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Rose: Jack, if we hadn’t been on wouldn’t have met board, we ____________(meet)his disaster. If the ship hadn’t struck an wouldn’t have sunk iceberg, it_______________(sink). had been If there _________(be)enough life boats, we would have got on the boat.
曾经有一段真 挚的感情摆 在我面前我 没有珍惜, 等到失去时 才后悔莫及 。人生最悲 哀的事情莫 过于此。
如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会, 我会对那个女孩子说三个字:我爱你。 如果非要在这份爱上加上一个期限,我希望是--一万年!
If the God ________________________(give) me should /were to give/gave another chance,I_____________ (tell)the girl three would tell words: I love her! If our love _________ (have had to to) be set a time limit, I wish it would be ___________ (be)10,000 years!
• She loves the baby as if it were ____(be) her own son. • I remember the whole thing as if it had happened ______________(happen) yesterday.
5) as if /though + 从句
If I hadn’t won the ticket, I wouldn’t have been on board. If I hadn’t been on board, I wouldn’t have met you. If we hadn’t been on board, we wouldn’t have met this disaster. If the ship hadn’t struck an iceberg, it wouldn’t have sunk. If there had been enough life boats, we would have got on the boat.
would/could/ should/might +do
3)If only …(要是…就好了)
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
• 要是我们的父母能和我们住在一起就好了。 If only our parents could live with us! • 要是我没错过火车就好了! If only I hadn’t missed the train!
If 从句的谓语形式 主句的谓语形式 would/could/should had done /might +have done
Before Jack died ,he said:
Rose, if we were alive,I would marry you some day.
If we were to be married, we could live a happy life in the future.
If 从句的谓语形式 主句的谓语形式
should/might +do
Make some sentences by using these words: have money lend …to finish watch TV play football make money travel live a happy life buy
如果我有一千万,我就能买一栋房子. 我有一千万吗? 没有。 所以我仍然没有房子。 如果我有翅膀,我就能飞。 我有翅膀吗? 没有。 所以我也没办法飞。
如果把整个太平洋的水倒出, 也浇不息我对你爱情的火 整个太平洋的水全部倒得出吗? 不行。 所以我并不爱你。
用来表示说的话不是事 定义:
实,或者是不可能发生的情况, 而是一种愿望,建议,假设的 语气叫虚拟语气。
Multiple choice
1. If all places__ alike, there would be places____ alike, there would little need forfor geographers. be little need geographers. A. being B. are C. be D. were 2. Everything _____ if Albert hadn’t called the firefighter. A.will be destroyed B. will have been destroyed C. would be destroyed D. would have been destroyed
5. If I ___ ten years younger in the future, I ______ very happy. A. were, would be B. am, shall be C. were, shall be D. am, would be
Unreal conditionals
1.If I ________(work) hard, I worked would have __________ (have) money.
2. If I ______(have) a lot of money, I had ___________ (buy) a ticket. would buy 3. If I bought __________(buy) a ticket, I would be ___________ (be) on board. were 4. If I ________(be) on board, I would sail __________( sail) for America.
因为我热爱阳光。 我希望我能见到丘比特(Cupid), 因为爱情是最美丽的。 但是我不可能见到上帝(It is impossible that ……),
所以最重要的还是要努力学习(it is important……)。
I and God
• If I were God, I would have everything. • If I had met God, I would have made friends with him. • If I should see God one day, I would tell him my dream. • I wish I could meet Appolo, • because I love sunlight. • I wish I could meet Cupid, • because love is the most beautiful. • But it is impossible that I meet God. • So it is the most important that we should study hard.
If I were you, I would/could/should/might… If you …, you would/could/should/might… … If only … I would rather you … I wish you…
Sece1: Lazy sheep is crying , for he is laughed at for being too fat. Scene2: Pleasant sheep got “0” in the last English exam, which makes him so sad.
If I worked hard, I might have money. If I had a lot of money, I could buy a ticket. If I bought a ticket, I would be on board. If I were on board, I should sail for America.
would/could/ should/might +do
一般条件句中虚拟语气的用法 If 从句的谓语形式 主句的谓语形式
present did(were)
had done 1.did 2.should+do 3. were to do
should/might +do would/could/should/ might +have done
Situation 2
• The natural scenery of Yangyan mountains is really wonderful. I had gone would rather you_________ (go), too.
Situation 3
• I’m very busy today. Firstly, I will have to finish my work. Next, I’ll go to visit my sick grandma. And then I’ll buy something to eat. At the end of the day, I will pick up my son. Don’t come. I would rather you came _________(come) tomorrow.
If we were alive,I would marry you some day.
If we were to be married, we could live a happy life in the future.
If 从句的谓语形式 主句的谓语形式
2.should+do 3. were to do
这天气看起来像夏天。 • It seems as if it were summer. 他们交谈着,就像他们是多年的朋友。
• They talked as if they were friends for years.
如果我见过上帝, 我一定已经与他交朋友了。 如果有一天我能见到上帝,我会告诉他我的梦想。
3.If it for the heavy rain, we ____ the Mount Emei yesterday. A. were not; could have climbed B. were not; could climb C. had not been; could have climbed D. had not been; could climb 4. You didn’t accept my help. If we it together, you ___ so tired. A. did; didn’t B. do; wouldn’t get C. were doing; wouldn’t D. had done; wouldn’t have got
I wish I_______________.
Situation 1.
• I am really lacking in money and you told me you would pay the money back next week.
To tell you the truth, I would rather you paid _______(pay) me now.