





()1. A. B. C.

()2. A. B. C.

()3. A. B. C.

()4. A. B. C.

()5. A. B. C.



()6. What festival is coming?

A. Father's Day.

B. Mother's Day.

C. Teachers' Day.

()7. What will they buy?

A. A tie.

B. A T- shirt.

C. A scarf.


()8. What was Bill like in the past?

A. Outgoing.

B. Quiet.

C. Popular.

()9. What did Bill use to do every day?

A. Talk with girls.

B. Help the girls.

C. Read in the library.


()10. What does Mary find especially hard in learning English?

A. Spelling.

B. Pronunciation.

C. Grammar.

()11. What does the man advise Mary to do?

A. Do more reading.

B. Do more exercises.

C. Join an English club. 听第4段对话,回答第12、13、14小题。

()12. What would the woman like to buy?

A. Food.

B. Books.

C. Shoes.

()13. Which floor is the supermarket on?

A. The first floor.

B. The second floor.

C. The third floor.

()14. What time does the shopping center close today?

A. At 9:30 p. m.

B. At 10:00 p. m.

C. At 10:30 p. m.


()15. Where did the woman probably work before?

A. In a school.

B. In a hospital.

C. In a bank.

()16. What language did the woman learn from her grandma?

A. Japanese.

B. English.

C. French.

()17. How long will the woman work in New York City?

A. For about one year.

B. For about two years.

C. For about three years.


()18. Who did Jason buy the sky lantern for?

A. His sister.

B. Kathy.

C. Himself.

()19. What will Kathy do when she goes home?

A. Make a birthday card.

B. Repair the model plane.

C. Cook dinner.


()21. What are the shoes painted with?

A. Grass.

B. The sun.

C. Clouds and stars.

()22. What are the shoes made of?

A. Cloth.

B. Clay.

C. Paper.

()23. Where is W Studio?

A. In Washington D. C.

B. In Texas.

C. In Utah.

()24. What does William think of his work?

A. Hard but pleasant.

B. Risky and exciting.

C. Easy and interesting.

()25. How does William find new ideas?

A. By searching the Internet.

B. By talking with artists.

C. By traveling and reading books.



()26. —How does your sister improve her speaking skills?

—________ joining an English club.

A. For

B. With

C. By

D. From

()27. —What makes ________ effective for people to send and receive information at great speed and little cost?

—The Internet, I think.

A. it

B. them

C. this

D. that

()28. —What have you learned about Christmas?

—Oh, I know it's ________ festival in Western countries, and it's the children's favorite one.

A. popular

B. more popular

C. the most popular

D. the more popular

()29. —What do you think of Karen?

—She is ________ kind to others ________ her friends and classmates all like her very much.

A. too; to

B. so; that

C. enough; to

D. such; that

()30. —Do you think Internet Plus(互联网+) has changed our life?

—Sure. It is ________ used in all the fields, such as shopping, education, traveling, finance (金融) and so on.

A. normally

B. hardly

C. widely

D. clearly

()31. —Are you going to Australia for a trip this summer?

—Yes, my father ________ going there to relax.

A. finished

B. practiced

C. minded

D. suggested

()32. —Your father ________ to work by bus, didn't he?

—Yes, he did. But now he walks to work to keep healthy.

A. used to go

B. used to going

C. is used to go

D. is used to going

()33. —Why does everybody believe in Bruce no matter ________ he says?

—Because he is honest. He never tells a lie.

A. when

B. how

C. who

D. what

()34. —Hi, Linda, is this your bedroom? How tidy it is!

—Yes, thanks. It ________ every day.

A. cleans

B. cleaned

C. is cleaned

D. is cleaning

()35. —Could you tell me ________ last night?

—I watched the film Tiny Times 4.

A. what you did

B. what you do

C. what did you do

D. what do you do


Dear Jenny,

How's it going? Are you busy with your study these days?

I've been back at school __36__ nearly four weeks. I'm very glad to tell you that great __37__ have taken place in our school this term. First of all, we're asked to “clear our plates” when having our meals and say __38__ to waste. Some o f us used to order more than what we could eat. That was a big waste of food. Now we need to __39__ the food we order. We should also stop wasting in some other ways. For

example, we should turn off the lights when we __40__ the classroom. And our school has opened up some fields for us to learn how to grow vegetables. Each class is given a small garden and our class has decided to grow some tomatoes and beans (豆类) in our __41__ time. I think that will be very interesting. Maybe I'll be able to __42__ you some beans we've grown by ourselves next time! What's more, we have only two classes in the afternoon __43__ we have more time for after-school activities. I'm one of the traffic safety volunteers in our school. After school, we take turns to go to the streets near our school and ask people to __44__ the traffic rules.

I think we are having a different school life now!Please write back soon and tell __45__ more about your school.


Wang Wei ()36. A. in B. for C. on D. at

()37. A. changes B. things C. interests D. lessons

()38. A. yes B. hello C. no D. thanks

()39. A. clean B. pay C. cook D. finish

()40. A. leave B. reach C. open D. build

()41. A. busy B. free C. happy D. sad

()42. A. plant B. buy C. post D. lend

()43. A. because B. when C. before D. so

()44. A. follow B. make C. break D. think

()45. A. him B. her C. you D. me



()46. What can we learn about Elisabeth?

A. She wants to introduce herself.

B. She wants to overcome her shyness.

C. She likes to help others to solve problems.

D. She enjoys talking with others.

()47. Lucy spent ________ in overcoming her shyness.

A. about a year

B. less than three years

C. about five years

D. more than six years ()48. What does Tina think is important to overcoming shyness?

A. Kindness.

B. Fairness.

C. Confidence.

D. Good grades.

()49. ________ helped Anna a lot to become more outgoing.

A. Serving in a restaurant

B. Eating out often

C. Working day and night

D. Looking for jobs

()50. Which of the following is TRUE about Lucy,Tina and Anna?

A. They are all high school students.

B. They all gave the answer on the same day.

C. They all thought it was easy to overcome shyness.

D. They all used to be shy and overcame it successfully.


Ancient China produced many types of beautiful works of art. Among them, calligraphy(书法), poetry(诗歌) and painting were the most famous. Often they would be put together in art. These became important starting with the Song Dynasty.

Calligraphy is the art of handwriting. In the old time, the Chinese considered writing as an important form of art. Calligraphers would practice for years to learn to write perfectly, but with style. Each of over 40,000 characters needed to be written correctly. And each stroke(笔画) in a character had to be written in a certain order.

Poetry was also an important form of art. Great poets were famous all over the country, but all educated people were expected to write poetry. During the Tang Dynasty, poetry was so important that writing poetry was part of the examinations to become a civil servant(文官) and work for the government.

Chinese painting was often connected with calligraphy. It is one of the oldest artistic traditions in the world. The most traditional way of Chinese painting is known as “national” or “native” painting(国画),which is quite different from Western painting. People can draw mountains, homes, birds, trees and water on it.

()51. Calligraphers needed to write over ________ characters correctly in the old time.

A. 10,000

B. 20,000

C. 30,000

D. 40,000

()52. What was part of the civil service examinations during the Tang Dynasty?

A. Painting.

B. Calligraphy.

C. Writing poetry.

D. Playing music. ()53. The underlined word “It” refers to ________.

A. calligraphy

B. art

C. Chinese painting

D. Western painting

()54. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Calligraphy, poetry and painting were the most famous works of art.

B. The strokes of each character could be written in any order.

C. Poetry was an important form of art like calligraphy.

D. Chinese painting was often connected with calligraphy.

()55. What's the passage mainly about?

A. Chinese art.

B. Chinese examinations.

C. Chinese history.

D. Chinese dynasties.


After a long summer holiday, you must be happy to go back to school and see your friends and classmates again. However, as students of Grade 9, please try to ask yourselves if you are really ready for the new term.

Firstly, are you ready for new challenges? We all know Grade 9 is an important year for Chinese students. During this year, challenges such as heavy homework, endless exercises and tests and keen(激烈的) competitions are all waiting for you. If you don't have a healthy body and a strong mind, you will find it hard to deal with these. To keep a healthy body and a strong mind, you need to do some physical exercise every day.

Secondly, are you ready for some changes? No matter how your school life used to be, you need to turn over a new leaf. As Grade 9 students, you must set new and different goals(目标). For example, when you were in Grade 7, perhaps your goal was simply to make new friends and try your best to fit in at junior high school. However, now you have to think about how to get higher marks to enter a good senior high school. You need to plan ahead and use your time wisely.

Last but not least, are you ready to accept failures(失败)?Everyone wants to be successful, but in many cases, failure is the path(道路) to success. So take a good look at your failures and try to learn from them.



A: Kelly, could you please tell me something about Easter?

B: Yes. (61)________ It celebrates the beginning of new life.

A: (62)________

B: We celebrate it in March or April. It's on March 27th this year.

A: (63)________

B: We make lots of Easter eggs. We color the eggs and then paint some designs(图案) on the eggs. Eggs are very important on Easter Day because an egg is the start of new life. (64)________

A: Is there anything else special?

B: Of course. The Easter Bunny(复活节兔子). (65)________

A: Thanks for telling me so much.

B: You're welcome.



You are on the street in New York and need to get to the nearest subway. Or

you're in Beijing (66)________ to find the bus to take you to the Great Wall. Or

you're going to meet friends at a pizza restaurant in Rome, a big city (67)________ a lot of different pizza restaurants.

This should all be easy. But if you aren't sure (68)________ you're going and don't speak the language, it can turn into an embarrassing (使人尴尬的) experience. There are ways that can help you ask for directions, no matter where you are around the world and what language you can (69)________. Consider the following:Know where you are. If you do a bit of homework before you leave for your trip, you can tell others where you are going much (70)________.

Have some pictures or maps. If you worry about your (71)________ when asking for directions, it helps to carry a map. A stranger can see where exactly you are going and point you in the (72)________ direction.

Use body language. Often travelers have to be like silent film actors when asking for directions. It sounds silly, but (73)________ able to use your hands, fingers, and even facial expressions can make strangers understand where you want to go and help you out.

Don't get (74)________. From Tokyo to Berlin, you might have trouble asking for directions. (75)________ calm (镇静的), and you'll find your way finally.


76. 我们每一个人为我们的祖国而自豪。(be)

Every one of us __________________our motherland.

77. 为了挑选一件好一点的连衣裙去参加聚会,刚才蒂娜把她所有的连衣裙都摆


In order to choose a better one for the party, Tina ________________ all her

dresses on the bed just now.

78. 这个女孩已经爱上了摇滚乐。

The girl has already ________________________ rock music.

79. 你能告诉我如何处理坏的情绪吗?

Could you tell me how ________________ bad feelings?

80. 多酷的模型飞机啊!但它是由用过的木头和玻璃做的。

How cool the model plane is! But it ________________ used wood and glass.


你们班上周五举行了一场“Should Wi-Fi be used at school?”为主题的班会。请根据下面的一些观点,以及你自己的看法,写一篇英语短文。

支持方:1. 能够获取更多知识,拓宽视野,自己解决问题;

2. 能够促使老师创造更多的有趣课堂,帮助我们更好地学习;

3. ……反对方:1. 会让我们对网络和手机上瘾,沉迷于玩游戏;

2. 会让我们关注网上不健康内容;

3. ……

参考词汇:gain获取;broaden拓宽;promote促进;download下载;distract 使分心;lack缺乏;addict上瘾


Should Wi-Fi be used at school?

Last Friday, we had a class meeting about “Should Wi-Fi be used at school?”. We had a fierce debate(激烈的辩论). Here are the opinions.




一、1. Jim often studies English by reading English newspapers.

2. I love to watch the race on the Dragon Boat Festival; it is fun.

3. How big the amusement park is! Let's go to Space World. I'm excited to try

the rides.

4. Mike used to be interested in scary movies. He always went to see one on


5. We know tea plants are grown on the side of mountains in the south of China.

二、Text 1

W: Hi, Mike. Let's go shopping this afternoon!

M: What's up? I'm having fun playing computer games.

W: Tomorrow is Father's Day. We'll buy our father a present.

M: Oh, I see. But what present shall we get?

W: What about a tie?

M: No, he has a few. Mm, oh, his T- shirt has gone out of style. Let's get him one. All right?

W: That's a good idea. Let's go now!

M: OK.

Text 2

M: Look at all the girls around Bill. He's so popular.

W: Yes. But he used to be quiet.

M: You're right. His face always turned red when he talked to girls!

W: I used to see him reading in the library every day.

M: That's because he was a really good student. He studied hard and got good scores in his exams.

Text 3

M: What do you think of your English lessons, Mary?

W: Well, I enjoy them. But they are not easy.

M: What do you find difficult?

W: Lots of things, especially grammar. I've learned many grammar rules, but I still make mistakes in my homework.

M: Do you read much in English?

W: Not much. I like doing English exercises better.

M: Don't just do exercises. You'd better learn grammar rules by reading.

Text 4

W: Excuse me, can you tell me where I can buy some food?

M: Sure. There is a supermarket in this shopping center.

W: Oh, could you please tell me how to get there?

M: Yes. Go to the second floor and then turn right. Um. . . it is next to a bookstore.

W: Thanks. Do you know when the shopping center closes today?

M: It often closes at 10: 00 p. m. on weekdays. But it closes half an hour later today because it's the weekend.

W: OK, thanks a lot.

M: You're welcome.

Text 5

M: I heard you've got a new job in New York City. Congratulations!

W: Thanks.

M: Will you still work as a nurse?

W: No. My new job is teaching French in a language school.

M: I didn't know you could speak French. When did you learn it?

W: I learned it four years ago. My grandma taught me. She used to be a French teacher when she was young.

M: How long do you plan to work in New York City?

W: For about two years. Then I'll come back. All my friends are here, you


M: I'm sure you'll make some new friends there.

Text 6

W: Hey, Jason. What is it in your hand?

M: A sky lantern. I bought it from the store across from our school.

W: It's not a festival today, is it?

M: No, it's my sister's birthday today. She and I will send out the sky lantern tonight.

W: Wow, that's a good idea. Your sister can make wishes to the sky.

M: Yeah, people used to send sky lanterns out to ask for help when in trouble, but now sky lanterns are used to make wishes. Do you want to join us

tonight, Kathy?

W: Yes, I'd love to. When will you start to send out the sky lantern?

M: At 8: 00 p. m.

W: Oh, it's still early. I'll go home first to repair my brother's model plane.

M: What happened?

W: My brother dropped his model plane and broke it. He is upset.

M: Hey, take your little brother with you tonight. It would cheer him up a bit.

W: Can I? Oh, he must be happy. Thanks.

三、At the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D. C. , you might see two shoes. They are painted with clouds and stars. They look like shoes that you could wear on your feet. But they are really made out of carefully formed clay material. The artist William Wilhelmi made them. W Studio is on a quiet street in Corpus Christi, Texas. This is where William makes his art. He says working with clay can be difficult. But he says it is also very pleasant. And it allows him to use his sense of color and shapes in many ways. He finds new ideas by traveling and reading books.






四、26. C

27. A点拨:考查it作形式宾语。

28. C点拨:根据答句中的“它是西方国家中最受欢迎的节日,它是孩子


29. B点拨:分析答句可知此句由两个句子构成,故只考虑so. . . that和

such. . . that, 又因第一空格后是形容词kind,只有so可修饰。故


30. C31. D

32. A点拨:根据答句中“但他现在为了保持健康走路去上班”可知他过

去常乘公共汽车去上班,表示“过去常做某事”是“used to do sth. ”。


33. D点拨:no matter后接疑问代词或副词。此处是表示“无论他说什么”,


34. C35. A



七、56. Endless exercises and tests

57. a healthy body and a strong mind

58. Think about how to get higher marks.

59. use your time wisely

60. Accepting failures


九、66. trying67. with68. where69. speak

70. more easily71. pronunciation72. right73. being

74. worried75. Keep

十、76. is proud of77. laid out 78. fallen in love with

79. to deal with 80. is made of

十一、One possible version:

Should Wi-Fi be used at school?

Last Friday, we had a class meeting about “Should Wi-Fi be used at school?”. We had a fierce debate(激烈的辩论). Here are the opinions.

Some of us agree. It will be helpful to our study. With the help of the Internet, we can gain much knowledge and solve problems on our own. We can also surf the Internet to read news and broaden our horizons. What's more, it will promote education. With the help of Wi-Fi, teachers don't have to download all the teaching materials; instead, they could create more interesting classes and work with students better.

Others think it's not a good idea. It will distract us from study. As middle school students, we lack self-control. We may be addicted to the Internet and mobile phones. Maybe we lose ourselves in playing games.

In my opinion, I agree with the rule. We can keep in touch with parents, friends and teachers through WeChat and other tools. And it will be good for us to hold school events and activities. (I disagree with the rule. We may pay too much attention to the bad information on the Internet. It will take us too much time to find useful information. )


云阳县2013年下期九年级上册语文单元目标检测(期中) 命题人:何志章审题人:大勇 班级学号得分 一、语文知识及运用(30分) 1.下列各组词语 ..中,加点字的读音全都正确的一组是( c )(3分) A.恪.尽职守(gé)喑.哑(yīn )妖娆.(ráo ) 诓.骗(kūang ) B.舔.犊之情(shì) 襁褓.(bǎo) 骈.进(pián) 休祲.(qìn) C.强聒.不舍(guō) 扶掖.(yè ) 怫.然(fú) 鸿鹄.(hú) D.孜.孜不倦(zī) 间.令(jiān) 缟.素(gǎo) 征.铎(tuó) 2.下列词语中有错别字的一项是( c )(3分) A.润如油膏田圃征引亵渎 B.重踏覆辙旁骛陨落睿智 C.怒不可接忐忑修身诘难 D.根深蒂固滞碍篝火加惠 3.下列句子中加点成语使用正确的一项是( d )(3分) A.尽管计算机是高科技工具,但拥有它并不意味着工作都可以事倍功半 ....。 B.动物园成立了野生动物求助中心,一些遭伤害的野生动物又栩栩如生 ....了。 C.“神舟”五号载人飞船把我国首位航天员成功送入浩瀚的太空并安全返回,这是我国航天 事业取得的又一空前绝后 ....的成就。 D.从风格看,白的诗飘逸豪放,杜甫的诗沉郁顿挫,各有千秋 ....。 4.下列文学常识表达不正确的一项是( a )(3分) A.《史记》的作者司马迁,字子长,他用毕业精力完成了我国第一部编年体史书。 B.“四书”分别是《礼记》中的《大学》和《中庸》、《论语》、《《孟子》。 C.《唐雎不辱使命》选自国别体史书《战国策》,编者为西汉的向。 D.培根的随笔具有语言隽永、说理透彻的特点。 5.下列长句的朗读停顿不正确的一项是( b )(2分) A.今/诚以吾众/诈自称/公子扶、项燕。 B.又间令/吴广之次所旁/丛祠中。, C.乃令/符离人婴/将兵/徇蕲以东。 D.发闾左/谪戍渔阳。 6.下面文字中有三句话,各有一处语病,请加以修改。(4分) ①中宣部教育部日前印发并制定的《中小学开展弘扬和培育民族精神教育实施纲要》指出, ②中小学开展弘扬和培育民族精神教育,要引导学生树立以热爱祖国、报效人民为最大光荣,以损害国家人民利益、民族尊严为最大耻辱,③帮助学生学习中华民族创造的灿烂文化对人类发展的贡献,④让所有中小学生全部都感受到民族文化的魅力。 ①句中语序不当,应将制定与印发对调 ②句成分残缺,应在耻辱的后面加上的观念 ③句用词不当,应将改成 ④句词语累赘,应该删去的词是。 7.仿写。(4分) 微笑是和煦的春风,抚慰你失败的感伤;微笑是清纯的水,滋润你干枯的心灵;微笑是一 场雨,给万物补充营养。 8.综合性学习。(8分) 某班同学在“好读书,读好书”的综合性学习中开展了如下活动,请你踊跃参加。 活动一:领略书的魅力——热爱读书 书的世界是一个多彩的世界.与书为伴将是人生最大的幸事.请写出一条关于“热爱读书” 的名句作为自己的座右铭。(2分) 我的座右铭:每天一篇文章,让自己获得丰富的知识 活动二:探寻读书方法——怎样读书 读书还得讲究方法,你有哪些读书方法呢?请介绍一种并说明使用这种读书方法的理 由。(3分) 我的读书方法:多读书多看报 我的理由:让自己融入到社会中来 活动三:走进书的世界——名著推荐 向你的同学推荐一部你最喜欢的名著(初中教材附录中的名著)。并说说推荐的理由。 (3 分);; 我推荐的名著 [史记] 我的理由:其中有很多的历史故事 二、古诗文积累与阅读(25分) (一)古诗文积累 9.默写填空(10分,每空l分) ⑴力尽不知热,但。 ⑵,,人比黄花瘦。 ⑶《卜算子?咏梅》中描写梅花即使被碾压成泥,也不忘向人间播撒芳香的诗句是零落


一、单项选择(15分) ( )1.---How do you study _______a test? ----I study _______reading the textbook. A. for ; for B. for ; by C. by ; for D .by ; by ( )2. I don't know _______.Can you tell me________? A. how swim; what to do B. how to swim ; what to do it C. how to swim; what to do D. what to swim; how to do ( )3. Liu Xiang is one of ______ runners in the world. A. famous B. more famous C. the most famous ( )4. My brother spends too much time ______computer games. A. to play B. play C. plays D.playing ( ) 5. If I ____ ten million dollars, I ____travel around the world. A. have; will B. had; will C. had; will D .had; would ( )6.The young trees should ______well as often as possible A.be water B. watered C. watering D. be watered ( )7.He pretended ________me when he walked by. A. not see B. not to see C. don't see D. to not see ( )8._________that river ________very clean? A. Did ;use to B. Did ;use to be C. Does ;used to D. Does ;use to be ( )9.You__________to school so early. It opens at 7. A. needn't come B. don't need come C. needn't coming D. needn't to come ( )10.----How many people will come to Beijing next year? ----It's hard to say. _________people , I think. A. Million of B. Millions of C. Three millions D. Three millions of ( )11.-----Whose guitar is this? -----Susan plays the guitar. It must _______. A. belong to her B. belong her C. belong to hers D. belong hers ( )12.Do you like music ____makes you excited? A. that B. what C. who D. it ( )13.We prefer ________at the party rather than______. A. to sing; dance B. to sing; dancing C. sing; to dance D. sing ;dance ( )14.------Where would you like to visit? ------ I'd like to visit____ A. warm somewhere B. warm anywhere


一. 语言知识运用(1) (一)单项填空 从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.My parents gave a nice toy dog for my birthday. A. I B. me C. my D. mine 2.We traveled all night to London and got there Sunday morning. A. for B. on C. at D. to 3.—did you have the party last night? —In the park. A. What B. Why C. When D. Where 4.is watching TV. Let’s turn it off. A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Everybody 5.I’d like to go shopping with you, I’m too busy today. A. but B. and C. so D. or 6.Welcome to our hotel. It’s in the city. A. good B. better C. best D. the best 7.The new term is coming. The students are busy the classrooms. A. clean B. cleans C. to clean D. cleaning 8.The children will climb the hill if it tomorrow. A. won’t rain B.didn’t rain C. doesn’t rain D. isn’t raining 9.—you play golf? —No. But I can play table tennis. A. Can B. May C. Must D. Should 10.I had a bad cold. The doctor asked me in bed. A. staying B. to stay C. stayed D. stays 11.—Where’s your father, Mike? —He in the kitchen. A. cooks B. cooked C. is cooking D. has cooked 12.Here’s my little cat. Please it while I’m away. A. look after B. look up C. look for D. look at 13.Mr. Smith a talk on country music next Monday. A.give B. gave C. has given D. will give B.14. My brother hurt his yesterday. He can’t walk now. A. arm B. leg C. hand D. eye 15.It’s too cold here in winter. People have to wear clothes. A.warm B. new C. beautiful D. expensive 16.—Do you know the MP3 player last week?


九年级物理上册期中测试题 一、选择题(每小题3分,共39分) 1.下列说法正确的是() A.水结成冰后,分子间的作用力减小B.扩散现象只发生在气体、液体之间 C.对人体安全的电压是36V D.一个电子所带的电荷量为×10-16C 2.清晨树叶上的露珠看起来呈球状,对此解释合理的是() A.分子不停地做无规则运动B.分子之间存在间隙 C.分子之间存在引力D.分子之间存在斥力 3.关于温度、热量、内能,以下说法正确的是() A.0℃的冰没有内能B.水沸腾时继续吸热,温度保持不变 C.物体的温度越低,所含的热量越少 D.物体的内能与温度有关,只要温度不变,物体的内能就一定不变 4.甲、乙两台热机,甲的效率比乙的低,其含义是() A.甲比乙做的有用功少B.甲比乙消耗的燃料多 C.在做相同有用功的条件下,甲消耗的燃料多 D.在做相同有用功的条件下,甲损失的能量比乙少 5.在密闭的房间里有一个开着门的电冰箱,给电冰箱通电,过一段时间后,房间的温度将()A.升高B.不变C.降低D.无法确定 6.用细线悬挂着A、B、C三个通草球,其中任意两个通草球靠近时都互相吸引,则()A.三个通草球只有一个带电B.三个通草球都带电 C.三个通草球中肯定有一个不带电,另外两个带异种电荷 D.三个通草球中肯定有一个不带电,另外两个带同种电荷 7.一种声光报警器的电路如图所示,各元件均能正常工作,对可能出现 的现象描述正确的是() A.灯亮,铃一定响B.铃响,灯一定亮 C.灯亮,铃一定不响D.铃响,灯一定不亮 8.如图所示,下列电路中不属于并联电路的是() 9.某同学在做实验时,将灯L1、L2串联在电路中,发现灯L1比灯L2亮,于是他得出通过两灯的电流的结论正确的是() A.通过L1的电流大B.通过L2的电流大C.一样大D.不确定 10.如图所示的电路中,开关只控制灯L2的电路是()


最新人教版九年级英语期中测试题及答案 一、听力部分( 共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 第一节(共10小题) 听下面10段对话,从题中A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读一遍。听第1至10段材料,回答第1至10小题。 1. A. B C 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. 6. What do you know of the woman’s old house? A. It was near an airport. B. It was bigger and not noisy. C. It was quieter though smaller. 7. When can the man see the woman’s brother? A. In four hours’ time. B. In a week’s time. C. In about ten days’ time. 8. Why does the girl look tired today? A. Because the girl didn’t go to bed at her usual time. B. Because the girl did the maths exercises for two hours. C. Because the girl was too tired to get up early in the morning. 9. Where are they talking? A. In a market. B. At a bus stop. C. At the traffic lights. 10. What does the man mean? A. He agrees to close the windows. B. He wants to leave the windows open. C. He wants to open the windows. 第二节(共10小题) 听第11段材料,回答第11至12题。读两遍。 11. Why isn’t Peter’s father coming home for dinner? A. He’s tired after working all the morning. B. He has to work for another eight hours. C. He’s busy helping the sick man now. 12. What does Peter’s father do? A. A policeman B. A firefighter C.A doctor. 听第12段材料回答第13-15小题。读两遍。 Laura’s Day Morning She gets up at 7:00. She goes to work ___13___. Afternoon She _____14____. Evening She watches English movies. She goes to sleep ____15___ . 13 A. by car B. by taxi C. by train 14 A. writes e-mails B. receives and sends e-mails C. has meetings


初中英语测试题(全套含答案) 一.单项填空 1.I don't think Mary and Sue before, ? [ ] A.have met;haven't they B.have met;have they C.have seen;do I D.have seen;don't they 2.As your spoken English gets better, your written English. [ ] A.so does B.so will C.such does D.such will 3.If you don't go, I. [ ] A.so do B.so will C.nor do D.neither shall 4.I still remember being taken for the first time a rainy evening to the village where my mother was born. [ ] A.in B.atC.on D.during 5.—Jack is a hard working boy. —. [ ] A.this B.Nor is he C.So he is D.Neither he is 6.How do you find to work with him? [ ] A.this B.that C.it D.your self 7.It's nice me with my lessons. [ ] A.of you to help B.for you to help C.of you helping D.for you helping 8.His “Selected Words”in his thirties. [ ] A.have been written B.has been written C.were written D.was written 9.Mary ill for a week.She is still in hospital. [ ] A.has been B.has fallen C.was D.fell 10.—will his birthday be? ----In a week. [ ] A.How far B.How long C.How soon D.How often 11.There are only two assistants in that shop. [ ] A.woman;shoe B.women;shoe C.woman;shoes D.women;shoes 12.The Whites are holiday,but Idon't know where they have gone their holidays.


最新教学资料·人教版英语 同山中心学校期中试卷 九年级英语 满分:120分考试时间:100分钟 第一部分:听力部分(25分) 一、听力 第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。(每题1分)( )1. What is Tom allowed to do on weekends? A. B. C. ( )2. What did Mr. Black use to do? A. B. C. ( )3. How does the boy study English? A. B. C. ( )4. Who used to be afraid of the dark ? A. B. C. ( )5. What has Mary bought for Susan’s birthday? A. B. C. 第二节:听对话,回答问题(每题2分, 共10分)

听第一段对话,回答6-7两小题(对话读两遍) ( )6. What are they talking about? A. How to memorize new words. B. How to memorize the text. C. How to make flashcards. ( )7. What is the boy’s idea? To A.make flashcards is certainly useful B.make flashcards is not much useful. C.make flashcards is a waste of time. 听下面一段较长的对话, 回答8--10三小题。(对话读两遍) ( )8. What do you have to say first if you want Jane to tell what kind of person you are . A.The color you like best. B. The color you like least. C. The color you often wear. ( )9. What kind of person is Jeff’s sister? A.If she is kind to others ,she hopes others can be the same to her . B.She is a good listener. C. She does things according to her plans. ( )10. Who is a good listener that doesn’t like yellow. A. Jane B. Jeff’s sister C. Jeff 第三节:听短文,回答问题,(短文读两遍)(每题2分,共10分) 提示词:model (模特) ( )11. Where did the story happen? A. In a book shop. B. In a clothing shop. C. In a fruit shop. ( )12. What did the woman want to buy? A. A dress. B. A skirt. C. A sweater. ( )13. How many times did the woman ask the girl? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. ( )14. How did the girl treat the woman ? A. Coldly. B. Warmly. C. Friendly. ( )15. How did the girl feel when she heard the woman’s words? A. She felt happy. B. She felt surprised. C. She felt angry. 第二部分:笔试部分(95分) 二、选择填空(每题1分,共10分) ()16.I met with ocean of problems when I was in that country. A. a B.an C. the D. / ( )17.You won’t feel happy at school ________ you get on well with your classmates. A. though B. when C. unless D. because ( )18. Don’t __________ him. He is too young to finish the work by himself. A.care about B. be strict with C. worry about D. be afraid of ( )19.---- Why is the classroom so dirty ! ---- Sorry , sir ,it yesterday . We forgot to do it . A.doesn’t clean B.didn’t clean C.isn’t cleaned D.wasn’t cleaned ( )20. The whole country is fighting against the H7N9 , a disease has caused many deaths. A.who B.which C.whom D.what ( )21. ---How was your National Day?


九年级上册语文期中测试卷 一、语文知识及使用(30分) 1.下列各组词语 ..中,加点字的读音全都准确的一组是( )(3分) A.恪.尽职守(gé)喑.哑(yīn )妖娆.(ráo ) 诓.骗(kūang ) B.舔.犊之情(shì) 襁褓.(bǎo) 骈.进(pián) 休祲.(qìn) C.强聒.不舍(guō) 扶掖.(yè ) 怫.然(fú) 鸿鹄.(hú) D.孜.孜不倦(zī) 间.令(jiān) 缟.素(gǎo) 征.铎(tuó) 2.下列词语中有错别字的一项是()(3分) A.润如油膏田圃征引亵渎 B.重踏覆辙旁骛陨落睿智 C.怒不可接忐忑修身诘难 D.根深蒂固滞碍篝火加惠 3.下列句子中加点成语使用准确的一项是()(3分) A.即使计算机是高科技工具,但拥有它并不意味着工作都能够事倍功半 ....。 B.重庆永川动物园成立了野生动物求助中心,一些遭伤害的野生动物又栩栩如生 ....了。 C.“神舟”五号载人飞船把我国首位航天员成功送入浩瀚的太空并安全返回,这是我国航天 事业取得的又一空前绝后 ....的成就。 D.从风格看,李白的诗飘逸豪放,杜甫的诗沉郁顿挫,各有千秋 ....。 4.下列文学常识表达不准确的一项是()(3分) A.《史记》的作者司马迁,字子长,他用毕业精力完成了我国第一部编年体史书。 B.“四书”分别是《礼记》中的《大学》和《中庸》、《论语》、《《孟子》。 C.《唐雎不辱使命》选自国别体史书《战国策》,编者为西汉的刘向。 D.培根的随笔具有语言隽永、说理透彻的特点。 5.下列长句的朗读停顿不准确的一项是( )(2分) A.今/诚以吾众/诈自称/公子扶苏、项燕。 B.又间令/吴广之次所旁/丛祠中。 C.乃令/符离人葛婴/将兵/徇蕲以东。 D.发闾左/谪戍渔阳。 6.下面文字中有三句话,各有一处语病,请加以修改。(4分) ①中宣部教育部日前印发并制定的《中小学展开弘扬和培育民族精神教育实施纲要》指出, ②中小学展开弘扬和培育民族精神教育,要引导学生树立以热爱祖国、报效人民为最大光荣,以损害国家人民利益、民族尊严为最大耻辱,③协助学生学习中华民族创造的灿烂文化对人类发展的贡献,④让所有中小学生全部都感受到民族文化的魅力。 ①句中语序不当,应将与对调 ②句成分残缺,应在的后面加上 ③句用词不当,应将改成 ④句词语累赘,应该删去的词是。 7.仿写。(4分) 微笑是和煦的春风,抚慰你失败的感伤;微笑是清纯的水,滋润你干枯的心灵;微笑是,。 8.综合性学习。(8分) 某班同学在“好读书,读好书”的综合性学习中展开了如下活动,请你踊跃参加。 活动一:领略书的魅力——热爱读书 书的世界是一个多彩的世界.与书为伴将是人生最大的幸事.请写出一条关于“热爱读书”的名句作为自己的座右铭。(2分) 我的座右铭: 活动二:探寻读书方法——怎样读书 读书还得讲究方法,你有哪些读书方法呢?请介绍一种并说明使用这种读书方法的理由。(3分) 我的读书方法: 我的理由: 活动三:走进书的世界——名著推荐 请向你的同学推荐一部你最喜欢的名著(初中教材附录中的名著)。并说说推荐的理由。 (3分) 我推荐的名著: 我的理由: 二、古诗文积累与阅读(25分) (一)古诗文积累 9.默写填空(10分,每空l分) ⑴力尽不知热,。 ⑵,,人比黄花瘦。 ⑶《卜算子?咏梅》中描写梅花即使被碾压成泥,也不忘向人间播撒芳香的诗句是,。 ⑷《陈涉世家》一文中,表现陈胜年少时就具有远大志向的句子是。


初中英语练习题 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

英语练习题: {关键字:speak ,say, talk ,tell的区别;a little,little,a few,few的区别;in front of ,in the front of的区别;put on,take off,get dressed,dress,wear 的区别。} 一、speak ,say, talk ,tell的区别: speak主要指说社么语言于方式 如:She speaks English. 她说英语。 say主要指说话的内容 如:"I am a teacher."he says. 他说:“我是一名教师." talk主要指于什么人说话和谈论什么事情,一般和 to,with,about连用 如:He likes talking to/with me. 他喜欢和我谈话 He is talking about learning English. 他正在谈论关于学许英语得事情 tell主要指告诉的内容,也可一和to连用 如:He tells me a secret. 他告诉我一个秘密。 也可以说He tells a secret to me. 一、用speak ,say, talk ,tell填空。 you ____ at the meeting? did you ___ at the meeting? you ____ it in English? 4. I can ____ English. often _____us stories. often ____, "I'm good at everything." are you ____ about? like ____ to people. you ever _____ to foreigners? Keys: 8. talking 9. spoken 二、a little,little,a few,few的区别: a little + 不可数名词“有点儿……” little + 不可数名词“没多少……了”或“几乎没有……” 同理: a few + 复数名词“有几个……” few + 复数名词“几乎没有……”或“没几个……” 记住它们之间区别的一个小方法: 你就想啊,little和few单独使用时,连个a都没有,都少到什么程度了。 二、用a little,little,a few,few填空。 has _________ friends there. lake is not near,so there’s ____ people going swimming there.


人教版九年级上册期中检测题 时间:120分钟 满分:120分 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.方程2x 2=3x 的解为( ) A .0 B .32 C .-32 D .0,3 2 2.抛物线y =(x -1)2+2的顶点坐标是( ) A .(-1,2) B .(-1,-2) C .(1,-2) D .(1,2) 3.若x =-2是关于x 的一元二次方程x 2+3 2ax -a 2=0的一个根,则a 的值为( ) A .-1或4 B .-1或-4 C .1或-4 D .1或4 4.若关于x 的一元二次方程(k -1)x 2+4x +1=0有两个不相等的实数根,则k 的取值范围是( ) A .k <5 B .k <5且k≠1 C .k≤5且k≠1 D .k >5 5.某同学在用描点法画二次函数y =ax 2+bx +c 的图象时,列出了下面的表格: A .-11 B .-2 C .1 D .-5 6.若A(-6,y 1),B(-3,y 2),C(1,y 3)为二次函数y =x 2+4x -5图象上的三点,则y 1,y 2,y 3的大小关系是( ) A .y 1<y 2<y 3 B .y 2<y 3<y 1 C .y 3<y 1<y 2 D .y 2<y 1<y 3 7.定义运算:a b =a(1-b).若a ,b 是方程x 2-x +1 4m =0(m <0)的两根,则b b -a a 的值为( ) A .0 B .1 C .2 D .与m 有关 8.学校要组织足球比赛.赛制为单循环形式(每两队之间赛一场).计划安排21场比赛,应邀请多少个球队参赛?设邀请x 个球队参赛.根据题意,下面所列方程正确的是( ) A .x 2=21 B .12x(x -1)=21 C .1 2 x 2=21 D .x(x -1)=21 9.如图,有一块边长为6 cm 的正三角形纸板,在它的三个角处分别截去一个彼此全等 的筝形,再沿图中的虚线折起,做成一个无盖的直三棱柱纸盒,则该纸盒侧面积的最大值是( ) A . 3 cm 2 B .32 3 cm 2 C .92 3 cm 2 D .27 2 3 cm 2


九年级英语期中测试题 一..单项选择(20分) ( ) 1. It is important people learn team spirits. A, of, of B. of , to C. for , to ( ) 2. Jean practice English by English videos. A, to read aloud B. read aloud C. reading aloud ( ) 3. What about a rest? A. to take B. taking C. takes ( ) 4. football in the street is dangerous. A. Playing B. Play C. Playing the ( ) 5.I don’t know how the Internet. A. use B. to use C. used. ( ) 6. lovely children they are. A. What B. What a C. How. ( ) 7. it is today. A. How cold B, What cold C. What a cold ( ) 8. Kids as ghosts or black cats on Halloween. A. dressed B, get dressed C. dress up ( ) 9. Why not out for a walk? That’s a good idea. A. going B. to go C. go ( ) 10. His father is used to up early. A. get B. getting C. to get ( ) 11. Could you tell me for class this morning? A. why were you late B. why you are late C. why you were late. ()12.He is afraid ____ walking alone at night .A . on B . of C. t o ()13. Jenny keeps two pets. One is a dog, _________is a rabbit. A. another B. other C. the other ()14. Chang’e refused _________the magic medicine to Peng Meng. A. to give B. gave C. giving ()15.—Would you like some milk? —No, thanks. I don’t like it, _____I know it’s good for my health. A because B though C if ( )16. —Let’s go to the park if it_____ tomorrow —But nobody knows if it____tomorrow A won’t rain;rains B doesn’t rain;rains C doesn’t rain;will rain ( ) 17. I still can’t believe it! My bicycle____ last night. A. is stolen B. was stolen C. was stole ( ) 18. ---________ bad weather! -----Yes, and it will last ____. A. What, two days B. What a,two days C. How, for two days ()19. He is afraid of ___________ strangers. A. see B. seeing C. saw D. seen


九年级物理上册期中测试卷含答案 九年级物理上册期中测试卷 一、单项选择题:(每小题 2 分,共20 分) 1、在探索微观世界的历程中,人们首先发现了电子,进而认识到原子是由( ) A、氢原子和电子组成的 B、质子和中子组成的 C、原子核和核外电子组成的 D、原子核和中子组成的 2、在图1 所示的四幅图中,分别表示近视眼成像情况和矫正做法的是( ) A、②、① B、③、① C、②、④ D、③、④ 3、夏天清晨,小草上常出现晶莹的露珠,太阳出来后, 露珠又悄然消失。整个过程的物态变化是:( ) A、先液化,后汽化 B、先汽化,后液化 C、先凝华,后升华 D、先升华,后凝华 4、如图2 所示的四个现象中,利用了光的反射现象的是( ) A、放大的字 B、水中倒影 C、手影 D、森林中的太阳光 5、在下列六种物质(常温下):铅笔芯、水银、玻璃、盐酸、纯净水、冰,某同学将它分类为下表所示的两类物质,分类的依据是( ) 一类 二类铅笔芯、水银、盐酸玻璃、纯净水、冰 A、导电性 B、晶体 C、物态 D、密度

6、在图3 四幅中,属于利用热传递改变物体内能的是:( ) 7、下列说法中,属于一对平衡力的是( ) A、人推墙的力和墙对人的推力; B、人推墙的力和墙受到的推力; C、站在水平地面上的人,人受到的重力和人对地面的压力; D、站在水平地面上的人,人受到的重力和地面对人的支持力。 8、有一个塑料瓶,在侧壁上用锥子戳了三个洞,向容器中倒入水后,水从小洞中喷出如图4 所示,正确的是:( ) 9、在今年3 月日本“海啸”灾难救援工作中,医务人员工作时所采取的许多措施和用到的 器材中,包含着许多物理知识。下列说法正确的是( ) A、医生用听诊器接听患者心跳和呼吸声音,能升高音调; B、注射时针筒能抽取到药液,是因为药液受到针筒的吸引力作用; C喷洒消毒液后,过一会儿病房里闻到消毒液的气味, 这是扩散现象; D、夹取消毒棉擦伤口的镊子是省力杠杆。 10、如图5 所示,符合安全用电的做法是:() 二、填空题:(每空1 分,共18 分)


2013-2014学年第一学期九年级英语期末测试卷(一) 考号:班级:姓名:得分: 一. 单项选择(30分) ()1. It’s easy for you English well if you don’t give up. A. study B. studies C. to study D. studying ()2. Study hard, and will be difficult. A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something ()3. Tom used to late. But now he is used to early. A. sleep; sleeping B. sleeping; sleep C. sleeps; sleeping D. sleeping; sleeps ()4. I don’t think should be allowed to drive. A. sixteen years old B. sixteen-year-old C. sixteen-year-olds D. sixteen-year ()5. --Whose T-shirt is this? --It be John’s. I t’s too small for him. A. must B. may C. can’t D. could ()6. --I’m afraid I can’t pass the English exam. --Don’t worry. You study very hard. God(上帝) helps those people help themselves. A. when B. who C. how D. which ()7. --Excuse me. Could you tell me to Xi’an E xpo? --Take No.231 to get there. A. which bus should I take B. how far is it C. which bus I should take D. how far it is ()8. Langlang plays the piano very well. He is one of pianists in China. A. famous B. more famous C. most famous D. the most famous ()9. On weekends I like to with my friends in the supermarket. A. hang out B. look out C. hand out D. give out ()10. More trees should to protect our environment. A. plant B. be planted C. are planted D. planted 二. 完形填空(20分) 阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。 How can we practice our spoken English? The first, and the most important thing is to believe 11. You should always be full of confidence, or you 12be able to improve you're your English. Maybe you are afraid of losing face, but you should think that because we are students, we’re 13. So there’s no need to worry 14anything. You cannot speak English as well 15the native people because we nearly have no chance to talk 16the foreigners. But you must know that the main way to study English is to make ourselves understood and 17other people. You should believe the native speakers will not 18at you when you make mistakes. So if you’re brave(勇敢) enough, you’ll make great progress in your 19English. 20 be shy or afraid! Just have a try. ()11. A. itself B. yourself C. themselves D. myself ()12. A. cannot B. are never C. can D. will never ()13. A. learning B. saying C. students D. teaching ()14. A. with B. to C. about D. for ()15. A. so that B. as that C. as D. than ()16. A. for B. about C. of D. with ()17. A. to be understood B. understand C. understood D. understanding ()18. A. speak B. laugh C. look D. stand ()19. A. speaking B. speech C. spoken D. spoke ()20. A. Don’t B. Not C. No D. Nor 三. 阅读理解(30分) A)根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“A” 表示,错误的用“B”表示。 A When you’re invited to have dinner in a foreigner’s home, please remember the following: At table, when the hostess (女主人)picks up her napkin(餐巾), you may pick up yours and put it on your legs. If a servant(佣人)passes food around, he will pass the dish to you at your left hand so that you can easily serve yourself with your right hand. Never serve yourself while the dish is on your right; it is then the turn of your neighbour on the right. Do not reach across the table or in front of someone to get something---that is not polite. Ask him or her to pass it to you. There are things in the middle of the table, such as bread,butter, and candies. You shouldn’t take any until the hostess tells the servant to pass them to you. Do not leave your seat without saying anything. If you need to leave the table to go to the washroom or do something else, you should say “Excuse me for a moment, please.” ()21. You should put your napkin on your legs before the hostess picks up hers. ()22. The dish is passed to you on either of your sides. ()23. If the food is far from you, you shouldn’t st and up to serve yourself. ()24. You may take any food at any time. ()25. When you have to leave your seat, you need to say “Excuse me for a moment, please.” B Being safe in your everyday life needs knowledge (知识). If you remember the following information, your life will be much safer. Always notice the environment around you. You shouldn't walk alone outside. Make sure where the public phones are. If anything dangerous happens, you can find them easily. Your bag should be carried towards the front of your body instead of putting it on your back. When a bus is full of people, it is easy enough for a thief to take away the things in the bag on your back. If you are followed by someone you don't know, cross the street and go to the other way, let the person understand that you know he or she is after you. Next, don't go home at once. You are safer in the street than you are alone in your home or in a lift (电梯). If you have to take a bus to a place far away, try to get to the stop a few minutes earlier before the bus leaves. This stops other people from studying you. On the bus, don't sit alone. Sit behind the driver or with other people. Don't sleep. ()26. Which of the following is NOT safe when you are out? A. Go home alone late at night.
