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Cold-rolled strip has many characteristics, such as high surface quality, better performance, more varieties and so on. In particular, as the development of automobile industry and home appliances industry, it has been demanded higher quality and performance in the shell of cars and home appliances. Therefore, it is very necessary to develop the cold-rolled strip. The cold rolling strip plant was designed with annual yields of two million tons on base of the third cold-rolled factory of steel group of An'shan. The design is based on annual production, haved combined all products market prospects and distributed the output of all products rationally, developed the Rolling Process and Integrated Various economic indicators which is based on the equipment of the third cold-rolled factory of steel group of An'shan and many practical information and literature, then Painting in the workshop plan. Furthermore, a monographic study related to tension automatic control technology of stainless steel craft, and encloses one about modelling of the effect of film thickness on cold strip rolling information in English and it is Chinese translations.

Key words: Cold-rolled strip plant; process design; reduction of rules; tension automatic control technology; film thickness


目录....................................................................................................................................................... III 1综述 . (1)

1.1 冷轧的基本知识............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.2冷轧带钢的生产工艺 (1)

1.2.1 生产工艺流程 (2)

1.2.2 冷轧生产的特点 (2)

1.3 冷轧带钢生产的发展 (4)

2 产品方案的制定 (5)

2.1 产品方案 (5)

2.1.1生产规模 (5)

2.1.2产品方案 (5)

2.1.3生产方案的确定 (5)

2.2 坯料的确定 (6)

2.2.1 坯料的选择 (6)

2.2.2坯料的技术条件[3] (6)

3. 轧制工艺过程及金属平衡 (8)

3.1 轧制工艺过程[4] (8)

3.2 各工艺流程环节简介 (8)

3.2.1 带钢酸洗 (8)

3.2.2 带钢冷轧[5] (9)

3.2.3 退火 (9)

3.2.4 带钢的平整 (10)

3.2.5涂层机组[6] (10)

3.2.6 横切机组 (11)

3.2.7 纵切机组 (12)

3.2.8 重卷机组 (12)

3.3 金属平衡表的制定 (12)

3.3.1 金属平衡 (12)

3.3.2成材率的计算 (12)

3.3.3 金属平衡表的制定 (12)

4设备选择和参数的确定 (13)
