

U n i t1—3综合复习题












































,if,new,you,them,to,don’t,a,up,in,know,spell,words,how,dictionary, .




Yes,ofcourseyou,butyoumustn’tittoo thers.





















,don’t,about,you,it,stressed,so,worry,things,much,will,make, .
















































英语综合测试题 笔试部分(80分) I.单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Lily is _______ active girl and she is fond of playing _______volleyball. A. an; a B. a; the C. an; / D. a; / 2. —My recorder is broken. Could I use yours? —_______, but you have to return it tomorrow. A. I’m not sure B. No problem C. I’m sorry D. I hope so 4. My cousin wants to keep slim. She does exercise every morning and _______ eats meat. A. seldom B. always C. usually D. often 5. Han Han is a popular writer. His new book will _______ this September. A. come up B. come in C. come out D. come on 6. —Did you see Mr. Black just now? —Yes. He ________ his car when I met him. A. parked B. was parking C. parks D. will park 7. I was born _______ the morning _______ February 25th, 1997. A. in; of B. on; in C. in; in D. on; of 8. —_______ is it from your home to the school? —About ten minutes’walk. A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How soon 9. Paul isn’t as _______ as Sandy. He often makes mistakes in his homework. A. careless B. more careful C. more careless D. careful 10. Excuse me, I lost my way. Will you please tell me _______? A. where am I B. where I am C. where you are D. where are you 11. —Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? —I don’t care. _______ is fine. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All 12. Some people won’t realize the importance of their health _______ they have lost it. A. after B. when C. until D. as 13. —Bob, it’s getting cold outside. _______ take a jacket with you? —All right, Mum. A. Why do you B. Why not C. Why did you D. Why don’t 14. If there is any change to the plan, I _______ you as soon as possible. A. told B. have told C. tell D. will tell 15. You look quite tired. You’d better _______ a good rest. A. stop to have B. stop having C. to stop to have D. to stop having 16. —Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus. What shall we do? —I’m afraid we have no _______ but to take a taxi. A. decision B. choice C. advice D. reason


人教版九年级上册英语单元测试题全套 (含期中期末试题,共11套) 人教版九年级英语上册单元测试题Unit 1 第二卷笔试部分(95分) 六、单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分) 26. —What is the ____ of your good grades in the exams? —Studying hard! A. result B. information C. mind D. secret 27. —You are really good at writing. How do you improve it, Mary? —____ keeping a diary. A. On B. By C. From D. With 28. —Daddy, I find it difficult to learn Chinese. —Oh, it takes time to learn it well. Just be ____! A. nervous B. serious C. friendly D. patient 29. —Many young adults find it hard to make their own decisions. —Well, they have to choose ____ and be responsible (负责的) for their actions. A. wisely B. hardly C. carelessly D. easily 30. We are spending much time ____ our lessons to prepare for the mid-term examination. A. reviewing B. repeating C. connecting D. increasing 31. Last Friday afternoon, Jackie's parents were ____ busy with their work ____ go to the parents' meeting. A. as; as B. too; to C. such; that D. so; that 32. —Most of the students in my class find____not easy to learn English grammar. —Tell them to take some notes in class and do exercises. A. that B. it C. this D. one 33. He could find the way home____he was only three years old. A. though B. because C. where D. if 34. The traveler____the information on his map to make sure he was not lost. A. looked after B. looked up C. looked for D. looked down 35. —Reading more English books is very useful in English learning. —I agree with you. ____you read,____you will be. A. More; faster B. The less; the faster C. Less; faster D. The more; the faster 七、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分) Many Chinese students find it difficult to learn English. In fact, Chinese is much more difficult to__36__than English.


最新语文版九年级语文上册单元测试题及答案全套 (2018年秋,最新语文版,配套试题,缺第一单元试题,共5套) 第二单元测试卷 (时间:120分钟,满分:120分) 一、积累与运用(共28分) 1.阅读下面的文字,按要求答题。(6分) 倘肯多花一文,便可以买一碟盐煮笋,或者huí香豆,做下酒物了,如果出到十几文,那就能买一样hūn菜,但这些顾客,多是短衣帮,大抵没有这样阔绰.。只有穿长衫的,才踱.进店面隔壁的房子里,要酒要菜,慢慢地坐喝。 (1)根据拼音写汉字。(2分) huí(茴)香豆hūn(荤)菜 (2)给加点字注音。(2分) 踱.进(duó)阔绰.(chuò) (3)“抵”第七笔笔画名称是斜钩。文中“大抵”的意思是大都。(2分) 2.下列句子中加点词语使用错误的一项是(B)(2分) A.孔乙己看着问他的人,显出不屑置辩 ....的神气。 B.考试过后,我们应正确看待成绩,既不能妄自菲薄 ....,也不能因取得一点成绩就沾沾自喜。 C.越来越多的电脑族在享受电脑带来的便捷时,频频遭遇“电脑病”的困扰,“电脑病”患者与日俱 ...增.。 D.问候不一定要郑重其事 ....,但一定要真诚。 (解析:B.“妄自菲薄”指对自己的能力等没有自信,不相信自己可以完成,与语境不符。) 3.下列语句中没有语病的一句是(B)(2分) A.央视热播的大型文化节目《经典咏流传》在豆瓣斩获高分,是因为该节目真正做到了“在价值引领中创新传播,在创新传播中彰显文化自信”的缘故。 B.心理学家认为,喜欢自拍是一种病,是强迫症的一种表现,源于过度关注自我而很少关心他人的病态心理。 C.“感动中国”2018年度十大人物揭晓,每个人物身上都有一种让观众感到心灵震撼的精神力量,被媒体誉为“中国人的年度精神史诗”。 D.国家提出的“坚持房子是用来住的,不是用来炒的”的观点是遏制房价飞速上涨的重要结果之一。


小学三年级下册语文第一单元试卷 jù lǒng dàng yàng bì lǜyǎn zòu yīn fúqīng tíng lián pénɡhǎi bīn wǔ dǎo děng xián wàn zǐ qiān hóng 二、给加点字选择正确读音。(3分) 俊俏(xiào qiào)吹拂(fúfó)丝绦(tiāo tāo) 衣裳(shānɡ shāng)莲蓬(fénɡpénɡ)偶尔(érěr) 三、比一比并组词。(4分) 卷()咏()仿()载() 倦()泳()访()裁() 四、照样子补充词语。(2分) 动-静吞-()()-略()-退因-() 五、词语积累。(9分) ( )( )欲滴皓月()()崇()峻( ) 夕阳()()旭日( )( )悬崖()() ()()吐艳喷薄()()郁郁()() 六、填量词。(4分) 一()清泉一()微风一()翅膀一()羽毛 一()珍珠一()机枪一()赞歌一()音符 七、照样子写句子。(3分) 例:小草中夹杂着野花。(绿茸茸的)小草中夹杂着(五颜六色的)野花。 1、露珠在滚动。 2、音乐在山谷里回旋飘荡。 3、小路穿过树林。 八、阅读 (一)、课内阅读:按课文内容填空,并完成练习。(12分) 1、一身()的羽毛,一对()的翅膀,加上剪刀似的尾巴,凑成了()的小燕子。 2、古诗《春日》是()代诗人()写的。诗的前两句是,。诗中“等闲”是()的意思。

诗中广为流传的佳句是,。 3、荷叶()的,像一个个()的大圆盘。 这句话中描写荷叶数量多的词是()、(),描写荷叶颜色的词是(),描写荷叶形状的词语是()。 4、过了一会儿,我才记起我不是(),我是在看( )呢。 “我”把自己也当成了(),是因为。 (二)课外阅读:阅读短文,回答问题。(9分) 荷花 雨过天晴,一道七色的的彩虹挂在天空,池塘里的荷花被映衬得那么清秀,迷人。 瞧,那朵正在盛开的荷花,粉红的花瓣衬托着黄色的花蕊,美丽极了!那一朵朵荷花,有的像亭亭玉立的少女,有的像绽开的焰火……几只可爱的蜻蜓在荷花上方飞来飞去,好像在说:“荷花姐姐,你们朵朵都是花仙子!” 荷花不仅能供人观赏,而且它的种子和根还能为人们所用:荷花的种子——莲子是极好的滋(zī)补品;荷花的根——莲藕(ǒu)可以做成可口的佳肴(yáo)。荷花生污泥却冰清玉洁,它那种“出污泥而不染”的精神不是更值得我们学习吗? 我喜爱这婀(ē)娜(nuó)多姿的荷花,我希望做个像荷花一样的人。 1、把文中画横线的句子改成没有问号的句子,但意思不变。(2分) 2、在文中找出一个比喻句,用“——”画出来,然后仿照句子写一句话。(3分) 3、荷花的种子和根各有什么用途?(2分) 4、“我希望做个像荷花一样的人”想一想,“荷花一样的人”是什么样的人?(2分) 九、作文: 你的家乡有哪些像珍珠泉一样美好的景物?请选一种写一写。如果对其他地方的景物特别感兴趣,也可以写一写。(30分) qīnɡ tínɡcái jiǎn fǎnɡ fúchèn shān zhènɡ fǔ cuì niǎoɡài fánɡsì yǎnɡyù yùcōnɡ cōnɡ 二、给下面字选择正确的读音。(3分) 衣裳(shánɡshɑnɡ)演奏(zhòu zòu)活泼(bo po) 喘(chuǎi chuǎn)气森(sēn shēnɡ) 林黎(nílí)明 三、比一比,组成词语。(12分) 具()拂()宾()


一.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1. The ________(衬衫)is beautiful. I'll take it. 2. The cup is made of ________(玻璃). 3. Miss Zhu wears a ________(银色的)ring and looks more beautiful today. 4. I don't think it is convenient to eat food with a ________(餐叉)and knife. 5. It's relaxing to lie on the ________(草地)in the sun on a sunny morning. 6.My uncle has taught for twenty years at a ________(当地的)school. 7.Jane likes the ________(手提包)very much. She wants to buy it. 8.How was your ________(日常的)life? 9.My mother gave a ________(可移动的)phone as my birthday gift yesterday. 10.The girl comes from ________(法国).She speaks French very well. 11. The workers are paid by the ________(老板)on the last Tuesday of each month. 12. Armstrong was the first person to walk on the s________ of the moon. 13. This winter,my sister gave me a pair of ________.(手套)They kept my hands warm. 14. Alice comes from ________(德国).She speaks German very well. 15. My head is so big,but this ________(帽子)is so small. 16. It took them about three months to ________ (完成)the project. 17. Mike has a lovely pet cat. ________(它的)name is Mimi. 18. Can you feel the ________(热)of the sun on your back? 19. Let's cut this piece of cloth into halves with ________.(剪刀) 20. Ice, snow and steam are different ________ (类型)of water. 21.The tea is ________(种植)by farmers on the sides of mountains. 22.Silk is ________(生产)in Zhejiang Province both in the past and now. 23.Jingdezhen is famous for porcelain. Porcelain is the thin china m________(制造)from a special ________(材料)called clay. 24.Kite flying has been around for over 2,000 years. According to Chinese history,Han Xin first ________ (用)kites to send messages. 25.Chinese clay art pieces are usually cute children or ________(生气勃勃的)characters from Chinese fairy tales or historical stories. 26.China is famous for many ________(产品)-tea,silk,china,kites and other well-known traditional Chinese art ________(形式). 27.The tea is planted in many different areas in China. Anxi and Hangzhou are ________(广泛地)known for their tea. The tea is drunk all over the world. 28.Silk has been around for about 5,000 years But before that,people put on ________(叶子)which always easily fell down onto ________(草地).Silk and ________ (棉花)were first used for making clothes. Later,rich family even used silk to ________(用颜料画). 29.Most western people believe china is one of the symbols of China.________(它的)best-known brand comes from Jingdezhen. The most common things are dishes and plates. 30.Weifang,Shandong is the Kite City in China. The ________(当地的)people there are good at making and ________(加工、处理)kites. An ________(国际的)kite festival is held in Weifang every year. The ________(参赛者、竞争者)from many different parts of the world take part in it. 31.During the Spring Festival,paper cuttings are put on windows,doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year. A pair of ________(剪刀and some red paper are used to ________(完成)everything. 32.You'd better buy a ________(棉) blouse. It feels comfortable and it's not expensive. 33.Maria likes to eat beef with a ________(餐叉) and a knife. 34.There are more ________(草) and flowers in the garden. 35.Danny is a ________(邮递员).His job is to collect and deliver letters. 36.________(法国) is a European country. 37.Could you tell me how fast the computer ________(处理)the data? 38.About 200 ________(参赛者)took part in this activity. 39.I can hardly believe it is cut with ________(剪刀). 40.The goods are offered by the ________(当地的)government. 41.His new movie will be ________(完成)in three weeks. 二.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.Jack studies in an ________(internation) school. 2.When did your father take up ________(paint)? 3.Do you know how ________(make) kites? 4.How often ________ the kite festival ________(hold)? 5.The ________(compete) from all over the world took part in Weifang International Kite Festival. 6. The CD can help you know ________(wide) the knowledge of geography. 7. These ________(leaf)turn yellow in autumn. 8. Alice has lived in China for many years and she's been used to using ________(chopstick). 9. The factory ________(produce)two thousand lamps every week. 10. Dandong is ________(know)for its rice and seafood. 11.English ________(learn) as a foreign language in most of Chinese schools. 12.The dogs ________(take) good care of by my mother. https://www.360docs.net/doc/198347732.html,ually,my homework ________(not do) in the afternoon. 14.________ the flowers ________(water) every day? https://www.360docs.net/doc/198347732.html,puters ________(not sell) well in that shop. 16.________ our school ________(visit) by many people every day? 17.Three languages ________(use) in this country. 18.The workers ________(make) to work 12 hours every day. 19.Such exercises ________ often ________(do) by the students in class. 20.The car ________ always ________(clean) by Mr. Zhang in the morning. 21._________(leaf) begin to fall in October. 22.Yantai is __________(know) for its apple. 23.English is ________(wide) used in the world. 24.It_______(seem) that it will rain . 25.Eating fruit is good for our__________(health). 七年级英语第1页第2页


九年级学业水平测试(1-5单元) 英语试题 一、单项选择。(共15小题,计15分) ( )1. ---How much did you _______ on that woolen T-shirt ? ---I _______ 80 yuan for it. A. cost, spend B. spend, paid C. pay, cost D. take, cost ( )2 ---You look _______ sad, Kate. --- Yeah, I have made mistakes in my report. A. a little, a few B. little, few C. a few, a little D. a little, few. ( ) 3. The _______ he is , the he feels. A. busily, happily B. busy, happy C busier , happier D .more busy, more happy ( ) 4.-----I don’t know . Can you help me ? -----I think you should calm down and read texts. A. how to do B. what to do it . C. what to do D. when to do ( ) 5.I’d rather _____ at home than _______ to the movie on weekends . A. staying, going B. to stay, to go C. stay, go D. stayed, went ( ) 6. There is hardly anyone in the street , ________? A. isn’t it B. is it C. isn’t there D. is there ( ) 7 The mountain is steep(陡峭的) few people can climb to the top of it A so, that B too, to C not , enough to D so , as


参考答案:1、埠舷腻隙2、成×→陈/ 具×→俱/ 踢×→剔/ 鹊×→雀/ 3、(1)窈窕淑女,琴瑟友之(或:钟鼓乐之)/(窈窕淑女)(2)所谓伊人,在水一方(或:在水之湄/或:在水之涘)(3)羌笛何须怨杨柳(4)竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知(或:五月天山雪,无花只有寒/或:人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开/或北风卷地白草折,胡天八月即飞雪)/或:日晕三更雨、月晕午时风…… 4、钱可以买到药物,但买不到健康/钱可以买到武器,但买不到和平……(纸笔→文思/ 献媚→尊敬/服从→忠诚/权势→实学/伙伴→朋友/小人的心→君子的志气) 5、(1)睡眠对于人的健康(2)“改善”改为“提高”(3)句末加“的口号”(或“的目标”或“的倡议”) 6、现象:到了五月,多数植物早已过了花期,可是天山之上却依然白雪皑皑,没有烂漫的鲜花,只有天寒地冻。/规律:物候与地势高下有关系。 7、①老舍②骆驼祥子③斯威夫特④《格列佛游记》 8、(1)两个国家的教育机构都强化了对经典的认同,肯定了文学经典对中学生成长的意义,因此都十分重视在中学阶段普及推广文学经典。(2)示例:(一)《骆驼祥子》写的是一个旧北京的人力车夫,像骆驼一样耸起脊背,拉着一辆黄包车在胡同中奔跑。风雨中的哆嗦,烈日下的喘息,从中我懂得了下层劳动人民的辛酸苦难,同时也要知道要珍惜现看的幸福生活,同情社会上的弱势群体。(二)这样的阅读除了感官上的快感,表层上的享乐外,是对文学的背叛。(这样

也削弱了文学经典对人们的积极影响,同时也容易亵渎文学经典)。 9、表明船身很重,暗写了粮食丰收。10、画面肮脏、灰暗,使人看到了贫穷、落后的社会面貌,暗淡的色彩,预示着主人公命运的不佳,创造了悲剧的氛围。 11、不仅体现了江浙一带贫苦农民的共同外貌特征,而且可以使人看到旧中国广大贫苦农民的命运。12、透视出农民希望和担心的矛盾心理。13、意在强调这样的故事不只是在一处发生,而是各地天天都会发生,指出了故事的普遍意义,揭示了农民的悲惨命运。14、(1)昏暗(2)在(3)捕鱼(4) 下棋 15、一个脸色苍老,满头白发的人,醉醺醺地坐在众人中间。16、野芳发而幽香/佳木秀而繁阴/风霜高洁/水落而石出者/ 17、滁人游也/太守宴也/众宾欢也/太守醉也/ 18、父亲是有名的“抠王”,但在钱被偷的情况下,还分种子给被偷的女人,后来父亲的钱失而复得。19、因为③段写父亲的钱被偷时的焦急心情,对他人的猜疑及不信任;⑩段写父亲的钱失而复得后心情转悲为喜,他相信人心是向善的。20、这个世界上,每一颗良心就是一粒善良的种子,或许你没有财富,无法慈善,但你可以去做一粒善良的种子,把爱孕育,让爱开花。这些种子会让世界阳光明媚,花团锦簇。21、细节描写,说明父亲的钱珍藏已久,因钱来之不易而格外珍视,更能衬托父亲善举的可贵。22、不矛盾,写父亲是有名的“抠王”,与下文父亲慷慨地把自己的种子分给素不相识的女人的善行形成鲜明的对比,突出父亲的善良。)


人教版三年级语文下册第一单元测试题(含答案) 一、拼音写字我最棒!(9分) zēng tiān yǎn zòu yīn fú lián penɡ cái jiǎn qīnɡ tínɡ wǔ dǎo yī shang ɡuānɡ jǐnɡ 二、给下面的多音字选择正确的读音,连一连。(8分) 挨打挨挨挤挤仿佛佛像 āi ái fú fó 似的类似曲线乐曲 shì sì qǔ qū 三、仔细观察下面的词语,并照样子写几个。(4分) 例:吞吐是非 四、填上恰当的量词。(6分) 一()画面一()珍珠一()清泉 一()金光一()羽毛一()微风 五、先把词语补充完整,再给图画配词语。(11分) 群芳吐艳( )( )峻岭 层峦( )( ) ( )( )起舞 万( )长( ) 悬( )峭( ) 喷( )欲( ) 冉冉( )( ) 旭( )东( ) 姹( )嫣( ) 争( )斗( ) 万( )千( ) 六、在括号里写出下列句子所运用的修辞方法。(4分) 1.蜻蜓飞过来,告诉我清早飞行的快乐。( ) 2.天只有井口那么大!( ) 七、选词填空。(6分) 称赞赞歌赞叹 1.演员们的精彩表演,令观众们( )不已。

2.停着的燕子成了音符,谱成了一支正待演奏的春天的( )。 3.“她歌唱得非常好,是我们班的‘小百灵’。”同学们( )道。 八、修改病句,我最拿手。(8分) 1.透过玻璃照在桌子上,屋里显得暖烘烘的。 2.我们步行走到英雄广场。 3.你是中队长,要严肃要求自己。 4.演员们为我们表演了许多精彩的演出。 九、先把诗句补充完整,再回答问题。(12分) 1.碧玉妆成一树高,。 妆:。 这句诗出自( )代( )写的《》。这句诗所运用的修辞方法是( )。 2.等闲识得东风面,。 等闲:。 这句诗出自( )写的《》。用自己的话说说这句诗的意思: 。 十、快乐阅读轻松答。(12分) 五色梅 我家院子里养着许多花。那盆枝繁叶茂的五色梅,我最喜欢。 五色梅的叶子刚长出来时是浅绿色的,后来逐渐变成了深绿色。它七月份长出花蕾,八月份开花,九月份怒放。五色梅开出的花非常别致,一朵花是由多种颜色的小花组成的,黄、绿、橙、红、白,样子像一把花雨伞。花在阳光的照耀下,加上绿叶的衬托显得更好看了,远看就像一棵小树上落了几只小鸟,近看又好像几个小姑娘穿着一身的花衣裳,微风吹来,摇摇摆摆,美丽极了。 五色梅有顽强的生命力,只要剪下一枝泡在水里,过几天,就会长出根,再把它拿出来,埋在土里,就会长成一株新的五色梅。它就是这样“传宗接代”的。 五色梅的躯干是娇弱的,但谁要想借此欺负它,那无疑是自讨苦吃。记得我上一年级的时候,爸爸刚把五色梅买回家,我觉得好玩,上去要摸,奶奶急忙告诉我说:“别摸,茎上有刺,会扎着的。”我不在乎,把奶奶的话当耳旁风,用手一碰,坏了!许多小刺儿扎在了我的手上。这时我才知道,五色梅看上去弱不禁风,可实际上它长了许多小刺儿在保护自己呢! 我爱五色梅,我爱它娇美的姿态,我爱它迎着风霜不畏秋寒的傲骨,我爱它不择条件、不


九年级英语测试题 (一)听力部分 A)情景反应。(共5小题,每小题1分;共5分) 根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的答语。 1、A、That’s all right. B、Please don't’s say so . C、Yes ,please 2、A、Yes ,she is B、she’s a driver C、She’s a doctor 3、A、I like reading stories B、I usually read stories in the evening C、Yes , but it’s too long 4. A. It’s Sunday B. It’s June 18th C. It’s my birthday 5. A.For eight years B. In eight years D. Eingt years ago B)句子理解.(共5小题,每小题1分; 5分) 从每小题A. B.C三个选项中选出和你所听到句子在意思或罗辑上最接近的答案. 6. A. Jack didn’t listen to music yesterday B. jack clidn’t mend his bike yesterday C. Jack listened to musil while he was mending his like 7. A. I like the new CD very much B. I don’t like the CD at all C. I have enough money for the CD 8. A. People in Eng land like football , and so do we Chinese. B. Either Chinese people nor English people like football . C. Neither Chinese people nor English people like football 9. A. Miss Li became a student 5 years ago. B. Miss Li left college 5 years ago. C. Miss Li has been a teacher in this school for 5 years . 10. A. We started early ,but the first bus arrived late. B. We started early , but we were still late for the first bus .


第一单元测试卷 积累与运用(30分) 1.下列加点字的读音全部正确的一项是(C)(3分) A.妖娆(ráo) 折腰(shé) 可汗(hán) 娉婷(pīnɡ) B.分外(fèn) 风骚(sāo) 鲜妍(yàn) 莽莽(mǎnɡ) C.稍逊(xùn) 摇曳(yè) 冠冕(ɡuān) 枉然(wǎnɡ) D.红晕(yùn) 呢喃(nán) 黎明(lí) 丰润(yùn) (解析:A.“折”应读作“zhé”;B.“妍”应读作“yán”;D.“润”应读作“rùn”。)2.下列加点词语使用不正确的一项是(D)(3分) A.红日白雪交相辉映,祖国就像一位红装素裹的少女,格外娇艳多姿。 B.张学良对我国历史产生了巨大影响,他是一位地地道道的风流人物。 C.你娉婷婉约的风姿,娇艳俏丽的容貌,妩媚得体的举止,优雅大方的谈吐,令我刮目相看。 D.我们当代的青少年是一代天骄,肩负着建设祖国的伟大使命。 (解析:D.“一代天骄”指称雄一世的人物,用来形容青少年不符合语境。)3.依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一项是(B)(3分) “南国之秋,当然是也有它的特异的地方的……可是色彩不浓,回味不永。比起北国的秋来,正像是黄酒之与白干,稀饭之与馍馍,鲈鱼之与大蟹,黄犬之与骆驼。”这就不但在情调上,而且在语言上把雅趣和俗趣统一起来了。__________。__________。__________。________。________。 ①但是,郁达夫却在这里构成了和谐的统一情调②前面就有茅房、耗子,这里又有稀饭、馍馍、黄犬、大蟹,等等③这是因为他的情感特点,本身就是把大雅和大俗融为一体的④这些话语本来就是缺乏诗意的,用在这充满古典的、高雅趣味的文章中,是要冒不和谐的风险的⑤郁达夫把秋天写得这么有诗意,赋予它一系列诗意的高雅的话语,然而不时又穿插一些平民的俗语进去 A.②①⑤④③ B.⑤②④①③ C.②⑤①④③ D.③⑤②④① 4.下列句中没有语病的一项是(C)(3分) A.科学家应该用专业的知识去传播科学理性的精髓,让科学获得最广泛公众的支持和理解,这 是科学家的责任,也是一种担当。 B.通过生动有趣的民俗活动体验,使更多的人了解了中国历史,树立了民族自信。 C.为了让选择留校的学生们度过一个温馨的春节,学校举办了留校学生新春联欢会。 D.在互联网时代,各领域发展都需要速度更快、成本更低的信息网络,网络提速降费能够推动 “互联网+”快速发展和企业广泛收益。 (解析:A.语序不当,应将“支持”和“理解”互换位置;B.成分残缺,应删去“通过”或“使”; D.搭配不当,应将“推动”改为“促使”。) 5.下列文学常识的表述,不正确的一项是(B)(3分) A.《沁园春·雪》是一首词,作者是毛泽东,词的上片主要写景,词的下片主要议论抒情。 B.《北方》《冥想》《向太阳》《火把》都出自《艾青诗选》。 C.《乡愁》的作者是余光中,台湾诗人、散文家,诗歌表达了对亲人,对故乡,对祖国的思念 情怀。 D.现代诗歌又称新诗,是指“五四运动”至中华人民共和国成立以来的诗歌。按照作品内容的 表达方式分为叙事诗和抒情诗。 (解析:B.《冥想》是穆旦的诗。) 6.名著阅读。(6分) 盼望 一个海员说,他最喜欢的是起锚所激起的那一片洁白的浪花。一个海员说,最使他高兴的是抛锚所发出的那一阵铁链的喧哗……一个盼望出发,一个盼望到达。(1)这首诗的作者是艾青,选自《艾青诗选》。(2分)

部编版三年级语文下册第一单元单元试卷 (含答案)

第一单元单元试卷 (时间90分钟总分100分) 一看拼音,写汉字。(7分) huìchóng lúyá 1.我们正在欣赏()和尚画的画,那里有短短的(), yuān yāng 一对对()。 wǔdǎo yīn fú 2.一只只小燕子在春光里(),像一个个小小的() yǎn zòu zēng tiān 在电线上(),为春天()了无限的光彩。 二比一比,组词语。(6分) {掠() 凉() { 倦() 卷() { 佛() 拂() 三在括号里填上合适的量词。(8分) 一( )翅膀一( )波纹 一( )金光一( )珍珠 一( )赞歌一( )画面 一( )清香一( )清泉 四选择题。(6分) 1.下列加点字的读音错误的一项是( )。 A.吹拂.(fú) B.干涸.(hé) C.挨.挤(ái) D.俊.俏(jùn)

2.“有的才展开两三片花瓣儿。有的花瓣儿全展开了,露出嫩黄色的小莲蓬。有的还是花骨朵儿,看起饱胀得马上要破裂似的。”这里是写( )。 A.荷花 B.花瓣 C.莲蓬 D.花骨朵 3.下列词中的两个字意思都相反的一组是( )。 A.动静活泼得失聚拢 B.爱憎始终破裂奖惩 C.进退详略轻快吞吐 D.呼吸善恶攻守是非 五按要求完成句子练习。(6分) 1.独角仙的力气一定似乎很大。(修改病句) 2.清早,我到公园去玩,一.进门就.闻到一阵清香。(用加点词语造句。) 3.瓢虫款款地落下了,折好它的黑绸衬裙——膜翅,顺顺溜溜;收拢硬翅,严丝合缝。(仿写拟人句) 六按课文内容填空。(8分) 1.《绝句》这首诗的作者是代的,描写了(季节)的景色。这首诗描写的动物有。 2.一身,一双剪刀似的,一对 的翅膀,凑成了那样可爱的活泼的。


九年级英语测试题2013-4-19 九年级英语测试题 第二部英语知识运用(共三节,满分30分) 第一节词语释义(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) ( )21.in our life, it isn’t important how we fall, but how we get up. A. rise frombed B. put up C. wake up D. stand up ()22. tomorrow will be betterin china. A. the next day B. the second day C. the future D. the whole day ()23. you’ll be all right aftertaking the medicine. A.good B.nice C. fine D. right ()24. ---The work is too hard for me! ---You are al ways great! You’ll makeit if you have a try. A.be successful B. make it easy C. takeit easy D. give it up ()25. when I realzed it was my last chance to win the game,I becamevery nervous. A. duty B. opportunity C. turn D. pleasure 第二节单词填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) ( ) 26. If there were no subjunctive mood,English _________ much easier. A. will be B.would have been C. could have been D. would be ()27. The music of the film _________ by him sounds so___________ . A. playing, exciting B. played, excited C.playing, excited D. played, exciting ( ) 28.If it is fine tomorrow, we ______ afootball match. a. have b. will have c. has d. shall has ( ) 29.No sooner ______ he arrived home thanhe ______ to start on another journey. a. has/was asked b. have/were asked c. had/is asked d. had/was asked ( )30.I made a call to my parents yesterday. To my disappointment______ ofthem answered it. A.either B.none C.neither D.nobody ( )31.—Would you like ______ , sir? —No, thanks. Ihave had much. A.some more oranges B.any more oranges C.some more orange D.any more orange ( )32.—Did Jack come back early last night? —Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock he arrived home. A.before B.when C.that D.until ( )33.—Do you know where David is? I couldn’t find him anywhere. —Well . He have gone far—his coat’s still here. A.shouldn’t B.mustn’t C.can’t D.wouldn’t ( )34. I'd rather you ___ anything about it for the time being. A do B didn't do C don't D didn't ( ) 35. I ___ happy about the price ofeggs.
