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it never rains but it pours 祸不单行

throw n CaUti On to the Wind 冒险

a storm in teacup 大惊小怪

twisti ng in the Wind 孤立无援

rainy day艰难的时刻/困境

ill Wind that blows nobody any good 有祸也有福/有人愁有人喜

every cloud has a SiIVer Iining (每一块乌云后面都有银色的一面)困难中必有希望

bolt from the blue 突如其来的

Under the Weather 身体不舒服

Weather the storm 渡过危机

as right as rain 万事顺禾U


1. What's UP With him today? He has a face like thu nder!


2. I'm a bit disappo in ted in Joh n and David. It tur ned out they Were Only fair-weather frien ds. 我对约翰和大卫有点失望,原来他们不过是靠不住的酒肉朋友。

3. We don't have a Sno wball's Cha nce of Winning that Con tract!


4. Don't worry about those two arguin g. it's just a storm in a teacup.


5. The exam WaS a breeze.


6. We're Sno Wed Un der at work.


7. They're blow ing hot and cold over this issue. It's impossible to know What they want!


8. He's always work ing in his garde n - come rain Or shine.


9. It's going to get Very busy on ThUrSday. Today and tomorrow are just the lull before the storm. 我们周四会很忙的,今天和明天只是暴风雨来临之前暂时的宁静。

10. I don't want to SPe nd this extra money.门I SaVe it UP for a rainy day.


11. I'm going to See WhiCh Way the Wind blows before ask ing her about a raise.


12. You'll steal her thu nder if you Wear that dress toni ght!


13. I'm feeli ng a bit Un der the Weather at the mome nt.

14. ThiS recessi On is quite SeriOUS and it's beco ming difficult to Weather the storm.




Sunny 晴天Fair 晴cloudy 多云OVerCaSt 阴天Calm 无风light 微风moderate 风力不大Strong 大风gale强风Light DriZZIe微雨DriZZIe 毛毛雨ShOWerS阵雨light rain 小雨moderate rain 中雨heavy rain 大雨rainstorm 暴雨thunderstorm 雷雨Drifting Snow 飘雪light snow 小雪moderate snow 中雪heavy snow 大雪sleet 雨夹雪fog 雾

HaZe( mist) 薄雾frost 霜冻typhoOn 台风

DUSt灰尘Sandstorm 沙尘暴Hail冰雹Warm UP天气转暖clear UP天气放晴SCattered ShOWerS 局部阵雨SUnny/bright 阳光充足clear/fair/fine 晴朗PartIy cloudy 局部有云cloudy 多云OVerCaSt/dull 阴freezing 冰冷cold 冷cool 凉爽mild 温和Warm 暖和hot 炎热

fine/clear/good Weather 好天气sunny/fine 晴天bad Weather 坏天气sleet 雨夹雪lightning 闪电cloudy then rainy SUnny then cloudy 晴转阴

1. Weather forecast 气象预报

2. Weatherma n 气象员

3. Weather StatiOn 气象站

4. cold WaVe 寒流

5. PartIy cloud 少云

9. drop in temperature 降温

Sn OW ShOWerS=短暂阵雪F eW Sn OW ShOWerS / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风

Light Ra in ShOWer and Win dy=小阵雨带风Light Rai n With ThU nder=小雨有雷声

Mostly CIear=大部晴朗MoStly Cloudy=大部多云MoStly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风Mostly SU nny=晴时多云PartIy Cloudy=局部多云PartIy Cloudy/ Win dy=多云时有风

PM Ra in / Wind=下午小雨时有风PM Light Rai n=下午小雨PM ShOWerS=下午阵雨

PM Snow ShOWerS=下午阵雪PM T-StOrmS=下午雷雨




3、清明:clear and bright

4、惊蛰:excited inSeCtS

5、春风:SPri ng breeze

二、夏:SUmmer 1、夏令营:SUmmer CamP 2、连衣裙:One-piece dress 3 电风扇:electric fan

4、空调:air Con diti Oner

5、西瓜:WatermeI On

三、秋:autumn 1、秋分:the autumnal equinox 2、秋播:fall Seeding 3、秋海棠:elephant's-ear

4、秋菜:autu mn VegetabIe


四、冬:Winter 1、雪花:snoWflake 2、滑雪:Skiing 3、溜冰:ice-skating 4、冰棍:forzen SUCker 5、雪雕:SnoW SCUIPt

come rain Or Shine 无论如何、不管怎样

It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行。

get Wind of sth.听到.... 的风声

get the Wind UP变得紧张/害怕

do a Snow-job On sb.对某人花言巧语
