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一提到条件句,很多同学马上就会想用if来引导。首先,我们一起来看以下七个句子:Part A:

1 You can borrow my dictionary if you return it before you go home.

2 You cannot go to university if you do not have good grades.

3 Pollution will get worse if we continue to live in a throwaway society.

4 Many developed countries are willing to waive the Third World debt if the mon-ey is reinvested in education and medicine.

5 Some countries will never be able to rectify their deficits even if they work hard.

6 Computers are difficult things to understand, even if you read a lot of books about them.

7 Crime is a problem, even if you go to relatively safe countries.

这些句子都是由if 引导的条件句( even if 可以是条件也可以是让步状语从句),这些句子固然很好,但是是不是有些千篇一律呢?条件状语从句不仅仅限于if,下面给大家介绍一些可以替换if 的方式。我们分别用以下短语来替换上面七句话中的if :

providing that (假如) / unless (除非) / as long as (只要) / on condition that (如果,条件是)/ no matter how (不管怎样)/ however many (无论多少)/ wherever (无论什么地方)

第一句话可以直接用providing that ( 也可以用provided that ) 来替换if

1 You can borrow my dictionary providing that you return it before you go home. 第二句话可以把if not 换成unless

2 You cannot go to university unless you have good grades.

第三句话可以直接用as long as 替换if

3 Pollution will get worse as long as we continue to live in a throwaway society.

第四句话可以直接用on condition that 替换if

4 Many developed countries are willing to waive the Third World debt on condi-tion that the money is reinvested in education and medicine.

第五句话用no matter how 直接替代if

5 Some countries will never be able to rectify their deficits even if they work hard.

第六句话用however many 直接替代even if

6 Computers are difficult things to understand, however many books you read about them.

第七句话用wherever 直接替代even if及后面的内容,改写为

7 Crime is a problem, wherever you go.

Part B: 如果我们强调的重点是条件里的内容,那么我们可以把条件句放在句子的前面。我们现在试着把刚刚七个句子的强调内容提前。

1 Providing that you return it before you go home, you can borrow my dictionary.

2 Unless you have good grades, you cannot go to university.

3 As long as we continue to live in a throwaway society, pollution will get worse.

4 On condition that the money is reinvested in education and medicine, many de-veloped countries are willing to waive the Third World debt.

5 No matter how hard they work, some countries will never be able to rectify their deficits.

6 However many books you read about them, computers are difficult things to understand.

7 Wherever you go, crime is a problem.

Part C: 练习


1 British universities will accept students from abroad __________

2 Working for a large company can be a fulfilling experience ____

3 Most banks are happy to lend customers money _____________

4 The government will reduce income tax ____________________

5 The environment situation will continue to worsen ____________

6 There will always be long waiting lists at our hospitals ________

7 Traveling helps you understand more about the world around you ______


Part D: 此外,一些名词也可以表示条件,比如

prerequisites ( n 前提,先决条件) conditions ( n 条件) requirement ( n 要求,条件)


1 Being able to drive is one of the _____ of the job of salesmen. (prerequisites)

2 Before you accept a job, it is important that you agree with the ______ of the
