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1. She is going to buy some food tomorrow. she ______ food tomorrow? any isn’t going to buy ______ 2. You’d better leave at once. You’d _______ ______ leave at once. better not 3. Jim does sports every day. Jim _____ sports every day. doesn ______ do ’t could speak some French at the age of 5. 4. Sally couldn some French at the age of 5. Sally ________ speak _____ t 5. Stop ’ writing. stop writing. ______ ____ Don 6.’ It think he will come back tomorrow. will don’t think ________ I ______ come back tomorrow. 7. I had some bread for breakfast this morning. I ______ have _______ bread for breakfast this morning. didn any
1. I am Maria’s friend. I _____ am ______ not Maria’s friend. 2. He was reading a novel in the study. wasn He ________ _________ reading a novel in the study. ’t 3. Steve was doing some cleaning at this time yesterday. any cleaning at this time yesterday. ’doing ______ Steve wasn ______ 4. He minds it. t He doesn _______ ______ mind it. 5. Be ’ quick. t ______ ______ quick. Don be 6. ’ Michael can speak some French.. t Michael ______ can speak ______ any French. *7. I used to walk ’ t to school before. I _________ ______ usedn to walk to school before.
Leabharlann Baidu 对划线部分提问2
14. How 1) 对表示程度的副词及副词词组(well, very much, much, very hard)提问; 2) 对做表语的表示身体状况的形容词及形容词词组提问。(fine, well, all right, ill, sick) 3) 对对方式状语提问。(on foot, by bike/bus/car…, on a plane等) 4)表示天气状况的adj(如 sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, foggy, snowy等),以 及表天气状况的动词及短语(如:rain, snow heavily, often blow )提问。 15. How many对可数名词前的数词、数名短语提问,可数名词的复数形式必须紧 跟在How many之后提到句首。(five books, three baskets of apples) 16. How much 1) 对表示价格的数名短语提问。(five yuan, 40 dollars) 2) 对不可数名词前数名短语提问,不可数名词必须紧跟在How much之后提到句首. 17.How often对频度副词、频度短语提问。 never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always every day (week, month…), every three weeks (days, months, terms, years… ), three (four, five …) times a day (week, month, term, year …), three days (weeks, months, years…) a week (month, years century…) 18. How soon对soon以及in +时间段提问。 19. How long 对时间段( 如two hours, for three days)提问。 20. when对时间段及时间点提问。(in June, at 6:30) 21. Where对表示地点的副词(here, there)、介词短语提问
1. What 1)对不是人的物和事提问。 2)对前面出现了name的人名提问。 3)对数字本身提问。 4)对表示职业的名词(a doctor, a teacher 等)提问。 2. What do…do ?对动词原形提问。 3. What does…do? 对动词三单现提问。 4. What did…do? 对动词过去式提问。 5. What …doing? 对动词现在分词(v.ing)提问。 6. What …be the weather like…?或How …be the weather?对表示天气状况 的adj(如 sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, foggy, snowy等)提问。 7. What color 对做表语、宾语的颜色提问。 8. What day 对星期几,节日,生日提问。 9. What date 对几月几日提问。 10. What time 对做表语、状语的时间点(如6:30 at 7:00PM等)提问。 11.What class/row/grade/school等对诸如:Class Four, Row Three, Grade Seven, No. 8 Middle School 的短语提问。 12. Who 对表示人的名词提问。 13. Why 对because +句子(because从句)提问。
1. 变否定句时,肯定句中有some,some要变成any。 2. 变否定句时,肯定句中有am,就在am后加not, am not不缩写。 3. 变否定句时,肯定句中有is,就在is后加not, is not缩写成isn’t。 4. 变否定句时,肯定句中有are,就在are后加not, are not缩写成aren’t。 5. 变否定句时,肯定句中有was,就在was后加not, was not缩写成wasn’t。 6. 变否定句时,肯定句中有were,就在were后加not, were not缩写成weren’t。 7. 变否定句时,肯定句中有can,就在can后加not, can not缩写成can’t 或cannot。 8. 变否定句时,肯定句中有could,就在could后加not, could not缩写成couldn’t。 9. 变否定句时,肯定句中有will,就在will后加not, will not 缩写成won’t。 10. 变否定句时,肯定句中有would,就在would后加not, would not缩写成wouldn’t。 11. 变否定句时,肯定句中有shall,就在shall后加not, shall not缩写成shan’t。 12.变否定句时,肯定句中有should,就在should后加not, should not缩写成should not 。 13. 变否定句时,肯定句中有may,就在may后加not, may not不缩写。 14.变否定句时,肯定句中有had better,就在had better后加not, better not不缩写。 15.变否定句时,肯定句中有used to,就在used后加not, used not缩写成usedn’t; 也 可以在used前面加didn’t,而把used变为 use。 16. 17. 变否定句时,肯定句中有实义动词原型,就在这个实义动词原型前加don’t。 18. 变否定句时,肯定句中有实义动词三单现,就在这个实义动词三单现前加doesn’t, 实 义动词三单现变回实义动词原型。 19. 变否定句时,肯定句中有实义动词过去式,就在这个实义动词过去式前加didn’t实义动 词过去式变回实义动词原型。
1. She is doing some cleaning. any Is she doing ________ _____ cleaning? 2. They were watching TV at this time yesterday. _____ ________ TV at this time yesterday? Were they watching 3. She goes bicycling twice a week. ______ Does she _____ go bicycling twice a week? 4. She has to clean the classroom every day. _____ Does she _____ have to clean the classroom every day? 5. She does morning exercises every day. _____ morning exercises every day? Does she _____do do 6. We did morning exercises yesterday. _____ Did you _____ do morning exercises yesterday? *7. Jim used to be a policeman. ______ Used Jim _____ to be a policeman?
1. I am from Canada. _____ Are _____ you from Canada? 2. She is looking for her dog. _____ she __________ Is looking for her dog? 3. They are some knives. ______ they ______ Are any knives? 4. There were some birds in the tree two days ago. ______ Were there ______ any birds in the tree two days ago? 5. I would like to go with you. ______ Would you ______ like to go with me? 6. Maria does sports every day. _____ sports every day? Does Maria _____ do *7. You’d better go home at once. _______ you _______ better go home at once? Had
1. I’m feeling very well today. How ______ are ______ you feeling today? 2. Jim took the pills twice a day. did Jim take the pills ? often How ______ _____ 3. The boy was walking down the street when the UFO landed. What doing ______ was the boy _______ when the UFO landed? 4. I used to listen to pop music . What _______ used ______ you to do? 5. Ann spends at least an hour in the gym every day. How ______ long _____ does Ann spend in the gym every day? 6. I watched a soccer game on TV last night. When ______ did ______ you watch a soccer game on TV? 7. I was born in Chengdu. Where ______ were you born? _______