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Images of the human body are derived from the interaction of energy with human tissue. The ener gy can be in the form of radiation, magnetic or electric fields, or acoustic energy. The energy usual ly interacts at the molecular or atomic levels, so a clear understanding of the structure of the atom is necessary. In addition to understanding the physics of the atom, learning imaging jargon is also necessary. For example人体的图像来自能源与人类之间的相互作用的组织。能量可以以辐射的形式,磁场或电场,或声波能量,能量通常在分子或原子水平相互作用,所以清楚地了解原子的结构是必要的。除了了解原子的物理,学习成像术语也是必要的。例如:

• Tomography: a cross-sectional image formed from a set of projection images. The Greek word t omo means cut.


• CT: Computed (or Computerized) Tomography


• MR, or MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This was first called nuclear magnetic resonance (N MR), but the mention of anything nuclear scared patients, so the “N” was dropped.


• PET[1]: Positron Emission Tomography. Understanding this phenomenon requires acceptance of the theory that there is antimatter in the universe, and when antimatter meets matter, then both kin ds of matter are annihilated, and pure energy is formed.


• SPECT[2]: Single Photon Emission Tomography • Ultrasound: Sonar in the body


• OCT: Optical Coherent Tomography – the use of infrared light to image (particularity) the wall s of an art•10月:光学相干断层扫描,使用红外线图像(特殊性)动脉的城墙A modality is a method for acquiring an image. MR, CT, etc. are all imaging modalities. Modalitie s are sometimes categorized based on the amount of energy applied to the body. For example, the X-ray modality produces energy that is sufficient to ionize atoms (i.e., eject an electron from an or bit of an atom, thereby creating a positively charged ion that damages human tissue). The modaliti es that cause ionizing radiation are X-rays, CT, SPECT, and PET. Non-ionizing modalities include MR and ultrasound. 形态是一个方法获取图像。先生,CT,等等都是成像模式。模式有时被分类基础上的能量应用到身体。例如,x射线形态产生的能量足以电离原子(即,逐出一个电子从一个原子的轨道,从而创建一个带正电的离子,损害人体组织)。引起电离辐射x射线的形式,CT,SPECT和PET。非电离形式包括先生和超声波。

Lesson 8 Basic Knowledge on X-rays in Medical Radiology

Part 1 X-RAYS

The discovery and nature of X-rays

X-rays were discovered by Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen[1] in 1895. They are often called ‘roentgen rays’ (particularly in the USA). They are emitted from the positive electrode in an electrical disc harge tube through which a current is passing. One of their first applications was in the ‘medical ’ field: Röntgen made a radiograph of his wife’s hand showing the soft tissue and bone structure and the great radiopacity of the wedding ring. Th e properties of X-rays that are of significance in medical radiology are: (1) they penetrate matter to a greater or lesser degree; (2) they produce ionization and excitation in the atoms of matter; (3) th
