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Adaptive noise cancellation in speech signal processing research


In our daily life ,all speech signal will be influenced by noise, How to effectively eliminate the noise is one of hot subjects for years.The paper begins with the principle of adaptive filter,structure and application. Based on the MATLAB platform, simulation is carried out for the applications of adaptive algorithms in noise cancelling,and completed the instance of voice signal noise reduction.

This paper discuss about adaptive filtering algorithm in the speech signal denoising aspects of the research on the adaptive cancellation system in-depth study and research and establishes another step factor u and the error signal e (n) between the non-linear function of a new relationship, the algorithm using variable step size, the step with the magnitude of the noise signal to noise ratio and the change, to improve the convergence rate, can effectively filter out in real life speech signal Gaussian white noise, frequency interference, and interference with other speakers. Can greatly enhance the output speech signal to noise ratio, experiments show that the algorithm convergence rate, noise reduction performance, improving signal to noise ratio with the conventional adaptive algorithms have improved to some extent compared. In this paper, the coefficient of the formula

fitting analysis, and find the optimal solution, the effect of noise correlation coefficient has done some analysis shows that the main channel of the input noise and the noise reference channel correlation coefficient higher learning , filter the better.

Key words:Adaptive Filtering; variable step size ; LMS algorithm ; Speech Enhancement


1 绪论 (2)

1.1自适应噪声抵消技术研究背景 (2)

1.2语音降噪的发展及研究现状 (3)

1.3 本文的主要研究内容 (4)

2 自适应噪声对消原理概述 (6)

2.1自适应噪声抵消器原理 (7)

2.2 LMS自适应噪声抵消算法 (8)

2.3 LMS算法特点分析 (10)

2.4评价算法性能的指标 (13)

2.5 本章小结 (15)

3自适应噪声对消的模拟与仿真 (16)

3.1自适应噪声对消模型的建立及算法仿真 (16)

3.2 一种变步长LMS算法的提出与仿真 (22)

3.3 本章小结 (27)

4语音信号消噪实例 (28)

4.1信噪比的计算 (28)

4.2语音消噪实验 (29)

4.3 实验结果分析 (32)

4.4本章小结 (33)

总结与展望 (34)

参考文献 (35)
