:信息技术,医学 课时安排:2课时 任务布置: 1、网上查寻有关的信息并做汇报; 2、课堂阅读两篇文章 3、写一篇英语演讲稿“Cherish Your Life & Prevent AIDS” 实施过程: 第一课时:信息输入——阅读课 教学目标: 1、检阅学生课外查阅有关的信息资料和学生对知识的了解情况; 2、培养学生的阅读策略和提高阅读能力; 3、学会“善待他人,关爱自己,珍惜生命”。 教学形式:讨论交流合作 教学过程(Teaching Procedures) Step 1、Pre-reading 课前教师给学生布置如下任务:1.What is AIDS ? What is HIV? 2. How do people get AIDS? 3. What happens to people who have AIDS? 4. How does Xiaohua feel about having AIDS? 5. How do her friends and family feel about her disease? 6. Something about the World AIDS DAY. 要求学生带着这些任务预习课文。学生要回答以上问题,除阅读课文外,还必须查找相关材料,做好记录。此环节学生可采用分工合作的学习方式。此时教师可以给学生一些必要的帮助,如:提供网站名,提供一些阅读材料。由于学生是在任务目标驱使下预习,预习就很有成效,而不是走过场。为课堂讨论奠定了基础,同时也提高了课堂教学的效率,发挥了学生的主体作用,培养了学生查找信息的能力和较强的自学能力。 Step 2: Lead-in Collect the information Ss have found and at the same time ask the Ss to exchange the information about HIV/AIDS. And ask Ss to discuss the following questions. 1. Answer the following questions What is AIDS? How is it infected? Who gets it easily? What attitude do people have now ? 2.What can you do on World AIDS Day? 3. Do you think it is safe to be friends with people who are living with HIV/AIDS? Give your views.


高中名著知识竞赛试题 1,《________》是孔子的弟子及再传弟子记录孔子言行的书."__________" 是这部书所记的思想核心.孔子是_________的创始人. 2,孔子曾被尊为"_________".《论语》中《为政》的几句话轮廓式地勾勒出一条孔子所走过的漫长的生活道路:"吾十有五而志于学,三十而 立,____________,_____________,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩". 3,"_________"是《三国演义》的思想精髓和灵魂.俄国学者称赞《__________》是"一部真正具有丰富人民性的杰作". 4,《三国演义》中"温酒斩华雄","三英战吕布","过五关斩六将","单刀赴会","水淹七军"等一系列可歌可泣的英雄是___________.(人名) 5,郑振铎先生在他的《中国文学研究》中曾以一条弧线表示《水浒传》的结构.这条弧线以____________为起点,步步上升,至梁山英雄排座次到达顶点,此后便逐渐下降,至__________________降至终点. 6,"景阳岗打虎""醉打蒋门神"等说的是《水浒》中一位传奇英雄的故事.这位英雄是____________."花和尚倒拔垂杨柳,豹子头误入白虎堂"其中"豹子头"指的是 ____________. 7,清代著名理论家,批评家金圣叹将《_________》,《_________》, 《_________》,《史记》,《西厢记》及杜甫诗相提并论,合称为"六才子书". 8,"《水浒》这部书,好就好在投降.做反面教材,使人民都知道投降派."这是 ________(人名)对《水浒传》的评价. 9,写出下面故事涉及的人物的名字. (1)《水浒》中"智取生辰纲"的组织领导者是______. (2)《西游记》中"大闹五庄观,推倒人参果树"的是______. 10,《西游记》全书共分三大部分:前7回写________的故事,是全书的精华部分,表现孙悟空的反抗精神;8----12回写_________的来历,魏征斩蛇,唐太宗入冥府,交待取经的缘起;第13回-----100回写___________________________________. 11,《西游记》的作者运用了________________手法描绘了一个奇妙的神话世界,花果山水帘洞洞口的对联是 "____________________ ,_________________________". 12,《西游记》中,师徒一行经过千难万险,终于得正果,最后唐僧被如来佛封为 ___________,孙悟空被封为_________ ,猪八戒封为____________,沙僧封为 ____________和白龙马封为____________ . 13,有人对《西游记》有人道:"阳光灿烂_________,百变猴头_________,憨厚老成_________,阿弥陀佛是_________.漫漫西天取经路,除妖斗魔显真功.若问是谁普此画,淮安才子吴承恩." 14,"东胜神州海外有一国土,名曰傲来国.海中有一名山,山上有一仙石,受日月精华,遂有灵通之意.内遇仙胎,一日迸裂,……"这段名著出自四大名著之一的 《________》,本书中你最喜欢的一个情节是:________________________. 15,下面的对联各是哪部章回小说的目录请在括号里写出这部小说的名称. ①及时雨神行太保,黑旋风展浪里白条.《______________》 ②八卦炉中逃大圣,五行山下定心猿. 《______________》 16,在《三国演义》中有一位英雄,他曾温酒斩华雄,千里走单骑,刮骨疗毒,被后人敬仰并尊为中国的"武圣",这位英雄是_____________. 17,《三国演义》中主要人物中被称"三绝"的分别是:"奸绝"是__________,"智绝"是___________,"义绝"是___________. 18,请结合《三国演义》.说出诸葛亮与周瑜联手指挥的一场著名的以少胜多地战例,是______________;再说诸葛亮挥泪斩马谡是因为______________一事. 19,《三国演义》中有这样两段话:"譬犹驽马并麒麟,寒鸦配鸾凤耳","无异周得吕望,汉得张良",说此话者是__________,被赞誉的人是____________. 20,在《水浒传》中,绰号为"智多星"的人是______________,也被称为"赛诸葛".他与一伙好汉在"黄冈泥上巧施功",干了一件大事是______________. 21,梁山一百单八将中第一个出场的是__________,他的绰号是__________. 22,《水浒传》的作者_______,朝代_______,它是我国第一部___________小说. 23,《水浒传》**有_______将,天罡是_____人,地煞星________人. 24,《水浒传》中冒充李逵拦路打劫,后被李逵一刀打翻在地的人是____________. 25,补全回目: (1),史大郎夜走华阴县,______拳打镇关西 (2),梁山泊______落草,汴京城______卖刀 26,孙悟空的第一个师傅是___________,它的兵器原是大禹治水的____________,又唤______________,大闹天宫后被如来佛祖压在__________.后皈依佛门,唐僧为他取名___________. 27,"开谈不说《红楼梦》,读尽诗书也枉然."一曲红楼多少梦情天情海幻情身.作品塑造了三个悲剧人物:_______,为爱情熬尽最后一滴眼泪,含恨而死;_______,终于离弃"温柔富贵之乡"而遁入空门;_______,虽成了荣府的"二奶奶"却没有赢得真正的爱情,陪伴她的是终生凄凉孤苦.


高中英语阅读课教学方法的探索 从2017-2018学年下学期开始,高中教务把英语阅读课正式提到日程,到目前为止我们进行了六次阅读训练。从个人的角度,我想从几个方面谈谈对英语阅读课的想法: 1.重视英语阅读课。 尽管我们英语老师历来重视培养学生的阅读能力,但由于缺乏专门的阅读训练,尤其是以语篇能力、思维能力和阅读技巧为核心的阅读训练不足,再加上学生对阅读的认知偏差,导致学生阅读能力差、学习兴趣低、成绩没有突破。我们要试着通过多种教学方法,旨在提高学生学习兴趣,使学生的词汇量和阅读理解能力在原有基础上有较大提高,最终培养学习者一种阅读习惯,使它们成为终身学习的受益者。 2.注重阅读材料的选择。 选择不同的题材,激发学生阅读兴趣。学生的阅读能力是通过学习获得的,是通过认知活动使这种能力得以发展的,也是在掌握知识和技能中得以发展的。为了提高学生的阅读能力,必须经常给他们提供一些难度适中、题材丰富、有趣的语言材料,幽默、寓言、世界名著等均可激发他们的阅读兴趣。英语阅读教学渗透思想教育。阅读教学应结合教学内容, 教师要努力挖掘教材中的思想教育因素, 以知识为载体,适时适度地渗透思想品德以及爱国主义教育等。 3.引导学生“读”“说”结合。 让学生自选喜欢的优美文章或段落,引导学生进行欣赏性阅读,并在课堂上朗诵或讲解。这不仅有助于学生培养学生的阅读兴趣,有利于学生学习语言知识和提高口语水平,更重要的是,在这过程中,学生的“读”与“说”有机地结合起来,体会到了驾驭语言的乐趣,是培养学生自主学习能力的好方法。 4.指导学生“读”“写”结合。 阅读是写作的基础,反之,写作也必然要求学生有一定数量和质量的阅读。将阅读和写作整合在一起,一方面它将学习的主动权还给了学生,学生将自己的生活体验应用于写作实践中,突出了他们的学习主体地位。因此,这是培养学生自主学习能力的一个重要措施。教师可指导学生采用阅读扩写法、阅读仿写法、阅读续写法、阅读改写法、阅读缩写法、写读后感及写内容梗概等几种方式。


2019年经典四大名著知识竞赛试题 一、根据提示填空。(每空2分,共32分) 1、请结合《三国演义》,说出诸葛亮与周瑜联手指挥的一场著名的以少胜多的战役,是();再说出诸葛亮挥泪斩马谡是因为()一事。 2、“滚滚长江东逝水,浪淘尽英雄。是非成败转头空。青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。”这是我国古典名著()的开篇词。 3、“天下三分”是指天下分裂为()、()、()三国。 4、“夫英雄者,胸有大志,腹有良谋,有包藏宇宙之机,吞吐天地之志者也。”这段关于“英雄”的见解出自我国古典文学名著《三国演义》中的()(人名)之口。 5、《西游记》中的“大闹五庄观、推倒人参树”的是()。 6、《三国演义》中“温酒斩华雄”,“三英战吕布”,“过五关斩六将”,“单刀赴会”,“水淹七军”等一系列可歌可泣的英雄是()(人名) 7、“东胜神州海外有一国土,名曰傲来国.海中有一名山,山上有一仙石,受日月精华,遂有灵通之意.内遇仙胎,一日迸裂,……”这段名著出自四大名著之一的()。 8、《三国演义》中主要人物中被称“三绝”的分别是:“奸绝”是(),“智绝”是(),“义绝”是()。

9、《三国演义》中桃园三结义的三弟兄分别是使双股剑的(),使丈八蛇矛枪的()和使()的关羽。 二、人物描写辨析题(每空2分,共10分) 1、身长八尺,豹头环眼,燕颔虎须,声若巨雷,势如奔马。() 2、身躯凛凛,相貌堂堂。一双眼光射寒星,两弯眉浑如刷漆。胸脯横阔, 有万夫难敌之威风,语话轩昂,吐千丈凌云之志气。心雄胆大,似撼天狮子下云端,骨健筋强,如摇地貔貅临座上。如同天上降魔王,真是人间太岁神。《水浒传》() 3、那人不甚好读书,性宽和,寡言语,喜怒不形于色,素有大志,专好结交天下豪杰。生得身长七尺五寸,两耳垂肩,双手过膝,目能自顾其耳,面如冠玉,唇若涂脂。《三国演义》() 4、正饮间,见一大汉,推着一辆车子,到店门停歇了。人店坐下,便唤酒保:“快斟酒来吃,我待赶人城去投军。”玄德看其人:身长九尺,髯长二尺;面如重枣,唇若涂脂;丹凤眼,卧蚕眉;相貌堂堂,威风凛凛。《三国演义》() 5、玄德见X X身长八尺,面如冠玉,头戴纶巾,身披鹤氅,飘飘然有神仙之概。《三国演义》() 三、阅读名著还能掌握一些出自名著的熟语,包括成语、谚语、歇后语。下列题目就是要求我们写出与“四大名著”有关的熟语。(每空2分,共20分)成语:(1)比喻乐而忘返或乐而忘本。()


高中生必读的12部英文名著 Gone with the Wind《飘》 小说《飘》是美国著名女作家玛格丽特·米歇尔创作的一部具有浪漫主义色彩、反映南北战争题材的小说。主人公斯佳丽身上表现出来的叛逆精神和艰苦创业、自强不息的精神,一直令读者为之倾心。这部经久不息的小说感动了无数的读者。多次被翻拍成电影。电影又名《乱世佳人》。 The Education of Love/Heart《爱的教育》 u=3864095866,489508771&fm=21&gp=0_副本.jpg 《爱的教育》是意大利的儿童文学作品之一,由爱德蒙多·德·亚米契斯编写,其时代设在意大利统一,并包括不少爱国情景。该书于1886年10月18日首次出版,共100篇文章,主要由三部分构成:意大利四年级小学生安利柯的十个月日记;他的父母在他日记本上写

的劝诫启发性的文章;以及十则老师在课堂上宣读的小故事,其中《少年笔耕》、《寻母三千里》等段落尤为知名。 A Journey to the Center of the Earth《地心游记》 u=1034190222,3313957469&fm=21&gp=0_副本.jpg 这部《地底旅行》是法国小说家儒勒·凡尔纳的小说,于1864年出版,被认为是科幻小说的经典之一。《地心历险记》也多次被改编成电影与电视剧,包括2009年上映的3D电影地心冒险。这个故事是从德国著名的地质学家李顿·白洛克博士,想解读一张写在羊皮纸上的密码开始。从这个密码中,博士获悉在冰岛一个火山喷火口的洞穴里,有一条通往藏着千古神秘的地底去的地下道,他就鼓起勇气,带着他的侄子亚克西和向导汉斯,到地底去探险。遭遇了种种危险以后,在九死一生中,他们才从地中海的一个火山岛的喷火口,逃回地面上来。这可说是一个异想天开的冒险故事。 Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》


全市高三英语 第6讲高考文学作品阅读及任务型阅读经典题分析、策略 指导与训练 (一)文学作品阅读 一、题型分析 “文学与艺术”是高中新课标24话题之一。该话题主要包括各种文学类型、艺术形式、文化名人以及艺术家等方面。高考英语阅读理解常涉及文学与艺术话题,旨在要求考生在日常生活中多关注当代文学与艺术的发展动向,多涉足文学与艺术领域,亲自去感受文学与艺术的魅力,开阔视野,提升文学素养。本课我们将主要探讨如何做好文学作品的阅读。 1.高考英语阅读理解中文学作品的常见形式: 1)文学作品原文或选段,如2019年江苏高考试题阅读理解D篇。 2)与经典文学作品相关的介绍、评论、反思等文章,如2012年江苏高考试题阅读理解D 篇。 2.高考英语阅读理解中文学作品的命题特点: 1)文章普遍较长,字数多在600字以上。 2)文章多以记叙文为主,在阅读时需关注文学作品的常见六大要素(setting,characters,plot,feeling,symbolism,theme) 3. 真题链接 【2019年江苏高考试题阅读理解D篇】 The 65-year-old Steve Goodwin was found s uffering from early Alzheimer’s(阿尔楚海默症). He was losing his memory. A software engineer by profession, Steve was a keen lover of the piano, and the only musician in his family. Music was his true passion, though he had never performed outside the family. Melissa, his daughter, felt it more than worthwhile to save his music, to which she fell asleep catch night when she was young. She thought about hiring a professional pianist to work with her father. Naomi, Melissa’s best friend and a talented pianist, got to know about this and showed willingness to help. “Why do this?” Steve wondered. “Because she cares.” Melissa said. Steve nodded, tears in eye. Naomi drove to the Goodwin home. She told Steve she’d love to hear him play. Steve moved to the piano and sat at the bench, hands trembling as he gently placed his fingers on the keys. Naomi put a small recorder near the piano, Starts and stops and mistakes. Long pauses, heart sinking. But Steve pressed on, playing for the first time in his life for a stranger. “It was beautiful." Naomi said after listening to the recording. “The music was worth saving.” Her responsibility, her privilege, would be to rescue it. The music was sill in Steve Goodwin. It was bidden in rooms with doors about to be locked.


四大名著知识练习题 1,有一位作家曾对他的作品“披阅十载,增删五次”,这位作家的名字是( 曹雪芹) 2,按要求写出人物形象或文学作品。 (1)《水浒传》中“倒拔垂杨柳”的人物是(鲁智深)。 (2)《三国演义》中“煮酒论英雄”的主要人物是(曹操)。 3,“一个是阆苑仙葩,一个是美玉无暇。若说没奇缘,今生偏又遇着他;若说有奇缘,如何心事终虚化?”这首诗提示了《红楼梦》中一对青年男女的爱情悲剧。其中“阆苑仙葩”指的是(林黛玉),“美玉无暇”指的是(贾宝玉)。 4,“花谢花飞飞满天,红消香断有谁怜?……一朝春尽红老去,花落人亡两不知!”这首诗出自《红楼梦》中人物(林黛玉)之手。 5,请结合《三国演义》,说出诸葛亮与周瑜联手指挥的一场著名的以少胜多的战役,是(赤壁之战);再说出诸葛亮挥泪斩马谡是因为(失街亭)一事。 6,在《水浒传》中,绰号为“智多星”的人是(吴用),也被称为“赛诸葛”。他与一伙儿好汉在“黄泥冈上巧施功”,干的一件大事是(智取生辰纲)。 7,请用下列两部古典名著人物的姓名或官名补全下面的回目。 (1)( 林教头)风雪山神庙陆虞侯火烧草料场(《水浒传》) (2)( 曹操)煮酒论英雄关公赚城斩车胄(《三国演义》) 8,《三国演义》中蜀国的军师诸葛亮是位家喻户晓的人物,他上知天文,下知地理,成了智慧的代表。在我国四大古典名著中,还有一位作品也塑造了一位足智多谋的军事家的形象,这个人是(吴用),这部作品是《水浒传》。 9,“醉打蒋门神”“大闹飞云浦”“血溅鸳鸯楼”……说的是《水浒传》中的一位传奇英雄(武松)。 10,《三国演义》中塑造了一位过五关斩六将、千里走单骑的英雄形象,这个英雄是( 关羽).这部书中有关这个英雄的传奇故事还有很多,请用最简洁的语言写出一个故事的名称(大意失荆州(温酒斩华雄)) 11,“勉从虎穴暂栖身,说破英雄惊煞人,巧将闻雷作掩饰,随机应变信如神。”这首诗说的是《三国演义》中刘备和曹操的一段故事。这个故事是(青梅煮酒论英雄)。 12,诸葛亮是《三国演义》中的重要人物,请说出小说中有关诸葛亮的两个故事名称。例:舌战群儒。(草船借箭、空城计、七擒七纵等) 13,下面的一副对联概括了诸葛亮一生的功绩。参考示例,从列出的六项中任意选出两项,写出具体所指。(六出祈山、东和孙吴、收取东川西川、七擒孟获、北拒曹魏、摆设八阵图。)收二川,排八阵,六出七擒,五丈原前,点四十九盏明灯,一心只为酬三顾; 取西蜀,定南蛮,东和北拒,中军帐里,变金木土爻神卦,水面偏能用火攻。 示例:三顾——三顾茅庐 六出:东和: 收二川: 七擒:北拒:排八阵: 14,下面是四大名著中的人物与情节,其中搭配不当的一项是(C ) A,鲁智深——倒拔垂杨柳B,孙悟空——大闹天空 C,诸葛亮——三顾茅庐D,刘姥姥——三进大观园 15,古典名著《西游记》中,孙悟空最具有反抗精神的故事情节是(大闹天空)。 16,《水浒传》中一百零八将个个都有一段精彩的故事,人人都有一个特征鲜明的外号。 请用一句话写出《水浒传》中你最熟悉的故事:(示例:(1)武松打虎(花和尚倒拔垂杨柳)


初中必读名著知识竞赛试题及答案 总分:100分时间:60分钟 前言:名著是人类文化的精华。阅读名著,如同与大师们携手共游,可以增长见识,启迪智慧,提高语文能力和人文素养。 一、填空题:(40分) 1、《爱的教育》原名,是(国别)作家德·亚米契斯为九至十三岁的孩子创作的一部小说。它采用的形式,讲述一个叫的小男孩成长的故事。记录了他一年之内在学校、家庭、社会的所见所闻,字里行间洋溢着对祖国、父母、师长、朋友的真挚的爱,有着感人肺腑的力量。(4分) 2、冰心在印度诗人泰戈尔《飞鸟集》的影响下,写成了 和。用她的话说,是将一些“零碎的思想”收集在一个集子里。它们大致包括三个方面的内容:一是;二是;三是。(5分) 3、“人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对于我们只有一次。一个人的生命应当这样度过:当他回首往事的时候,他不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧——这样,在临死的时候,他能够说:‘我整个的生命和全部精力,都已献给世界最壮丽的事业——为人类的解放而斗争。’”这段话出自(国别)尼古拉·奥斯特洛夫斯基的小说。该书的主人公 是一个无产阶级英雄形象,他的经历就是取材于作者的亲身经历。(3分) 4、凡尔纳的三部曲的第二部是,他的小说由于具有科学依据而令人信服,因而不但能够激发人们对科学的兴趣,而且更能启发人们的思考,使他们大胆地幻想未来的远景。因此,凡尔纳被公认为是“”。(2分) 5、祥子是现代作家自己最忠爱的小说中的主人公。作者在这部小说中创造性地运用了北京市民的,“把顶平凡的话调动得生动有力”,给通俗相互的文字又增添了“亲切、新鲜、恰当、活泼的味儿”,使人一读就能感受到小说的民族风格和地方特色。(3分) 6、某剧院前贴出一张海报,上写“豹子头刊金印后,野猪林伏洒家前”。据此,可猜测这场戏与《水浒》中和两位英雄有关。(请填写人名)(2分) 7、“滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。是非成败转头空。青山依旧在,几度夕阳红……”这是我国古代文学名著《________ ___》的开篇词。其作者是 (2分) 8、“花谢花飞飞满天,红消香断有谁怜?……一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡两不知!”这首诗出自《红楼梦》中人物之手。(1分) 9、《老人与海》是美国小说家_____ _生前发表的最后一篇小说,小说中的老人_______(人物名)表面上看失败了,但精神并不屈服。诚如他所说的“_____ 。”是这部小说的一曲打不败的失败者的赞歌。(共4分。最后一空2分) 10、“知识就是力量”这句名言是(国别)作家说的。他写的散文随笔一共有篇。 11、《三国演义》中主要人物中被称“三绝”的分别是:“奸绝”是__________,“智绝”是___________,“义绝”是___________。(3分) 12、与对联“写鬼写妖高人一等,刺贪刺虐入骨三分。”有关的中国古典文学名著是:。(1分) 13、“勉从虎穴暂栖身,说破英雄惊煞人。巧将闻雷来掩饰,随机应变信如神。”这首诗说的是《三国演义》中刘备和曹操的一段故事。这个故事是___ 。(1分) 14、写出下面故事涉及的人物的名字。(2分) (1)《水浒》中“智取生辰纲”的组织领导者是。 (2)《西游记》中“大闹五庄观、推倒人参果树”的是。 15、法国作家罗曼·罗兰的《名人传》包括了《贝多芬传》、《__________》、《___________》三部传记。其中,___________(人名)饱受耳聋折磨。(3分) 二、单项选择题:(15分) 1、下面对文学名著的点评不正确的一项是() A.《格列佛游记》是一部杰出的讽刺小说,作者用虚构的情节和幻想的手法,揭露批判了当时英国统治阶级的腐败与罪恶。 B.《童年》是高尔基以自身经历为原型创作的自传体小说三部曲中的第一部,这部小说生动的再现了19世纪80年代俄罗斯下层人民的生活状况。 C.《鲁滨逊漂流记》的主人公鲁滨逊热衷于航海、性格坚毅的他在小人国、大人国历险多年,吃尽千辛万苦,终于得到了可观的财富。


高三英语文学名著阅读题 1. Rocky relationship Jane Austen(1775-1817), UK Other famous works: Sense and Sensibility《理智与情感》Emma 《爱玛》《傲慢与偏见》呈现英国等级制度下的爱情观。 ROMANCES are among the most popular kinds of stories. It isn’t difficult to see why, as finding a man or woman to spend the rest of one’s life with is something almost all people want. Stories about relationships can be tragedies (悲剧), like Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. They can al so be comedies, like Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice (1813). This novel is certainly one of the funniest and most charming romances in world literature. But Pride and Prejudice also has a sad message. In the novel there is a clear sense of the unequal opportunities men and women enjoy in life. It is a story about the rich but snobbish (自命不凡的) Mr Darcy and the smart, but difficult and proud Elizabeth Bennet. Elizabeth is one of five daughters who live with their parents in respectable (尚可的) but rather poor conditions in Hertfordshire, near London. They belong to a class of people in England called the landed gentry. Members of the landed gentry can be rich, or they can be not so rich. The Bennets are not so rich. The money difficulties of the family drive the story of the novel. Many people know the famous opening sentence of the book: “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” This is of course a very ironic (讽刺的) remark. What is really true in the time of the novel is this: Single women from poorer families are very interested in a man with a good fortune, or even just a little money. Since they cannot pay their own way in life, they must find a husband. Because of this, Mrs Bennet is desperate to find husbands for her daughters. They will then no longer be a burden on her. In the end, Elizabeth and Darcy overcome the obstacles in their way to end up together. Elizabeth teaches Darcy to be less prejudiced (怀有偏见的), and she herself learns to be a little less proud. Jane, the oldest Bennet daughter, and her lover, Charles Bingley, also get engaged (订婚). Lydia finds herself a husband too – the good-for-nothing George Wickham. These marriages give Austen’s novel a happy ending. But if this humorous entertainment ends with marriages, as all romances do, we should also not forget those who do not find husbands, like the Bennet daughters Kitty and Mary. Nor should we forget Charlotte Lucas, who marries the horrible William Collins simply because she has to and wants to help her parents financially. Pride and Prejudice shows that for every lucky Jane and Elizabeth Bennet, who marry happily in the novel, there were a dozen other women in Austen’s time who lived without their contentment (满意). 1. What is the main purpose of this text? A. To analyze why romances are among the most popular kinds of stories.

高考英语 做英语阅读理解如何推断写作目的

做英语阅读理解如何推断写作目的 1. 提问方式 (1) 考查整篇文章的写作目的 The writer writes this passage in order to _____. The writer’s purpos e of writing this passage is to_____. What is the purpose of writing this article? In writ ing the passage, the author in tends to _____. (2) 考查某处细节的写作意图 The writer uses the exa mple of…to show t hat _____. The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to _____. …are mentioned in the first paragraph to _____. 2. 常见的写作目的归纳 不同的文章可能有不同的写作目的, 但写作目的通常有以下三种: (1) to entertain readers(娱乐读者,让人发笑) (2) to persuade readers(说服读者接受某种观点) (3) to inform readers(告知读者某些信息) 3. 技巧点拨 (1) 根据文体类别推断写作目的 这就要求我们了解在历年高考阅读题中,不同文体与三种目的的大致对应关系,这有助于做好此类试题。 第一种写作目的(to entertain readers)常见于故事类的文章。如全国卷曾有一篇阅读文章,作者虚构了两个宇航员在太空工作的情形,一个宇航员Joe 做完了修理工作后要回到飞船上,用力敲了多次飞船的门,但门都没开,最后才传来这样一句话“Who’s there ?” “It’s me ! Who else could it be ?”Joe 生气地大喊。在这一问一答中作者的写作目的就跃然纸上:因为太空处于真空状态,不能传播声音,因此本文纯属虚构,写作目的是想令人发笑(to make people laugh)。而全国卷的另一篇阅读文章,则更多地选择那些 可以显示两个主人公的笨拙的细节,目的是为了表现事情的有趣(to tell an interesting experience),从而达到娱乐读者的目的。 第二种写作目的(to persuade r eaders)常见于广告类的文章。在这样的文章中,作者或是要推销一种产品﹑一种服务(to sell a product or a service),或是要通过对旅游景点﹑报刊杂志﹑影片﹑电视节目等的介绍来达到他的写作目的:吸引更多的游客﹑读者或订户﹑观众等(to attract more visitors / readers / audience)。如广东卷曾有篇阅读理解文章介绍了四种杂志的内容和价格,其目的是to get more readers to subscribe。另一篇全国卷的阅读理解文章则介绍了一种被称为“篮子里的聚会”的家庭服务计划,文章内容包括服务的创意﹑服务的内容以及服务的价格和联系方式,由此我们可以推断出作者的写作目的是:to sell a service。 第三种写作目的(to inform readers)多见于科普类﹑新闻报道类﹑文化类或社会类的文章,了解这类文章的写作目的有赖于对文章主题的正确把握,阅读时有必要找准文章的主题句,或较好地对主题加以归纳.如全国卷有篇阅读文章,一开始我们就读到了这样的一个问题:“Excused from recy cling because you li ve in a high rise with a rubbish chute?” 这是介绍新产品或新思路的一种常见手法,可由此初步推断写作意图,作者在接下来的两个段落对这种废物回收装置作了具体的描述,并在最后一段告诉了我们这种装置的最大优点,把握了这些关键信息,我们也就明白了作者的意图:to introduce a recycling system for high rises.上海卷的一篇阅读文章,一开始给出了文章的主题句In toy stores, what is old is new again之后从generation al effec t , economic factors 和marketing techniques三个方面分析了20世纪80年代的玩具又再重新热销的原因,这就是作者写本文的目的:to analyze the reappearance of toys popular in the 1980’s。(2) 从写作手法来推断写作目的 请看一个实例(广东卷) “Have you ever been out on a boat and felt it lifted up by a wave? Or have you jumped in the water and felt the rush of energy as waves came over y ou ?” asked Jamie Taylor of the Wave Energy Group at the University of Edinburgh .“There is certainly a lot of energy in wav es ,”he said. ●The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to ______. A. test the readers’ knowledge about wa ves B. draw th e readers’ attention to the topic C. show Jamie Taylor’s importance D. invite the readers to answer them 【分析】作者在文章开头提出问题让读者思考,或是简单介绍与主题有关的其他事物,目的往往是为了引出主题(to draw the readers’ attention to the 1
